The Alley |
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Funny if it wasn't true....or maybe just funny anyway |
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Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia ![]() |
![]() And so, this is supposed to gain the Conservatives credibility? They are protesting what? The biggest middle-class tax cut in American history? And the return of the tax rate for individuals making more than 250k from 35% back to the Clinton era 39%? Socialism! Communism! Marxism! ![]() |
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Ringo![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2003-02-20
Posts 3684Saluting with misty eyes |
The Republican Party have no national leadership? Then who is this Michael Steele cat that I keep getting e-mails from? While it is true that Mr. Steele is not front and center as he should be, obviously, the lovely and talented Ms. Maddow hasn't been paying attention... or perhaps, she hasn't been listening to her own party when they said that Rush Limbaugh was the party leader. Oh, wait... I apologize... that was before they realized that slamming him wasn't going to make him go away, and only caused his audience to increase... I forgot. Gee... isn't it slightly amusing as well that MSNBC is reporting ONLY the FoxNews stories... Oh, wait... maybe I should not have been typing as the video is playing.... She made a comment about Republican National Leader... didn't she say earlier that there was no national leadership. Well.. there is the Liberal viewpoint... I don't see a Conservative on there... At least Fox News does that. She is saying that the Tea Baggers cannot be held accountable for those that agree with them.... yet she made damned sure she included the White Supremecists and other such with her report, and said that they were included as part of the protest movement... Anyhow... the funniest thing about all of this is that my band is named: T. BaGg and the Creamers.... You cannot imagine all of the free publicity that we are getting off of this protest. One local paper made the statement that we used the name because of the protest movement... It is not true, but who are we toi give up so much free I would like to personally thank anyone at all who has even mentined the story to anyone, or who has covered it in the news... you are making my band worth more and more money every show. But this one goes to eleven... |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
Reb, have you asked smokers if they just got a tax break or a very large tax increase? And if Cap and Trade goes through, you can ask everyone who has a light switch, or would like to enjoy the luxury of heating and cooling their homes, if they got a tax break or not. They are protesting the increase of taxes on those making over 250,000 for the purpose of giving tax breaks and tax credits to those who already pay either a very low percentage of their incomes, or nothing at all, in the way of Federal Income Tax, better intrepreted as "Redistribution of Wealth", not a very popular American value. They are also protesting the pork laden Omnibus bill, the bailouts of failing companies, governmanet intrusion into corporate board rooms, and the obscene proposed Federal spending that will essentially enslave our children's children and grandchildren. They are protesting the growth and ever increasing intrusiveness of the Federal government into our daily lives, wallets and pocketbooks. Some Slogans I have seen: Don't Spread My Wealth, Spread My Work Ethic. Don't Tread on We The People. Don't Vote Until You Read. And if they show the Philadelphia Tax Day Tea Party on the news, maybe you will see me there! It's been reported that Acorn members plan to infiltrate the rallies in an attempt to discredit the peaceful protest of the Tax Day Tea Parties. I guess they believe that only they should have their voices heard. |
Grinch Member Elite
since 2005-12-31
Posts 2929Whoville |
I thought it was very funny - the presenters were obviously thinking the same way I was the first time I heard that republicans were organising Tea Bagging parties - I darn nearly fell off my chair. Republicans - Tea Bagging parties! Has the world gone mad! Which bright spark decided to name the events Tea Bagging parties? I’m only guessing here but I’ll wager that whoever they are they don’t know, unlike the presenters, that Tea bagging is a euphemism for a certain sexual practice. Mind you it could ensure a pretty large turnout. ![]() |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Nodding. One would think I'd have a zippy one-liner for this but naw... I am indeed, more than amused already. At least halfway. To maintain my middle-of-the-road status, the other half of me finds it sad. The serious Karen looks forward to the possibility of reformation of both parties. (Does that make me a centralist/Obama supporter?) oh label me, if ye must, but nothing succeeds like success. So yeah. ![]() |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
Leave it to MSNBC and the deranged of the Left to spin something down into the gutter for the sole purpose of mockery. THEY are the ones who have named it tea bagging, not the grass roots organizers of the tea parties. They have simply called them Tea Parties (for the ones held on other days) or Tax Day Tea Parties. But the mean spirit and spin do not surprise me. That's what they do well. What did surprise me, though, was that they actually knew about an historical event in American history, The Boston Tea Party! And most of the Tea Parties have decided not to have any political speakers at the events because they believe that both political parties have contributed to the mess that we are now in. So Michael Steele was not being singled out as not being allowed to speak. The organizers don't want these to be a politically sanctioned or controlled events or partisan in nature. |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
With a thousand tea-partyers and 10 Acorns in attendance, guess who you will see on the news?? |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Octomom? ![]() |
Grinch Member Elite
since 2005-12-31
Posts 2929Whoville |
Denise, You mean all those people waving placards are loony leftists? And it was those gutter crawling Dems who instigated the “TeaBagObama” twitter campaigns? I thought they were Republicans who simply didn’t know the sexual connotations attached to the phrase. There you go - you learn something every day - it’s a great thing this interweb. ![]() |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
I believe that the only reason the press will be there now at all will be to capture the antics of Acorn infiltrators, and then blame them on the tea party participants, Mike. They haven't given much coverage at all to the dozens already held across the nation. but I am sure that they will be there in force since Acorn made their announcement of their intent to be there. Whoever THEY were in that clip and twittering anti-Obama messages, they were not associated with the tea party groups. Every message that comes to me from my group's organizer comes with reminders to keep this from being anti-Obama. It isn't to be perceived as partisan in any way. And that is also the message from the national organizers of the events as well. They are to be peaceful protests against big government policies, for which both parties have been responsible. They do not want any anti-Obama sentiments expressed at all, just anti-policy sentiments. |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
Bradley; quote: I wonder why they would do that Bradley? Seeing as how FauxNews is declaring them to be "FNC Tea Parties". quote: I'm not really a big Rachel Maddow fan so I can't tell you what she does or doesn't do -- the only guy on MSNBC I actually will watch is Matthews who always, to a fault, puts 'both' sides of a story on -- regardless of how marginal the 'both' is. But then again -- MSNBC's mantra isn't 'Fair and Balanced' either... When a 'News' organization starts advocacy -- it ceases to be a 'News' source at that point in time. Of course FauxNews is no fan of mediamatters either -- because it has the audacity to quote them verbatim. quote: Well you know what they say -- as long as they spell your name right ![]() ![]() ---------------- Denise; quote: Smokers are paying an elective tax -- just like lottery ticket buyers. If you voted for John McCain -- then you voted for Cap and Trade -- but -- I'm curious -- just how much more do you think cap and trade will cost the average citizen? Particularly I'm interested in the difference between any energy increase due to cap and trade and what the offset of that is compared to the Obama tax breaks? quote: Apparently your definition of popular and the one that I use are not the same -- or you're merely not up to speed on the sentiments of the American Electorate. quote: Well, it's like I've always said Denise -- the Republicans want to keep the government out of your pocket -- the Democrats want to keep it out of your pants. quote: And, it was reported in the New York Times that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. quote: I don't know Denise -- it seems they're only reporting -- you decide! Tea Bag the Fools in D.C. From Isn't this FauxNews' Griff Jenkins saying Tea Bag the Whitehouse"? quote: The platform of The Tea Party and Revolution Doesn't look partisan at all? -- and I understand why they don't want to be associated with Republicans anymore -- it's a losing brand. Maybe the Tea Party is the ticket? or the Fox party? Since the Fox talking heads are showing up to speak at the Tea Parties? Karenity; ![]() Grinch; Yep, thank Al for the internets man.... ! |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
It's been reported that Acorn members plan to infiltrate the rallies in an attempt to discredit the peaceful protest of the Tax Day Tea Parties. - denise And, it was reported in the New York Times that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. - LR ***applause*** |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
quote: So they signed up and elected to have such a massive increase in the tax? ![]() All kidding aside, I think calling it an elective tax would be more accurate if politicians didn't impose them and the success rates for quitting smoking were significantly better. That’s the reason politicians are always targeting smokers for tax increases. They know it is guaranteed revenue. quote: Anything is currently too much for smokers since they are already "underwater" concerning "Obama's tax break" because of "Obama's tobacco tax increase". Any increase in anything from this point forward just puts them further in the hole. But maybe non-smokers have a shot at breaking even. I guess the amount of utility increases will depend on how much in carbon taxes they are charged by the government that they pass along to consumers. Time will tell. quote: The day that I, or anyone that I know, is called to participate in any one of these polls, will be the day that I might consider giving any credence to them. quote: Not quite. He was referencing reteaparty as having said that. And I guess with any grass roots popular movement there will be a percentage involved who are promoting the movement, or are peripherally involved, who give the movement a bad name. I guess that’s the nature of human beings. quote: Fox News has been following the tea parties and reporting on them since they started, unlike the MSM, who have been ignoring them. They could just as easily have assigned reporters and commentators to cover the Tax Day Tea Parties being planned just as Fox News did. They apparently chose not to. And after seeing this MSNBC treatment, I’d say being ignored by the MSM is the much better deal. |
rwood Member Elite
since 2000-02-29
Posts 3793Tennessee |
goodness... laugh. "tea bag the O Man on twitter and facebook." what? "tea bag the liberal dems before they tea bag you." huh? I dunno. Skulduggery...skulduddery....Teabaggery??? "manifestant crient" cuz somebody's getting the shaft, somewhere, all the time. sighs. we are beyond representation. |
Bob K Member Elite
since 2007-11-03
Posts 4208 |
Indeed, the tobacco tax may be guaranteed revenue, then again it may not be. I quite cigarettes after smoking about 8-10 years at a 3 pack per day level. I quit smoking a pipe after 30 years. Neither was easy, and I still dream about them, as I would expect any self-respecting smoker would. Granted the tobacco industry paid a flock of damage settlements, that was to the good. But, Denise, there continue to be new smokers recruited, one way or another, and the increased taxes they pay to some extent helps pay for the wildly disproportionate use they make of the country's health care system. We do not, as you may be shocked to learn, have a government subsidized health care system, yet after the time when people have run out of insurance benefits we actually, for the most part, try to provide them with some health care. The estimates of what proportion of the annual health care budget these costs eat up vary, so I'd suggest you do some research on this yourself. You will not be pleased by the figures you see. The increase in tax on tobacco doesn't really cover that. Nor, actually, does the cost of alcohol tax cover the cost of illnesses secondary to alcohol abuse and alcoholism. I'm not interested in kicking all the happy drinkers off the barstools of the nation, nor the happy smokers out of the pool halls of the nation (do they still smoke in pool halls?). I'd simply be pleased if the increase in these taxes covered the increase in the costs of the treatment of the illnesses that the government ends up covering. Most of that money will, of course, be spent for other things, but at least it will go into the same general pot, and the legislature will have had the choice of spending it in the place where it was more or less designed to have been spent, rather than on cost overruns or, potentially, some program that congress things may be more important and that I might actually agree is more important too. I have similar grumbles about some of your other issues, but I thought this business about tobacco taxes deserved at least a mildly leonine rumble from out here on the left coast. |
Bob K Member Elite
since 2007-11-03
Posts 4208 |
Tea parties? Fox News is, near as I can tell, putting the darn things on. They are giving them publicity and having their reporters appear at them as speakers and as fund-raisers for them, they give them coverage. They're pretty much a Fox event. Why would anybody else do something to publicize a competitor's promotion, for heaven's sake? It would be like the Daily News complaining that the New York Times wasn't covering its Circulation Promotion Drive. Nice Free Publicity if you can get it, but you'd have to think the competition was a real idiot to actually expect them to give it to you. If Fox News was actually a News organization and this was actually a news story, they wouldn't allow their reporters to get within 50 miles of being booked as featured speakers at these events, especially since so many of the Fox Folks are doing so. It would be a violation of journalistic ethics. Not that Fox News seems to care very much about those as far as I can see. It would be a stretch even if it were a promotion for the organization, but they've got a fairly pliable crowd over there these days, and they've been unconvinced. Fair and Balanced, apparently means in Fox Speak, that you pick one side, and throw all your weight there. This objective business, by the way, is a reasonably recent business in American Journalism, as near as I have it. During the Revolution and the first half of the 19th Century, journalism was in large part very political indeed, one of the reasons why the founders wrote the protection of the press business into the constitution. One can be aware of this, love the freedom of the press, and still be greatly annoyed at the tactics, anyway. |
rwood Member Elite
since 2000-02-29
Posts 3793Tennessee |
Fox Brand? "Luzianne." All other "Drive-by medias" ![]() That one's for you, Mike. I always thought that quote from Rush was funny. |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
The government will never have enough money for anything, Bob, no matter how much they raise the taxes on tobacco, alcohol, or wages and investment income, simply because it has no idea how to budget or restrain themselves from wasteful spending. Imagine that! A news organization deciding to provide news coverage for a news event, and then advertising their intent to cover it! I never heard of such a thing! The MSM is certainly free to do the same, if they so chose. |
Bob K Member Elite
since 2007-11-03
Posts 4208 |
Dear Denise, Well, they certainly are, Denise. Maybe when they get to be as Fair and Balanced as Fox, someday, they will, too. In the meantime, though, I wouldn't hold my breath. Bob Kaven |
Ringo![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2003-02-20
Posts 3684Saluting with misty eyes |
LR- Can you find sources to back your side of the debate that don't come from admittedly left wing "media" outlets who have continually done everything to completely undermine and demean anyone that does not agree with their specific take on things? At least you quoted one of the "not completely cataclysmic" sources. Everyone else- As for the "fair and balanced"... I watch Fox News (I know... big shock), and have seen them give equal (or better) time to people who are the farthest thing away from the conservative viewpoint. O'Reilly (who is one of the most vilified broadcasters on the planet, right behind Limbaugh) has people on there all the time who are admitted liberals, and Obama supporters. He gave both President Obama and Secretary (then Senator) Clinton tough, yet very respectful interviews, and even brought (then) Senator Obama onto his show on the Wednesday night of the Republican Convention. He has also taken President Bush (Jr) and Senator McCain to task for what he felt was wrong. He has never attacked anyone without the total and absolute facts to back up his claims (are you listening Daily Kos? The same cannot be said for the other "Journalists" of the left wing media outlets. Hannity used to have his very liberal co-host, Alan Colmes. He is a very admitted conservative Republican, and is a very tough interview; however, he is also one of the most fair interviews anyone can have- without the "gotcha" factor of many liberal (and conservative) reporters who lie in the tall grass and wait for their subject to arrive. The liberal side of that was Tim Russert, and the world (IMO) needs more like the two of them. In CNN's defense, they did have Glenn Beck, and I have seen (basically) fair reporting on CNN's Headline News (is that still around? The cable company here doesn't have it). MSNBC.. well, not so much on the "objective reporting" angle. But this one goes to eleven... |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
Thanks, Regina! I'm not ignoring anyone....drove myself to the emergency room on Easter and I've been here ever since. Hope to get out by the weekend... Amazing how the Alley pales in importance when compared to an emergency room....I look forward to the Alley's return to prominence! |
rwood Member Elite
since 2000-02-29
Posts 3793Tennessee |
Mike??? what you doin' in the ER?? since Easter?? Is the line that long? I hope you're being seen about and that you'll be ok. |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
oh lovie... and yeah, I'll tell you what to do! ![]() Be well. ![]() |
Bob K Member Elite
since 2007-11-03
Posts 4208 |
See what happens when you wait for Fox to be fair and balanced? Gee, Mike! If I'd known you were going to take me seriously, I would have told you not to! More Seriously, I hope things are Ok, and you'll slip us a few details when things are better. I've taken quite a liking to you, and I don't like the thought of things not chugging along the way they ought to. Get well soon. All my best, Bob Kaven |
Juju Member Elite
since 2003-12-29
Posts 3429In your dreams |
The irony is this news anchor lady, was attacking fox news for being bias when she had just as many bias comments if not more. In fact there where many fallacies too. However this was funny. teabag Obama. lol. I guess bush whacking goes both ways -Juju |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
quote: Ah -- you see -- that's the problem Juju -- Rachel Maddow is NOT a news anchor lady -- or a journalist at all -- and doesn't claim to be -- she is a liberal political commentator. She falls into the category of 'pundit' or 'columnist'. Fox News, on the other hand, claims to be a News organization that is "Fair and balanced". MSNBC is a specialty cable outlet that is "The Place for Politics". |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
Michael, I hope you are well soon and home where you belong. (((HUGS)))) |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
Thanks, Denise. The hospital is wonderful. The doctors and staff are right there when I need them. Everyone walking past in the hallways has a friendly greeting and why not? We are all family. Under the circumstances, I couldn't wish to be anywhere else. Tell Bob K any rumors to the effect the the VA is dead, or even sick, are completely unfounded. We took care of our country and our country has stepped up to take care of us. God bless America.... |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
my last reply doesn't show on this computer so i'll just say the VA is alive and well and still the most efficient hospital I've ever seen...let Bob know ![]() |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
Oh geeze, Michael. Why are you STILL in the hospital? Please get well and get HOME!!!! I am glad that you are getting excellent care at the VA. They better treat you right or they will have to deal with all of us here, and I'm sure they don't want that! Your post showed up here just fine. (((HUGS))) |
Bob K Member Elite
since 2007-11-03
Posts 4208 |
Dear Mike, Glad they're treating you right, Hoss. They'd do the absolute best they can, no matter what; they're good folk there. Denise is right, too. If they didn't treat you right, they'd have a bunch of angry poets on their hands. We'd bombard them with vowels until they shaped up. While you're in there, you might try asking the social workers about what effect the last administration had on VA services in their opinion, and how well things are functioning now overall as opposed to before. The ask some of the aides and the nurses and the Janitors and doctors. The reason I suggested the social workers, though, is because they're in charge of making placements, and they have some idea of what that's like. No matter what they say, it should be interesting for both of us. You're in a unique position here. (You drove yourself to the hospital? Exactly what kind of a ward did they put you on, anyway — no, never mind — I can just visualize you toughing out a heart attack, hopping in the car, waving and saying, "See you later, Babe, got an errand to take care of." You may not have the energy to do the leg work.) Anyway, get better steadily and as soon as you can work it out, All my best, Mr. Bob |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
Right, Bob, that's exactly what I plan to do. I'm here in pain around 20 hours a day and all I can think about is interviewing janitors and social workers about the condition of the VA since Obama took over. Forget it, old friend. Politics are about the farthest thing from my mind about now. SInce Obama hasn't made any changes concerning the VA in his first three months I wouldn't think there would be many changes since the past administration. I was here around 5 years ago and conditions were the same. You would even be surprised how many veterans viewed Bush and the VA in a favorable light....but we're just all dumb soldiers anyway. ![]() There won't be any political investigations for the sake of Alley posts on this trip. I'm just ready to get well and get back home...thanks for the well-wishes. |
Bob K Member Elite
since 2007-11-03
Posts 4208 |
Actually, I don't recognize the quote. Who was it, and from where? I'm glad to hear that you're in good enough shape for the occasional short note, though dismayed at the reference to pain. I don't like the sound of that, and the feeling must trump the sound by a considerable margin. Get well soon. Best of luck, Mr. Bob. |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
Feel better Mike! ![]() |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
No, pain is not a good thing, especially abdominal pain..but I'm not complaining. People go through a lot more than what I do. I'll have to look for the quote when I feel more up to it. I'm almost certain it was Gore, but possibly Kerry. I'll let you know. Thanks, LR ![]() |
Grinch Member Elite
since 2005-12-31
Posts 2929Whoville |
Was it Kerry’s joke about Bush being dumb for getting stuck in Iraq Mike? |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
Thank you, grinch ![]() |
Bob K Member Elite
since 2007-11-03
Posts 4208 |
Dear Mike, I figure all pain is abominable. You shouldn't have any of it to worry about, I'm sorry to say. Take all the pain meds they offer; my understanding is that the less pain you're in on a moment to moment basis, the more quickly the healing process takes place. Get well soon, Guy. Mr. Bob |
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