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Open Poetry #20
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Senior Member
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0 posted 2002-06-03 05:52 PM

just hours back

my wife wanted to know

where I'd been and if I got the things she
needed and why was I so late and that's when
I told her about this time warp that blew into town
a few hours back and I was fortunate enough to
hazard the old street rods cruising the few
roadways we have time appeared to
run together and astonishingly
I found it a lot harder to
distinguish the
the generations
as time shifts beyond of
course it was different the cars
then still had 4 barrel carbs petroleum
hadn’t heard of Nixon & also the music and
dancing beat to a boogie woogie driving four on
the floor rhythm that you just had to shake a leg
and get into the cadence or move on over

from passing lane and the slow ballads
were as smooth as the tears on the fins of that
shiny “58” Caddy just pullin' out of the towns car
wash my heart was pumpin' with excitement
maybe even more than that since I hadn't
such pulses running through these
veins for some while now but
somehow somethin' was
just out of place and
that was when

I glanced
down on my farm
coveralls and it was right

then I realized I needed some threads for
the episode and it made all the difference in the
world too the pegged pants had to have an on-the-go
relaxed fit my dirty white T-shirt with Nike logos had to
be replaced with a bright Hawaiian variation worn
outside the pants & the pompadour was just
a far distant reminisce and the girls

(well, I still call 'em girls)

were still just as cute in
their poodle skirts or capri pants
and bobby sox as days of yore about then
I looked in the rearview mirror to recall that I'm a
little over the years & a grandpa myself and the old
Dodge Van looked somewhat out of place as maybe
did I but I fixed my little remainin' gray anyway as I
pulled out of Wally World's parking lot decked
the role and feelin' fine while the local
radio station played music as
nostalgic as the cars
drifting by plus
some hi-octane
spirit had seized control
and where and why the time had
completely gotten away I'll never know
and the reason for going to town vanished
and moreover I got to thinkin' about you and
my blood sugar was running low plus feelin'
dazed and famished and I'm really sorry
honey but was there somethin' I
was supposed to know

Writing isn't just something I do, it's something I am.
To write of feelings that touch all hearts in some manner is my delight.
-Marge Tindal

© Copyright 2002 Dale W. Gwaltney - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 1999-10-28
Posts 3539
1 posted 2002-06-03 06:15 PM

You've packed it all in here sweetie!! SO good to read you again...

*now don't be tellin stories on your sweet wife!!* tsk tsk

very effective format by the way...

Take care!!!

Open arms can be the most fragile in the world...

[This message has been edited by devina (06-03-2002 06:33 PM).]

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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2 posted 2002-06-03 06:24 PM


She loves ya..I know, but darn...don't know if she's gonna believe that sort of yarn...I didn't...but it was fun anyway!  Give Rosemary a hug for me.

Rosemary J. Gwaltney
Senior Member
since 1999-08-26
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northern mountains, Idaho
3 posted 2002-06-03 10:32 PM

Ah, this one gave me a smile! You write such rascally writings!

- with love, your wife

Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
4 posted 2002-06-08 05:43 PM

Sounds like a good 'story' ...
and if I were you ... I'd be sticking to it~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
         [email protected]                    

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