The Alley |
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Reflections and nausea |
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JP Senior Member
since 1999-05-25
Posts 1343Loomis, CA ![]() |
This will be short and sweet. The few 'poets' around here who insist on whining about the voting process, insinuating that there may be some conspiracy, blaming Ron and PiP for not being 'fair', and generally instigating all sorts of mayhem through baseless and disgusting fingerpointing and general bad behavior have made me ill. I will not post names, but I will remember them. A lot of good work done here is being tarnished by these whining wannabe's and though I know it is little concern to them, I will not be experiencing their poetry any time soon. I speak here for no one by myself consequently; any comments, rants, or death threats will be happlily recieved by me at [email protected] |
© Copyright 2003 JP Burns - All Rights Reserved | |||
Opeth Senior Member
since 2001-12-13
Posts 1543The Ravines |
This thread enticed me to read the thread in About Reflections. Thanks a lot, JP. ![]() |
Crazy Eddie Member
since 2002-09-14
Posts 178 |
quote: The irony of someone whining about someone whining tickled me. ![]() Sorry, I just had to mention it. ![]() [This message has been edited by Crazy Eddie (04-30-2003 02:30 PM).] |
JP Senior Member
since 1999-05-25
Posts 1343Loomis, CA |
hmmm.... technically I would list it as a 'rant' rather than a whine. Whine: To utter a plaintive, high-pitched, protracted sound, as in pain, fear, supplication, or complaint. To complain or protest in a childish fashion. Rant: To speak or write in a angry or violent manner; rave. but hey, I am merely exercising my right to free speech, feel free to disagree with me anytime. ![]() Yesterday is ash, tomorrow is smoke; only today does the fire burn. |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200Between the Lines |
hey jp, you beat me to the definition..I was getting ready to post one... *s M |
Crazy Eddie Member
since 2002-09-14
Posts 178 |
JP, When my youngest son was four or five he announced that he didn’t want the chocolate I was offering him. The reason he gave was that I’d told him that him that he’d have to eat his dinner first and that suddenly he didn’t like me any more. I’ve always believed he was just protesting in a childish manner (whining), perhaps I was wrong. When I read your announcement that you didn’t like a particular statement that someone had posted and as a consequence had decided not to read their poetry I similarly, and perhaps mistakenly, read it as a childish protest (whine). ![]() If I was indeed mistaken I offer my sincere apologies. |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
Posts 7136Mobile, AL |
I really don't think JP is often given to childish whining, but everyone has their moments I suppose. However, I don't think this was one of them. So..making my statement about the ACTUAL subject of this post, I agree with JP. The whole attitude surrounding this book issue is really annoying, but this has already been discussed to the depths in two other thats all I'll say. You could hurt me with your bare hands. You could hurt me using the sharp edge of what you say. JEWEL |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
I, for one, find JP's candor refreshing. He gave me the only smile I could find in that particular thread. so thank you, JP. |
Aenimal Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
Posts 7350the ass-end of space |
I will not post names, but I will remember them. Hey am I one? I did afterall agree that Dixie was free to ask a question though I didn't agree with the direction the thread went after that. Does that mean my poetry is boycotted and blacklisted? |
Crazy Eddie Member
since 2002-09-14
Posts 178 |
Aenimal, Is that a rant, a whine or a simple question? - I'm getting confused ![]() |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
quote: yeah..that's what my last date said!! LOL Ok...trying to bring some levity to the thread. ![]() ![]() |
Aenimal Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
Posts 7350the ass-end of space |
Crazy Eddie..I'm not sure maybe it's more of a query? lol |
suthern![]() ![]()
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723Louisiana |
PDV: At least you can remember your last date. LOL Mine's a few too many years away! *G* |
suthern![]() ![]()
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723Louisiana |
Sorry, I'm having a cookie problem so I can't see my own posts, so I can't edit... And I meant to add my thanks to JP, too. *S* |
passing shadows Member Empyrean
since 1999-08-26
Posts 45577displaced |
JP, I appreciate your opinion here and I would have loved to drop the topic, however, I was invited to this forum, and will have my say. I'm sorry that you've been brought up to think that anyone with any other opinion different than yours is "not very nice", "disgusting", "wrong", "baseless"...etc. Even though I do not like some of what you say, I have still read your poetry, and even replied, as the piece of writing touched me in some way. If you would prefer me not to reply to your work, just let me know. However, I will still read it because I like to read poetry. You are not expected to read anyone's poetry here. I'm not going to tell you not to read mine, but trust me, I won't be hurt if you choose not to click on a poem that I've written "any time soon" or ever again, for that matter. |
JP Senior Member
since 1999-05-25
Posts 1343Loomis, CA |
Aenimal: quote: I'm wondering how you can justify commenting on how I was brought up, or make assumptions regarding how I 'feel' about opinions I do not agree with. For the record, your opinion about anything was not brought into question by me. quote: I was clearly speaking of your behavior and actions. I did not agree with what you said or how you said it, I took umberage at HOW you said it, becasue while I may not agree with WHAT you said, it is your right to say it or feel it. The interesting thing about opinions and feelings are that sometimes there is an appropriate time and place to express them. When you are a guest in someone's house and you do not like the dinner you are being served, the respectful thing to do would be to keep your mouth closed. When you are a guest, you treat you host and other guests with respect, when you are in your own home, feel free to disrespect anyone you would like. Crazy Eddie, you example of whining and ranting was helpful in demonstrating the definition. Your child chose a stand, in the incident you described there was neither rant nor whine, mere assertion of one's wants. If you child had proceeded to carry on about the dinner wishes, insescently and irritatingly, THAT would have been whining. Once more, for the record. I care not if one choses to particpate, or not, in Reflections. I care only about the people here that mean so much to me. The people who were hurt, offended, and done a great disservice by those who chose to disrespect our host and his guests in his own house. p.s. Aenimal, Crazy Eddie... I'm still waiting for you to stand up and applaud my exercising of my right to free speech. Yesterday is ash, tomorrow is smoke; only today does the fire burn. |
passing shadows Member Empyrean
since 1999-08-26
Posts 45577displaced |
JP, I have been around here for four years. I have never had anything bad to say about anyone or ever hurt anyone in this site, and believe me, there have been thousands of people here. I have never had a confrontation with Ron, as other people have, and I have gotten the situation straight with Ron, and he understands. I tried to end the other thread by admitting that I have been having problems lately. Not your problem, mine, and I'm dealing with it. The overwhelming stress caused me to act in way that I would have not normally, irrational, ungrateful, angry, disrespectful. I ADMITTED I was wrong. Do you want blood? And JP, you were the one who said that you were brought up under the adage that "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all" taking that statement into consideration, this rant of yours here, seems to be a bit hypocritical. Is it that you can do it and no one else can? It's okay for you to come here and post a thread like this? |
Crazy Eddie Member
since 2002-09-14
Posts 178 |
JP quote: Does that mean if you actually do stop reading his/her poems you’re whining? ![]() quote: So you have decided not to read his/her poems to show your solidarity for Ron and the others, do you believe Ron is incapable of standing up for himself and do you believe he’s in favour of your stand on his behalf? I don’t have any problem with your disagreement of how things were said, in fact I think most people would probably agree that things could have been said with a little more tact. What I can’t understand is your unilateral decision to boycott poems based on such a disagreement, it just seems slightly.....childish. With regard to my not applauding you on exercising your right to free speech it isn’t such a great mystery – I don’t believe you have such a right. [This message has been edited by Crazy Eddie (05-03-2003 02:00 PM).] |
passing shadows Member Empyrean
since 1999-08-26
Posts 45577displaced |
quote: "I care only about the people here that mean so much to me. The people who were hurt, offended, and done a great disservice by those who chose to disrespect our host and his guests in his own house." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In case you aren't aware of it, I have had several of these people you speak of here email me and comfort me and tell me there is nothing to worry about, not to feel bad, etc. Ron and I have hashed it out, we came to conclusions, we are still friends, and he is a very understanding, caring, forgiving person, obviously much more than you, who I feel did not have a thing to do with this in the first place. I applaud your exercising your right to free speech, but it seems like you are putting forth a protest against my behavior, for what? to suit other people who I have hurt? to make yourself feel better? to draw attention to my shame over emotional problems that I'm having right now? I don't know why you even posted this if in fact you didn't have anything nice to say...but I felt attacked and I had my say to defend myself. If you wish to continue this rant, that's fine too. My life will go on and I will keep reading and writing poetry, whether you choose to read what I write or not. [This message has been edited by passing shadows (05-03-2003 01:42 PM).] |
passing shadows Member Empyrean
since 1999-08-26
Posts 45577displaced |
one more thing please... /pip/Forum19/HTML/000235.html this is an interesting thread sure to read post number 8 thank you Ron |
JP Senior Member
since 1999-05-25
Posts 1343Loomis, CA |
PassingShadows: If you quote me, do me the service of posting my complete quote, not just portions of it. I said: quote: You said: quote: Do you see the disparity? I do. I never felt your OPINION was wrong, it is afterall an opinion, I was inscensed at the way you expressed that opinion. What you said is irrelevant to my feelings on the subject, it was how and where you said it that I was offended by. Finally, you've apologized to Ron and that is great, and now you've posted a reply here telling us all that it was done and that is great. You've asked if I wanted blood, no, not at all. However, it is fair to point out that your questioning of this thread and it's validity came after you made your peace with Ron and I had posted this thread before you made your peace and before the other thread was closed by your request. That you did so was a good thing, that you come here to insinuate something about my character because of that, not such a good thing. If the thread had alread had been closed, I would have never posted my RANT to begin with. So for me, I'm done. Except for Crazy Eddie: quote: Actually, I chose, and/or choose to read or not read any poet on this site for me, and my reasons in support of me, and I think I made that abundantly clear that any decision I make regarding whose poetry I would or would not be experiencing is for ME. Do I feel others here including Ron were done a disservice? Absolutely. Do I feel that just because of that I would quit reading someone's poetry? No. I made my decision based on how I felt about the whole thing. I was disgusted, I make the decision to read (or not) work based on that. "boycott" is a means of coercion, you insinuate that my choice is made in an effort to illicit some sort of change, or rally the troops against certain poets. I have no aim, I have no such desire. I merely want to distance myself from certain poets for a while till the taste of bile recedes. I have not asked anyone to 'boycott' anyone else, I have not asked anyone here to do anything at all regarding this faux pas. As for it being childish, it may be. But I would rather be a bit childish and give myself time to unwrap myself from something I found reprehensible, than experience another unpleasant alternative. As for why my personal decisions are of such great concern of yours, I really do not understand. Yesterday is ash, tomorrow is smoke; only today does the fire burn. |
Crazy Eddie Member
since 2002-09-14
Posts 178 |
quote: Perhaps it’s because you decided to make your personal decision so public, if you didn’t want anyone to comment then announcing it in an open forum on the Internet is a strange way of going about it. |
RSWells Member Elite
since 2001-06-17
Posts 2533 |
This thread wanly whispers for euthanasia. |
JP Senior Member
since 1999-05-25
Posts 1343Loomis, CA |
RS, I agree. Although outright homocide would be a better choice I think. Consider me the murderer in this instance and let's consider the matter dead. Yesterday is ash, tomorrow is smoke; only today does the fire burn. Nil Desperandum, Fata viem invenient [This message has been edited by JP (05-04-2003 05:23 PM).] |
Aenimal Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
Posts 7350the ass-end of space |
I have no aim, I have no such desire. I merely want to distance myself from certain poets for a while till the taste of bile recedes Aaaaaw shucks that's so sweet. lol |
Severn Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704 |
I think, personally, that everyone needs to calm down - and remember the reasons we're here. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone screws up. I really think it's time to let this go yes? ![]() |
regards2you Member Elite
since 2002-10-01
Posts 3940California |
And, I think everyone is missing the lesson here and there, at the original thread. The ~grace~, patience and goodwill toward [everyone], that Ron has taught me by observing his behavior toward critisism on a personal level as well as of his efforts to publish a book for the pleasure of others, and even mananged to build in a way for them to profit financially from it....according to how much work, individually, they choose to do. If other poets put in a small percentage the effort Ron has on this book there is no doubt he'd need many more print runs. Not sure why it seems to elude some. GRACE and HUMILITY and LOVE, (respect) and understanding, giving anyone a chance to redeem themselves if need be, if they want to, they remain a member of this family, forgiven, not forgotten, nor shunned. Ron ~unwittingly~ set perfect examples of ways for me to behave because I certainly fall short many times. With warmest regards, Pat ![]() |
Crazy Eddie Member
since 2002-09-14
Posts 178 |
I thought this thread was long dead, looks like I was wrong. regards2you You said: quote: I’ve read this several times but have to admit that I’m a little confused, are you agreeing with JP’s comments in this thread or are you disagreeing with them? Perhaps you’re saying that JP shouldn’t have posted his comments in the first place or maybe you think he has the right to freely post whatever he wants to post without the hindrance of anyone posting an opposing view. Could you clarify? |
Sven![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937East Lansing, MI USA |
I'm with K. . . it's time to move on. . . ![]() ------------------------------------------------------------ To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world. |
Crazy Eddie Member
since 2002-09-14
Posts 178 |
I’m with regards2you I think we should discuss it. ![]() |
JP Senior Member
since 1999-05-25
Posts 1343Loomis, CA |
Why? Can't we just let it die? Yesterday is ash, tomorrow is smoke; only today does the fire burn. |
regards2you Member Elite
since 2002-10-01
Posts 3940California |
Crazy Eddie, "The Alley This forum is for flaming, complainin', and screaming your head off. Respectfully, of course" I have no opinion of what JP said. Or, of anyone else's comments, for that matter. I will note: (It had been finished between Dixie and Ron). Jp had an opinion that I didn't feel obligated to comment on. To each his own. And, he put it exactly in the correct forum. This is JP's thread and if he wants it to discontinue, then it should be and if he said that already, then I apologize for I missed it. I love good rip roaring battles...but, this one is not mine. My opinion is as stated. It is merely an overall observation regarding the threads. I should not have used the word [everybody] in opening sentence. This is my little box and if my previous comment confused you Eddie then I am sorry. Seems like I broke unwritten rules of not replying to the orignal comment. I think JP has a right to say anything he wanted. Whether it is liked or not, is beside the point, isn't it? Isn't it about his right to speak his mind? Hugs to you and all, Pat ![]() [This message has been edited by regards2you (05-12-2003 04:27 PM).] |
Crazy Eddie Member
since 2002-09-14
Posts 178 |
Isn’t it about his right to speak his mind? This is just another way of saying freedom of speech but are we really free to say anything we want? On reflection this thread perhaps isn’t the best place to discuss it. JP sorry about jumping in again, as I said I thought this thread was long dead too, this will be my last word - HONEST! ![]() |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
quote: Under any system, whether it be at pipTalk, in America, or in Cuba or Iran, people can say anything they want. But under ANY system, saying anything you want isn't free. It always carries a price. President Bush has learned that. Tim Robbins has learned it. And I'm sure many unnamed people in many less open societies have also learned it. The price will be different from country to country and, usually, from situation to situation, but it rarely drops to zero for anything really worth saying. The question isn't whether someone can say anything they want. The question is whether they recognize and are willing to pay the price. |
Brad Member Ascendant
since 1999-08-20
Posts 5705Jejudo, South Korea |
And if what we said had no consequences, would we really want to say it? Absolute free speech trivializes speech. |
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