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Senior Member
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Sitting in Michael's Lap

0 posted 2001-07-02 10:03 PM

FYI to those who might not know:  


It will not get you more replies -- nor more attention that you will likely ever know about.  People will just read you shouting at them, roll their eyes, and scroll to the next post that didn't ask for their attention quite so desperately ...

I know this is an old issue, but we get so many newbies every day I thought I'd give them the benefit of the doubt and offer a heads-up.


[This message has been edited by Skyfyre (edited 07-02-2001).]

© Copyright 2001 Linda Anderson - All Rights Reserved
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Member Rara Avis
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1 posted 2001-07-02 10:24 PM

I'm not sure if I've done it  

hi Sweets, Lizzy, Kris, Ina, Erin, Erica, Minna, Kit, Kamie, Javi, Jenn, Sharon, Nan, Cawlee, Cherish, Ashley, Sara, Justine, Leah, Jess, Kimmie, Mare

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
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2 posted 2001-07-02 10:56 PM

This is so old Linda...sheesh...can't you realise that PEOPLE NEVER LEARN?????



You know, of course, that I agree...desperately...

I wanted a complaint, I said to myself - I hope someone is moaning in the Alley...I was getting bored, and with nothing to complain about myself   - thanks hon!


I am a refugee of logic...insisting
on unlikely land with every step.

[This message has been edited by Severn (edited 07-02-2001).]

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Sitting in Michael's Lap
3 posted 2001-07-03 12:49 PM

acire, past transgressions, if any, are hereby forgiven.  

Future violations, however, are punishable by death or a really heinous wedgie -- whichever happens to suit my mood at the moment.  

Kamla, you are right, of course ... but I ENJOY beating my head against brick walls -- the people living under my bed tell me it's good for me.  

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Coastal Texas
4 posted 2001-07-03 01:17 AM could be could be some clueless teenager attempting to proclaim his conformist individuality by typing in ALL CAPZ...note the blatant mispelling? Bleah...only thing worse than a title in all caps is a title in all caps with letter exchanges, like Z for S. Makes me wonder how they spell Mississippi...
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
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5 posted 2001-07-03 01:21 AM


I find the above, when posted with or for a title, equally annoying.  Usually because when I do dare to open one of these posts, I am immediately disappointed by the author's lack of concern over the quality of his work.  

So many people on these forums spend so much time YELLING AT US to read their posts, and yet can't take the 30 seconds required for a spell- or grammar-check.  

I hear you, and totally agree with you, Linda.  I just had to add my two cents as usual.    


[This message has been edited by Michael (edited 07-03-2001).]

Irish Rose
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6 posted 2001-07-03 07:32 AM

much needed, and yes, it does turn me off.

Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
7 posted 2001-07-03 09:06 AM

Upping the ante to four cents...sometimes my titles are all in lowercase, to denote "whispering"....

if someone "hears" it, then they may read...

you do get people to come a little closer to you when you whisper....

also, one of my gripes is: better titles!  Draw the reader in with a "what could this mean?" title....they need as much work as the poetry/prose!  Unless it's a repost, or a dedication, make the title work....

and that's my four cents!

Poet deVine
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8 posted 2001-07-03 09:58 AM

I agree, I agree!!! All caps in titles screams at me to stay away. I also hate long titles ... they seem longer than the poem! And ellipses...leave them out of the title please, it screws things up. And don't get cute ThIs IsNoT ThE WaY tO gEt me to read something - I'd need an aspirin first! Don't beg! Don't tell me this is the best you've written (I'll be the judge of that).

DO: dedicate if you like, write a poem as a reply to someone - that's cool; do have interesting titles (draw me in!!) and please do have fun. That's what it's all about!!! That and the hokey pokey......

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
9 posted 2001-07-03 01:19 PM

As inconceivable as it might sound -
there are 'other' poetry sites that REQUIRE
the poets to place their title in all CAPS.

I don't like them either,but when I notice the poet not getting as many responses as they could, and I feel it might be because of the title being in all caps, I drop them an e-mail and let them know that I think that's why they aren't getting read.

Doesn't take but a polite minute and the responses have been overwhelmingly thankful.
New poets don't come here 'knowing all' ...
we can help them quickly and quietly without ignoring their work.

Me ? I'd like to see (parenthesis) NOT allowed in titles ...
as those little critters keep me from replying to the post without being disconnected.

My $1.98 special~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                               [email protected]             

Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
10 posted 2001-07-03 03:06 PM

Marge...I've been leaving my parens out, just for you....

but I do have a hard time with these little ellipses....

seems to be signatory on my part....

I just won't stretch them out..................................................................................... anymore....

Dopey Dope
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11 posted 2001-07-03 04:16 PM

Just thank God that there's no way a person can record their voice and attach it to their poem screaming READ ME READ ME
serenity blaze
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12 posted 2001-07-03 04:34 PM

My personal source of amusement are poems that come with warnings. And, Kari...I, addicted to ellipses...and Marge, I will start leaving out the parenthesis (I usually only do that to signify inspiration credit or a duet) oh...DRAT....(THERE I GO AGAIN....ARGGHHH...shhh....arg.
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13 posted 2001-07-03 10:41 PM

Oh...that's what these are called...
Janet Marie
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14 posted 2001-07-04 12:58 PM

.......ellipses???....what are ellipses???
What .... do .... you ... mean ... they ... are ... addicting ...
why ... thats ... all ....just ... in ... your ... minds....
(and my emails)      oh and in a FEW of my poems ROFLMAO

OH HUSH Serenity!!!  

AND BESIDES they (...) are not ellipses ...
they are SPRINKLES!!!!!
ask Marge  

I call them Rainbow Confetti  



(just making sure you heard me)  

We're all feeding our lonely like it might go away,
Like the doors of heaven will swing wide open if we just find the right words to say.
~E. McCain

[This message has been edited by Janet Marie (edited 07-04-2001).]

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
15 posted 2001-07-04 04:56 PM

Just for Janet Marie~

.....Ellipsing moon....
.....of a passionate fire....
..sprinkle of my heart desire..
....lay upon the page so sweet....
....sweeping Janet off her feet....
....for within a heart is found....
...sprinkles of heart surround...
...tiniest increments of love...
...sending glow of above...
...ellipsing moon...

Love ya'

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                               [email protected]             

Dusk Treader
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16 posted 2001-07-04 10:47 PM

If u post in all capz again i will phreak u up!!1!1!!

Capitalize your "I"s and take the time to write out three letter words like "you" and "are." Those are my pet peeves.

And all caps just screams, "Don't read me!"

Plz read my work though, im good!  

"They that start by burning books will end by burning men." -- Heinrich Heine

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
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17 posted 2001-07-05 12:03 PM


Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
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Mobile, AL
18 posted 2001-07-05 02:24 AM

I rarely do this, but......................................................

I can certainly understand the ALL CAPS thing as being annoying (usually when it accompanies the "READ ME" plea), but what is so bad about (parenthesis) when used in the way to subtitle a poem. Can you really subtitle a poem? I don't know. Do I care? NOPE!   Do I subtitle my poems? YEP! I use (parenthesis) a lot lately in my titles, and although I don't feel my work is the most valuable out there, its not my loss but the reader's loss if they choose not to read it over something so scantily important. Leave the ulcers to those who would worry over it if ya ask me.   Oh well!   Couldn't read my poem because of parenthesis? geesh.. I'll ask again (as I did in another thread), are we nitpicking or reading and writing poetry here?

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Florence, SC, USA
19 posted 2001-07-05 02:44 AM

Essentially I agree with Jenn but I will also add a thought of my own. I think it is equally trite to argue over the usage of capitals. While I understand that in the chatting realm, capitals is synonymous with shouting, I don't think that necessarily applies in the poetry realm... we, as poets, should be allowed to express ourselves in whatever fashion we choose. It is up to the reader to draw their own conclusions on what we are saying with our usage of parenthesis, elipses or capitals. Example - e.e. cummings is famous for his warped usages of capitalization, punctuation and grammar.
        - getting off his stump now

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
20 posted 2001-07-05 02:50 AM

Well .. I know it's late dear ...
You said-
I use (parenthesis) a lot lately in my titles, and although I don't feel my work is the most valuable out there, its not my loss but the reader's loss if they choose not to read it over something so scantily important.

READ my reply AGAIN please.
I said-
Me ? I'd like to see (parenthesis)
NOT allowed in titles ...
as those little critters keep me from replying to the post without being disconnected.
Do I CARE ... darned tootin' I do !
Have a nice night.
Me? I'm taking my Mylanta and going to bed !

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                               [email protected]             

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
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Mobile, AL
21 posted 2001-07-05 02:57 AM

I'm curious as to how we can disconnect ourselves and still read something as effectively? Why disconnect ourselves from what we're reading? I don't get that part? Maybe I don't understand? How can we get what we seek out of it if we aren't really totally connected to what we're doing. is late. LOL! Maybe I'll come back tomorrow when I can pose my question.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
22 posted 2001-07-05 03:38 AM

Play close attention here, hon.
This is not this hard -

When  there  are  parenthesis or brackets in  the TITLE  of  the  poem  
I  get  d-i-s-c-o-n-n-e-c-t-e-d  from  my  server when  I  try  to  reply  to  the  poem  !

Now -
You said -
Maybe I don't understand? How can we get what we seek out of it if we aren't really totally connected to what we're doing.
And  now  I  am  ROFL -
the  name  my  service  provider  IS  are you ready for this ?

Now  at  least  I  can  go  to  sleep  LAUGHING !
Night !

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                               [email protected]             

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
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Somewhere... out there...
23 posted 2001-07-05 04:35 AM

Ok...after reading the responses to this
post, I felt the need to add my 49 cents.

First of all, I have to say,
Marge...YOU GO GIRL!!      You crack me up!  
I agree with your solution whole-heartedly!
If even a fraction of the time and effort
that is put into one of these threads was
used to reach out to our fellow poets,
whether newcomers or established members,
just think how much less there would be to
complain about in the first place.    

To those of you who would prefer to complain, let
me just ask you these simple questions.
Why did you come to Passions in the first
place?  What was it that brought you here?
Did you come here so you could pick apart
the posting styles of other poets?
Did you come here to judge others on there
personal preferences concerning the use of
capital letters, elipses, or anything else
they may choose to use in the posting of
their poetry?  
Or...did you, perhaps, come to Passions
to meet other poets, read there work, share yours with them, and generally to enjoy the gift of poetry?

I, for one, am here because I love poetry,
and in the time I've been here I've come
to love my fellow poets.    
So, on that note, I'm heading off to enjoy
some poetry...anyone care to join me?  



"...until you have read the verse on his
heart, you have not truely met the poet."

[This message has been edited by vlraynes (edited 07-05-2001).]

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
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24 posted 2001-07-05 03:59 PM

sigh...would everybody get a grip, PUHLEASE??? geez, I just think poetry that comes with warnings is the author is trying to avoid a lawsuit or something...I still read them, in fact there's one person who hates my guts and I still read her and if I like it, I reply---it drives her nuts too!  
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Sitting in Michael's Lap
25 posted 2001-07-05 04:15 PM

Ali:  You said it!  If you feel the need to butcher the English language, please doesn't call it "poetry."    

Michael: *blinking*  Thank you, I think I'm deaf now ... yes, the "read and reply" entreaties get on my nerves as well.  I, for one, would rather let my poem stand on its own -- and if it fades into obscurity, so be it.  At least I didn't beg anyone to read it ...

Irish Rose:    

Sunshine:  I'll lean close to listen to you whisper anyday, sweetie ... thanks for your two (four?) cents ...  

Sharon:  ACK!  I CanT STanD ThIS sOrT oF TypING ... tacky, just tacky ... and I'm glad you agree with me about the hokey pokey!  

Marge:  That's weird about the parens booting you ... what a choosy server you must have!  At any rate, while it *may* be true that *other* (less worthy, less interesting, less passionate) poetry sites might REQUIRE the title to be in all caps, it only takes a modicum of intelligence to notice that such is NOT the case here with one glance at any of our forums -- the all-caps titles stick out like a sore thumb because they are the exception, not the rule.  While I agree with your policy of welcoming new members, I'm afraid that given the volume of new members we get daily and the small amount of time I (and, I assume, other members) have to dedicate to this board, I think I'd rather confine my efforts to reading poetry, thank you.

Dopey:  amen, brother.    

Karen:  I'd consider a "shouted" title enough of a warning, wouldn't you?    Especially when it is accompanied by a username also in ALL CAPS!  

Romy:  You learn something new every day ... LOL

JM:  sprinkles, huh?  *locking JM in the shouting box with Michael*    

rascalx:  are you saying that these poets are using the all-caps as a "trademark?"  If so, it's not very original ... there are several that do so ... kinda defeats the purpose of the trademark thing, no?

vlraynes: by the numbers, shall we?    

1)Why did you come to Passions in the first

I did a search on "poetry" because I was looking for some suitable love poetry to send to a friend.

2)What was it that brought you here?

See above

3)Did you come here so you could pick apart
the posting styles of other poets?

Yes ... it's called "constructive criticism" -- and giving or receiving it is (or should be) an important part of the growing process of ANY good poet.  If someone can give me advice that makes my poetry better -- such as "please don't type your title and/or poem in all caps, it makes it difficult to read and appreciate" -- then I say "Fire away!"

4)Did you come here to judge others on there
personal preferences concerning the use of
capital letters, elipses, or anything else
they may choose to use in the posting of
their poetry?  

See above -- yes.  Not to mention that constructive criticism includes correct use of grammar ... ("there personal preferences..?")

5)Or...did you, perhaps, come to Passions
to meet other poets, read there work, share yours with them, and generally to enjoy the gift of poetry?

Yes, yes, and yes ... but I do not consider this a "pity party" ... this is not a support group in a clinical sense, in that we all must tread on eggshells lest we disrupt one another's delicate mental state ... we are poets -- artists, and as such, we should be open-minded to the ideas of others, which includes criticism gently given.  Personally, if I were a newbie who could make a small change such as the ones suggested above in order to assure that my posts would be read by more people, I would sincerely appreciate anyone who dropped the suggestion.    

Just my take.  Thanks to everyone for reading and replying.

[This message has been edited by Skyfyre (edited 07-05-2001).]

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
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Mobile, AL
26 posted 2001-07-05 06:36 PM

You'll forgive me as I wasn't clear on what your being disconnected meant. I took it as you were put off from reading because of the parenthesis. In other words, I thought it made you a bit mentally disconnected from the poem. LOL! I knew that sounded a little strange so I asked. Actually, it was a little diffictult to understand as you didn't mention your server in this whole being disconnected thing. I'm not sure how parenthesis would make you get disconnected, but then again, I'm not a computer/server whiz either.     Just call them and smack them around a little bit. LOL! They'll come around.   Well...I'm glad we're clear now. I hope.  


Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704

27 posted 2001-07-05 07:22 PM


Someone 'hates your guts'??? What??? Where are they? Let me at 'em...I'm ready, I'll sort 'em out...


hugs're worth loving my friend.

Right, now that I have been soppy...

Linda you have my full support. This is NOT a support group where we have to walk on eggshells. (I'd like to critique your cliche m'friend heh heh). Yes, it's a place where we support each other but I think we have the right to speak our minds.


I am a refugee of logic...insisting
on unlikely land with every step.

Moon Dust
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28 posted 2001-07-05 07:24 PM

u know this not only just gets to me on ere but people talking in chatrooms and e-mails in caps as well, what is all that about, it's definately like shouting to me. I suppose I wouldnt mind so much it it was a accompied by a smilie. As for those pleas like "READ ME READ ME" just makes me wanna feel to ignore them, more than have a read.

Don't ever give in, if you do you've lost everything you've ever had and everything you hope to gain, but if you carry on your already winning.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
29 posted 2001-07-05 09:17 PM

Quit laughing ! ! !
See ... we DO need an icon that represents
'batting your head against a brick wall' !
So, on that note, I'm heading off to enjoy
some poetry...anyone care to join me?'

We'll just keep   along ! !
Actually reading some good poetry, writing AND responding to some!

I Love Ya', gal !

Thank ya' for reading and understanding, gal~
I'll settle for being unique !
Think I'll try that smacking 'em around thing !

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                               [email protected]             

serenity blaze
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30 posted 2001-07-05 09:27 PM

Laughing at K, don't beat her up, please...she has enough probs...but hey, I apologized to her, but no law says she has to accept it, and to stop the any rumor mills, was not a forum thing, but a real time disagreement. And I have been hated more, by a few much better at I'm off to be "serene"... (It IS about the poetry for me, and I'll reply to her if I want
Member Ascendant
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Jejudo, South Korea
31 posted 2001-07-05 09:38 PM

I just gotta ask:

If the format of a poem makes it difficult or irritating to read,


Isn't the goal of posting a poem here to be read? Trite or not, if it inhibits reading shouldn't the writer know?

I don't know -- it's kind of like going into a job interview with mustard on your mouth and your friends didn't mention it before because it's embarrassing.

Or a girlfriend breaks up with you but won't tell you the reason (you're a foreigner) because it'll hurt your feelings.

C'mon, the sovereignty of the author is ridiculous if nobody wants to read it.


Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
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Mobile, AL
32 posted 2001-07-05 09:43 PM

I would say tell them, but as we know there are those little critique flags up saying whether or not they want critique.    If they post in CA, they're asking for it anyway. LOL! Out in the wild blue open and other areas, it isn't always as welcome.  

Senior Member
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Florence, SC, USA
33 posted 2001-07-05 10:06 PM

     While I agree with you that constant use of capitals shows a lack of imagination and could "pigeon-hole" the writer into a given "trademark", it is still the writer's prerogative to use the English language (or any language for that matter) in whatever fashion he or she chooses. And we the reader have the right to critique the poet in whatever manner we choose. But censorship is not an option. I very rarely use parentheses or capitals in my title, and now that I am aware of Marge's server/disconnect problem, I will make an extra effort to not include them in the future. But if tomorrow, I decide to write a poem in which I feel it necessary to include "strange" uses of grammar and punctuation, it should not be construed as a disregard for Marge's or anyone else's sensibilities. I am just practicing my craft as I see fit with the understanding that some people will like my work and others won't. OK, I'm getting off my stump again! lol  

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Jejudo, South Korea
34 posted 2001-07-05 10:07 PM

Fair enough. It is a kind of aesthetic critique (but so is saying something is great). I still think people want to be read and that the writer should at least know that he or she is not being read based on format decisions.

If it is trite, what's the big deal?


Senior Member
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Sitting in Michael's Lap
35 posted 2001-07-05 10:22 PM


Why not tell them, indeed?  But, as Temptress pointed out, there is that "critique flag" -- and if it isn't there, then I would have to interpret it as ANY critique, no matter how miniscule, is not welcome ...

Besides the fact that even WITH the critique flag up and waving, I have little doubt that to offer such critique in Open would be synonymous to throwing myself to the proverbial wolves ... the ones who like walking on eggshells, that is.  We are, after all, shiny happy people here with no disagreements on style, form, or anything else ... blah blah blah

I'm sure I'm stepping on a few toes here, but frankly I'm sick of being preached at (if you'll pardon my dangling preposition LOL).  This is exactly why I stay out of Open, at least in the reply department.

Go ahead, folks -- tear into me.  I can take it.  


Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
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Somewhere... out there...
36 posted 2001-07-05 10:29 PM

   my head is killing me! LOL
   I'm right behind you, my friend..
   To the forums, to READ, WRITE, and
   Rolling we are...rolling on forever! LOL
   love and hugs,

"...until you have read the verse on his
heart, you have not truely met the poet."

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
37 posted 2001-07-05 10:58 PM

Thank you.
And please know that even when someone has the (parenthesis) in their title ... I often send my comments in by 'proxy' !

I don't have a problem with the WAY the titles or the poetry is served up ... just can't get my choosy server to let me reply.

I appreciate your comments in regards to the individuality of form and style for all posting poets.


~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                               [email protected]             

Member Ascendant
since 1999-08-20
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Jejudo, South Korea
38 posted 2001-07-05 11:08 PM

Just quickly:

(1) People are complaining about certain formats and tend not to read all caps or arbitrary alternate spelling pieces.

(2) People believe that a writer should be allowed the format he or she wants.

We agree on this?

But what about

(3) Telling the writer how you feel about a specific format?

What's wrong with that?

It's not censorship, it's not really 'descending' into CA  , and while it might offend a few people (people are always offended about something), it might help writers realize that readers matter too.

I don't know, I'm just suggesting.


PS Would this even be a rule change?  

serenity blaze
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39 posted 2001-07-06 02:08 AM

JUST for the record, I encourage critique, and Linda, would especially respect your opinion, since I so respect your work. I can't grow if I don't know...K has been especially helpful, and there are times when we disagree, and that's never been a prob...In fact, we have great fun with it, but I am still too nervous for C/A--(Brad scares me...) ROFL...but yes, by all means, please help me. I want to be the best poet that I can be.
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
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40 posted 2001-07-06 03:08 AM

Alright, anyone who has ever read any of my poetry can probably tell you that I do capitalize the titles of all of my poems.  When you open up the post and voila' - I title all poems within the thread and then usually in all caps.  There is nothing wrong with this style.  Many people, myself included, have been taught this to be the proper style of writing poetry, which in itself is scary.

However, I do not use all capitals in the "subject" box when I list my post.  It has long been considered good forum etiquette, not just here at Passions but in many forums I have seen, not to do this.  All caps is considered to be yelling by many people, and though I cannot say I have never been guilty of doing this, I can say that the annoyance this brings was kindly pointed out to me some years back.  This was NOT ill received on my part.

My point:   I took this criticism as anyone should.  A way to get more people to read and appreciate my work.  No matter what the intent of the writer, whether here to meet new people or just to read and have their poetry read, they would not be posting if they were not seeking reply.  I personally would be hard pressed to reply to something written in all caps.  I rarely open a thread in all caps other than just for doing my moderator duties and I feign to think of opening an ICQ chat with someone who is going to be screaming at me in all caps - I don't think my eyes could handle it...

I don't know if a "rule" would be in order here as may have been suggested but I definitely don't see anything wrong with telling someone their poems may be read easier if not put in all caps.  As Brad said, it's not like were descending into C.A. by doing this.  Personally, I see nothing wrong with pointing out spelling and grammar errors as well - this is not descending into C.A. either but just a matter of forum etiquette as well.  I know I would rather have someone point my errors out to me than just let my poem stumble by reader after reader with some gross error I simply may have overlooked.  

We're all human here, and we all have feelings I know.  I would like to say we're all adult here as well, or at least of an adult and mature nature but it's becoming more and more apparent that some of us are not.  If we can't at least share simple input about each other's writings and possible tips to help, especially the newbies, without fear of retribution than I must say, this forum is merely plastic in every form of the word and not the "family of friends" it claims to be.

Unlike the consensus, I am open to hearing your opinions as well...  Don't hold back on my account.


[This message has been edited by Michael (edited 07-06-2001).]

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704

41 posted 2001-07-06 10:11 AM

My opinion at 2.10am is merely a simple 'amen Michael.'


(And Karen - I love whooping it up with you heh...)

I am a refugee of logic...insisting
on unlikely land with every step.

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East Lansing, MI USA
42 posted 2001-07-06 07:52 PM

isn't it amazing how a simple discussion can turn into a major debate???  


oh, and for the record. . . I'm with Michael. . . great job. . .


To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world.

Member Ascendant
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Jejudo, South Korea
43 posted 2001-07-06 09:29 PM

What's a simple discussion?  


Note to self: when writing one word comments. Triple check.

[This message has been edited by Brad (edited 07-06-2001).]

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704

44 posted 2001-07-06 11:01 PM

Can I do the James Brown again Brad?  



I am a refugee of logic...insisting
on unlikely land with every step.

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
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45 posted 2001-07-06 11:24 PM

Not to get off the subject, but K--YOU'VE DONE JAMES BROWN?

(am I having way too much fun with you yet?)


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East Lansing, MI USA
46 posted 2001-07-06 11:46 PM

I for one, would love to see K do James Brown!!!  

I feel good . . . lol. . .


To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world.

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
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47 posted 2001-07-07 01:28 AM

K - unobtrusively - exits in a hurry
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48 posted 2001-07-07 03:41 AM

*dragging K back by the hair*

OH no you don't ...  

Let's see it, woman ... you've let the cat out of the bag, now you've got to deal with the consequences ... hehehe

(um, as an aside, just WHEN did this go from a legitimate gripe to a circus parade...?  LOL)

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704

49 posted 2001-07-07 06:47 AM

It's Brad's fault!
It has nothing to do with me I swear!!!


I am a refugee of logic...insisting
on unlikely land with every step.

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East Lansing, MI USA
50 posted 2001-07-07 07:55 AM

I'll agree with K on that one. . . although it's only partially Brad's fault. . .  

I'd say that this turned into Circus Parade about the time you hit the Submit button!!  

Now then, let's see it K!!!  


To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world.

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704

51 posted 2001-07-07 08:47 AM


well...look at that - it's my bedtime! 12.45am here!!!

Night all!



I am a refugee of logic...insisting
on unlikely land with every step.

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
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52 posted 2001-07-07 09:13 AM

"Isn't it rich?"

Did someone say the circus was in town?

Wow...HEH...too bad we don't have a James Brown Smilie...

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state of mind
53 posted 2001-07-11 10:10 AM

I think everyone should grow up and smile
who care what a person does with their writing.  If you don't want to read them, you don't need an excuse.  Just don't read them.  Or are we in grade school.
I, myself, as me don't care how a person writes as long as one writes for others to read.  And that is what i thought this was about.

let's see, did i spell everything correctly, ,,,,,,,,use my majic dust... cap my i 's  no......OH WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A smile a day keeps the world in smile's.
Bernie Slicker

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54 posted 2001-07-11 06:22 PM

Well, it was very intersting to see how this thread wandered.  

I think the original complaint was about those poets who feel compelled, for whatever reason, to capitalize the entire poem's title...kinda like an attention getting scheme. Couple with that my personal opinions on the strangulation of the English language when said titles are rife with wanton mispellings to promote their individuality, just like all the other hAcKeR_wAnNaBeEz.

However, looking over the replies to this thread, I see another undercurrent...that of capitalization of individual sentences within the body of the work. This I see as less of an attention gambit, and more on the lines of grammatical syntax. I, too, capitalize the first word in all lines in my poems. The only negative aspect may be that of reading, since a capital letter usually denotes a line break, which would hamper continuity of the poetic thought. I guess the same could be said about punctuation within a poem.

And, since I implied that internal capitalization is the style I use, I guess I'll have to allow others to have their own particular style, though I might not like it.  

So, if these people want to go on PUTTING THEIR ENTIRE TITLE IN CAPS, that's fine with me....but don't expect to see my reply within. Call me crazy, but I just don't like being yelled at for no good reason (netiquette).


“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most
intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”  Charles Darwin

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
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Mobile, AL
55 posted 2001-07-11 08:34 PM

KiTTeN WiLl YoU PLeaZE StOP TyPIng LIkE ThaT?   Sorry! There had to be a smile in this thread somewhere!     everyone!  

since 2001-06-06
Posts 55

56 posted 2001-07-18 09:09 PM

well well well! what a hornets nest you opened here!
i myself use capitals now and then usually in the title and sometimes by accident in the poem itself (i logg on in caps and forget to turn it of) may i make a sugestion if it upsets so many people why not send out an etequete e mail to all new members you send sugestions on how to post and  to encourage replies etc so why not that you forget many people new to this site are also new to computers or internet and are still finding their way between you all you have complained about everything from spelling and grammer to set up and styles  i personaly dont have a problem i agree with the minority the forum is there for people to read and post poetry the choice of what you read is entierly yours   the choice of how they present their work should be theirs unless guidelines are set  

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Member Seraphic
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with you
57 posted 2001-07-18 09:54 PM

who could hate you?
ok, I wish I had your hair, but I don't see how anyone could hate you  

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
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58 posted 2001-07-18 10:24 PM

Okay. To clarify...rofl...I have recently received official word, she DOES NOT hate me, she just chooses not to associate with me. And...easy enough to do. I am actually quite shy... (serenity exits, batting eyelashes)

pssst...I am planning on cutting that hair, Sea...y'want some? thank you!  

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