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Member Elite
since 2000-02-16
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0 posted 2000-08-10 09:57 AM

Hi everybody, come and dance with me!        

I thought it would be fun to share our tasteful side today, so I would like you to tell me what kind of fruit, nut or vegie you are. I do know that some of our poetry loving family are not from this world so for you wonderfully delightful spirits you can make up your own little fruit nut or vegie.

Im The Cutest Little Cherry Come And Dance With Me

Im a little cherry as sweet as can be,
you can always find me
swinging on the cutest little tree.

My colors quiet compelling the reddest
of reds you’ll ever see, and
the shape of me is as perfect as can be.

I have a little pit it’s the hardest part
of me, but if you can
disregard this little imperfection Im
as enjoyable as can be.

You can make a million things with
a sweet cherry like me,
Im the prettiest ingredient that you’ll
ever find in a fruitcake,
and I have a pie named after me.

You can dip me in white chocolate
or serve me hot cobbler
al’ mode, and to top off a delightful
meal Im  a
awesome cherry jubilee.

What ever you’re fancy Im the perfect
little treat, so everyone
come on and dance with cute little me.

By, Cerenity

© Copyright 2000 Ellen Ware - All Rights Reserved
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just about where I want to be
1 posted 2000-08-10 12:52 PM

Cute poem and idea Cerenity! I'll see what I can do!  

stay cool  


"For every beauty, there is an eye somewhere to see it.
For every truth, there is an ear somewhere to hear it
For every love, there is a heart somewhere to receive it".--Ivan Panin

serenity blaze
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since 2000-02-02
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2 posted 2000-08-11 04:31 AM

I am the apple picked by Eve,
the mother of the snake.
I am not evil, as perceived,
I'm simply God-forsaked.

Within my skin,
the five-point star,
circled by the breath of Kore...
My only sin,
should I be marked,
is a yen to dare to ponder more...

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since 2000-02-16
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3 posted 2000-08-11 09:02 AM

Hi Serenity,

This wow, you amaze me, I find myself with tears this morning over this poem, I of late can't write anything im finding it hard to put anything in to words yet my mind is full of stuff that needs to come out and you pop out this awesome poetry wow and its perfect, and I write about a cherry   I also to thought maybe this was a domb challenge I don't know right now so once again you are awesome and I loved it thank you for doing it.

Love, Cerenity

"God doesn't have to be reminded that we exist.
We have to be reminded that He exist!"

(Writer Unknown)

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
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4 posted 2000-08-11 02:26 PM

Not dumb, Cerenity...I wish that I could write "cute" and carefree more often...everything I do seems to have dark and moody undertones...and like the apple, I'm not quite to everyone's taste...smiles...
so I thank you, for your lovely compliment.
You, in turn, made my day....

since 2000-02-03
Posts 369
5 posted 2000-08-11 04:47 PM

I am the blueberry pie
To be eaten by the hungry bite
Of a hungry bear

Member Elite
since 2000-02-16
Posts 2637
6 posted 2000-08-11 08:07 PM

Hi Monique,

OH I loved this one, blueberrys are my favorite I don't know why I did not pick that to write about but im glad I didn't because this is so cute, thank you and if I did not ever welcome you to passions I am now so very nice to meet you.

and my dear sister thank you for your kind words I am depressed and not trying to write how I feel which would probley come out very blackesh thanks.

Love ya both, Cerenity

"God doesn't have to be reminded that we exist.
We have to be reminded that He exist!"

(Writer Unknown)

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
7 posted 2000-08-11 08:53 PM

I am a lemon
And I can be quite tart
but with my sugar man
I’m such a
sweet heart!

since 2000-02-03
Posts 369
8 posted 2000-08-13 12:57 PM

Your poem is divine Poet deVine
I love lemon with salt on it
Twist and Shout
It gives me
To bounce back
From the dead

Or lemon on my french fries
If vinegar is not around

And the cherry is very inviting
If you don't mind dancing with a lady

And the apple..... very, Hum!
deliciously red like your lips

I hope i do not ruin
The puzzle


Member Elite
since 2000-02-16
Posts 2637
9 posted 2000-08-13 01:12 PM

Hi Monique,

No way could you ruin anything my dear, very tasteful you are.

Miss. Poet deVine,

I need to become tart standing alone, I love this well wonderful I like the mix. I also like the stand alone maybe I should try it.

Love, Cerenity

"God doesn't have to be reminded that we exist.
We have to be reminded that He exist!"

(Writer Unknown)

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
10 posted 2000-08-14 07:34 AM


Well, if you like NUTS ...
try this almond on for size !
Coat me Jordon-sugared
and I'll melt before your eyes !


~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Elite
since 2000-02-16
Posts 2637
11 posted 2000-08-14 11:55 AM


You are sweet no matter what anyone coated you with, thanks

Love, Cerenity

"God doesn't have to be reminded that we exist.
We have to be reminded that He exist!"

(Writer Unknown)

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738

12 posted 2002-01-18 02:47 AM

*bump for Miss Sandra*
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13 posted 2002-01-18 02:44 PM

I'm so glad I didn't miss this one completely! Thanks serenity for bumping into cerenity!
I'll have to work on this one, as I would have said apple if I hadn't read the masterpiece from serenity. Karen, that is great! You are a very shiny apple.
Back later, with my veggies and fruits, it may have to be a blender mix. YUM, now I want a smoothie!

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the earth school
14 posted 2002-01-18 03:54 PM

Sweet and sour, grapes that I am;
Just perfect for jelly or jam...
Be careful not to handle me rough;
Or, get splashed with my juicy stuff....

[This message has been edited by amigo (01-18-2002 05:05 PM).]

Titia Geertman
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15 posted 2002-02-24 04:49 AM

I think there is a nut in me
'nuts' I've always wanted to be
I'm often somewhat out of line
the 'nutty fruitcake' name is mine
Hard to crack but soft inside
though wrinkled, I will taste alright
So if you see a nut around
think of me at the cracking sound

A rose is a rose is a rose...I guess...
Check out my new website: (I didn't 'link' this, so it won't take too much space).I

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South Florida
16 posted 2002-02-25 06:12 PM

I'm a watermelon
Inside my hue is pink
I'm just as sweet and juicy
As your favorite drink

You can find me at a picnic
Feast on me at a barbeque
I taste delighty refreshing
Along with your grilled food

ok, I tried thanks for the challenge Cerenity!

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-29
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Victoria Australia
17 posted 2002-02-26 07:02 AM

round and full bodied
just like me

Here in the midst of my lonely abyss, a single joy I find...your presence in my mind.  Unknown

Moon Dust
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Skelmersdale, UK
18 posted 2002-02-26 09:47 PM

I'm an orange,
Touched and sun kissed,
Sweet orange juice inside,
And fresh in morning.

Write what you feel, feel what you wrtie.

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