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Mel Gibson |
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Paula Finn Member Ascendant
since 2000-06-17
Posts 5546missouri |
So what do you think? |
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Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
Me? I think we should keep the discussion confined to one thread so it's a little easier to follow. ![]() |
Paula Finn Member Ascendant
since 2000-06-17
Posts 5546missouri |
I wasn't talking about Passion...I was interested in what anyone thought of his areeset and poor choice of words. |
LeeJ Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296 |
I think Mel made a mistake...was it a nice thing that he said? no, but he said it...under the influence...unfortunately, since Passion of the Christ, there was this one producer out to get him... Apparently this producer went the length, to the police that arrested him, to the media & wouldn't let it go until he ruined Mel. Now, the media is feeding off of Mel's mistake. While in that bar, what were they discussing? The current war...? That’s enough to raise anyone’s hair on their arms. Does the current war make any of us angry, without the influence of alcohol? It surely does me. Is that what triggered Mel’s anger? No one knows but Mel... Unfortunately, our young men are presently fighting a war in the Middle East to free those people/women, to liberate them, to give them "freedom of speech". That is what they're loosing their lives for. Our men, our young boys, our sons...and we're going to stand by this ridiculous event over here and ruin a man's life for speaking his mind, in anger, under the influence? What message does that send to our boys fighting to establish "freedom of speech" in another country? Hollywood unfortunately is as political & corrupt as any other powerful organization in the U.S. and they black ball people, because of conflicts of interest, religions, political natures, sex and drugs... I believe political correctness has gone way to far...and takes away "freedom of speech", "freedome of thinking" dictating to people what they are allowed & not allowed to say, what we are allowed to believe. I mean, this is the silly poop that starts wars and kills people? Sheesh? Who here, has never said anything off color, or something that offended another, race, religion, political figure or belief, ethics...morality, etc? I know my feelings have been hurt by words and I have hurt others by my words, as well...but to the point that I'm going to attack back and hurt someone to this degree? I think it really worth it? To ruin a man completely. I think those that are doing this are worse then the comments Mel made. But that's just me? Will this ruin him, his marriage, and his life? Maybe, maybe not? Has any one really thought of the horrific damage they are doing to this man? Has anyone spoke up lately and commented on how absolutely ridiculous this stuff is, how shallow, small and kindergarten...? Yet we stand back while Hollywood literally sets out to ruin this man and continue to set our standards? I for one am backing Mel, and I hope and pray with everything I have that this man is able to deal with his problems and his wife is able to overlook the crudeness of the American Media, & Public and stands by his side. I will continue to want more of his movies...and admire him for going against the shallow minds of Holly wood and go out on his own, risking his own money to make movies...b/c Hollywood won't do it. I cannot believe the lengths that people will go in this country to get a story on Hollywood movie stars???? And the gossip people seem to thrive on. Mel Gibson is a human being...who made a mistake and has a (personal) problem. Let’s let the guy alone for God my comment. Let's if we can, help him heal? Who cares what he does in his privet life? It is nobody's business. It’s none of our business...and would do us good and this country good if we'd just let sleeping dogs lie. Just my thoughts.... Thanks so much for the opportunity to vent and rant and rave and I apologize...I just think this is another perfect example of the mentality of this country and where it's taking us. [This message has been edited by LeeJ (08-08-2006 10:02 AM).] |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
Paula, if you check out the thread I linked, you'll discover it inevitably wandered to more recent events. That movie and Gibson's comments, after all, are not unrelated. Lee, Lee, Lee. More conspiracy theories? Yea, the guy made a mistake. Yea, the guy has problems. What he faces now are the consequences of his mistake and problems. Consequences are generally what motivates people to stop making mistakes and start solving their problems. Consequences are good things. Oh, and what you call freedom of speech usually works best in both directions, Lee. If he can say it, others get to criticize it. When something only flows in one direction, it's a privilege not a freedom. |
LeeJ Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296 |
No Ron, no conspiracy theories, my cousin is a producer. They play games and blackball people on subject matters of disagreement. They are rich and powerful...and have the means to ruin careers, lives. I'm not saying he didn't make a mistake, and yeah, he certainly does have more problems due to the motives of one single guy with a lot of clout who set out to nail him to his own cross...especailly after the Passion....and yes, I agree, consequences are good things...and maybe this will all backfire and give Mel Gibson a boost? Wouldn't that add insult to injury? quote: I most definately agree, but now, L.A. Sheriff Lee Baca's department is currently under investigation for what many theorize was an attempt to cover for his pal, Mel, after his anti-Semitic blather hit the air waves... what I'm saying is, saying it and critizing him for saying it is one thing, but the producer that is taking this to the hilt, as far as he can go with this, is total vengence... and yes, Ron, he has every right to say what he thinks, but to try and ruin a man, his family, his life, will be his own ruin, and his own demise. When he went to the police department, to demand that Mel be prosecuted the police said, they didn't think Gibson said anything that was all to terrible? "He was drunk and angry", they said...and this producer became outraged...he is the one that called the media and wouldn't let up until it became headline news. He is the one who is now bringing forth all this conspiracy toward the police department...and the pictures of Gibson with those women? and it'll come out, in the end, it always does, but will be found on the 22nd page of the newspaper, at the very bottom in small print, yanno? Mel financed his own Movie the Passion b/c Hollywood refused to...I wonder why? Again, this is the silly stuff that causes wars....I think people have to remember the old saying Stick and stones? face it, this guy had it in for Mel Gibson, big time. |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
quote: Then let's name names, Lee. Who is this guy? Who is your cousin? Let's write this vengeful producer with mega-power and let him know your cousin has evidence and is willing to produce it. Let's call the NYT. Your cousin does have evidence, right? Evidence, after all, is what differentiates a real conspiracy from idle gossip. |
LeeJ Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296 |
Hey Ron Good Morning thanks for your reply, but.... Name Names? Sheeesh Ron???? No can do. quote: Yup, your right, it surely does, but it works both ways Ron. Your just going to have to take my word for it...sorry. Is being right that important, Ron? There were times in my younger years I partied and drank way to much...probably said things in anger or made a complete fool outa myself...who cares? I'm standing ground, and backing Mel on this one, Ron...was he right, no, he wasn't and I'm not arguing that fact. I'm certain he is the kind of man who realizes he made a mistake, and will accept full responsiblity for his actions... To take things this far, to me, is utterly frustrating, ridiculous and seeking to ruin this guys career. But there is, always someone waiting in the background, wanting to make more of something then it is...and that is the case here. Actually Ron, I hope it all backfires, and Gibson grows even bigger and better from all of this...Period. Thank you for the opporunity to vent, and for challenging. I apologize for not being able to fit you with the information, you've requested. |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
Sorry, Lee, but no, I don't have to take your word for it. I think it's utter nonsense, just more conspiracy theory with no credible evidence offered or even suggested. I suspect the only person out to get Mel Gibson is probably Mel Gibson. That, to me, is sad enough without adding unfounded rumors and gossip to the mix. Mostly what I've seen in this unfortunate incident is a whole lot of people, from the movie-going public to the police to the Jewish community, bending over backwards for a very likable actor. And I think that's just fine. I also think that's all there is to it. |
LeeJ Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296 |
Well Ron, that is your right to believe who and what you want to believe...and I thank you for the challenge...and I gotta tell you, you certainly do make me stop and think about all the subjects you challenge me give food for thought, and have helped me a great deal in these forums...but this one, I'm not backing off of, nor will I devulge names simply to prove the validity of my statements. Thanks again for the opportunity to express. |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
I'm really glad Ron brought up Mel Gibson's image, and the "likeability" factor playing a role in this--otherwise known as the celebrity's "Q Factor". It is also used in marketing, to rate the potential popularity of a celebrity spokesperson. Robert Downey, Jr. also had a high "Q" score--but the judge wasn't buying into that. What has me the most bemused is how rarely it is mentioned in the press that Mel Gibson is charged with a crime. If it is mentioned at all, it is simply glossed over. But then, there is that pesky mugshot. ![]() And sigh. I do not know if there is anyone "out to get" Mel Gibson. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get ya--so Mel really should hire a driver. It's not a crime to drink. It's not a crime when drinking becomes a problem. It's not even a crime for alcoholics to drive. It's a crime to drive while intoxicated though, and I think that is what needs to be addressed. (and no folks, blush, I do not drive) ![]() |
LeeJ Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296 | 621226 I don't believe Gibson is paranoid...I believe that there are a lot of jealous people (in Hollywood) out there who he intimidates due to his success...and they don't like him, much more, maybe they fear him...he is an excellent actor/producer but that is just my very small opinion. |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
quote: Either of which will produce its own very different set of evidence. Oh, and for the record, don't forget it works the other way around, too. Just because someone is out to get you doesn't mean you're NOT suffering from paranoia, a potentially serious mental illness. ![]() Of course, I've seen no evidence of either paranoia or persecution, so far. Just rumors and gossip. |
Edward Grim Senior Member
since 2005-12-18
Posts 1154Greenville, South Carolina |
Ok, here's the deal: Mel Gibson got drunk, got into a car, endangered the other patrons of the road (thank God no one got hurt), got arrested, said some very stupid, very anti-Semitic remarks to the cops and now he's payin' the piper for it. That's what happened, so that's what should be talked about. My dad was an alcoholic and he got two DUI's so I have no sympathy for drunk drivers. But on the same hand, I am an aspiring filmmaker and I don't think that his upcoming movie Apocalypto should be boycotted because other people worked very hard on the film and it wouldn't fair to them or Mel (I suppose). Plus the film has nothing to do with this. Maybe he does have a producer out to get him, maybe not. I mean, it's Hollywood, everybody is out to get everybody in this business. Sure, call me paranoid (as I look out the window to see if an assassin is going to pounce on me) but the film industry is one of the most ruthless businesses out there, maybe next to prostitution, I don't know. I do believe that he and his buddies were talking about the war in Israel and maybe that’s what got him going but who cares. I will not tolerate any discrimination of any kind against any group of people whether the discriminator is sober, drunk, stoned or stupid, and I don’t think that in this day and age people should have to tolerate discrimination. So there, that’s all I have to say. [Insert quote of wisdom here] |
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