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The Alley
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since 2003-06-24
Posts 94

0 posted 2003-10-01 02:31 PM

Alright, I havn't been around much after the first couple of weeks after I joined and I'd like to poitn out that that IS NOT because of this place, because again I am still facinated with this place much like ive been saying since I joined, rather its been some kin dof big personal thing or whatever, I'm sure you don't need the details. I'd also like to point out that I cannot type for shiznit and I know it, but I think you'll manage.

now, I am not the most respectable of poets nor of people, but I like most actually DO have my moments, but what I feel is my most potent stuff is littered with the dreaded curse words. it may nto be pretty, but it does get potent and for me to post here I would have to edit it to the point that it doesnt inspire me anymore and you know, I really don't want to do that. it may not be pretty but it does get powerful.
I respect that this is a family opriented site, hell, that is great, and there is a place for things such as these no? yet I am not permitted entrance and why? because I am nto 18, im what, two and a half weeks away and I cant handle soem swear words or sexual content or whatever it is that cant be seen or read or posted by minors? hell, even pron sites arnt that difficult to get into. gotta love that.
Why wont I just wait until I am permitted to view these things? because come the 12th of october I am homeless, on the streets, period. and while sure, I could be using my free time to go to the library, I really doubt I'm goign to, I'd rather keep my job and when I'm not working I'd rather work on findign somewhere to stay.
sure, I am not important, what I have to say wont last, wont leave too mnay impressions especially for the weak stomached, but it just might mean somethign to me and thats what I'm lookin for. selfish, hell yeah, but maybe you'll be surprised.

not much of an argument, but I felt it was worth bringin it up, give me a shot, maybe I won't dissappoint you. so hows bout it?
or maybe I've misunderstood the concept of this mature whatever, I was told a while back that it was the only place cursing was allowed. hey, let me know eh?

thanx, or not, but I love you anyway. and if any of you ever come to my town, let me know, I'll buy you a drink and let you hit me before I hit you, after that, winner buiys the beer. thats what a stand up guy I am.

I am not a man because I am of men. I am a man because I am of the Spirit, among men.

© Copyright 2003 TasteOfOctober - All Rights Reserved
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612
Hurricane Alley
1 posted 2003-10-01 05:18 PM

I understand your frustration. If we broke this guideline for one person, everyone else would want the same consideration. It’s not feasible to do that at this time. I appreciate your honesty though but can’t you post your work without profanity? Writers sometimes must find alternate words to express their emotions. Are there any alternate words you can find? We’re going to be here a long time and will welcome you back with open arms when you can return.
since 2003-06-24
Posts 94

2 posted 2003-10-01 08:06 PM

thanx. well, its nto so much thati cant its that i dont want to. my finegrs are numb. i understand you cant break the guideline then. i have other stuff, just i think my best work is, well,m its kind of offensivbe, sure, but its what I like. my fingers are REALLY numb. and i havnt slept for lioek two days and a third night of no sleep is comin on strong so im a little grumpy and im sorry. I dont have any drugs you see. I tke prescription sleep aids because ive been a known insomniac since like 6th grade. and if this isn't making much sense blame it on that, works for everything else.

I am not a man because I am of men. I am a man because I am of the Spirit, among men.

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