The Alley |
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Popularity Contest?? |
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Skyfyre Senior Member
since 1999-08-15
Posts 1906Sitting in Michael's Lap ![]() |
It's been a long time since I've felt the need to show my face in this forum (with the exception of an occasional reply to one of Christopher's tantrums LOL). For this, I have been exceedingly grateful; contrary to popular belief, I have no love of perpetuating controversy for its own sake. As you might imagine, this respite has unfortunately come to an end. Recently, Ron Carnell, the owner of this site and host to the thousands of daily visitors thereof, introduced a "novel" idea (no pun intended): why not pool the considerable talents of the many poets who visit this website to create a book of poetry? Better yet, why not allow the members of the site to choose the content of the book by voting for their favorite poems? Enter: the Voices on the Web project. Great idea, right...? You will note that the above indicated voting for favorite "poems," not favorite "poets" -- were Ron interested in publishing an anthology of selected works of particular poets, I have no doubt that he would have indicated this in his description of the project. Unfortunately, it seems that the outcome of this project will be decided not so much by a show of talent as by a show of popularity. If you have visited the forum dedicated to this project at all, you might have noticed that a few poets and/or poems have been garnering a great majority of the votes. You may also have noticed that in some cases (NOT all cases, flag-wavers take note), the number of replies (and one must assume votes) is, in all fairness, all out of proportion to the quality and poetic value of the poem in question. I believe it is no coincidence that in every case the author of the poem is one of our more "popular" poets -- that is, a poet who has many friends on the forums. How does this happen? Well, admittedly, it can't ALL be popularity -- I have seen many excellent works by many of our "popular" poets fade into obscurity (read: off page one) within the first day -- so what's the difference? The answer, I think, can be summed up in three letters: "ICQ" When I first got my ICQ set up, my list had about 20 people on it; while I thought this was too many (and have subsequently edited it accordingly), I have come to find out that 20 is a laughable minimum compared to the mammoth lists that many of our members boast. Is this, in itself, a bad thing? Not at all -- it's great if you can have that many friends and keep up with them all -- and in some cases, such as moderators, I can see the necessity of maintaining open lines of communication thusly. However, I think that ICQ is partly responsible for the sabotage of the Voices project, or at least the medium by which that sabotage is being carried out. Let me give you an example: you sign on to your 100-member-list ICQ, and have about 20 URLs waiting for you from friends and fellow members of Passions (don't laugh -- this HAS happened). Suppose you read each and every one of these posts; some you like, some you -- well -- don't like. The "likes" are easy -- you reply, you vote -- case closed. But the "don't likes..?" Well, as I see it, you have three choices: 1) Grit your teeth, type a polite message to your friend explaining that this isn't the type of poetry YOU would expect to read in a reputable publication, and hope they don't know where you live to wreak their revenge. 2) Don't reply at all, in which case your friend will either a) keep sending you the URL until you DO reply, or b) become offended, in which case you may refer back to the outcome of choice 1) 3) Reply with pleasantly noncommital praise, vote for the poem, and burn in Poetry Hell with an eternal crisis of conscience. But seriously, folks ... and I DO mean seriously, because I assure you that Ron DOES take this project seriously... voters: I would advise -- no, I would BEG -- you to exercise a little more discretion in voting .. you may have noticed that Ron has made it impossible for the author to check who voted for the poem and who didn't ... USE this to your advantage! You need not vote simply because you replied. Poets: I urge you to use a little discretion in both posting and URLing your poetry -- if it is truly a masterpiece (as it should be, if you are submitting it for publication), it will speak for itself -- you need not "market" it. Not to mention, a real "friend" would not put a "friend" on the spot like that. Just my take. BTW, if anyone is even considering taking this as a protest on my part because of some lack of replies to MY work, rest assured that I would be more than happy to withdraw ALL of my submitted works from consideration if it will convince just one person to take this a bit more seriously. Nuff said. --Me YOUR LIFE IS A TEST It is only a test ... If this were your Actual Life, you would have been given better instructions! |
© Copyright 2000 Linda Anderson - All Rights Reserved | |||
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296Purgatorial Incarceration |
You mean we can vote for these things? Wierd... ![]() Seriousness aside.. good point (as much as it galls me to admit that I side with you, tantrums notwithstanding! ![]() One of my concerns, not unrelated, which may already have been addressed, was that there are going to be a lot of people who vote, simply because it will up their count. I do think it fair that you reply.. this is an interactive environment after all. Why "bother" if you're not going to... well, interact. But there's a level of unfairness to that as well, seeing as how those who don't have to work, are home all the time, whatever... there are a million different scenarios. I know, I'm starting to ramble. I agree with you Kess. And will ask the same as you, for people to be sure to be very thoughtful when voting. Ron did his best when he figured out how the voting should be tallied (still makes my head spin thinking abou tit!) I think that since he put his all into it, we should do no less! |
Justbleu Member Elite
since 1999-08-31
Posts 3329Oregon, Originally From Alaska :) |
Wow!!! I agree with you both!! Skyfire you enlightened me!! Thank You!! That's a shame ICQ is being used like that!! ![]() Bridgette "Somewhere, somehow, it should be possible to touch someone and never let go again. To hold someone, not for a moment but forever." Unknown |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
Kess, you have valid argument. I am not on any type of ICQ [anyone can check that out] and I would have hoped that the Voices forum stood on its own...I was not aware, and am saddened to learn, of poets who would send messages to friends in this family to "ask" them to please "read and vote for me". Tsk. As far as "popularity", I myself wondered, "would someone think I was voting for this because I am familiar with that person's work?" Well, I am familiar with many peoples work here [after a year's familiarity, you get to know a few] but in Voices, I have hoped to set rules for "judge" as it were the content and context of the poem, would I like to own a book where I could go back, again and again, and lovingly stroke the page that contained those very words that make me think, or cause my heart to beat just a little harder. That is how I vote. I hope others will heed your comments, and vote for the good of the book, not the ego of the poet. Sunny ~~~Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. Helen Keller ~~~ When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ |
RainbowGirl Member Elite
since 1999-07-31
Posts 3023United Kingdom |
I do have ICQ but it's not on much these days and I certainly haven't received any messages asking me to either read or vote on anyone's work within VoTW but I'm a typical brit I'm afraid and tend to comment or vote purely because I enjoyed it rather than because someone asked me to, so it wouldn't do anyone any good anyway...LOL I do think that's a shame though if that is happening... ![]() HUGS [This message has been edited by RainbowGirl (edited 07-15-2000).] |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Since honesty is the 'soup du jour' I'll tell you that I am sent URLs via ICQ. Not one person as asked me to vote for their poem. Asking me to read it is all they have done and so, I do. And I reply. Since this is a 'secret ballot', I vote for the poetry I think is worthy of Passion's good name. I've read and voted for some 'newbie' poetry because I'm impressed with the poem....I guess I thought that's what we were all doing. I am saddened to know that some are 'campaigning'. |
Skyfyre Senior Member
since 1999-08-15
Posts 1906Sitting in Michael's Lap |
Sharon, you have brought up a point that needs clarifying -- thank you. ![]() I never stated, nor meant to imply, that I thought that anyone was "campaigning" in the strictest sense; as in, sending it to friends and saying "vote for this or die" LOL. I only meant to point out that if you do send poetry via URL to a friend, more often than not that "friend" will assume that you are asking for their vote (if not in so many words) and will likely give it to you, whether they really want to or not. The main objective of this post was not to berate anyone, but to point out the fact to those who may not have noticed that Ron has designed a SECRET ballot -- so voting need not necessarily follow replying. Heck, if you wanted to be REALLY sneaky, you could say you voted (stroke your friend's ego) and not really vote ... shrug ... ![]() My only wish here is to ensure that the Voices project gets what it deserves: the very best of everyone's poetry, not every one of the poems written by the "best" poets. Thanks, --Me |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Whew! I'm glad no one is boldly soliciting votes! ![]() ![]() |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
Much thought went into this project before it saw the light of these boards. While it may not be "iron clad" in it's "Checks & Balances" systems, I do know that you can all depend upon the wisdom of one certain Passionate host to make sure that everything is done fairly for all. "You can take that to the bank."..;* |
doreen peri Member Elite
since 1999-05-25
Posts 3812Virginia |
It is clear that many poets here get read more often than others. That's the nature of the beast. This is not just a poetry posting board, this is a community. People build friendships and also become "fans" of someone's style of writing. The Voices project, I am sure, is in excellent hands and I truly believe that the results will be remarkable and all will be happy with them. I don't know why I feel compelled to say all this but here goes....I am a writer. It's not just what I do. It's what I am. I write because I enjoy the process, because it helps me evaluate life, and because it is an art I truly love. I also like to know that I am read and that my writing is appreciated. BUT, I am NOT one of the poets here who gets 20 responses or more on a regular basis, especially to my serious work. I am not read as often as others.... but that's ok, you know why? I would rather get 5 quality responses from an audience of readers who clearly "got" what I was trying to say. That's because I write for the art. But this thread is not about ME, is it? It's about the book. I gave that background in order to say this.... I do NOT think this is a popularity contest. I think people are being very responsible and voting only for those poems which they think have the quality to appear in this book. We all want to be proud of the book. I submitted several more poems than most, in hopes that at least one of them would get printed... but if none of them do, that's just fine... I am happy to be part of participating in the process. I respect Ron very much and I'm sure he will do everything necessary to assure a quality product. And that, to me, means that the book will not be unbalanced with too many poems by any particular poet. I think that's all I have to say but if I think of anything else.... I'll be back... LOL.... you know me... once I start rambling, it's hard to stop. ![]() Whatever you do, don't bring Yoko to band practice. |
WhtDove Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245Illinois |
I have to agree, in the point that, it has brought people to do things they normally don't do. Hey, I've gotten poetry icq'd me from people I don't even talk to. But all in all I hope everyone is fair and would do what most of us seem to be doing. I would hope they vote for the content of the work and not for the poet. I would hope that if my poetry can't stand on the merit of content, I would rather it not stand at all. (no snickering now ![]() I seriously think things will turn out alright. There will be some fantastic poetry contained with this book. Actually the best of what we have to offer! |
X Angel Senior Member
since 1999-11-07
Posts 1521Oregon |
Well I have screwed up I seem to think...I have been campaigning for others to read other poets work. I am one of the people who sees someone new on the forums (with a book submission) with a really great poem, I will send the URL to a few of my icq contacts...shame a great poem is missed cuz someone posted under an unfamiliar nickname. I would never ASK anyone to vote for anything, and would NEVER expect to even know or be told if they had voted. It's none of anyone's business. I vote because I think the poem is good, has potential, whatever. It doesn't hurt to vote for someone you don't even know (or if it's so awful ya don't vote for least reply....REPLY so people know someone actually has read their work LOL), they too are in it as much as anyone. I'd really hate to see this book turn into a pile of upset people, instead of a compilation of the best poetry. Funny thing to me seems the poems I have seen with lots of replies are really good ones, but maybe I am not the one to judge because I have no poetical knowledge of structure, form, meter....I just read it and if it falls smoothly on my ears I am loving it! ![]() Dunno....just adding my 1 1/2 cents to the pot *hugs2all* ~Heather [This message has been edited by X Angel (edited 07-15-2000).] |
X Angel Senior Member
since 1999-11-07
Posts 1521Oregon |
GROUP HUG!!!!!!!! *<8oÞ~~* |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
I appreciate someone sending me the URL to a poem they've read and really liked. It's hard to read everything here and I am always glad to read someone's work. If YOU recommend it, then I'll read it. I may or may not vote for it - my choice - but I'm glad you sent it. (and isn't it great to find a gem! LOL) ![]() |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
I would think that only people who are not involved in showing favoritism in any way should be the proper ones to discuss it ![]() |
X Angel Senior Member
since 1999-11-07
Posts 1521Oregon |
lol well said 'Deer ![]() |
Marge Tindal![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-06
Posts 42384Florida's Foreverly Shores |
Skyfyre~ I can only speak for myself - I certainly only vote for poetry that is 'in my opinion' of the quality that would cause me to purchase a book. quote: *First, I would have to say that anyone who 'assumes' that I have voted for a submitted poem - is doing just that 'assuming'. I have many friends on this forum and receive comments on my poetry because my constituents have come to know that I often write what they like to read. *Secondly, if I believe it is a poem of merit that moves me in some way - I'll vote for it - if not, I won't. I will continue to comment on any poem and as many poems that I wish to comment on. (and goodness knows that's a lot !) ![]() All who have come to know me in these forums know that I am, by my nature, a positive person who displays encouragement and affection for many. I spend a lot of time off of the forums, working with people to help them with their poetry. Why ? Not because I'm a qualified poet-tech, but because I care and they know I care. I have e-mailed approximately 30 poets and suggested that they submit a piece that I particularly enjoyed from their archived works. I have sent (through my e-mail) the URL to a piece of work that I found particularly touching or moving to others to read. (book submissions or not) I've never asked anyone to vote and no one has asked me to vote for a poem. *Thirdly, this book will contain what Ron Carnell envisioned - quality poetry from a variety of poets. This project is in the very capable hands of a man with a vision. I'm confident that most of our membership is considering the book project as seriously as I am. *Lastly, I'm going to turn on my ICQ and see what pops up. Those who know me know that I don't turn it on as I don't particularly like to be disturbed while I'm writing or composing. Thanks, Skyfyre, for addressing what you felt was an issue to be discussed. Respectfully~ ~*Marge*~ ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~ |
RainbowGirl Member Elite
since 1999-07-31
Posts 3023United Kingdom |
It's not a case of changing my mind but I'm really glad I just remembered to pick up my mail because there was a mail there sharing a find in one of the forums and I have to say that I'm really pleased it was sent to me because it's a forum I rarely visit but the poem is exquisite and yep, I voted but from free will..but I also add it wasn't from the author, well don't think it was...LOL...who can tell these days.. ![]() Although I have to admit it's not something I really think to do myself...I guess for me the difference is whether it's the author asking me directly or whether it's someone so pleased because they found a treasure... Ooops, think I rambled again...*g* HUGS all |
WhtDove Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245Illinois |
I agree with that RG. I did send one out that I read in Spiritual, because it totally awed me and blew me away! I had to share it with the others I thought would enjoy it as well. Rest assured, I'm sure once again, that things will work out wonderfully with this. No one knows we're voting or not voting, unless of course they state so in the reply. So let's just keep reading, and voting, or not voting according to how each individual feels. ![]() ![]() |
Marge Tindal![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-06
Posts 42384Florida's Foreverly Shores |
Yesterday I found a 'treasure' in a forum that I had decided to make my 'read' for the day ... I felt that there were a few friends that would also enjoy the quality of the work and that were not frequenters of that particular forum ... I shared the URL with 20 friends - one e-mail came back as 'undeliverable' so 19 friends had the opportunity to read something that I felt they would find touching. I didn't ask them to vote - don't care if they did or didn't - just wanted to share. quote: Interestingly enough, I did turn on my ICQ last evening and had a peek at the ONE submitted poem that was ICQ'd to me by a friend of the author ! ! I wasn't asked to vote - In fact I had already read and responded to that post. Not revealing if I did or did not vote ! ![]() But it was a keepsake for sure. ![]() If I find another treasure - I'll be sure to direct my friends to it. If you find one you think I'd enjoy - please feel free to let me know. Wow ! The forums are busy and there are lots of GOOD poems out there to be read and enjoyed. What FUN - FUN - FUN ! *LOL@ RainbowGirl~ I'm not the 'author' - HONEST ! I'm the blonde ! ![]() Love ya' all ! ~*Marge*~ ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~ |
Mike Member Elite
since 1999-06-19
Posts 2462 |
Of course there is favoritism. The selection is by popular vote. Even with the extremely limited contact I have with the social aspects of the forum, I have been solicited for votes. That is human nature and an expected result. Not a problem. I know that Skyfire, Doreen, and a great many other poets are not going to respond and vote for my poetry. I do not say that to criticize, only as a fact. I do not hold myself out as a poet, and have no illusions as to my literary expertise. I had planned on submitting only one poem, so I picked out what I thought would be a poem the public at large would enjoy and was well written. I received six responses. I then posted the poem I thing is probably one of, if not the best I have written. I garnered 13 reponses. It is clear to me that if one of my poems makes it as a selection, it will be the poem I feel is my weakest entry. I say this for this reason, the poets do need to look at themselves and what they want out of the book. Personally, I think one poet, whom I know will never come close to garnering enough votes to get a poem selected , epitomizes Passions, and should have a poem included. While I doubt I have enough votes for any of my poems to be entered, I do think there are poets who deserve to be in the book more than I, and hopefully my withdrawal will allow one of the fifty poets who does not have enough votes publication. In close I say to all poets, including the establishment, look at all poets and make an effort to include the best poem of each poet. I do apologize for voting for so many poems Skyfire, I did not do so to garner support for my poems, but was trying to show support for others, as I think sometimes sacrifices in quality are necessary to obtain a better end result. I wish the book well. |
RainbowGirl Member Elite
since 1999-07-31
Posts 3023United Kingdom |
Just a quickie before I share dinner with Snoops..*g* ROFL Marge, I knew it couldn't be you as the author, was just pulling your leg.. ![]() ![]() HUSG Mike: Geesh, solicited??? Heck I don't even like replying to my own anymore in case someone thinks I'm trying to get more replies or even a be honest I find the whole thing kind of scary...but glad you handle it so well.. ![]() HUGS |
Skyfyre Senior Member
since 1999-08-15
Posts 1906Sitting in Michael's Lap |
Sigh ... Again, I say that this post was NOT intended to berate anyone for "sharing" what they thought was a good poem, whether it be their own or someone else's, nor was it in ANY way designed to discourage people from voting for poetry they actually enjoyed reading -- that was the whole point of the ballot in the first place, was it not? Additionally, nowhere in my rambles did I EVER question Ron's ability to do ANYTHING --and that includes his ability to turn out a worthwhile and representative anthology in the Voices project. I thought only to make his job a bit easier by encouraging more frugality or at least discretion in voting. I knew, when I typed this rant, that it would likely not be well-received; I was willing to take that risk. Chris, Bridgette, RG, Sunshine, Sharon, doreen, Michael M, Nan, WhtDove, Heather, Marge, and Mike: I would like to thank you for participating in this discourse, thereby assuring me that SOMEONE is paying attention to what is going on around here, even if they don't agree with me (which isn't required, yanno) ![]() I would also like to thank those who contacted me via ICQ and email regarding this subject; I understand your desire to remain anonymous and removed from the general melee, but I appreciated the opportunity to hear your opinions as well. ![]() Thanks all, --Kess |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
As we wind down to the close of voting for poetry, may I suggest that we take some time to read poets that haven't garnered the most replies. We certainly have a lot of good poetry here! Have you read the book submissions in Teen, in Dark, in Spiritual? Because they are let's read, read, read. Kess, I'm glad you brought this subject up for discussion. Better to talk about it than brood about it. ![]() Now! On to Voices #2!!!! |
Portia Member
since 2000-05-18
Posts 157 |
I am going to stick my neck out here. I am relatively new. I was introduced to this forum by a friend (Joel the Wolf), and I introduced another friend to it (gothicmoth). I post reasonably regularly to Dark Passions and occasionally (but not often) venture from there at the behest of gothicmoth, who reads here more widely than I have felt comfortable doing. So perhaps I am impertinent posting in a thread so full of Senior Members and Moderators and Members Emeritus. But here I go anyway. Those who know me know I can't, as a rule, keep my mouth shut. I didn't know that a book was being compiled until I saw the small book icons beside poems. Then, it was beside more, and more, and more... beside poems that were reposts, cross-posts, poets' old material... People were dragging poems out of mothballs merely to get them submitted for the book. New names were appearing with no-- or few-- posts prior to strings of book submissions. And this is all just in Dark. Granted, this has turned up a lot of great poetry. I have enjoyed popping into Voices and reading. Some of the book submissions are excellent. Some are, as Christopher said, just not to my taste. I believe I have voted for one poem-- one-- and that was because I thought the message was timeless and perfect and universal and *should* go into a book. I do admire Ron for sifting through all this writing. I would not take that task or any part of it if you *paid* me simply because I am not good enough to say what's good. The book is an excellent idea; however (extending neck further), I would venture to say many very good poets are seeing the influx of new members, new posters, new poems, new book submissions, and are feeling intimidated, nervous, perhaps even repulsed by it. It seems that the "book bandwagon" has made a lot of work for Ron, and has generated a sense of "posterity greed" in a lot of otherwise good poets, which is a shame because this is a gift Ron has offered; not something a Frost-come-lately should just expect to have the right to. I wish at this late date there were a way to pare down the material, pare down the number of posts/posters, or make it less a popularity or my-name-in-print-first contest. But this is just my opinion, little though it helps. It disturbs me that it has come to this and really, I can't wait for it to be over, and I know I am not alone in that feeling. I wonder how many people we will lose *just* because the book project is over. *That* will be the most bothersome thing. But perhaps a bit of a relief as well? Not because of the quality of any poems, but... well. We will know who the forum's real friends are, won't we. Thank you for reading. I will be here all week for rotten tomato/cabbage dodging or coin/rose tossing. [This message has been edited by Portia (edited 07-16-2000).] |
Alicat Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
Posts 4094Coastal Texas |
Hi there Kess. First off, allow me to congratulate you on voicing an opinion that many thought, but had not the time or courage to espouse. And, yes, this was the perfect place for such. You had and have some very valid concerns, some of which are a problem. Irregardless of votes an author garners, Ron has the final say-so for inclusion. Thank you again for airing out this topic, and for letting moderators and members know. Portia, no worries. Even though I realize that different forums attract different people, it's well worth the risk to explore. Nobody's gonna bite your head off or bark down the walls if you stray into their 'territory'. Just go out there and enjoy, sample, see. All of us started as 'newbies'. And, well, personally, the influx of 'newbies' intent on getting published doesn't bother me a whit. What does is when someone posts several poems for submission within minutes of each other...guess it could be called too much of a good thing. However, this was a problem way before Voices was a forum, and will be after the forum is archived. Hmm....I can see I've strayed and rambled again....better end this one now. BTW, welcome to PiP, Portia. ![]() Alicat, the ramblin rover |
X Angel Senior Member
since 1999-11-07
Posts 1521Oregon |
ahhh Passions...the place to air our disputes and then go on still liking each other afterwards! ![]() I love it! |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
Kess, if I may? One more comment and then I will go back to quietly reading this thread... Ron's vision of Voices thrilled many. Numerous comments in this thread are on target. You know why I submitted? Because I believe in "if" and "hope"..."If" one of my pieces were selected, my "hope" of being amid some of the wonderful poets here in Passions, in book form, would have materialized. You know what? If my "if" and "hope" do not materialize, that's not going to make me disappear! It is going to be one of the catalysts to show me how to improve. This book is going to hold the best that Passions can offer. It will be my touchstone and my resource. So to all...good luck. We will all benefit accordingly, and our spirits will soar! Sunny ~~~Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. Helen Keller ~~~ When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ |
RainbowGirl Member Elite
since 1999-07-31
Posts 3023United Kingdom |
Portia: Oh sweetheart (oops, hope you don't mind..*g* )...I'm sitting here grinning ...In case anyone hasn't said the only reason I got stuck with Senior member or whatever it is that I'm called is because I post a lot, it's indicative of the number of posts you see, not my age, I swear...on the other hand I am getting on a bit..*g*.. By the sounds of it you have great humour so I'm positive your adventures here will be great.. ![]() HUGS X-Angel: Yep, I agree with you wholeheartedly and isn't it great to discuss something and still hand out the hugs.. ![]() HUGS Skye: I think and still do that you have every reason to voice your concerns in whatever area...The way I see it you can only know what other people think if you ask or broach the subject and I like a good discussion and it's great to know no one will be offended if I say soemthing out of thanks for bringing it up.. ![]() HUGS |
Severn Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704 |
Been sitting here quietly reading... now I have to open my mouth - compulsive you know... lol Kess - seriously echoed many of my thoughts. I said to C awhile ago that I would not compromise my integrity by voting for poems I didn't personally consider book 'material' etc...I have stuck to that. If I don't 'get in' then shrug. That isn't why I am here anyway. Most of the guts of your argument has been debated thoroughly so I have only a few comments: Stating the obvious: I really do think favouritism is somewhat inevitable...given we are a community and communities have groups of friends...that is not however a justification. I am but inclined to be a fatalist at times. LOL. Heather - you are a sweetie - count me in the group hug, just cause... ![]() Portia - now you most likely know I am a firmly avowed fan of your Emerald cat/Aunt poems (and for those of you who read this - I really encourage you to go to Dark Passions and find them - well worth reading). 'I will be here all week for rotten tomato/cabbage dodging...' I don't think you need to worry about that - this isn't what the Alley is for hon. LOL. You have as much right to your opinion as anyone here. (And I am only a Member Emeritus, because during my summer holidays and after experiencing a rough time I retreated away from the physical life and posted obssessively...heheh) Hugs ![]() (P.S - feel free to venture out anywhere you like in the forums - after all, that is why they exist...and you are definitely welcome) |
A Romantic Heart Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-03
Posts 5496Forever In Your Heart |
Kess, You speak the same thoughts I was having, glad someone had the courage to speak up, I kind-of sensed a scratch my back, I'll scratch yours thing...but At first I dismissed it..I don't use my ICQ...and never have to send a url to any poems. I believe poems should stand on their own. I haven't worried or thought about any of my poems getting in the book, hey it was if I was just posting as usual, and I still fel the same way. Politics is everywhere!!! it starts in school, it is even in church!, any time there is a group, you always have an incrowd!! or click so shall we say, FAMILIES are ONE...not just a chosen few,it is easy to love the people who love us, but we need to love the people who don't love us as well, maybe it would change their way of loving others...if they were shown how to love people the right way. As for voting, I think Ron should let some poets who don't know us or have never seen passions vote on the poems, then they would judge in all fairness...after all that is what America is founded on...justice for all!! This reply was not related to anything personal or reflecting voting on any of my poems...just feelings!!! I love you all!!! Let us be that Passions Family!!! |
Elizabeth Santos Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269Pennsylvania |
Sorry, I never looked at the book as a popularity contest, never thought it was, and was happy to read the rules and know that there were safeguards to help limit the number of poems published by any one poet, and have hoped all along that many teens will be included My greatest problem is forgetting to vote. I read a poem, give it two thumbs up, hope it will be published, and then forget to check the little box. I don't seem to have the concerns that all of you have. I only vote for poems that touch me in some way, by the content or by the beauty of the poetry. I think the book will reflect passions as a whole and I think it will be beautiful. |
Wren Member
since 2000-07-05
Posts 312 |
Forgive me for being really dense, but what is "ICQ"? *blushes* (Don't think I'm not aware of my own stupidity!) -Wren P.S. I agree with you all the way, whitch is why I have never put one of my own poems up for the book thingy. The thread of destiny Unknown by anyone Unseen by anyone Winds around your heart Moist with tears -Vampire Princess Miyu Theme |
Not A Poet Member Elite
since 1999-11-03
Posts 3885Oklahoma, USA |
Well Kess, I hope you are wrong but I fear you are right, at least somewhat. When the project started things seemed to be going as Ron proposed. But after a while, it started to fall apart, or so I perceived. It became something of a feeding frenzie with the same names showing up over and over. As you said, some of the poems were excellent while some were not. (Of course that is just my opinion.) But the number of responses and (all we can do is assume or suspect) the number of votes appeared out of proportion to the quality but more to the names. Well, I have voted for many poems by quite a few authors but there have been many more that I did not, whether I commented or not. I can only hope that it all works out for the best and the book will be a smashing success. I guess we'll know soon. Pete Imagination is more important than knowledge Albert Einstein |
juliet_2u Senior Member
since 2000-07-23
Posts 1125North Carolina |
Wow, I'm sitting here reading all this and kinda speechless. I probably don't even have a right to address this issue being that I am fairly new to Passions. It's hard for me to even consider myself a poet even. Just someone that rights down what shes sees and feels. I came to this site and was overwhelmed with the quality of work I saw and felt like I had finally found my home. But I'm really sadden to learn all this. I have been noticing things that bothered me but tried to ignore it. As for the book, what a wonderful idea Ron came up with. Just a shame its came to this all for the sake of whoever desiring to be published. Myself, I have no hopes or dreams of ever being in a book my dabblings aren't that good. I guess what I'm trying to say in a nutshell is, I'm deeply hurt to learn this. But thank god it's been exposed.Finally for what it's worth (and I'm sure it's not much, lol),I think my time at Passions is now over. I wish all of you the best of luck and much joy. Take great care and may the Lord always bless you and keep you. Juls |
Elizabeth Santos Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269Pennsylvania |
Juliet, I am sorry you would want to leave Passions because of this one post. I don't know what is going on in ICQs, I'm not even sure what that is, but I know I have never been solicited to vote for anyone's poem and I believe the great majority of poets have been fair in their voting practices. The rules ensure that not any one poet can have more than but a few poems. I hope that you decide to stay and post your poetry, as this is a great place to learn and make friends. Take care Liz |
juliet_2u Senior Member
since 2000-07-23
Posts 1125North Carolina |
Liz, I do love Passions. It's been so great to find people like me. I really don't know how to say what I'm feeling on the inside right now and grrr to that, lol. Lets face it, there is an obvious "click" here but that's life. And you're gonna find that everywhere you go. But learning all this has just made me feel kinda sick. I think you might be right though. This is a good place to make friends. And I know there's some here not concerned with being popular and for them it would be worth sticking around for. So thanks for the friendly advice. It was very much appreciated. And I shall continue to come and read my little heart out, hehe. Have a wonderful day and thanks again, Juls |
RainbowGirl Member Elite
since 1999-07-31
Posts 3023United Kingdom |
Juliet: That's sad because if I remember the title of the poem I read by you correctly, was it "River of Rainbows"? It was so lovely, why on earth would you want to leave after penning such an outstanding poem...well to me it was.. ![]() Would be a sad loss for all of us if you did leave.. ![]() HUGS |
juliet_2u Senior Member
since 2000-07-23
Posts 1125North Carolina |
Not to worry Rainbowgirl. I'm taking Liz,s advice and not going anywhere. So there are a few self-promoting people here. Doesn't change the way I feel about Passions. And I thank her for making me see that. Juls |
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