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Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269

0 posted 2002-04-22 09:57 AM

By the Water(for Kit)

Is it you, my dear, who’s sitting there
Against the pearly mist
As Cape Cod breezes tease your hair
In cool and swirling whisps

Your face is lightly masked in veils
Of early morning haze
But still your beauty filters through
The dawn of April days

Someones eyes will touch upon you
And be raptures by your face
And the figure of your countenance,
A mirror of your grace

But for now you sit in silence
Poet pen within your hold
With the secrets of your heart
Upon the mist so clearly scrolled

Tender moments fondly written
On your paper dimly lit
Like a candle of your memory
Lighting verses as you sit

In New England's misty dawning
Is that you, my dearest Kit?

Elizabeth Santos

© Copyright 2002 Elizabeth Santos - All Rights Reserved
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-09-23
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On A Journey To The Unknown
1 posted 2002-04-22 10:00 AM

Elizabeth, you write the most beautiful poetry.
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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
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Maidstone Kent England
2 posted 2002-04-22 10:11 AM

Elizabeth darling girl Oh WOW when YOU write you really write, this is utterly utterly fabulous. This is so incredibly outstanding I love it love it love it,

Absolutely perfect poetry

I’ve read fabulous pieces from you before this is simply stunning. Truly you’ve outdone yourself darling girl. Full of beauty and wonder, and such a perfect description of Kit

Love and warm stuff
As always

To give light to them that sit in darkness..... to guide our feet into the way of peace Luke 2:79

Member Empyrean
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Canada eh.
3 posted 2002-04-22 11:24 AM

Elizabeth, I read this in the other thread but wanted to stop by here and tell you how beautiful it is.  
What a magical journey you and the other poets took us on when you went to Nan's.
This one especially is perfectly wonderful.
~Big 'thank you for sharing' hugs~

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
4 posted 2002-04-22 01:23 PM

She just wrote and wrote and wrote... all day yesterday, Liz.. .. It seems I may the only one who got little done... But is surely was worth every minute... This is lovely, m'friend..
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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-09-09
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In Your Poetic Mind
5 posted 2002-04-23 01:09 PM


Very lovely....


~Sinking fast into
an ocean of you,
what if I told you,
what if I said
that I love you
do we dare cross
that line between your
heart and mine~

Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
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Ontario, Canada
6 posted 2002-04-23 02:16 PM

Oh boy ... you're getting these tears of mine going again Liz ...


She Writes (for Liz)

I watched you from a distance,
Many times you did not know …
I gazed in wonder as I watched
Your pen move to and fro.

Your elegance seemed amplified
As I'd watch you compose …
You radiate a glow through life
That sweetly overflows.

A look of quiet contemplation
Graced you as you penned …
Your thoughts awhirl, and flowing down
Until each story's end.

I felt a warmth of admiration,
More than I can say …
Each time I saw your hand reach out
To write throughout the day.

How wonderful it was for me,
To listen as you read,
The thoughts you captured lovingly,
That flowed like silken thread.

With love,

Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269
7 posted 2002-04-23 02:41 PM

Oh, my dear Kit, how you have touched me with your words. I felt the same way watching you, and my dear hootowl, and all the others reciting their poetry. . What an experience.
Thank all of you so kindly for your loving responses to this poem. I hope you could see her siting there through the mist

Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
8 posted 2002-04-23 03:48 PM

I've watched you in periphery
Write in silent auditory
But you never knew I fell in love
And perched your shoulder like a dove.

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
9 posted 2002-04-23 03:57 PM

Liz that was simply beautiful and I know that journal is stuffed full as you were writing non-stop, BUT, this line in your poem now, hmmmmm....
Lighting verses as you sit
I believe those were cigarettes sweet Elizabeth
Oh I am such a brat!

~* Sharon *~

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South Florida
10 posted 2002-04-23 04:18 PM

awww lovely poem for sweet Kit!
You are so talented Liz

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Member Laureate
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East Lansing, MI USA
11 posted 2002-04-23 04:28 PM

from one artist to another my friend. . .

well done. . .


To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world.

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-04-30
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Spring, Texas
12 posted 2002-04-25 08:19 PM

Very, very pretty, my friend. Love your style and way with words.


Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
13 posted 2002-04-25 08:32 PM

Yes, was that vision her,
or was it a Poetic Sprite?

This is lovely, lovely, Lady Santos, and I am so glad that you are well enough to enchant us all for time to come...

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
14 posted 2002-04-25 08:50 PM

It is indeed one of my favorite rememberances, watching Kit, deep in thought, sitting on the deck with pen in hand in the cool of late afternoon, oblivious to everything around her with the exception of the pad of paper on her lap. With no sounds present except for occasional water sounds off the deck, I looked at her and remembered thinking, "THIS is what poetry is." Whenever I see her words on screen now I'll remember how she looked writing and I'll smile.....
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
15 posted 2002-04-26 02:05 AM


'But for now you sit in silence
Poet pen within your hold
With the secrets of your heart
Upon the mist so clearly scrolled'

I could just see it all ...~
Beautiful penning dear lady~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
         [email protected]                    

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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16 posted 2002-04-26 03:23 PM

And with your words, we see as well. *S* This is absolutely beautiful, Elizabeth... as is Kit's response. The sincere affection that flows through your poems is a lovely thing to behold. *S*
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Beneath the northern stars
17 posted 2002-04-26 03:57 PM

Very beautiful, both of you.


I'm in charge, and I say question authority!

Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269
18 posted 2002-04-26 04:35 PM

I know Balladeer also saw the same vision I did, and for those who didn't, I thank you for your very generous comments to this poem. I can see how well loved our Kit is and I am one of her admirers

Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
19 posted 2002-04-26 08:17 PM

YAY!!! Oh my gosh, I just know Kit is going to love this and cherish this, she is so very blessed to have a wonderful friend like you and she will always remember the times you spent with her at Cape Cod I'm sure! (kiss on cheek) This is a fabulous tribute to a wonderful friend to us all, sweet friend, God Bless You, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Elizabeth, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

since 2002-04-06
Posts 389
The Netherlands
20 posted 2002-04-27 07:57 AM

I'm even more jealous now, LOL

Beautiful write, as always dear lady.


Life on the internet begins at...90!

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21 posted 2002-04-27 09:14 AM

Oh WOW!!!
Dear Liz
What a beautiful poem from one beautiful soul to another and back again Your poem for Kit is filled with warmth and passion deeply felt that is clear and your words heartfelt, well penned dear Liz

....and to Kit's reply
Kit a wonderful response to Liz's dedication to you, your words spoke of the same warmth and passion for Liz as hers for you..simply beautiful writing
~HUGS~ to both of you


Love is the life of the soul...
It is the harmony of the universe

Larry C
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United States
22 posted 2002-04-27 06:34 PM

Never before have I traveled by proxy,
Being too selfish to give up the trip.
But all my poet friends that traveled east,
Have returned with some poetic clip.

What was shared in that experience,
Can never be taken or even replaced.
But it has been shared in such amazing ways,
Without leaving home this trip I embraced.

No ill will or jealousy do I now bear,
Having read all these reports from the heart.
But I do confess if I could ever work it in,
I'd give just about anything to be a part.

For the evidence mounts every day,
These aren't just words that we say.
When we all gather with the intent to play,
We even make room for some dismay.

Oh...alright...I can't stand it. What were you thinking going with out inviting me. It just isn't right. And dangit don't ever let it happen again!

Thank you to all my kind poet friends for your sharing this trip.

It's never too late to have a good childhood! Woohoo!

[This message has been edited by Larry C (04-27-2002 06:36 PM).]

Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269
23 posted 2002-04-27 08:41 PM

LarryC. THank you for your kind comments. Next time, I hope to see you there.
I'm glad yoou enjoyed Nan's thread


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