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Member Elite
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0 posted 2003-03-04 10:57 PM

Smile me serious

When I look into
The depth
of your
Teary eyes.

Cry me happy.
Make you mine.

Tremble me
With the
Truth of you.

Outline my lonely lips
With your
Flirting fingertips.
Kiss the tip of
My shy nose.

Trace me
With the grain of you.

Whisker me florid,
Pink me pretty.

Provoke my pulse!

Flower me with
A bouquet of
Baby Breath kisses
Blot my bright skin
From forehead





Of my feet.

Shiver me shiny.

Be my Oak.
Tangle me tightly
in your limbs.

~Convince me~

How much I love you.


..without surrender, be on good terms with all persons..

[This message has been edited by regards2you (03-05-2003 01:01 AM).]

© Copyright 2003 Patricia L.Thompson - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 2002-12-03
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Lost in thought
1 posted 2003-03-04 11:03 PM

oh my! too many great lines to point out, but this is just brilliant. Talk about a love poem! you've outdone yourself.
Excellent imagery and.. everything.

Always, Alyssa

..ok now its bedtime, lol
- And so it was that time stood still -
     (blink, breathe, stand, fight)

[This message has been edited by GG (03-04-2003 11:04 PM).]

Member Elite
since 2002-10-01
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2 posted 2003-03-04 11:07 PM


Thank you for taking your time to read and reply. It means much. Smiles!

Hugs, Pat

..without surrender, be on good terms with all persons..

Member Ascendant
since 2002-06-08
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Jacksonville, Florida, USA
3 posted 2003-03-04 11:39 PM

This is so beautiful

Cold hands means a warm heart

Senior Member
since 2003-02-15
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Inside the shadow's shadow
4 posted 2003-03-04 11:49 PM

Wow...Tons of awesome lines there! Gave me shivers, lol. Beautiful write!

I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man.
--Chang Tzu

Member Patricius
since 2001-10-23
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By the Seaside
5 posted 2003-03-04 11:54 PM

Pink me pretty.

Provoke my pulse!

Oh my, this really gets me going,
it's just!!

Enjoyed this side of you Pat~

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-09-09
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In Your Poetic Mind
6 posted 2003-03-05 12:13 PM

HUgssss hope you get the words... lovely you

Take me where the tides start
So I can pull you into me

Member Elite
since 2002-10-01
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7 posted 2003-03-05 01:03 AM

Thanks to all of you for taking your time to read and reply. I am glad you liked this.

Hugs, Pat

..without surrender, be on good terms with all persons..

Member Rara Avis
since 2003-03-02
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New York
8 posted 2003-03-05 02:15 AM

regards - these are the most touching words I have read regarding love - touching yet not at all Hallmark - excellent xxoo  
passing shadows
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9 posted 2003-03-05 02:49 AM

this one brought a smile
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Saluting with misty eyes
10 posted 2003-03-05 02:52 AM

You're asking to be convinced, yet you have totally convinced me.. one of the best I have seen on here. Highly recommended for the book.
Member Elite
since 2002-10-01
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11 posted 2003-03-05 08:41 AM


Thanks for the beautiful.


Gives me shivers, too. Especially the Oak line, mmmm, yum! Smiling, thanks.


Glad you like this side of me. It has been so long since I've been involved I wouldn't know what to do!!!


Nice of you to read and reply. Thanks.
That would take a real miracle!  


Yeh, these are quite touching words...grinning here..thank you.


You smiled? Terrific! Now I wonder why?


~My man~ would be convinced as well...
just a little bat my eyelashes, show me...kinda poem...Should have added a catch me if you can line, now that I think of it. Smiles.  One of the best you've read here? Oh, my, keep reading, for we have Master Poets online here..and each poet here, novice or master, or inbetween, in their own right and experience and and style are very good. I love the variety. Thanks for the compliment. I have three in Reflections already.  
Not familiar with yours, so you must be new. I'll try to go find some.

Again, thanks to all of you,

Hugs, Pat  


..without surrender, be on good terms with all persons..

[This message has been edited by regards2you (03-05-2003 11:54 AM).]

Member Laureate
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Between the Lines
12 posted 2003-03-05 12:38 PM


I like it from top to bottom and the other way round *s

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-01-04
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A Mountain Paradise
13 posted 2003-03-05 04:30 PM

Ahhhhhhh .....
         fantastic ......
                    fabulous .......


Hugs and a HUGE SMILE.  

Cpat Hair
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Member Patricius
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14 posted 2003-03-05 04:41 PM

pat... liked this a great what I am going to say should not be taken in any way as taking away from the piece as it stands..just a point or two...that I too have to think about and constantly forget..that I wanted to point out.
1. You introduce in the end... be my oak..and I don't read any reference to oak or trees into the preceding lines.. they may be there and me not seeing them..( have aheadache and not reading too well...sorry)
but without them..the jump from the rest of the poem to the image of an oak..seems a bit abrubt and not in the same form as the rest of the poem..which trembles down the page with line after line of intimacy... it works... just sticks out in my read of it..and not as smooth a transition as precedes it... sort of like mixing metaphors.. we all do it sometime...and sometimes it works.

2. Flower me with
A bouquet of
Baby Breath kisses

this too.. a great image and yet... seems to be stuck in...instead of built in...

OK... not picking.because it reads great..and give the reader the feel I think you intended... just small items in my read I paused on...and wondered if they were reworked and woven a bit better would the poem go from very good... to great..

firing squad assembles at may take the first shot by right of default..
I'll bring my own blindfold

Phantom Poet
since 2003-03-03
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Arizona USA
15 posted 2003-03-05 04:49 PM

I'm Convinced  the write is terrifect
>>phantom poet<<

Member Elite
since 2002-10-01
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16 posted 2003-03-05 07:54 PM


Thanks for replying, and that you like it.


Thanks for the huge smile. Hugs.


Just got home and I am starving. Skimmed your reply briefly and want to let you know now, but, I'll get back later when can concentrate little better, how much I appreciate the indepth review and reasons why, etc.

I need time to study but what you did for me is EXACTLY the kind of input I need....for I cannot see those things myself, although frankly, I didn't even like the bouquet of baby breath lines AT ALL, but, believe it or not, that is where the poem first began...

When I write, I've never had a clear reason or necessarily an intention other than getting these thoughts/ideas floating around my mind down on paper....I'll get back to you.. relax, no firing squad/blindfold.

Thank you so very much for this, can't wait to take some time to think it all through. Later tonight....but, want to eat, play catch-up on unread others' poems.

Truly, you did a wonderful thing for me. I'll probably leave another message at some point. Hugs, Pat

Phantom Poet,

Thank you

..without surrender, be on good terms with all persons..

Member Elite
since 2002-10-01
Posts 3940
17 posted 2003-03-06 10:29 AM


Yes, I do see what you mean re: 'same form' in both instances.

When writing this my concerns were:

1) Using too many me's and my's.

2) Getting past the head (lips, eyes,nose) to show complete love-making.

3) That the phrases: "Provoke my pulse" and later: "Shiver me shiny" were not enough of the picture to show completeness.

4) I wanted to bring the bodies together without explicit details. "Tangle me tightly" popped into my mind and I built on that. The Oak to show strength, masculinity, sort of 'you Tarzan, me Jane-conquer me type thing, ~hoping~ it would work by tying in "In your limbs (oak tree). I had no thought of [SAME FORM]

So, thank you for taking the time to teach me to think about such.

Wonder if this would work better:

A) leave out Oak lines

B) change the "A bouquet of Baby Breath kisses, and do NOT use caps.

C) Add line "Make me complete" to accomplish final act of bodies uniting.

So this would be my change in the poem, by using all up to and including:

Provoke my pulse. (and these changes)
Flower me
Full blossom.
Blot baby breath
From forehead
Of my feet.

Shiver me shiny,
Make me complete.

~Convince me~

How much I love you.

Think this would work better?

Again, thank you for your help.
With this critique from you I will try to remember: Same Form

I didn't have a good feeling about either of those ideas, but let them slip by....not taking the TIME to try to fix them. Maybe someday from good to great. I still am amazed at some of the lines I do create (Duh, did I write that)? and get caught up in that...rather than striving to get better at it....

Sorry so late in getting this on-line.
Thanks, Hugs, Pat

..without surrender, be on good terms with all persons..

Cpat Hair
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Member Patricius
since 2001-06-05
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18 posted 2003-03-06 12:09 PM

yes... I think this works... and it eliminates the places I stumbled..

only question then is does it also say what you want it to? if it does in your mind..then it does...

nice edit....and both work well.. but I do prefer the edit.

lines...yeah I understand about wondering where they came from..or did I write that?
sometimes..they just are...

Member Elite
since 2002-10-01
Posts 3940
19 posted 2003-03-06 12:42 PM


Thanks for your reply. I would have changed this on-line, the original poem, but it is too late.

So the question is, what, then was my intent in writing this; what did I want it to say?

I still have not defined that. But, I am satified with the finished poem.
That it would be read and enjoyed by others and myself.

I noticed I have a tendency to add too much to a poem, rather than allowing readers to draw their own conclusions.

Also, perhaps I have a slight fear the lines written won't have been good enough to pull off a shorter version.

Something for me to think about.

I like the edit better, myself.

Nice to know others wonder where those lines/ideas come from, and for me, the happy realization I am able to write something to communicate with self and others. A pleasure, indeed.

Yes, sometimes they just are there, floating in my mind...

I had no intention of writing a poem when this was written, I was doing something entirely different, but wanted to capture some of the thoughts floating in mind....more I did that, more I decided to write a poem right then.

Thanks for these lessons. I appreciate you taking your time to help me.

Hugs,  Pat

..without surrender, be on good terms with all persons..

passing shadows
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20 posted 2003-05-31 01:57 PM

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
21 posted 2003-06-17 08:44 AM

My goodness, Pat~
How very, very beautiful ... the original and the re-write are done with the skill of a poetess of creativity of thought~

Keep writing sweetie ... it becomes you~

*Tee-Hee !  
Not be "misconstrued" ... it's just a ~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
22 posted 2003-07-05 10:56 PM

You did say CONVINCE ... not CONVICT ... didn't you~

Got lots of rope ...~

Night all~
See ya' tomorrow~

Night, night my dear friend~

*Sheesh, had to sneak back in to fix my wittle

Good morning all~
May God richly bless your life~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

[This message has been edited by Marge Tindal (07-06-2003 09:12 AM).]

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