The Alley |
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Does quantity destroy quality? |
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JP Senior Member
since 1999-05-25
Posts 1343Loomis, CA ![]() |
Much discussion goes on here about multiple postings and whether it is fair or not, and whether the people posting realize that they are decreasing thier chances and the chances of other's to be read.... I was wondering if anyone gave thought to the idea that quantity by necessity, destroys the quality of the poems being posted? Am I alone in the realization that many of the poets who post multitudes of poems, regularly, are posting works of less than idealic quality? With or without a job, how can one write 5-7 poems in one evening and have those poems be anything more than recycled work - or doggerel (thanks to DE for that word)? Maybe I am being too harsh, but I think perhaps not. I have posted multiple poems in one evening before, but most of those were existing works that I wanted to get out there. Now days, when I find the time to vist PIP and relax for a spell, I find I spend most of that time reading, and posting responses... It is difficult for me to craft one decent poem in the span of multiple vists. Any thoughts? ------------------ Yesterday is ash, tomorrow is smoke; only today does the fire burn. JP |
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Iloveit Senior Member
since 1999-09-02
Posts 1121NM |
I do agree, especially after frequenting the critical board, I know some of my poems come out quickly and I do not edit much, but that is rare, I usually like to let one sit in my mind and half done on paper while I think it over and then finally when happy with I couldn't do this if I wrote 5 or 6 poems a day. And as an example, a poet I know, first started posting awesome, well thought out poems, I couldn't even hope to compare to these poems. She even stated that she worked long on them, and then to the boards loss, started being friends with a poet who writes quantity instead of quality. I saw before my eyes the quality of the first poet go down hill, as she started writing one after another and about nothing in particular. Instead of spending long hours on them, she started to brag about writing them in nothing flat in the posting box.... Now this is not always the case, as I and others I know have written some that just poured out onto the page and were ready to post, but I would rather see one something really good than sticks in my mind than a bunch of mediocre efforts. ok now one last comment, not all poems are great and how can you improve if you don't work at it, so I am not saying don't post if its not excellent, but what I am saying is post *your* best ![]() |
Toerag Member Ascendant
since 1999-07-29
Posts 5622Ala bam a |
JP....well, look at it from my perspective....everything I write sux? So what have I got to lose? One or two that stink, or a multitude of crap?....LOL.. Ron hates me, Balladeer cuts me up like a Ronco vegematic, Nan takes big sighs every time I post,(Not them erotic kinda sighs either), so.....if I'm gonna be bad, I might as well do it thoroughly...ya think? [This message has been edited by Toerag (edited 10-19-1999).] |
Iloveit Senior Member
since 1999-09-02
Posts 1121NM |
well you know where you can be throughly bad anytime you want *ng* and you got talent coming out of your ears, your o&o's and plenty more love everything you post ![]() [This message has been edited by Iloveit (edited 10-19-1999).] |
since 1999-07-18
Posts 1102Texas |
I hardly ever post. So i hardly ever reply. But when i post, i try to reply twice as much. Is that a good system? ------------------ "Glory remains unaware of my neglected dwelling where alone I sing my tearful song which has charms only for me." -Charles Brugnot |
Skyfyre Senior Member
since 1999-08-15
Posts 1906Sitting in Michael's Lap |
This is a dangerous question. It asks the reader to rank someone else's poetry as "good" or "less than good" when one sees a number of posts from the same poet. Ideally, if one WERE to judge the quality of someone's posts, one would do so compared to their posts when they DON'T post several poems at once. Keeping in mind that everything is subjective, this might give some indication of a quality-quantity relationship. I have no opinion regarding the posting of multiple poems; I should probably not be admitting this in a public forum, but when I read, I tend to stick to certain favorites (I have about 10 or 12) and read whatever they happen to post. I don't even always respond to the ones I read ... I have to be really impressed by a poem, or I have to be asked for my opinion in order to post. Nevertheless, my number of responses to others' work has always exceeded my number of postings, because I simply can't write poetry in bulk. Period. I envy those who can do it (and do it well). Occasionally, a title will catch my eye, or I will read a poem by someone who does not belong to my favorite's list because it has either no responses or many responses. Again, though, I don't always respond. I guess its only fair to mention, though, that none of the folks on my favorites list are the ones who post 6 and 7 at a time ... so I guess that in itself says something. That's my two cents ... Nocht ------------------ "Nunc lento sonitu dicunt, morierus" (Now as I hear this bell tolling softly for another, it says to me, "Thou must die.") |
Craig Member
since 1999-06-10
Posts 444 |
JP Should people indulge in multiple postings? My opinion is they should not, as to whether multiple postings affect the quality of the poetry posted my answer would have to be yes, with an IF and no, with a BUT. IF people are writing five or six poems a day then unless they are very talented their work has every chance of being less than the authors best. Dylan Thomas for example was reputed to write poetry one line per day, other poets say their work seems forced if they spend more than a few minutes on it, in reality most poets fall somewhere in-between. If we assume that most people are of the later kind, then writing five or six poems a day could produce poetry of a lower quality. BUT if they are just posting poetry written over an extended period, as you yourself say you did, then the poetry posted could be the best that the author has ever written. If a person new to poetry posts several poems that fall short of the ideal ( an ideal that most of us are still attempting to reach ) but which are written to the best of their present ability. Do they deserve reasonable comment and genuine critique or do we class their work as simply doggerel? My simple answer to your question would be no, multiple posting does not necessarily effect quality but should avoided whenever possible. Thanks for raising this issue with your question. Craig |
Brad Member Ascendant
since 1999-08-20
Posts 5705Jejudo, South Korea |
I suspect that JP already knows the answer to this question: Is the difference between quality and quantity, a qualitative or quantitative difference? Actually, I was wondering how multiple postings make the reader feels? I am disturbed when I see multiple (three or more) because I immediately think: This person must think they are really good or this person has not thoroughly considered each poem seriously. It seems to me that if you have the time to post (writing is different) three or more poems, that time would be better spent reading and commenting on other poems. This is, of course, akin to the other similar thread here but that one's getting long. ![]() When you read a book of poetry, doesn't it occur to you that you might be giving less attention to each individual poem than would otherwise be true? I don't think this problem can ever be permanently solved but there may be ways to lessen its impact. Context is everything. (What's wrong with that statement?) Or as someone else who is far smarter than I am said: There is nothing outside the text. Brad |
starboards Member
since 1999-10-14
Posts 467longwood, florida |
I have been known to enter 3-4 poems in one night because i have previously written them and wished to share them with other poets... ************************ starboards ------------------ "If you love something let it go...if it comes back to you it is yours...if it doesnt then it never was" |
Skyfyre Senior Member
since 1999-08-15
Posts 1906Sitting in Michael's Lap |
I think the pertinent question here is, does quantity on the part of a few persons destroy the quality of the experience that everyone else has at this board -- and the answer is, yes. As far as I've seen, the way you guys have this place set up is unique as bulletin boards go ... the most recent posts be they replies or actual poems shoot to the top, thereby pushing others into obscurity. Therefore, unless a person plans to post 10 topics, then reply to about 20 topics started by others, cramming up the board with their own stuff is hardly fair, as it might rob the work of more conservative posters of rightful recognition cause they get pushed off page 1. Boy, aren't I a mouthy one for being a newbie? *g* Oops ... here come the townsfolk with the torches, gotta go! --K. ------------------ You cannot choose the way of your death, but the path you choose will determine its own end. |
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