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President Obama On The View |
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Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada ![]() |
President Obama On The View I thought your President was genuine, hopeful, and honest, and I still think he is doing the best job he can do under the ongoing circumstances he has encountered since taking office. I still believe he has the best interest at heart of the American people. Like he said when asked by Joy - Where was his attack dog to go after Fox News, and the right wing, he replied, "That is your job!" He is more concerned about dealing with business. I love that about this President, he always takes the higher road. Hope people will listen to what he has to say about "saved jobs," it was interesting. He admits it is not good enough for America, but when he took office, 750,000 jobs were being lost every month, and that number has gotten better. Those that have now recovered, are hesitant to move forward out of fear. If the people get their "mojo" back over the next few months, things can start to move forward. ![]() I hope some of you got to watch it, it was well worth the hour. Obama, being human like the members of his cabinet, will make mistakes that they can learn from. I still have faith in him, he gives me hope in your future. ![]() I know a lot of people won't agree, but I was just curious, who would you pick to run the country if you could replace him? Words are weapons, toss them with care. ~ Mysteria ~ [This message has been edited by Mysteria (07-30-2010 12:45 PM).] |
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
Where was his attack dog to go after Fox News, and the right wing, he replied, "That is your job!" That is so very true. He is counting on the media to go after approve of that? I think it's sad. Two wars going on, the oil spill, the economy and he finds the time to chat with the ladies on the View....the first president ever to appear on a daytime talk show. One of his funnier lines was, "At some point the campaigning has to stop"...which is exactly what he was doing on the View. I respect your opinions, Mysteria, honest. We can disagree as friends ![]() |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
We can agree to disagree for sure Michael. ![]() ![]() Oh, you didn't give me a choice of Presidential replacement, do you have someone in mind? |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
Any choice of mine would be someone with experience....experience in business, leadership and running something, at least. It would not be anyone with a complete lack of credentials and experience. It would be someone that would not have wealth distribution as his main goal. In actuality, I can't think of many people LESS qualified than Obama. except in the arena of giving good speeches and charming the ladies of the View, who were careful to keep their questions as soft as cotton balls. SUch is life ![]() |
Grinch Member Elite
since 2005-12-31
Posts 2929Whoville |
quote: You mean like the experience of running a country Mike? ![]() The list of possible applicants who have more experience of being President is pretty short. . |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
I'll give you an example, Mysteria... (CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA) -- CBS19 learned Thursday that Leslie Macko, the Charlottesville woman who appeared in the Rose Garden with President Barack Obama on July 19, has had more than one run-in with the law. In June of 2007, Macko was charged with grand larceny. The charge was reduced in court to petit larceny, and she was sentenced to two years good behavior. Charlottesville resident Leslie Macko was once employed at ACAC in the Albemarle Square Shopping Center. In April 2009, she lost her job as an aesthetician in the spa at ACAC. President Barack Obama called on Congress last week to extend unemployment insurance. Macko stood next to the President of the United States as his example of the need to extend jobless benefits. CBS19's Jessica Jaglois has learned that Macko was found guilty of prescription drug fraud in March 2009, one month before Macko lost her job at ACAC. She served a one year probationary sentence. Macko joined two other unemployed people and President Obama at the podium for a speech designed to encourage lawmakers to extend jobless benefits. "We need to extend unemployment compensation benefits for women like Leslie Macko, who lost her job at a fitness center last year, and has been looking for work ever since. Because she's eligible for only a few more weeks of unemployment, she's doing what she never thought she'd have to do. Not at this point, anyway. She's turning to her father for financial support," Obama said in his speech. CBS19 contacted Leslie Macko about the conviction, and she declined to comment until she speaks with her attorney. We have also reached out to the White House to see if they know the full story behind the woman they chose to stand next to President Obama, but have not received comment from them either. This is an example. Obama decided to make a plea for the extension of unemployment benefits by using a lady as an example of those who need help. He used one who had just gotten off probation for perscription drug fraud and had a colorful past record....hey, that's comedy! When Gibbs, the WH chief of staff was questioned about it, he said that, obviously, if the WHite House had know about her past, they would not have used her. That's what I mean...first, that Obama is as phoney as a 3-dollar bill and, second, that he has surrounded himself with incompetents. They couldn't do what it took a local paper minutes to do....check out the person selected to be Obama's example of the "needy". He is all show and little substance and not to be believed. He belongs with the ladies of the View. ![]() |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
C.V. of Barack Obama Objective: Continue long record of public service in the interest of working people and the middle class by serving as President of the United States of America Accomplishments: - As Director at the age of 24, grew annual budget of church-based Developing Communities Project in Chicago from $70,000 to $400,000, leveraging resources to launch college prep program, tenants' rights program, and job training program in economically distressed area - Became first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review based on high grades and writing skills - Graduated magna "* come" laude from Harvard Law School - Authored two critically acclaimed books - Directed Illinois Project Vote team to register 150,000 voters - Taught Constitutional Law at University of Chicago Law School for 12 years - Civil rights lawyer for 11 years - Founding member of Public Allies - Served on boards of several community service-oriented non-profits, each of which made numerous contributions to improved quality of life in Chicago and Illinois - Served as Illinois state senator, sponsoring legislation to lower taxes for low-income workers and forming bi-partisan coalitions to reform ethics and health care laws; supported Governor Ryan in cracking down on predatory lending to reduce home foreclosures. - As U.S. senator, sponsored legislation to increase nuclear safety and to increase transparency in awarding of federal contracts. - Defeated one of most powerful political machines in the United States (the Clinton machine) with grassroots campaign to gain Democratic Party nomination for the presidency Special Skills: - resisting temptation to earn big money in order to serve public - rallying people to do their best, as clearly proved by unmitigated success in every endeavor undertaken throughout professional career - multitasking to produce superhuman quantities of high-quality work (being a successful lawyer, professor, community activist, legislator, and author simultaneously) - taking the high road even in the low-down business of politics, never stooping to personal attacks even when being dragged through mud by opponents - speaking truth to power and not backing down from controversial positions * to satisfy the Inappropriate content Detection ![]() ------------------------------ He looks pretty qualified to me, but that is just my opinion. I actually didn't ask what your qualities would be in a candidate, I asked if you knew anyone out there could fill his shoes? Let's say, if you could wave you a magic wand and create the ideal President, WHO would that be. Anyone got suggestions? |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
Grant it the people around Obama need to get on top of their game once in a while, but his is not the only administration that made some damn stupid mistakes either. As far as Leslie Macko, she is actually a prime example of why the extension should be given in my opinion. You do some darn desperate things in desperate times, and she paid her dues accordingly. I know I have done some really stupid mistakes when under pressure, and I am sure many others have too. However, some do really stupid things against the law, and get caught as she did, and she paid for it. She is looking for a job now with a record tacked on her name because of her bad choices, and it has to be more than difficult. Excerpt from his speech: "We need to extend unemployment compensation benefits for women like Leslie Macko, who lost her job at a fitness center last year, and has been looking for work ever since. Because she's eligible for only a few more weeks of unemployment, she's doing what she never thought she'd have to do. Not at this point, anyway. She's turning to her father for financial support," Obama said in his speech. The media tends to go with a rumor first, and then follow up after by getting the facts. They always have, and always will. I never believe all that I read, until I search out the facts. |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
![]() Historians Pick 10 Top Presidental Errors Britannica I guess people are people and make mistakes, whether Republican or Democrat. As my son has said to me, "You don't like paying a 14% HST, and that is only a drop in the bucket compared to the mountain of loss the people of the US are feeling." I know he is right, and I won't argue the point as to who can fix it, at least in any great hurry. However, I really would like to think that the American individual will save the country, by creating more small businesses and more jobs. The better educated your youth become, the more hope I see in things improving. In all due respect, I hope I am right. |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
However, I really would like to think that the American individual will save the country, by creating more small businesses and more jobs. The better educated your youth become, the more hope I see in things improving. In all due respect, I hope I am right. From your mouth to God's ear, miss. I hope for the same and I hope the government lets them and makes it lucrative for them to do so. At this point they are not. Oh, and who would be my choice? At this point the same person I would have voted for last year...Romney. |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
Well you see there, we can agree. I absolutely love MA. I will read all about him in case your wish comes true. ![]() |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
For what it is worth during the interview on The View, I also had no idea who Snookie was either until my 12 year old granddaughter wanted to watch a show last night on t.v. while she was here. Its popularity really amazed me that is for sure. Anyway, I had to do some digging to find out what this show was all about and why all the hub-bub, which of course was what they wanted. Today even this ridiculous instance seemed to be big news for some reason, that the President was asked some pop culture questions for fun, and admitted he didn't know who this Snookie was. Big deal! So what did the media do with this? They find an old, old speech Obama gave referring to this Snookie and The Jersey Shore group to get a laugh. The speech was obviously written by someone else as he stumbled reading the joke into that speech. So, with two wars, an oil spill, an economic crisis, health and education reform, and all the other misc. "sledge" he cleans up, I guess he is supposed to remember one joke in one speech written by a someone else a long time ago? Boy, people are sure digging deep to play dirty these days. John McCain even answered her "tweet" the he wouldn't tax tanning salons. A really mature move on his part (or his staff.) Faithful With A Few i could supply all the links of sites, showing his original speech, and those relating to this stupid thing, but what's the point? I am just sure glad Obama has the integrity that he does and chooses to take the higher road by dismissing all this back-stabbing balderdash. I would too. I don't mind being his "attack dog" one bit, and do just that on the blogs and sites that warp the truth by creating, and perpetrating this trash. I don't do it because of one party or the other, but because he is your President at least for now, and he needs everyone's support. Besides which, I love to squash lies, if they are in fact, lies. Well,everything comes to an end for a reason, and my activity here in this Alley has come to an end. I have to choose a higher road, and will wait to see what happens. Good luck to you all, really, and I mean that. ![]() [This message has been edited by Mysteria (07-30-2010 05:21 PM).] |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
T think it was just a fun, and accurate, example about how what Obama says in his speeches cannot necessarily be believed. He's just spouting whatever words someone else has written on his teleprompter. It didn't take Snooky to tell us that ![]() |
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