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Larry C
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0 posted 2002-06-10 02:27 PM

Dedicated to those who cared so much it was expressed in flowers before my eyes. So tangible it touched my broken heart and contributed to hope I didn’t know existed. With gratitude that I will bear the rest of my life with such tender emotions it still brings tears to my eyes. Such depth of caring will never cease to amaze and gratify me. For friends I hope to meet and will always cherish…thank you.

Doreen Peri
Kacy(Midnitesun) and Sara
Elizabeth Santos
Kit McCallum
Lauren(Greeneyes), Alacia Grace, Tyler Alexa
Lyra(Madame Chipmunk) and David
Marge and Bill
Martin Dansky(ecrivan)
Michael Auguste
Mike (bsquirrel)
Nancy Ness (Nan)
Regina Wood
Ron Carnell
Seymour and Isabel
Sue(Smart Chick)
Titia Geertman

A Tribute to Caring Friends
By Larry Chadwick

When my heart was broken and lying on the floor,
And I was wondering if life was worth living any more;
When my experience developed a void that could not be filled,
And my heart slowed to a stop and my soul was completely chilled;

In that dark and lonely moment when all I knew was grief,
And I was so certain no one could offer any relief;
People I have come to know from around the world,
Rushed  in to offer support when I lost my little girl.

As a father I know that poetry will never fully impart,
The results of what you have done for my broken heart.
But it is important for me to let you know how I felt,
When those flowers arrived and my soul began to melt.

I think of my daughter every day and there isn’t a time,
That the thought of her doesn’t bring you to my mind.
So generous is your compassion and the power it is had,
She would be so proud that you helped sustain her dad.

June 10, 2002

[This message has been edited by Larry C (06-10-2002 11:44 PM).]

© Copyright 2002 Larry Chadwick - All Rights Reserved
Member Ascendant
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Jacksonville, Florida, USA
1 posted 2002-06-10 02:30 PM

I love it. :}

Cold hands means a warm heart

Member Empyrean
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2 posted 2002-06-10 02:52 PM


I'm glad that through flowers you were able to see how much we care.  Hugs!

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3 posted 2002-06-10 03:09 PM

Thank you for this tender poem, and the photo. We will always be here for you.
Kacy and Sara

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
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The Shores of Alone
4 posted 2002-06-10 03:13 PM

We all care, Larry. This is a beautiful poem.

Senior Member
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New York
5 posted 2002-06-10 03:16 PM

awww. That was precious. Your so sweet it was a very beautiful poem.
Titia Geertman
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6 posted 2002-06-10 03:20 PM

A home without a wall,
Our haven without ends,
A circle we all call
Our Family of Friends!

That's why, Larry, because we all feel this in some way our haven and you are our friend


A rose is a rose is a rose...I guess...
Check out my new website: (I didn't 'link' this, so it won't take too much space).I

Larry C
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7 posted 2002-06-10 03:22 PM

Thank you. Such good friends here.

And so much more. Thank you.

Kacy & Sara,
I don't doubt that for a second. And you're welcome. Thanks again.

I know you do and I am still collecting the list of names who wrote poems so that I can do a proper thank you to them as well. Your support has provided so much strength. Thank you.

Thank you for always being there. Hope to see you Thursday.

But so amazing to see it lived in practice. Thank you dear friend.

[This message has been edited by Larry C (06-10-2002 03:23 PM).]

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
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Maidstone Kent England
8 posted 2002-06-10 03:32 PM

Larry darling heart what an utterly absolutely beautiful piece of  writing this is darling boy it’s exquisite I can only say that I hope you know how much we all love you. I know that words cannot not express the pain you’ve been feeling as I also know that the soft feather of times memory will always be brushing against your soul. You’ve written absolute perfection here, and I’m spell bound by your ability to write such beauty.

Time flows on with sweet delight and your soul will flow within its stream always illuming and brightening my soul. Utterly utterly wonderful writing and thank you for taking the hand of friendship, it may be offered but it takes a special someone to take it.

Love and warm stuff
As always

Breathe through the heat of our desire
Thy coolness and they balm
Let sense be dumb let flesh retire
Speak through the eathquake wind and fire

Deputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
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Deep in the heart
9 posted 2002-06-10 03:34 PM

Larry, I didn't know about the flowers but know this:  My prayers are lifted up for you and your family.
God Bless you.

Fool, said my Muse to me, look in thy heart and write.

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At the edge and a doorway,TX
10 posted 2002-06-10 03:37 PM

Wow, now that is what I call moving.  You couldn't ask for a better bunch of people than the netpoets.  Through birth, death, and everything in between they are there.  I'm sorry about your loss and if I knew sooner I would have joined in to get your flowers too.

God Bless!!!


Live in my world just once and you'll find yourself enraptured.

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Canada eh.
11 posted 2002-06-10 03:38 PM

Larry, please know that you and your family will remain in our hearts and prayers.
~Comforting hugs~

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
12 posted 2002-06-10 03:52 PM

Larry & family~
Friendship circles and draws us all closer in it's caring~

Beautifully written piece~
~*Marge and Bill*~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
         [email protected]                    

Larry C
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Member Patricius
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United States
13 posted 2002-06-10 03:53 PM

Always you warm my heart. And thank you for the hand of friendship. Every day gets better, but all of them are now flawed. But because of you I get stronger. Thanks.

It's okay dear friend, it was done so quickly. Your support means everyting...thank you.

Thank you for your tender caring. You are so right about here and I thank you for your support.

As does yours in mine...bless you and courage dear friend. Peace.

Marge and Bill,
Never did I understand that truth as now. Thank you both so very much.

[This message has been edited by Larry C (06-10-2002 03:56 PM).]

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Member Seraphic
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14 posted 2002-06-10 04:15 PM

We become parts of each other's lives, we look forward to seeing what another has said... we form friendships that are at our fingertips, unlimited by distance between our physical selves.  And those friendships matter to us. *S*
Still, I think that's it's a bit of a shock the first time we realize that another's hurt or joy becomes our own... It was for me, and I still remember the occasion vividly. *S*
We may never have seen their face or touched their hand... but when in this "family of choice" someone's heart breaks, ours do too... and tears are shed literally around the world.
I am so glad tangible evidence of such caring made things easier for you. *S* This is an incredible "thank you" note. *S*

Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
15 posted 2002-06-10 04:17 PM

Larry C,
You have been my friend now for some time and will be for a long time to come. Sy

Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
16 posted 2002-06-10 04:25 PM


it's a circle, a tender circle
a song of gratitude in our sorrow
that you have had to battle these moments,
but in the whisper of our tomorrow
there's a circle, a tender circle
of tender blessings in which you're showered

Member Empyrean
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
17 posted 2002-06-10 04:38 PM

It does a heart good to read this...James
Member Rara Avis
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On A Journey To The Unknown
18 posted 2002-06-10 04:42 PM

Thank you Larry for this beautiful poem. We will always be here for you. Big Hugs, Larry. You take care.
Larry C
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19 posted 2002-06-10 04:46 PM

All of that and more! Thank you.

I know and will always be grateful.

It's hard to get out of a circle and I won't even want to try...ever. Thanks.

Awww...thanks, I needed that.

And I'll be here for you too. Thanks.

Senior Member
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New York
20 posted 2002-06-10 07:09 PM

Hey Larry-

I am definately going to try and get there thursday can you send directions to the actual site to me. My email box is over quota right now. I got a very large amount of replies for the website. my other email address is [email protected].

And your an awesome friend too. I couldn't have made it through this without you.

Member Empyrean
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
21 posted 2002-06-10 07:24 PM

Larry, one reason you have received so much outpuring of support and friendship is because you had endeared yourself to all long before this tragic event. You have been a friend, a supporter, a man with a kind word and generous nature to all you have met and, as life goes, it returns to the giver as the cycle spins full circle. You are simply receiving what you have given out and that is a tribute to the kind of man you are. We will always be here for you and yours...
Member Ascendant
since 2001-03-07
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Melbourne, Australia
22 posted 2002-06-10 07:37 PM

Hello Larry

Beautiful words from the most kindest and deserved of hearts.  I'm so glad that so many people expressed to you how much they cared and so pleased that our words helped you in some way.

Take care.....Sue


Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
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23 posted 2002-06-10 07:56 PM

I think I would have said all that Balladeer has said, and only add that your spirit shines bright upon the earth, and as little contct as I have had with you, I have felt privileged to know you such a fine person. Your character is reflected in all you say and do, and you are very deserving of the love that has poured out of these pages of blue.
Take care, my friend
You are to admired in many ways

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Member Laureate
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South Carolina, USA
24 posted 2002-06-10 08:15 PM

Larry, I am pleased that many came together
and sent the flowers...From no one's fault,
I was unaware...But I gave you my heart,
my feelings and my prayers....And they

Larry C
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25 posted 2002-06-10 08:43 PM

Directions are sent. And it is good indeed to have each other for support during this hard time.

I am indeed humbled and silenced by your words, except to say thanks.

More than I can express dear friend. Thank you.

Again I am so humbled...such kind words. I'll forever be grateful. Thank you.

And your feelings, heart and prayers were so much to give. I am preparing a thanks for all who have done exactly as you. I so appreciate your response and support, always.

Member Elite
since 2000-02-29
Posts 3793
26 posted 2002-06-10 10:20 PM

What a sweet man you are. I really like you..can you tell? Your poem is a treasure..but your strength is awesome. You make me reach higher. ((Hugs)).


Larry C
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United States
27 posted 2002-06-10 11:58 PM

Awww...such a bright spot in my life you are. I'm humbled by your words. Thank you for your friendship.

Madame Chipmunk
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-05
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28 posted 2002-06-11 12:43 PM

when your heart cried, all of our hearts cried with it

when my health was threatened, all of the other souls here, joined their hands in a safety net and bouyed me up with prayer

and when my heart rejoiced, all of the hearts here, rejoiced with it

when your soul is broken into pieces by a tragedy that you will always be a sad part of your life, it is your friends here at Passions who will always be here to offer you a shoulder to cry on, arms to hug you tight and lots of pretty flowers to remind you of Ginger's beauty.

~ sympathetic loving hugs


copyright2002 Lyra Nesius

"poetry is life distilled"  Gwendolyn Brooks

Larry C
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Member Patricius
since 2001-09-10
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United States
29 posted 2002-06-11 01:14 AM

And isn't it grand! And thank you.

Gentle Spirit
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30 posted 2002-06-11 06:35 AM

Larry your strength is amazing,and your poetry is awesome.  Passions is a great place to be, where there are so many willing to lift us when we are going through tough times.  Hugs to you dear friend.

Like a red brick,
in a white wall
somebodies brush
forgot to paint...
lonely....(as sung by Tracy Lawrence..)

Member Elite
since 2000-01-18
Posts 4713
31 posted 2002-06-11 09:51 AM

beautiful poem for some beautiful hearted people
Love to you Larry and your family

Love is the life of the soul...
It is the harmony of the universe

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-09-09
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In Your Poetic Mind
32 posted 2002-06-11 09:57 AM

love to soft remembrance of a precious life, and heart.....

I would rather have one breath of his hair,
one kiss of his mouth,
one touch of his hand
than an eternity without it.

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
33 posted 2002-06-11 11:53 AM

It's times like these that I'm proud of our Passionate Place... I'm proud to be a part of such a giving group of wonderful people... God Bless you & yours, Larry...
Member Elite
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TEXAS (it's all big)
34 posted 2002-06-11 11:54 AM

oh yuh!
Larry C
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Patricius
since 2001-09-10
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United States
35 posted 2002-06-11 12:00 PM

Well...Thank you. And yes this is indeed and awesome place and thank you for your love and support which has sustained me.

Thanks and to you for your support as well.

For the tenderest of hearts and always being there...thank you.

Thank you dear friend for going above and beyond and being such a good friend.

Back at you...big guy! Thanks, always.

Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA
36 posted 2002-06-11 06:48 PM

Larry...what a lovelt tribute to some wonderful people
Larry C
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Member Patricius
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United States
37 posted 2002-06-12 03:40 AM

Hoot Owl,
Well I have to agree with you there. And I'd be in trouble with out them. Thanks for reading and acknowledging.

Mistletoe Angel
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38 posted 2002-06-17 07:02 PM


(BIG HUGGGSSSSSSSSSS) Oh Larry, although I was on vacation during the time you first posted this and Open #21 opened, my thoughts and prayers were always with you and your family! Know we all care and are here for you with all our hearts and we are all so blessed to have such a loving friend as you, sweet friend, we all love you so much, God Bless You! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Larry, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"Underneath your clothes there's an endless story..."


Bridget Shenachie
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Kansas USA
39 posted 2002-06-17 11:51 PM

Dear Larry,

I've read more than I have replied to Larry.  Your courage and the caring of all the PiP poets is so inspiring.  May God bless you all.


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