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Titia Geertman
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0 posted 2002-04-16 08:16 PM

I'm not angry today, are you????

A rose is a rose is a rose...I guess...
Check out my new website: (I didn't 'link' this, so it won't take too much space).I

© Copyright 2002 Titia Geertman - All Rights Reserved
Member Rara Avis
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Somewhere... out there...
1 posted 2002-04-16 09:00 PM

Nope...not me!

Titia Geertman
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2 posted 2002-04-16 09:05 PM

Hi Vicky, long time no seen. Glad you're not angry either. Well I was a bit bored, so I thought to stir up the place a bit. LOL


A rose is a rose is a rose...I guess...
Check out my new website: (I didn't 'link' this, so it won't take too much space).I

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3 posted 2002-04-16 10:07 PM

Nope, not today.  Yesterday I was but feelin' better now.  Thanks for asking, Titia!
Marge Tindal
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4 posted 2002-04-16 11:29 PM

Nah .... not me either~
As a matter of fact, it's so rare for me to feel anger ...
I can remember the exact moment I was last truly angered ...
can you ?

Mine was 12-12-2001 03:39 PM~
Vicky ... stop laughing~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
         [email protected]                    

doreen peri
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5 posted 2002-04-17 07:11 PM

i try to get angry at LEAST once a day so i can get pissed off at myself for the rage so that afterward, i can make up to myself later in bed

works for me

Member Seraphic
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6 posted 2002-04-17 08:02 PM


serenity blaze
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7 posted 2002-04-19 03:34 PM

gawd doreen...cracking up here...
Titia Geertman
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since 2001-05-07
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8 posted 2002-04-19 07:22 PM

Hey Doreen you're funny girl.

Just back from a fishingcompetition. Got me two beautiful salmons of about 1,2 kg. each, but I didn't won a prize and even now I'm not getting angry, LOL


A rose is a rose is a rose...I guess...
Check out my new website: (I didn't 'link' this, so it won't take too much space).I

Jenn Cirrincione
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9 posted 2002-05-03 09:01 AM

Yes, actually I am.
I have to go into work in less than an hour, and get to spend the greater part of my day there. Yuck.

And I'm still fuming off of the other venting thread. I never used to be so patriotic, but recently, after Sept. 11, it's like people just want to voice their negativity on the only country I call home. I believe this is a great place to live, and I find it sad that others hate it so vehemently.

"I can't get you out of my head- your love is all I think about."

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Member Rara Avis
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Deep in the heart
10 posted 2002-05-03 09:40 AM

Nope. Not now and very seldom.
You always bring a smile with you, Titia, and I appreciate you

Titia Geertman
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11 posted 2002-05-03 08:23 PM

Hi Jenn, yea it's always the same with those countries. Wanna hear a Belgium joke?

Interloper, I've lots of smiles to give away, glad you caught one.


A rose is a rose is a rose...I guess...
Check out my new website: (I didn't 'link' this, so it won't take too much space).I

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12 posted 2002-05-04 07:29 PM

dang, Marge, couldn't you have picked a better day to remember being angry?

Titia Geertman
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13 posted 2002-05-05 03:24 AM

Seems my former reply did arouse some people in thinking that I was refering to Melissa's thread. Well I wasn't, I choose the wrong words to translate my Dutch. Melissa wrote to me about it and here's my answer to here.

Dear dear Melissa,

Oh my gosh, I wasn''t refering to what you wrote at all sweet girl, no way,
I thought that you had a very good point there. Oh my, did I choose the
wrong words. I read it over again and I can see now that it can be
interpreted as you did. Please forgive me, but I really didn't mean it that

Sometimes I translate the Dutch too literaly. What I meant was merely in a
humorous way, the way for instance we make little jokes about the character
of the Belgium people and they do that to us, quite harmless funny things.

I wasn't thinking of your thread at all.
I really thought you were right there, being angry with people who haven't
the courtesy to respect one nations hymne. My daughter is playing softbal in
the Dutch National team and I know what you meant, because when they play
against Italy, the audience will scold them and throw things to them, wich I
think is not a respectful act either.

I will set it right in the tread, because I really don't want anybody to
think that I was insulting you or any other country.

That's what happens when dumm Dutchies are trying to write in English.

I highly respect you Melissa, and I'm still a nice person, hope we're
friends again.

Love, Titia

A rose is a rose is a rose...I guess...
Check out my new website: (I didn't 'link' this, so it won't take too much space).I

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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
14 posted 2002-05-05 09:40 AM

Nicely said, Titia. I'm sure no one took it that way. To think that someone hates an entire country because of the irresponsible actions of a few would be very narrow-minded indeed.

Now I know what the phrase "gettting in dutch"  means!!!

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15 posted 2002-05-05 10:45 AM

hmm, so what does "getting in dutch" mean?

anyway, i had two afternoon naps is goooood

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Ontario, CANADA
16 posted 2002-05-05 12:34 PM

     Titia, now we can have a good laugh  
Funny thing is, I never even read this thread until two other poets pointed it out to me, and they wondered the same thing, but, it just goes to show how sometimes people can misconstrue innocent comments. I know you are a very sweet person, and I'm glad that it's settled and hopefully the others will read this too and smile.  Rest assured that myself and the few other poets were not angry with you at all.
When I wrote you that email I assumed that it was a misunderstanding, I just wanted to ask you what you meant to clear things up. Anyways, it's all good now     Have a nice sunday~

P.S. ~ And yes, you're very smart, you're a woman afterall lol

Take care m'friend,

"Poetry is not an opinion expressed...
it is a song that rises from a bleeding
wound...or a smiling mouth"

~Kahlil Gibran~

[This message has been edited by Melissa Honeybee (05-05-2002 12:39 PM).]

Titia Geertman
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17 posted 2002-05-05 05:02 PM

Oké Melissa, I feel a whole lot better now, I haven't realized at all she was referring to your thread, because actually I always plead not to judge a whole country for the acts of few dummies and not to condemne a religion for the acts of some fanatics. I'm a very peaceful woman.

Thanks Deer and a knuffel

When Dutchies talk in foreign tongue
they sometimes get the meaning wrong

A rose is a rose is a rose...I guess...
Check out my new website: (I didn't 'link' this, so it won't take too much space).I

Member Rara Avis
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Michigan, US
18 posted 2002-05-05 06:15 PM

Getting in Dutch (getting in trouble), going Dutch or Dutch treat (sharing expenses on a date), Dutch uncle (someone who soundly criticizes another), double Dutch (incomprehensible speech), and Dutch courage (false bravado acquried from a bottle) are just a few of the undeservedly derisive phrases that first started in the England of the 17th Century and continued for a few hundred years.

In the mid-1600's, the Dutch colonial empire loomed as a serious challenge to the British empire. Human nature being what it is, the English responded by calling their rivals rude names. Those of us who inherited our language from England also inherited their slang.

How do I know such useless trivia? Only because the phrase "Dutch courage" arose as the result of a poem by Edmund Waller. In Instructions to a Painter (1666), he wrote: "The Dutch their wine, all their brandy lose, Disarm'd of that from which their courage grows."  

Titia Geertman
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since 2001-05-07
Posts 5182
19 posted 2002-05-27 08:44 PM

Oh my, haven't been here for long time and completely missed Ron's delicious explanation.
Wanna still hear a Belgium joke? I've been told by a Belgian himself LOL

"The Belgium Government wants to change the rightside driving to the leftside driving (as in England), but they don't know yet if the people will like it.
So...they decided to start the experiment with trucks only....???" ha ha

Thanks Ron, I'm feeling much better now, being a Dutchie.

A rose is a rose is a rose...I guess...
Check out my new website: (I didn't 'link' this, so it won't take too much space).I

Member Rara Avis
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20 posted 2002-05-28 06:07 AM

When Dutchies talk in foreign tongue
they sometimes get the meaning wrong
trust me Titia - there are plenty of times that people do the same thing - in their natural language.

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Listening to every heart
21 posted 2002-05-28 07:01 AM

And guess what...ever since this thread started, I'm STILL not angry!  LOL...

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-11-06
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Deep in the heart
22 posted 2002-05-28 11:57 AM

Me, too, neither

Fool, said my Muse to me, look in thy heart and write.

Titia Geertman
Member Ascendant
since 2001-05-07
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23 posted 2002-06-22 06:42 PM

Come to think of!


Like scattered words will flow

since 2002-08-31
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24 posted 2002-09-21 10:54 PM

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