The Alley |
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Help I've Been Jilted |
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JiltChilledBrain New Member
since 2008-09-30
Posts 1 |
“Kicked to the curb” by using “the bait and switch move”. About eighteen months ago I met the woman of my dreams. It seemed as if she just dropped right out of the sky. I should have given this chance encounter a lot more thought because she initiated the conversation and gave me her phone number. The first three months and fourteen days of knowing this lady was pure bliss. She had no children and lived in a house where her business, a beauty salon, was located in her basement. During the last week of our four month acquaintance my lady had a convention in another state to attend….it had something to do with beauty products and her vocation as a Hair Dresser. I took her to her departure point; as she was leaving she instructed me to pick her up once the convention was over and when she arrived back in town. The fateful day arrived while I was enroute to pick her up my cell phone rang. I thought it was her voice as a matter of fact it sounded just like her, “ I’ve come back early so don’t bother to pick me up I’m home could you get me something to eat instead.” I immediately said yes and like a dummy forgot to ask what to buy. I turned the car around to head to the nearest eatery……then my cell phone rang again, “ Where are you I’ve been waiting for five minutes are you going to pick me up?” “ I’m on my way”, I responded. Well, now I’m perplexed…..I had to pull over and stop the car for a moment……..I started it back up and headed to my original destination point. There she was baggage in hand with a smile on her lovely face……you know how those Libra women can show those dimples in their cheeks and just look flat-out alluring. I loaded her baggage in the trunk of the car and opened the passenger door to let her in…as soon as I sat down in the driver’s seat my cell phone rings……I look down at it and noticed that it’s her number on my caller’s I.D. screen ( her home phone number is the same as her cell number). I handed my cell to her and said, “Someone’s on your phone calling me…..please see who it is!” She picked up the phone listened and then I saw fear in her face. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “May I come over to your house and spend a couple of days….my “ex-boyfriend” is at my house threatening to burn it down and break every mirror in my beauty salon”. This was the first time that I heard of her “ex” who happens to be a truck driver……ummmmm and knows how to imitate her voice….somethin’ else that makes you go ummmmmm! While at my house we started to talk. The explanations and conversation came to a halt. Now, I’m a very caring person and didn’t want her “ex” to get that jilted feeling because folks can do some strange things with an attitude like that. I insisted that if she was not in fear of her life or in fear of pulling the rug from under you technique did not apply then I would volunteer to step back for a few months and let her clear things up on her own terms……since she stated that she was in love with me. She agreed because she stated that he was not the violent type and that he had been a good friend to her and that she really didn’t want to pull the rug from underneath him. Three months later she contacts me again. “He refuses to let me go and he is threatening to kill us if he finds that we are meeting together!” Well so much of not being the violent type!!!!! “He leaves on a road trip in two days let’s get back together then!” Love makes you so blind that later on I couldn’t believe that I stood there shaking my head in approval. In the meantime I go over to my mother’s house to tell her what a lovely lady I met during this six and a half month period and I acknowledge to her that I am developing deep feelings for her. In turn my mother goes on her own to visit this young lady….obviously the “ex-boyfriend” truck driver was there and my “moms” gave her holy H-E-L-L……called the young lady a host of bad names and everything. I didn’t know what to do when I found out what happened. Naturally, I got the blame for sending my “moms” over to her place (which has got to be the dumbest conclusion of all times) all I could do was to try and calm the young lady down. I went over to my mother’s house the next day……..thanked her for watching my back……gave her a kiss on the cheek for being a caring mom………acknowledged to her that I am old enough to handle situations that I get myself into………” Mom, lifes a learning experience…let me experience this journey on my own so that I can recognize the same mistake later on in life……..I love you to death “mommy dearest” but if you bother this lady one more time……I will not be talking to you again for a long, long time”. Now as soon as I leave my mom’s house she contacted my sisters and brother and then they got into the act because she told them that I had threatened to kill her if she didn’t leave the young lady alone. What’s worst my mother had already written a dirty letter and sent it to the young lady’s address………, you know that my name had become “MOMMA’S BOY” to my lovely young lady……yes, indeed, I had it written all over my shocked face……..ya’ heard!!!! Needless to say I had to volunteer a couple more months of my time so that my new found lady could finally get her “ex” used to the idea that see had found another soulmate. Two months passed and she finally reported that he was gone. My son and his wife noticed that I was alone during all the time that they would visit me with my new granddaughter. They made a suggestion to introduce me to a lady in my peer group who was a co-worker of my daughter-in-law. I took the number called once… one answered….and then I never called back. Maybe, I really wasn’t interested….who knows! You know how a man loves woman or vice versa…..over a length of time things are more standard…..for instance…….like when you beat a path through the woods that path remains the same going in as well as coming out….especially when the same people use it. Well, one night my lovely lady and I are making love and all of a sudden I felt like I needed a life preserver……I didn’t want to mention it to my lady because a lot can be misconstrued with pillow talk like that! “I’ll wait until the weekend,” I silently told myself. Well during that weekend it felt like I needed a lifeboat!!!! Maybe it’s me I told myself. I went home and I really came down with a bout of depression. I couldn’t get it out of my head……I constantly wondered whether it was me or her……did she have a medical condition that she didn’t tell me about………did I need a dose of Viagra!!??!! I was depressed for a week……so depressed that I didn’t call her at all. Thursday, here comes my lady questioning me about why I haven’t called her lately…..the first thing she grabs is my cell phone…..she started going through the menu of missed calls; outgoing calls and incoming calls. She constantly questioned me about the female names that she came across. “Whose this!!??!!” Generally, I am a truthful person especially when I have nothing to hide. “Oh, that’s a lady that my son and his wife tried to hook me up with while you were gone on your missions ”. She called that lady up cussed her out ( I didn’t even know what that lady looked like)’ she called up my son and daughter-in-law and cussed them out… turn they didn’t understand what was going on so they called my mom. I don’t need to tell you what she did…….do I…….well, there was more cussing going on than in a sailor’s convention. My lady stormed out of my house. I called her the next day and before I could say hello…..she told me to never call her home again!!!!! I’ve been “hoodwinked”……..”Bamboozled”!!!! But somehow deep down in side she was looking for an excuse to kick me to the curb…..because she has never grabbed my cell phone before and started looking for information to use against me. OH, SNAP!!!!! This lady ( I am using the term very loosely) has also successfully disenfranchised my entire family away from me……now I have no one to confide in or to talk to! Hey yo’, she has never called back and I believe that I have been JILTED…..not that I mind because now I have less drama, peace and quiet…….but the pain….the pain is unbearable help me ya’ll what should I do? |
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Hello, JCB... it's apparent that you are a fan of House. I would recommend a few more dosages of his style of reality and stay away from women for a short while - until you can find one that might care for you unconditionally. Welcome to Passions! " It matters not this distance now " Excerpt, Yesterday's Love |
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