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Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
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0 posted 2009-08-08 11:38 PM

Obama has called out his union goons and now for the first time people are being attacked at townhall meetings. They have all been non-violent until now.

I wonder if the black victim attacked by the SEIU members will get to have a sit down with the prez over a beer. 2F%2Fgatewaypundit%2Eblogspot%2Ecom%2F&feature=player_embedded

The next day HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, in a conference call, thanked the SEIU and told them to “keep doing what you’re doing.” What a gal!

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1 posted 2009-08-09 05:19 AM

If they are organising violent counter measures they aren't very good at it.

One swallow does not make a summer, neither does one fine day; similarly one day or brief time of happiness does not make a person entirely happy.

(384 BC - 322 BC)

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2 posted 2009-08-09 09:13 AM

It's more like actions of a Chicago politician, instead of a president, Denise.

This, combined with Obama's call for big brother snitching, shows how not presidential he really is. If opposers to his health care plan can rattle him this much to produce these kinds of results, his true colors are coming out.

The question is...why should anyone be surprised, based on his history? America wanted change and they are getting it.

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
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3 posted 2009-08-09 09:45 AM

There's nothing that he's doing that surprises me, Michael. I guess I just didn't expect him to be so blatant about it.

I had his number when he came to Philadelphia during the Rev. Wright scandal and he tried to frame the debate as white folks just have to "understand" where the blacks are coming from, and it's time for a national conversation about race, and then called his granny a "typical white person". But noooooooooo, 20 years of sitting in Wright's pew week after week had no influence on him. He never heard anything controversial during his time there. Yeah, right.

Here's a good article I found this morning. I love this guys sense of humor!


Today, if you want to play the rebel (and who doesn’t?), “The Man” is Obama and “The Machine” is his socialist agenda fueled by a Chicago-based bouillabaisse of nefarious critters adept at conformity and bullying. There’s your oppressor, rebel. I think it’s cool that stacks of everyday Americans, especially the cute little old ladies (without being bused in or wearing some red T-shirt with a nut on it) are a part of this political revolt.

B-HO and his boys underestimated the intelligence and malleability of Maw and Paw Kettle to his catastrophic reform and his scare tactics; that crap might have worked in Chi-town, but it will not fly with the rest of us.

Finally, to the rebels who like limited government versus this Orwellian rat cage Obama’s trying to strap on your head, I say: Have fun with your push for true hope and change. I know these are serious times, but time and truth are on your side, yes they are.

No matter how much Pelosi and Boxer ridicule you, you must carry on. When the Whine House threatens to log your IP addresses and snatch your emails, you must plow ahead. When they show up with union goons and Acorn asses, let that encourage you because that means you’re officially under their skin, and the tide is about to turn. Finally, my well-dressed and informed dissenters, let their derision fuel your passion, and let their frowns bring you joy, as this could be our finest hour. hy_letter_of_encouragement_for_the_town_hall_rebels?page=1

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

4 posted 2009-08-09 11:21 AM

Anyone want to join me in searching for a safe cave in a mountain somewhere?

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

5 posted 2009-08-09 11:48 AM


The Town Hall dissenters have often been elderly people, and therefore more vulnerable to SEIU thuggery. Obama made his own anti-democratic agenda quite clear when he stated that, "I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess," Obama said to loud cheers. Well his SEIU goons have been getting people who disagree with him out of the way. And then beating and kicking while they're lying on the sidewalk, because theyr'e still not out of the way enough.

Packing Town Halls with members of a violent left wing union, in order to keep dissenting views out, and engaging in violent attacks against against them if they don't keep out, is an assault on the most sacred symbol of American democracy. It's a tactic gleaned from a Bolshevik playbook, with violence used to suppress dissent in the name of the organized "working class". The violence of Obama's SEIU goons in the name of the ObamaCare revolution is nothing more and nothing less than the Obama Administration showing its real face.

From calling for people to pass along any emails critical of ObamaCare to the White House, that is reminiscent of Soviet era informants programs (note that Democrats post 9/11 hysterically denounced a Bush White House plan to have postal workers and other local employees pass along tips about anyone suspected of planning terrorism as Orwellian, to hijacking Town Hall meetings to turn them into a bullhorn for Obama's agenda-- it has become increasingly obvious that when democracy isn't going Obama's way, then rather than listen and go along, he's chosen to try and suppress it instead. If Obama and the Democrats have to choose between Democracy and ObamaCare, they've made their choice clear. Meanwhile the American people have made their choice clear as well in polls and town hall meetings. Which side will win, will determine whether America will be a free nation or not.

Video of Dems sneaking Union members in through side door at townhall while blocking regular citizens:

The many faces of Obama:

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6 posted 2009-08-09 01:14 PM

How many violent attacks have there been Denise?

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

7 posted 2009-08-09 04:14 PM

How may do you think are too many, Grinch? There have been three so far that I've heard of, but even one is too many and he should call off his thugs if he fashions himself a true leader.

And in addition to the physical violence there has been the loading up the hall with union folks and blocking admittance to the others. Is that his idea of democracy? Is that why he said we don't want to hear from them, they should get out of the way?

The Tea Parties started on April 15th with some scheduled between then and July 4th. They never made the national news (with the exception of Fox airing a couple of the April 15th events), including the one on July 4th, which is said to have been the largest demonstration of all time in American history. Media blackout.

Now that the media is covering the town hall meetings because the Representatives are there, and the national news was broadcasting the huge amount of dissent (sometimes loud and angry, but never violent), Obama decides to send in his union goons to try to put an end to the dissent and to have a mostly 'Obama' friendly group on display inside the halls for the cameras.


Member Elite
since 2005-12-31
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8 posted 2009-08-09 04:54 PM

How may do you think are too many, Grinch?

To provide evidence of a concerted and organised effort to instigate violence at the meetings I'd say somewhere between 5 and 10% incidence rate. How many meetings have there been Denise?

Obviously to facilitate meaningful debate and conversation I'd prefer it if no violence occurred - mind you I'd also prefer it if the wing nuts chanting inane slogans gave it a rest too. In my opinion both groups are a bunch of childish morons who wouldn't understand what Democracy and debate meant if they had the definitions tattooed on their forehead.

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

9 posted 2009-08-09 05:57 PM

To the person who is being pushed, kicked, shoved and punched, once is more than enough.

Chanting slogans and asking to be heard are quite different than violence, intimidation and preventing folks from entering the town halls.

The chanting slogans and asking to be heard are a direct result of congress trying to push this bill through that the majority don't want, mainly senior citizens. Not wing nuts. And we are aware of the ignore, dismiss, marginalize and ridicule tactics, Grinch. They won't work anymore. But keep trying if you like.

The violence, intimidation and preventing folks from entering the town halls are all courtesy of Obama, Emanuel and Sebelius, via SEIU.

If that doesn't tell you all you need to know about this administration, nothing will.

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10 posted 2009-08-09 06:12 PM

Anybody who gets the chance to ask serious questions and raise legitimate concerns about a piece of legislation and instead decides to chant inane slogans deserves the label wing nut Denise. At least in my eyes. As does any idiot that believes that violence has any place in democratic debate.

You can support either group if you like Denise, I'll continue to call a spade a spade, or in this case a wing nut.

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

11 posted 2009-08-09 06:25 PM

Most aren't afforded the opportunity to ask questions, Grinch. The amount of people afforded mike time is minimal. At the Spector/Sebelius meeting only 5 people had a chance to ask a question. Most of the chanting and boos came in response to the answers that were given to those who were afforded the opportunity to ask a question.

I see nothing wrong with people expressing themselves to let their representatives know how they feel about an issue, as long as they aren't violent.

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

12 posted 2009-08-10 02:56 PM

Just had to share this letter to the editor that someone sent in 'snitching' on herself.

Dear President Obama,

To save some time and effort on the part of the minions whom you have encouraged to spy on me, I'm writing to turn myself in after reading your official White House request for people to contact you and let you know if they have heard any rumors and "casual conversations," or seen any e-mails surfacing against your so-called 'health insurance reform' bill.

Not only have I seen these things, but I have also forwarded them to everyone in my address book, posted about them on blogs, message boards and Facebook ad nauseam. I have discussed them (out loud!) in public restaurants during dinner parties with my friends and family members. I have exposed the absurdity of your scheme to destroy America over the phone, Internet and fax when I corresponded with my duly elected representatives in an effort to let them know my views against this horrific bill so that they can actually represent me in voting against it. I've signed several Internet petitions and joined online groups opposing this travesty!

I have actually dared to exercise my freedom of speech (as guaranteed by the Constitution, the last time I looked), in my frequent writings against this bill to deconstruct my way of life.

I listen to talk radio. Worse yet, I listen to conservative talk radio with the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Rep. J.D. Hayworth. And to top that off, I actually laughed at several jokes that may not have been as politically correct on this issue as you demand, but at least they weren't directed at innocent Special Olympic kids. Oh yeah, Barbara Boxer will be smug to hear from you that she was right about us manufactured "mob" types. I dress nicely for a member of a mob – oh, not as lavishly as Michelle Obama with her $500 tennis shoes that she wears to garden in, but I'm probably a little more presentable than most of the "entitled" thugs in your frenzied mob – you know, the poor, disadvantaged and uneducated lazy bums you have inspired to join ACORN to train to be "professional" agitators.

OK, I'm guilty as charged! I'm a conservative, pro-life, Jesus-loving Christian, blue-eyed, blonde, white woman who owns a gun, belongs to the NRA and is old enough for AARP. English is my only language. I am a patriotic, proven legally born, taxpaying, hard-working American small business owner who loves my country with no apologies. I don't bow down to anyone, let alone terrorist dictators. I support the troops, respect my elders (even those over 64) and eat too much apple pie, so there's plenty of me for the health czar to shun in public. People know who I am. None of my records are sealed. I'm not afraid and don't hide my true self behind lied or a platoon of highly paid attorneys like you do.

I don't appreciate you sullying America, and I'm going to continue to express my transparent opinion against your pompous, radical actions.

What the hell are you going to do about it?


GO DEBORAH!!!!!!!!!!

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

13 posted 2009-08-10 10:23 PM

Another incident of union thuggery. This guy had a visit at his home in the middle of the night where an undefined threat was delivered. It was reported to the Sheriff.

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

14 posted 2009-08-11 05:44 AM

Here's a good article.

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