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0 posted 2004-01-13 02:46 PM

Winter sucks. My hands are chapped and my nose is running. I HATE THIS! GRR!

How's that, Sun?

© Copyright 2004 Meghan Armitage - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2004-01-13 02:52 PM

I hate being cold....

so I agree..

I woke one morning last week and remembered the way as a child I would wake up in a feather bed, quilts piled on so thick one could hardly move. All nice and warm, until I had to go take care of natures call. That required a trip to an and one does not know how quickly they can do what they have to do, until the winds of winter whistle through a two seater...

Yes..I hate cold.. and I am sorry you don't feel well.

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2 posted 2004-01-13 03:00 PM

winter is awesome!!!!!! layers my friend, layers, and lots of mourstrizer(sp??)
Susan Caldwell
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3 posted 2004-01-13 03:05 PM


Can you say, Florida?  

"if you won't let me fall for you
then you won't see the best that I would love to do for you"

Member Rara Avis
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4 posted 2004-01-13 03:29 PM

winter is evil.
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5 posted 2004-01-13 03:37 PM

Short, sweet, and to the point.  I'm trying real hard [don't mind the smile] to feel sorry for all of us in the midst of winter.  When I was growing up in "sunny California" the mornings there could be colder than a...wait...youngsters read here, too.

Anyway, they could be VERY cold, simply because the fog was in.  [yes, I know I said "sunny"...but that was only when the sun could wade through the fog!]

You got use to continually cold hands, cold feet, cold nose, and a constant state of hearing teeth chatter was common, and one wasn't poked at in fun just because she sounded like a hungry squirrel.  I can remember when the first "light weight parka" came on the market.  Heaven!  Barely any weight over the layers of clothes one wore when stepping outside in a damp, foggy evening.

When my "hardier than us" relatives would visit from the Dakotas, we did have a good laugh at the light breeze coming in from the ocean [15 miles away] and them instantly going into squirrel chatter - while the sun was STILL OUT!  Seems they couldn't hardly harbor the damp in the air - it wasn't like the -20 below at home in the DRY air.

Thanks for the memories, Meghan!

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Coastal Texas
6 posted 2004-01-13 04:12 PM

This persnikitty soul will simply rest here with a smug grin at the upper 70's weather without any additional comment.....

Can't resist the temptation.....


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where the wild flowers grow
7 posted 2004-01-13 05:13 PM

I'm so mad at you now, Ali. haha
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8 posted 2004-01-13 05:47 PM

You say that now, Ali, however, I know from experience that you are not discussing the infamous "Yuma Freeze" which hits in December and January, when the thermometer hits a bone-chilling 35 degrees farenheit with the wind chill as a low for the day.

Man, I would kill for those days again!!! lol

Cause in my dreams it's always there
The evil face that twists my mind
And brings me to despair.

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Coastal Texas
9 posted 2004-01-13 06:06 PM

Oh, we already had that a week or so ago, for all of 2 nights. *cackle*
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10 posted 2004-01-13 07:30 PM

LOL, we will remember you, Alicat, when it hits 120F in YUMA this summer then you'll be begging the rest of us for ice cubes
funny write K, and guess even weather is still something people find interesting enough to write about

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11 posted 2004-01-13 07:48 PM

I hate winter.  I can live with the cold, but I hate the snow...


Failure isn't failure if a lesson from it is learned ~ KS

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where the wild flowers grow
12 posted 2004-01-14 12:04 PM

Oh, but I *love* the snow. It actually raises the temperature when  it snows. Then, being outside is a lot more tolerable.

I just know that when you live out in the middle of nowhere, and you have to go out on the porch to use your cellular phone, chances are you're going to get violently sick and your hands are going to hurt so badly that they would be better off

When it snows, however, you won't catch me inside the house.

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13 posted 2004-01-14 02:06 AM

Ringo,,,,call your therapist, LMBO,,,,as for winter,,,AGREED,,,IT ROTS!!!!! I didn't see snow till I was 24 years old,,,,sure ,,saw the tv.."everyone playing,,skating,,,snowballing" version,,,,but,,,the real stuff was a shocker!
cold! wet! SHOVEL! OMG,,you are kidding!...
Sad part is,,,,,8 years later,,,I'M STILL IN A SNOW MAGNET AREA!!!!!THE POCONO MOUNTAINS!,,,,ok,,I ranted,,,(deep breath),,,,,,that felt good,,,,

I wish all could find the true happiness I have found,,in the eyes of Mike

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14 posted 2004-01-24 11:54 AM

Alright - Canadian here... It is winter, it is cold.  Have no idea how cold you're talking about when you use the F, however we are just happy to not have -30 C in January.  In fact, we are happy, happy, happy to see -10C even -15C in January so you wimpy warm people better just shoosh... Okay I just found out -40 F is the same as
-40 C.  Okay, so we are happy to have 0 F, all the way from December to Feb - then it better warm up.

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where the wild flowers grow
15 posted 2004-01-25 04:58 PM

Copper, you're my neighbor to the north. I'm in Minnesota, so it's about as cold.
Member Seraphic
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
16 posted 2004-01-25 07:15 PM

Alicat's are a rare and contumelious breed....
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Coastal Texas
17 posted 2004-01-25 08:06 PM

Darn tootin, and it's _still_ super comfy here. *much evil cackling* Of course, August will suck, but that's a long ways off. Plenty of time to gloat in this comfortable shirt sleeve weather.

Come August, I'm sure this will come back to haunt me, but that's another day.

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Saluting with misty eyes
18 posted 2004-01-25 08:19 PM

Actually, Ali, the sad part about the summer- if my feeble mind remembers correctly- is that 110 wasn't all that uncomfortable, and as long as you are able to wear short sleeves and shorts (I never did... not with MY legs), then 120 was just... well, OK... it was still hot... never mind.

Cause in my dreams it's always there
The evil face that twists my mind
And brings me to despair.

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Coastal Texas
19 posted 2004-01-25 08:31 PM

Well, we only really have two seasons here. Damn Hot and Not So Damn Hot. Currently, we have the latter.
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Saluting with misty eyes
20 posted 2004-01-25 08:36 PM

Is it actually raining out there this week??? Someone told me that the weather channel said it was raining pretty heavily... although I'm sure it's not like the storm in 1989 (1990?) that flooded the town.

Cause in my dreams it's always there
The evil face that twists my mind
And brings me to despair.

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Coastal Texas
21 posted 2004-01-25 08:45 PM

A light dew could flood the town! *chuckle*

Actually, earlier this week it did rain a bit, but I'd be surprised if it was more than 1/2 an inch total.

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