The Alley |
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IN REPLY TO Marilyn.. |
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Chico Member
since 2000-02-10
Posts 67 |
Marilyn, I just wanted to let you know, that I have poested the poem, "IS SUICIDE THE ANSWER" in one other forum. The corner pub to be exact, and one of the moderators kindly emailed me (once) and told me that it was not appropiate, so I re-edited it, and posted it here, and that is the one you deleted. so as you can see Marilyn, What you said was wrong, And I just wanted to clerify that for you as well as all the other people that read your response to my post, Sorry if this came across harsh, but that is the way yours came across... Take care now. -Chico [This message has been edited by Chico (edited 04-28-2000).] |
© Copyright 2000 Chico - All Rights Reserved | |||
Marilyn Member Elite
since 1999-09-26
Posts 2621Ontario, Canada |
I am going to move this to the alley for that is where it belongs. Chico...First off I need to let you know that as a moderator, I am in touch with the other moderators on a regular basis. We all know what is going on in eachothers forums. I am very aware that you first posted this poem in the pub and it was removed. You edited the orginal version to what was posted here and reposted in the pub. It was again removed from there for the same reason it was removed in the first place. Today you posted this poem not only here but also in the CA forum. We have been very patient Chico. It was brought to your attention that this kind of poetry was not acceptable in these forums but you have insisted on posting it. I am sorry if my removing it offended you but I could not contact you because I did not have access to your e-mail. Poems depicting suicide are not acceptable here. Cross posting in multiple forums is not acceptable here. Reposting poems that have been deleted is not acceptable here. I realize that I have been abrupt with you and that is because I know you have been in contact with other moderators about this exact issue. I intended to be stern in my warning because we do not tolerate repeated breaking of our forum guidelines. If I came across to abruptly I do appologize. It was my intention to be stern and not harsh. If you have any farther questions please feel free to contact me or to come to the alley to reply. Thankyou, Marilyn. [This message has been edited by Marilyn (edited 04-28-2000).] |
Chico Member
since 2000-02-10
Posts 67 |
Once again Marilyn, you are wrong.. And I really wish you would pay closer attention to what you are saying, cause obvioulsy you are clueless. So for the benifit of others, pay attention, and try to be nicer in your responses, cause it tends to piss someone off more than it helps... Well, I guess this will be my last post here in the forums, since you have so conveniently disgaced my name, thanks again for nothing, cause you've been so unkind. "you know where that comes from," If you even read the pem you deleted. bye for good now, you wont see me again. -Chico\waz |
Alicat Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
Posts 4094Coastal Texas |
Hmmm....well, Marilyn, I thank you for moving this here, at it does belong here. Chico, I'm sorry if you're upset about this incident. I have to wonder though...did you take the time to read the forum guidelines for the forum you were posting this poem in originally? Or did you wait for the aftermath before raising the issue? If you read the guidelines, and still posted, hoping to 'push the envelop of poetic expression' well, I guess that envelop tore on ya. However, it is my hope that you can put this behind you and continue posting here at PiP. Just, please, take a look at the guidelines again, so that further mistakes can be avoided. Thanks. Alicat, the gruntled. |
Marilyn Member Elite
since 1999-09-26
Posts 2621Ontario, Canada |
I understand what you are trying to do here Chico. I will not rise to the bait. You have to understand that I, as a moderator, have the ablity to delete and move threads that are inappropriate. The thread in teen with your reply to me here, was deleted. This is the appropriate forum for such threads not the teen forum. These things are are placed in the guidelines for each forum and the board. Please read those guidelines so we do not have any father altercations on this matter. Thankyou. Marilyn. |
Chico Member
since 2000-02-10
Posts 67 |
You guys just simply amaze me.. wow. You guys still don't understand, I suggest you do your homework. And alicat. I find it kinda funny that out of my 30 some poems i posted here in pip You never responded once, but yet you are here to tear down when you don't know anything that is going on, and since you did no take the time to "edify" I think you are out of psotion to crytisize.. You guys from what I've seen are some really sucky moderators. now don't get me wrong There are some really cool moderators here in pip. but there are some that are just hypocrites, and I will let you be the judge of that !!!! -Chico ps. Marilyn, I am kinda pissed about you removing that poest in the teen forum, you have the guts to tear me down in public, but you wont face it when it comes to you, that I call hypocryticall [This message has been edited by Chico (edited 04-28-2000).] |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Chico, why not tell us why you think your poem about suicide is ok to post here when the guidelines clearly state otherwise? If we can talk this out, maybe we can come to an understanding... |
Member Elite
since 1999-06-16
Posts 3850In the space between moments |
Chico, it seems odd to me that you accuse Marilyn of attacking you, and then you appear to go and do the same thing. Now don't get me wrong, but as others have said, the guidlines have been previously stated and therefore there should be no reason in not following them. We do not wish to stifle creativeness in any way, we simply wish to protect more impressionable readers. I do hope you will reconsider your decision and keep posting here and within the guidlines constructed. ![]() *Krista Knutson* "Lonliness is the human condition." *Mark Twain, in the book "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"* |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
My response to this thread deserves its own space. [This message has been edited by Nan (edited 04-29-2000).] |
Munda Member Elite
since 1999-10-08
Posts 3544The Hague, The Netherlands |
Chico, why are you so mad about something you knew would be deleted ? |
Chico Member
since 2000-02-10
Posts 67 |
Wow this is great, I never got so many replies to any of my post. Awsomme... And yet kinda hysterical, I have never heard form several of you, and As I told Alycat, since she was not there to edify, I think there are several of you out of your place in repreminding, and so you see for that reason your words are meaningless to me Nan here... FYI - Alicat is very much MALE... A tomcat, so to speak.. ![]() [This message has been edited by Nan (edited 04-29-2000).] |
Munda Member Elite
since 1999-10-08
Posts 3544The Hague, The Netherlands |
Chico, I do not understand why you are so angry. First of all you were notified by me about your multiple postings. When you continued you were given a fair warning by Nan, who deleted some of your double postings (which do not show up in the research and therefore the search reasults are NOT even accurate) and she suggested you'd limit your posts to CA and one other forum. After your suicide poem (which was posted in three forums) you were contacted by Denise and myself. Now you posted your poem "Is Suicide The Answer" in CA, Teen and the Corner Pub (again three forums) and you are angry this poem is deleted ? I do believe you are and were aware of PIP's policy about multiple posting and even more aware of PIP's policy about suicide poems. I'd be more than willing to discuss this matter with you on icq. I'm off doing my groceries first and will be online from thereon, which should be in about 2 hours from now, or are my words meaningless to you too ? Munda This reply has been copied to the other topic. |
Chico Member
since 2000-02-10
Posts 67 |
This is Hysterical, you just don't get it. who told you I was mad about my topic being deleted. no one, thank you, it was something you imagined. I AM NOT mad about my topic being deleted, I am somwhat upset, at the way it was deleted, Cause you see it is no the same one I posted the first time. Which you probably don't know, and haven't taken the time to check on. It is diffrent, as I've already said I re-edited it. and then reposted it. Well i've had enough of this so you all enjoy yourselves.... -Chico Oh and one more thing, if that poem was about me, Which you didn't know. you are all a bunch of hard headed idiots. [This message has been edited by Chico (edited 04-29-2000).] |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
Enough is enough. Yes, you edited the poem - by changing a few words and adding a new stanza. The meaning of the poem, however, didn't change. It glamorized suicide, plain and simple. I have no problem with people exploring tragedy in these forums, but I have a serious problem with people trying to make it appear acceptable and even something to seek. Had you read and understood the guidelines, had you tried to accept the advice of the many people here who have tried to talk to you, you might have understood that. Instead, though, you berate the very people who have tried to help you. Hard headed idiots? Were that true, Munda would never have spent close to 48 hours trying to contact you and talk to you when you last posted this same poem. Were that true, Jim would not have contacted you this time. Were that true, my young friend, you wouldn't even have been posting for the past 24 hours, because it was Jim that convinced me not to ban you when you posted it this time. These hard-headed idiots are the people who have allowed you to continuously break our rules for as long as you have. Because each of them cared. It's increasingly obvious, however, that you don't intend to let any of them help you. It's obvious you refuse to work within our guidelines or, apparently, even recognize they exist. Your history at Passions is clear: You break a rule, someone warns you, you agree to not do it again, then you turn right around and break the same rule. And then you are outraged because they have no right to bring you to task. Do you really think our Moderators have to reply to your poetry before they have the right to enforce our rules? Well, here's a news flash - I've never responded to your poetry and I still have the right to ban you from further participation. And I just did. (p.s. You can also save yourself the time of trying to post as Smile or danny or any other username you've tried to register. In spite of your contentions, we're really not as stupid as you seem to think.) |
Marge Tindal![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-06
Posts 42384Florida's Foreverly Shores |
![]() ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~ [email protected] |
Member Elite
since 1999-06-16
Posts 3850In the space between moments |
I'm glad you put a stop to this Ron. I ditto Marge. *applause* *Krista Knutson* "Lonliness is the human condition." *Mark Twain, in the book "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"* |
ESP Member Elite
since 2000-01-25
Posts 2556Floating gently on a cloud.... |
Thank you Ron. *applause*...we really don't need people who like breaking rules and being nasty to others here. I am glad this whole issue is was very nasty. Thanks for ending it. Love and hugs, Lizzie ![]() "Poetry is the true expression of my soul, it is my ultimate means of communication. It is my rainbow of delight." |
Alicat Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
Posts 4094Coastal Texas |
Ok guys...he's gone and this topic shall now be closed. ![]() Alicat |
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