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Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245

0 posted 2000-04-27 10:35 PM

Everyone seems to be on edge and grouchy.

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Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612
Hurricane Alley
1 posted 2000-04-27 10:43 PM

Very timely post! Where do I start (I may post some now and keep adding to it)... I've felt we are all a little short with each other and it worries me....(I would suggest a group hug, but I don't think we are ready)..I've noticed this same thing at work and now I'm wondering if there isn't some cosmic force at work's get it out in the open....

I'm bothered by a couple of things:
1.Someone is sending anonymous emails to members berating them for things they do or say
2.Egos..leave them at the door!
3.Cell phones!Don't talk while while driving!

......more later!

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
2 posted 2000-04-27 10:50 PM

While you're at it, while you're driving don't cut me off! Wait your turn!

Something does seem to be in the air, did someone drop a grouchy bomb on us?

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

3 posted 2000-04-27 10:55 PM

Who you callin' grouchy? Them's fightin' words, girl....put 'em up!! ......hehehehehe.....sorry, all of a sudden I'm feeling 'goofy'  
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
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Purgatorial Incarceration
4 posted 2000-04-27 11:03 PM

I'm not grouchy.

I just like instigating problems.

I thrive on chaos.

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley
5 posted 2000-04-27 11:08 PM

Maybe we're in a transition time here...growing pains or something!! I'm so glad we do get along so nicely though...wouldn't want anyone to think we were mad at each other..or that we couldn't work out our problems...
Senior Member
since 1999-08-30
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Aloha, Oregon
6 posted 2000-04-28 02:38 AM

Must be something in the air....
these days I detest my job (as well as some people I am forced to work with)
I am mad at my husband but for the life of me can't tell you why.
I feel deserted by one of my best friends cuz he'd rather sleep than listen (imagine that!)
My brother doesn't write cuz he's too busy with his job and his web page (which is excellent btw)
My youngest son who moved out and is on his own now wants to move back in cuz "life was easier" and that doesn't sit well with me.
And to top off everything I think my muse died but I can't find the corpse and it STINKS!!!
So....I'm not a happy camper.
Maybe tomorrow will be better. One can only hope.

 Poetry~ Words falling on paper, painting a dream.

Shawna R. Holder
Boise, Idaho

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
7 posted 2000-04-28 06:58 AM

Grouchy, who's grouchy?  Not me. But for the rest of the ill-contents, it can be attributed to "Spring Sting"...usually hits adults as spring smashes headlong into the last throes of winter, but can attack those still in school who hide their heads in the tomes so they can get the sheepskin [well that ages me] and head out the door to be like the rest of us adults who were wishing we were back in school so we could take off for the summer.  TaDa.
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
8 posted 2000-04-28 07:26 AM

Has anyone noticed that all of the challenges made recently have been on very somber issues?  It's pretty difficult to read so many "heavy" posts and maintain an upbeat attitude.  The somber tone has overtaken this place.  I can't read all of it - and I feel badly about that, because the issues are very important ones.  I won't allow my mood to be affected by it, though - so the alternative for me is to avoid opening and reading works that will bring me down...

We need some SilliNess around here!!..   
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
9 posted 2000-04-28 07:37 AM

Shawna I'm with you! I've been really hurt by someone I care very much about.

I can't seem to move forward in much though going backwards is easy, and I'm trying not to do that too!  STRESSED OUT!

Nan, I think many have noticed. And a few attempts have been made to "cheer" things up. But to no avail. I can't read anymore depressing stuff either, even though they are important issues.  I can't say for sure, I know it's affected my mood to some point, but I can't say it was all that.

Sharon I think it can all be worked out, sooner or later  

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
10 posted 2000-04-28 08:03 AM

Well, I'm NOT grouchy, depressed or down in the mouth.
I'm one happy camper.
I love the circles of life that spin us around and make us dizzy with love of life.

Have a Coca~Cola and a smile on me !  
Love all of you .... I really do !

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Elite
since 1999-08-19
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Southern Florida
11 posted 2000-04-28 08:08 AM

I am agreeing with Nan, here .. We 'do' need
some Silliness ... things 'have' been somber
as of late ... and the issues 'are' very
important, indeed ... but now that we have
grown, and continue to do so ... with most
picking up the challenges, it 'is' very hard
to read, post after post, of heartache and
heartbreak that seems never ending ...
I think we do need to have some challenges on
the happy side of the street, so to speak ...
   Let's get 'Silly' .....
Hugs to All .....  

[This message has been edited by Pepper (edited 04-28-2000).]

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191
Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
12 posted 2000-04-28 04:21 PM

Hey, Marge is pretty dizzy from all this spinning???
Would someone pour this on her for me??..  

[This message has been edited by Nan (edited 04-28-2000).]

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
Posts 7136
Mobile, AL
13 posted 2000-04-28 04:31 PM

EDGEY?? GROUCHY?? What do you mean??

Well, if I've been grumpy around here lately, I surely do apologize. I hope everything else works out for everyone else soon.  

On the somber issues...I've stayed away from them. I tend to brood when I read too much serious stuff. I even had to give up horror novels and serial killer novels for a while because I got too paranoid. Okay..I'm rambling maybe. I hope no one is mad because I've stayed away from the more serious issues.  

NAN! What do you mean we need some silliness around here? We have you.   No one could replace you.

 Nothing can deter a poet, for he is actuated by pure love. Who can predict his comings and goings? "Thoreau"

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
14 posted 2000-04-28 07:06 PM

Her Nani-ness ...
JUST TOO COOL !  Literally, it 'feels' great.
And I'm still not grouchy !
So ....
Nana nana boo boo !
I can get REAL silly, but I warn you ...
it's hard to turn me off.  
Must be the caffeine in that Coca~Cola !

Thank you for not 'dieting' me !
I like the ~Real Thing~

Or perhaps we should 'doctor' Pepper !

LOL .... now who says this place isn't FUN !

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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Member Laureate
since 1999-11-23
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East Lansing, MI USA
15 posted 2000-04-28 07:36 PM

NO DOUBT!!!!!!!!!!

This seems to be a world-wide kind of thing. . . I seem to be having difficulties at work, we're all being pushed. . .and I'm tired a lot. . . and there are just too many things going on and my psyche can't TAKE IT ANY MORE!!!!!


There!!!  That feels better. . .



-----------------------------------------------------------------------------< !signature-->

 That which gives light must endure burning
--Victor Frankl

[This message has been edited by Sven (edited 04-28-2000).]

Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
Posts 4094
Coastal Texas
16 posted 2000-04-28 07:57 PM

Oooooh....Marge, thank you, thank you, thank you for offering the True Nectar of the Gods...DR PEPPER.

Hmm...I reckon there are several reasons for people being on I check the calendar, I can't help but notice it's near the end of the month...PMS anyone?  *cackles*

Also, it is time for paying bills...and nobody likes that....

And, as we near the first week of May, not only is it Cinqo de Mayo...a festival for wherever two or more Hispanics are gathered, but also the GREAT CONJUNCTION of the major planets.  Holst, anyone?  

Alicat, the Persnikitty

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612
Hurricane Alley
17 posted 2000-04-28 09:10 PM

It bugs me to know that with all the members we have, so few take advantage of the discussion forums! It would be nice to see some of the newer people over here....I say let's invite them...every time you reply to a poem, ask them to come to Alley for a discussion!!!
Member Elite
since 2000-03-06
Posts 3733
18 posted 2000-04-28 10:22 PM

What's bugging me???? Well for starters push up bras that don't come with the "push", child safety tops that you have to have a child open, spineless weasels that send me e-mails with no names, when my phone rings and there's no one there, and finally when it rains all week except on my day off....yep that about covers it....  
And Marge.....You are way to silly   and we love ya that way  

[This message has been edited by Butterflies_dont_cry (edited 04-28-2000).]

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
19 posted 2000-04-28 10:56 PM

Well, I, for one, am not grouchy and I resent anyone who calls me grouchy. I REFUSE to be considered grouchy! If there's anything that really gets under my skin it's someone who calls me grouchy when I'm not! How dare anyone refer to me as grouchy! I do everything I can to be non-grouchy and what recognition do I get for it? This is sickening to me. I'd better stop while I still have my pleasing disposition else I might actually become

[This message has been edited by Balladeer (edited 04-28-2000).]

Member Elite
since 1999-06-16
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In the space between moments
20 posted 2000-04-28 11:27 PM

Yes, I'm guilty of having the grouchy bug myself..  Someone I care a lot about has been hurting me (well, several actually), my classes at school are insanely boring and I wonder why I'm even there, my family is pretty apathetic, I have so much swirling in my brain and no one I feel I can trust with it, for gosh sakes, even my doggie is sick! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!  Okay, breathe Krista...take it one day at a time..things will get better..or they could get worse...ah!  Does anybody know of an 'off' button for thoughts?  I'm in dire need of one.....

 *Krista Knutson*

"Lonliness is the human condition."
*Mark Twain, in the book "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"*

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since 2000-01-30
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Recess, OfYourMind
21 posted 2000-04-29 12:18 PM

My last post before hiatus...
I was a bit grouchy at one point, and I owe an apology to PdV.  The child abuse challenge...I never meant to come across as attacking you, never meant to cause bickering...
I am sorry.

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612
Hurricane Alley
22 posted 2000-04-29 12:20 PM

You never need to apologize to me!! I'm so easy, I get over stuff all the time..I don't stay grouchy long..

HEY! We need those Groucho glasses..with the big nose and moustaches...!!!

Member Elite
since 1999-09-26
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Ontario, Canada
23 posted 2000-04-29 12:46 PM

I get grouchy when I don't get enough sleep (like tomorrow because I am still here at this ungodly time to be here for a long time and I HAVE to catch up). Generally I have been in a good mood lately, spring is here!! The sun is shining, the weather is warming and ball season is upon me. *jumping with excitement*

*moving over to sit beside Mike...whispering soothing words of comfort in his ear while stroking his beautiful white hair* There now love, no one said you were grouchy. We all love you and think you are fun to be around (stiffling a yawn).

Marge....girl your circles are dizzying me (I'm blonde and have enough trouble with being dizzy already) Would you mind terribly sitting for a moment?

I love this place!!!!!!! And all you fabulous people.  

Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
Posts 6296
Sunny Queensland
24 posted 2000-04-30 09:49 PM

It  must be in the air world wide I think!!
Things ain't no picnic in the land Down Under too.
I feel left out of everything, misunderstood, and simply HATE being accused of things I am not!!  Innuendo and snide comments really hurt me!  I have spent the last 2 years of my life becoming a better person, pushing out the bad, and replacing with good and love.  And for anyone to think I am NOT what I APPEAR to be, really hurts me.
I've finally reached this wonderful plateau in my life, and it's like certain people are trying to hack it away, make it crumble,, so I will fall again.
No way!  I won't let 'em.  I wouldn't say I was grouchy either, more 'confused and hurt' than anything else.
And now I feel a bit better for having deburdened myself  

 A heart and soul are not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others...
(Goddess - Sovereign of the Spirit)

Junior Member
since 2000-04-24
Posts 18
Tampa, FL.
25 posted 2000-05-01 03:19 AM

Well, I must agree that there is a grouchiness going around, you can even maybe just say people are on edge as of late.  Maybe it is something in the air, in the solor system, being the end of April, beginning of May, so many personal problems with everyone, etc.  Who knows for sure?!  Everyone is dealing with something different, some maybe closely alike...and there are MANY people who have not been effected as well.  I can not say that I have not had my share lately, for I have, but it is how we deal with it that can make it better or worse!  Right?  We can choose to be grouchy or not, that choice is ours...but moods effect other people.  One person can be having a bad day and be around a group of people who are not, and then begin to go over things in their life and say 'Hey...(fill in the blank)"  So, I for one, do not want to bring others into a grouchy or snappy mood, so I (from this moment on)  will keep my grouchiness aside, and only direct it at my pillows    This is all of course, in my own diluted opinion!

 Finish your beer--There are sober people in China!

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since 2000-03-05
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26 posted 2000-05-01 09:28 AM

* passing out  anti-grouch pills 0Oo0Oo* (well as creative of grouch pills as my keyboard will let me LOL) Sorry that everyone is having a bad, day ,week, month, year, whatever the case may be .. (((((((hugzzz))))))) as for me I think someone slipped silly pills in my PEPSI,(everyone knows PEPSI is better than coke OR Dr Pepper hehe) and I must say it is a welcome change! Hope you all start feeling better soon...  big smiles  
Senior Member
since 2000-03-28
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27 posted 2000-05-01 10:19 PM

Grumble -- yeah -- I came into Passions,and
just fell in love with the place, then
all the sad morbid issues, of which I dontated to the cause. But, I was getting
where I just could not face opening another
pain filled story.

It is nice to open a cheerful poem full
of hope and dreams ---)

This alley is pretty cool!

I will come back in more often and see
what y'all are gabbing about --- You
can call me the  voyeur of the alley --)

I think Alicat's bringing xangel's
IAM challenge was a great help. It is nice
to get to know people. And, most certainly
relieved some  stress.



Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
Posts 4094
Coastal Texas
28 posted 2000-05-02 02:32 AM

Well....I could grumble and gritch and complain and stuff...but what's the point?  My back is more screwed than a porn star, I'm about as wealthy as a tick, and, yet again, bills are due...
But ya know what?  I don't care!!!  I'm gonna get on that Greyhound bus and have me an ADVENTURE!!!  *bounces around room then falls over cussing* Damn back again...bleah.

Life is truly what you make it...make mine a stuffed crust pizza with Dr. Pepper, true Nectar of the Gods...right next to COFFEE!!!!

Oh, coffee, you love me like no sheep can..first thing in the morning, inside and!!

Alicat, the Kilted Persnikitty

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Aloha, Oregon
29 posted 2000-05-02 03:26 AM

ROFL at Alicat (the sheep thing is hilarious). I think I'm finally getting over my mad. Actually laughed today and it felt sooooo gooood!!! Anyway, I think a hug may be in order so here it is ((((HUG)))) ((((HUG))))) (((((HUG))))) AND (((((HUGS))))) TO EVERYBODY!!!!!!

 Poetry~ Words falling on paper, painting a dream.

Shawna R. Holder
Boise, Idaho

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
30 posted 2000-05-03 10:37 AM

Ali you crack me up! Thanks for the HUGS Shawna!!

Lisa, someone will always try to bring ya down hon. You're a strong person if you don't let their pettiness change your mood!
You go for it HON! I'm proud of what you're doing! You deserve happiness ~Hugs~

so ya think we've aired this out enough we can get over the grouchies? I seriously think something is in the air, man oh man, it has spread like wild fire!

If we start cheerful, spread smile, heck, that spreads like wild fire too! So let's put the frown upside down!    

A Romantic Heart
Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-03
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Forever In Your Heart
31 posted 2000-05-09 03:54 AM

Well my opinion is it is a computer virus...yep "Grouchy"...don't open it!!!LOL!!

I am an optismistic person and try to uplift others...I wish there was something I could do to help each one of you...I wish I could give you each a BIG HUG!!!!

Deputy Moderator 5 Tours
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32 posted 2000-05-09 07:36 PM

I think the problem is that we all need a LOVEBUG like this in our lives...


 "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -Oscar Wilde
since 2000-02-06
Posts 233
33 posted 2000-05-17 12:55 PM

LMAO at Alicat!!!!!      And I will agree with him on the planetary's affecting everyone down here in the Lone Star state, too!!! And we're usually such a *friendly* bunch!!  Hope everyone feels better soon!    

Christina =^..^=

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34 posted 2000-05-24 03:49 AM

Well, I confess I've been on edge lately as my life unraveled at its seams.  The only thing I hold onto these days in a city new to me is my 5 year old daughter, cat, 2 birds and 3 goldfish.  My husband abandoned us just walked out that door after 7 years I had reason to biatch galore.  I've overcome some of the pain thru this poetry family of friends it has eased the soul & cleared the mind of memories of once upon a time.  The grouchy in me has gone away living a life now day to day.  Time shall tell what beholds for our destiny as each dawn brings new challenges and a stronger bond between a mommi and her treasured baby.
Hmm..that felt good getting all that out  
Thank you my friends

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
35 posted 2000-05-24 10:13 AM

Coco I'm really sorry to hear that! I'm glad you're getting it out of your system though.
I can relate to feeling so devestated.
I don't know your situation, but I hope it's peaceful for you now. I hope you can find much happiness for yourself and your daughter. I know it's not easy.

If you ever wanna talk about it, you can always give me an email. I've sort of been through a situation like that.
Feel free to talk with me if you need an ear!
I'll keep you and your daughter in my prayers!

Senior Member
since 2000-02-28
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36 posted 2000-05-24 02:09 PM

What's bugging me (currently)??? People who try to please other people, at the expense of someone else. People pleasers!! Thanks, I feel better now.   Macy
The Lonely Stranger
since 1999-06-18
Posts 361
Upstate, NY, USA
37 posted 2001-11-27 02:20 PM

Iam NOT grouchy and will beat the snot out of ANYONE who says otherwise. Are we clear !!??!! [supressing smirk]

No one ever listened themselves into trouble.

since 2001-02-23
Posts 475
38 posted 2001-11-29 04:29 AM

There is one very simple solution to grouchiness...

Winnie The Pooh...

Winnie The Pooh is never flustered, he has friends like Tigger who are never grouchy, and Pooh says things like "nobody can be uncheered with a balloon".

So who's for Winnie The Pooh?? And who wants balloons??


The past is a foreign country - they do things differently there ~ Unknown

since 2000-08-07
Posts 381
Melbourne, Australia
39 posted 2001-11-29 06:00 AM

I have the answer everyone needs.




are the most important aspects, they create impressions

The Lonely Stranger
since 1999-06-18
Posts 361
Upstate, NY, USA
40 posted 2001-11-29 07:58 AM

"Winnie The Pooh is never flustered, he has friends like Tigger who are never grouchy, and Pooh says things like "nobody can be uncheered with a balloon"."

With all due respect to Tigger ..... He is only the second best tiger in comic strip history ... Mr. Hobbes blows Tigger outta the water.

No one ever listened themselves into trouble.

[This message has been edited by The Lonely Stranger (edited 11-29-2001).]

New Member
since 2001-10-29
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41 posted 2001-11-30 11:41 AM

I'm not grouchy all the time... lol
yuh know everyone has there "days". And one of my friends is ALWAYS grouch yuh know, but no one heard that from me! lol
And um ..
yeah ... I forget whut else I was gonna say. .. don't chu hate that?  Yeah I do!
And school is boring...

I didn't do it,

Ain't got none

Save a horse RIDE a cowboy

since 2001-09-04
Posts 217
Michigan, USA
42 posted 2001-11-30 01:57 PM

I have to agree with you LonelyStranger...
There will never be another cat like Hobbes. Calvin is one lucky guy.  

And as far as that goes, I'm feeling a bit like Eyeore these days.  HO HUM, maybe Ill go out and buy myself a balloon.  

The Lonely Stranger
since 1999-06-18
Posts 361
Upstate, NY, USA
43 posted 2001-11-30 02:58 PM

"I have to agree with you LonelyStranger...
There will never be another cat like Hobbes. Calvin is one lucky guy."

Which reminds me ... Santa Claws will be here soon    

No one ever listened themselves into trouble.

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