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The Alley
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Gansta of Love
Junior Member
since 1999-09-28
Posts 20

0 posted 1999-09-28 02:52 PM

I can't get one damn person to reply to my poems I have just become a member today and I think that is why come on you sorry hackers say some thing to me
© Copyright 1999 Gansta of Love - All Rights Reserved
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612
Hurricane Alley
1 posted 1999-09-28 05:17 PM

I just logged on, please email me at:
[email protected]

I'd like to talk to you. Your e-mail address is familiar to me and seems as though it belongs to someone else! I look forward to your reply.

[This message has been edited by Poet deVine (edited 09-28-1999).]

Systematic Decay
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since 1999-09-15
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That place with padded walls and funny people in white.........
2 posted 1999-09-28 05:41 PM

Well, the fact you just became a member today could be a factor. Also, There are so many poems here that it takes time to get responses. I have felt the same feeling you feel before. Also, it takes time for people to get to know your style. I know there are certain poets in the forum that I never fail to read. Just give it a bit of time, and in the meanwhile perhaps read some other peoples.

"Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage."
-Billy Corgan-

Gansta of Love
Junior Member
since 1999-09-28
Posts 20
3 posted 1999-09-29 01:10 PM

Preciate the words. What I don't understand is why my email address is said to be someone elses?

Baby my love runs deeper
than the day get the
picture my love is
going get ya.

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612
Hurricane Alley
4 posted 1999-09-29 03:23 PM

Gansta, what is your e-mail address?
Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
Posts 4094
Coastal Texas
6 posted 1999-09-29 04:06 PM

Gansta, I have deleted your message sent to Poet de Vine in the Alley. While complaining and flaming are permitted, slander is not. And 'flying off the handle' or 'losing control' are not valid reasons for verbal attacks. Also, we hold a very very dim view on sexual harassment, defined as anything which makes someone uncomfortable sexually, be it innuendos or unwanted advances. I would urge that you cease and desist unless your interest is returned.

Alicat the pissed off kitty

Gansta of Love
Junior Member
since 1999-09-28
Posts 20
7 posted 1999-09-29 04:10 PM

On that post that you deleted I was trying to make things right. How can I make things right? Please help me.

Baby my love runs deeper
than the day get the
picture my love is
going get ya.

Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
Posts 4094
Coastal Texas
8 posted 1999-09-29 04:19 PM


Item 1) You and you alone are responsible for what you say and do, no one else.

Item 2) Words, once spoken, can not be recalled.

Item 3) The email you have under your information belongs to someone else. The address is identical, but not the IP's.

The site Administrator has been notified.

Senior Member
since 1999-06-20
Posts 1077
9 posted 1999-09-30 01:09 AM

Gansta, it takes time when you are new for people to get to know and appreciate your style.. as a poet the most important thing is not that you get comments, but that you get read. believe me people are reading, even if they don't reply for whatever reason. I will try to make a point of checking out your poetry.. If you want you can email me and we can discuss your poetry. I am always willing to read and help a new poet.
Larry A. Tilander
Junior Member
since 1999-10-04
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Belleville, Ontario, Canada
10 posted 1999-10-05 09:39 AM

I have been called various euphemisms for a member, but never known anyone who actually became one.
since 1999-09-26
Posts 411
deer park, wa
11 posted 1999-10-10 11:06 PM

Item 1) You and you alone are responsible for what you say and do, no one else.

Item 2) Words, once spoken, can not be recalled.

Boy Alicat is talking a real truth here. I'll look for you work and post. Beware am honest. I know what it's like the same thing happened to me, you know no one posting a reply. But I don't write for everyone. Am also a bad lier.

Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
Posts 10750
Glen Hope, PA USA
12 posted 1999-10-15 04:55 AM

Loves it when you talk dirty to me....just kidding. No need for slander, simply post and reply to others postings and you will be replied takes a bit of time at first till people get to know you and your work
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