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Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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0 posted 2002-07-26 12:20 PM

On Finite  

So much sky I dance this lace
my breath too fast with heart in race to reach
the highway far around
a dark on gauze of white nightgown

Settle now my keep of whim
what will cushion time from limb, just teach
this feather soft as skin to flow
with fall then lift again with go

Tick this rhythm slow the beat
its not so much tomorrow’s feat, only a breath
then count down from ten and then
white paper gown will close within

Take then now this blood of count
a vial is just the right amount for squinted eye
then plastic bracelet my name to glean
be proof of how my feet have moved it seems

How with hair a mess of curl in flight
can you be held back for rubber band you lack
so press the minutes each with true
you are already moving toward the final view

But still with sky I dance this lace
sure that time will grant me grace
and let me ride again around
the dark in gauze of white nightgown

© Copyright 2002 Martie Odell Ingebretsen - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 2002-06-07
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Moved from a shack to a barn
1 posted 2002-07-26 12:26 PM

Martie, This is beautiful in form and function.
T'was a pleasure to read, nary a bump.


The shortest distance between two points...
is sometimes, intolerable.      


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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
2 posted 2002-07-26 02:34 AM

This is perfect poetry but breathe girl, just breathe!  (((hugs to you)))

Nothing means more to me than faith,
family and my friends.

Proud Canadian

Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
3 posted 2002-07-26 04:22 AM

YAY!!! Awwwwwwwww, I love this, sweet friend, this is beautiful and flows with such gauze grace, this is a delightful whimsical read, I LOVE IT, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Martie, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"Underneath your clothes there's an endless story..."


Dark Stranger
Member Patricius
since 2001-03-19
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West Coast
4 posted 2002-07-26 06:29 AM

ms martie, can you come out and play?
enjoyed it lil neighbor, you do some fine
all the time

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
5 posted 2002-07-26 06:30 AM

Well my girl, I've read it three times
and STILL don't know what to say...

except, thanks...for the

New Member
since 2002-07-26
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Iowa, Scott Co.
6 posted 2002-07-26 07:48 AM


Great poem. Visuals are good through out the poem. I haven't seen too many poems that have ryhmns within their poem. Yours is among the best I've seen. Good pace through out the poem. I enjoyed reading it. Keep it up!


Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
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Canada eh.
7 posted 2002-07-26 09:32 AM

OH Martie girl...
How do you do this?
The rhythm...I felt as though I were on a carousel.
Beautiful...into my library it goes!

Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
8 posted 2002-07-26 09:50 AM

Exception write, the internal rhyme was a delight and you flew on the lace of the night.

Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
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9 posted 2002-07-26 09:56 AM

I have to ask the same question Nancy do you do this.
I don't even have the words....

Enjoy life, this is NOT a dress rehearsal.

{on the wings of words are spirits fly...and our souls are free~me}

Janet Marie
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10 posted 2002-07-26 01:30 PM

So much sky I dance this lace
my breath too fast with heart in race to reach
the highway far around
a dark on gauze of white nightgown

Settle now my keep of whim
what will cushion time from limb, just teach
this feather soft as skin to flow
with fall then lift again with go

Tick this rhythm slow the beat
its not so much tomorrow's feat, only a breath
then count down from ten and then
white paper gown will close within

oh my oh my oh my...
moth heaven here
rhymes divine martie-girl...youre doing this like second skin now...this ones cadence proves your just as impressive with rhyme as you are with the free verse that you say your more comfortable with.
When the pen is this gifted theres nothing it cant make its own


Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
Posts 13989

11 posted 2002-07-26 02:09 PM

Martie, ya know, I've been sitting here re-reading this a few times this morning.
Ya know what,
this is truly incredible!!  
couldn't help's just worthy of the second read, and the treasure box of jewels collected from Passions blue pages.

Enjoy life, this is NOT a dress rehearsal.

{on the wings of words are spirits fly...and our souls are free~me}

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Member Laureate
since 2001-10-10
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South Carolina, USA
12 posted 2002-07-26 02:14 PM

Me thinks I understand this....and yes...
breathing is important....don't hold it too
long waiting....hugs dear one...

Senior Member
since 2001-07-14
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13 posted 2002-07-27 12:23 PM

i enjoy the reminiscing of old dances
although i have forgotten the steps by now
the breathing a little slower, a little less heavy
but the anticipation, still a welcome weight.

Your poetry is filled with intelligence,
verbal originality, and wonderful expression.

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
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In the winds of Cherokee song
14 posted 2002-07-27 12:29 PM

Never doubt there to be many more days in purest gowns.  Life gives many obstacles to us and our own inner strength along with the power of friends gives so much more no matter how you choose to call works.  No debates on that nor on the beautiful fact that I ALWAYS KNEW your rhyme was heaven kissed just as softly as your free-verse.  This piece proves it.  Inner rhyme, matched rhyme, metered counts with splits to add necessary pause, and thoughts that just ring off the page.  Absolutely amazing the gift you hold from heart to mind to pen.  This nights treasure indeed with of course the thoughts and prayers to go along with it.  (((Hugs))) to you dear friend.
Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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15 posted 2002-07-28 04:18 PM

wranx--a bump or two on the road is what makes life interesting.  Thanks for your kind words.

Sharon--I intend to breathe.  Hugs back to you!

Noah--Thank you for your love and light.

DS--Thank you, neighbor friend.

Karilea--Thanks for three reads...and your welcome for       .??

Nikki--Thanks so much for your possitive review.

Nancy--You were on a carousel, my dear.

Sy--When landing in the dew, I think that I saw you.  Thanks for your kindness.

Donna--Happy to be in your library...thank you.

Janet--You always manage to make me feel like a master...thank you for that.

Barry--Yes, you understand...and I'm not holding my breath...are you?

Jeff--Your replies are always so appreciated...especially like the intelligence part.

Mark--Your reply is amazing...many hugs back to you, sweet man!

Member Elite
since 2002-06-15
Posts 2386
Ohio, USA
16 posted 2002-07-28 07:15 PM

Martie - this is so well written and so full of feelings and things to ponder.  Facing something that causes one to think about their own finiteness is often a tought thing to do.  You write so well about it here - Paul
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
17 posted 2002-07-28 07:35 PM

It's stunning~
Absolutely stunning~

You know ... I think you are just wonderful~
Love you ... and prayers are with you~
You'll be out dancing in no time~
Get that gown ready ... gotta sew up the back ya' know !!

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
           [email protected]                       

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Member Elite
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By the sea
18 posted 2002-07-28 10:40 PM

I'm sending this up for more to read.  *hugs*
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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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19 posted 2002-07-29 11:00 AM

I so often find myself saying "this is magnificent, Martie"... but it's true. *S* I love the contrast of body and mind here... one dressed in paper and going through mundane and possibly painful procedures... the other dressed in lace and dancing to the music of hope. *S*
Member Ascendant
since 1999-10-28
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state of confusion
20 posted 2002-07-30 12:01 PM


This is truly an amazing write. Scares me, though - the images of paper gown, vials of blood, the bracelet (I'm picturing a hospital bracelet), the whole of "finite."

But also, you keep the hope alive throughout
and make the sadness gentle and soft.


Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049
21 posted 2002-07-30 10:51 AM

Paul, Marge, Michael and Ruth..thank you so much for your replies to this poem...they are appreciated.

Corinne...I just had a little surgery, thus the images that scared you.  Caused me to think a bit on my own mortality.  I'm fine, but we all cross over..just would like it to be quick, ya know?

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