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Madame Chipmunk
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-05
Posts 8296

0 posted 2002-07-22 11:23 PM

~Yesterday's Memories~

Yesterday's happiness
never returns
cherish the moments
before memories turn

measure the distance
between now and then
yesterday's heartaches
no longer fit in

live every day
as it were your last
tomorrows' not promised
time goes by so fast

yesterday's memories
hold on to them tight
there may be no tomorrow
after tonight

there are no guarantees
beyond this one day
and when it is finished
time will never replay

live all your days
full of love, light and laughter
no one has proof
when life ends, what comes after


copyright2002 Lyra Nesius

"poetry is life distilled"  Gwendolyn Brooks

© Copyright 2002 Lyra Nesius - All Rights Reserved
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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-09-09
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In Your Poetic Mind
1 posted 2002-07-22 11:25 PM


you are the new look of you too....


The ocean looks like a thousand diamonds strewn across a blue blanket
I lean against the wind pretend I am weightless and in this moment I am happy

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since 2002-06-08
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Jacksonville, Florida, USA
2 posted 2002-07-22 11:26 PM


Cold hands means a warm heart

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since 2002-05-23
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3 posted 2002-07-22 11:36 PM

I fully agree with you Lyra, thank you for these inspiring words. *decaf hugs*


Keep counting your blessings

Mistletoe Angel
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4 posted 2002-07-23 01:03 AM

(smiles) Awwwwwwww, I too love this wonderful wisdom of your words, sweet friend, you are a wonderful friend with a golden heart! (kiss on cheek) I love your new picture too, sweet friend, YAY, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Lyra, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"Underneath your clothes there's an endless story..."


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5 posted 2002-07-23 01:48 AM

Bravo! indeed, life is too short to waste on unhappiness...we do need such a reminder every now and then, don't we? cool new picture by the way..

Bridget Shenachie
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Kansas USA
6 posted 2002-07-23 01:57 AM

I'm kinda new and I've started watching for your posts because you say so much so well.  The truth is--I don't always comment but I'm NEVER disappointed in reading your poems.  This one needs to be kept at the top of the list.


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7 posted 2002-07-23 02:26 AM

You're right, of course.  That's what I like about you!  You always make the best poetic points.  Does this mean if I write a poem, instead of mowin' the grass, it'll be time better spent?  Cool!  Just the excuse I needed.

please don't change, please don't break
the only thing that seems to work at all is you

MB 20

Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
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8 posted 2002-07-23 06:19 AM

This is an instant treasure Lyra.  So exact, so lovely.  Hey, that new pic is just beautiful too hon.  Hugs to you.

Enjoy life, this is NOT a dress rehearsal.

{on the wings of words are spirits fly...and our souls are free~me}

Paul Wilson
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9 posted 2002-07-23 07:19 AM

Your words carry such truth in them.
Very enjoyable. We must do what we want to today, because we may never get another chance. This one is special to me.

Kit McCallum
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Ontario, Canada
10 posted 2002-07-23 07:40 AM

There is so much wisdom and wonderful advice in this piece Lyra ... you just have me smiling from ear to ear, after this read. I so very much enjoyed this ... beautifully done!

Best wishes,

Madame Chipmunk
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-05
Posts 8296
11 posted 2002-07-23 11:09 AM

Lauren...thanks so much for your reply and I'm so happy to see you posting again.  That pic really isn't my new look...its the same old me, a little more dressed up.

Julie...thanks so much for your reply and also for saying the poem was beautiful....I kinda like that word when used to describe my poetry...

Marie...thanks so much for your reply and also for those *decafe hugs* least they won't get me all wired.

Noah...thanks so much, Sweetie,  its always a pleasure to hear from you

faterider... thanks so much for your reply and I'm glad you like my new pic.

Bridget...thanks so much for replying to my poem.  I have also read lots of yours and enjoyed them very very much.  Its just too bad that we don't have 48 hours in a day because then we would have time to reply to all of the wonderful poems which are posted here

Duncan...thanks so much...and thats exactly what I mean.  If you like writing poetry more than you like mowing the grass...then definitely spend the time writing the poetry.
Life is too short to be doing what we don't want to, go and write a poem about how much you hate mowing the lawn....thats your assignment from me...

Donna...thanks so much for your reply, and I think that your quote which you use with your signature has the same philosphy as this poem....this is not a rehearsal, its real so we must sieze the may be all we have...

Paul...thanks so much for replying.  Now go out there and enjoy the day...

Kit...thanks so much and I was so happy to put a smile on your face.  I think it would be wonderful if we could all just drop everything and go out and do what we wanted to when we wanted to...but usually its impossible....but, of course...we can try, and we can hope to do it.  


copyright2002 Lyra Nesius

"poetry is life distilled"  Gwendolyn Brooks

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-01-04
Posts 7470
A Mountain Paradise
12 posted 2002-07-23 01:57 PM

Lyra, I just love the new you! Great pix.

...'live all your days
full of love, light and laughter...'

Oh, my dear, how true these words are. We all need more laughter; good old fashioned rollin' on the floor belly laughs.

Hugs, Marti

"Even if life is full of thorns, I still embrace it for I know that in between those thorns, there is a rose worth all the pain."

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-03
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The Shores of Alone
13 posted 2002-07-23 06:27 PM

How true this is. But I find it so hard to live like this, though I want to so badly.
Beautifully done, Lyra.

Madame Chipmunk
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-05
Posts 8296
14 posted 2002-07-23 10:05 PM

Marti...thanks so much for your reply,
I am glad you liked it and also the pic.
~ laughing hugs

Sandra...thanks so much, and I agree with you.  It is hard to live that way.  I have been trying real hard, especially since being diagnosed with cancer...
but life keeps getting in the way.
~ poetic hugs


copyright2002 Lyra Nesius

"poetry is life distilled"  Gwendolyn Brooks

passing shadows
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15 posted 2002-07-29 02:25 PM

indeed, it was not hard to find and so very beautiful and wise, more than I could have imagined. Thank you for sharing, and not letting me miss this one
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since 2001-07-14
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16 posted 2002-07-29 08:38 PM

unlock a prophets heart
so love's lips may tell
of awed devotion so dear
and spill not one second
of life's wife

Lyra, sweet gal,
your approach to life is admirable
your writing beyond enjoyable
and your goodness a light to bask in


Member Elite
since 2002-06-15
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Ohio, USA
17 posted 2002-07-29 08:50 PM

Lyra - very special - very powerful message - very well done - I loved it - your poetry is so great!!  Paul
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-09-23
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On A Journey To The Unknown
18 posted 2002-07-29 09:53 PM

Lyra, there is so much truth in what you say here.
Madame Chipmunk
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-05
Posts 8296
19 posted 2002-07-29 11:47 PM

Dixie...thanks so much for reading and replying.  When I saw your poem, I knew you would enjoy this one...the themes are so similar.  I guess we are both wise LOL
~ wise old hugs

Jeff...Thanks so much for your reply...and for telling me that I am wise...LOL
~ thank you hugs

Paul...thanks for reading and I am so glad you enjoyed it.  Also, thanks for the amazing compliment which will now swell my head so much that it will fall off of my shoulders.
~ headless chipmunk hugs

Sue...thanks so much for your reply.  I hope its true anyway...
~ hugs from today's chipmunk


copyright2002 Lyra Nesius

"poetry is life distilled"  Gwendolyn Brooks

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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20 posted 2002-07-30 02:13 PM

Wise and wonderful, Madame... I enjoyed this very much. *S*
Madame Chipmunk
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-05
Posts 8296
21 posted 2002-07-30 02:20 PM

Thanks so much, Suthern...
I'm glad you enjoyed.
~ hugs from the heart


copyright2002 Lyra Nesius

"poetry is life distilled"  Gwendolyn Brooks

since 2002-04-06
Posts 389
The Netherlands
22 posted 2002-07-30 02:27 PM

Wonderfull poem Lira
You look so nice
Love and Muys

Madame Chipmunk
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-05
Posts 8296
23 posted 2002-07-30 02:29 PM

Thanks so much, Muys...
I'm glad you like the pic.  Its the same old me, but all dressed up and with makeup on.
~ butterfly hugs


copyright2002 Lyra Nesius

"poetry is life distilled"  Gwendolyn Brooks

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