The Alley |
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Sheehan Prefers Living Under Chavez |
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Mistletoe Angel![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
Hardball: July 5, 2006 * O'Donnell: "So why go stand by side by Hugo Chavez in Venezuela? Why do that? I mean, it sounds like that...would you rather live under Hugo Chavez than George Bush?" Sheehan: "Um, yes. You know, Hugo Chavez is not a dictator like you introduced him. He's been democratically elected eight times, and he is not anti-Am..." O'Donnell: "So you see him as democratically elected?" Sheehan: "Yeah, hold on a second.....uh, not anti-American, he has helped the poor people of America. He has sent aid to New Orleans, he has sold...heating oil to disadvantaged people in America, the United States of America at low cost, and he, the people of his country love him, and for us to say that we.....have some kind of...influence over Venezuelan policy is wrong. The people of Venezuela have elected him overwhelmingly eight times and it's his country, and it's their country, and they should have the leader that they deserve." * O'Donnell later questioned in the segment, "Americans may hate the war but they don't necessarily hate the president. How do you expect to get change by going around the world and trashing the President of the United States?" Sheehan responded, "I don't hate the president either, and I don't trash the president. I trash the president's foreign policy." O'Donnell then responded, "But you called him the biggest terrorist in the world, so you are trashing the president." Sheehan's reply, "Well he says a terrorist is somebody that kills innocent men, women and children." * Regardless of your opinions about Chavez, (I have my reservations about Chavez, especially in how he fills his cabinets with political puppets, but do agree he was democratically elected, just not eight times but twice, LOL, and also condemn Pat Robertson's previous call to assassinate him) I find what Sheehan said today to be incredibly disrespectful and selfish. Last summer I sympathized very much with her anti-war protest, where she merely was keeping to the point and demanding questions being answered to why her son died for a lie, for an invasion that was diversionary to the real men responsible for 9/11; bin laden and al-Qaeda. I supported her then in that I believed she was just a grieving military mother looking for answers, and defended her when I believed personal attacks accusing her of exploiting her son's death was uncalled for. However, especially since ten months ago during the deadly Hurricane Katrina aftermath when she accused National Guard troops coming into the city to help out rescue operations of victims and families of "occupying New Orleans", I have lost all respect for this woman, and now see her as a blatantly selfish individual who keeps going further off the deep end each month, and this latest remark is especially unnerving. If she wants to move to Venezuela, that's fine with me, I won't miss her, I'm sure most Americans would like to purchase a one-way plane ticket for her to Caracas. I have protested this Iraq war since the beginning and will continue to, but regardless of my disapproval of this president and his policy, it doesn't at all affect that I'm most proud to be an American and live here in a nation which is more than generous and pours philanthropic billions to the rest of the world, which contrary to what Sheehan may think, Bush and both parties together have contributed hundreds of millions to New Orleans and many other things. And what has Sheehan done recently much of the time? She even had the gall to whine when Hurricane Rita happened about the media moving away from her to focus on the tragedy (which, by the way, killed 120 people and is considered the fourth strongest hurricane in history) shouting, "I am watching CNN and it is 100 percent Rita...even though it is a little wind and a little is bad, but there are other things going on in this country today...and in the world!" Her fifteen minutes of fame have been extended way too long. Sincerely, Noah Eaton "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other" Mother Teresa |
© Copyright 2006 Nadia Lockheart - All Rights Reserved | |||
iliana Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434USA |
Noah, I found this to add: Her Fourth of July speech. Looks like she is trashing the neocons to me -- a bit of a contradiction there -- I mean, she says she doesn't trash them, but sure sounds like it to me in this speech. Each time she contradicts herself, she loses credibility. I agree her 15 minutes is probably over. I believe this is her working through the grieving process and she does have the right to voice her opinions. We, too, have the right to listen or not to listen to her. |
Mistletoe Angel![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
Sheehan has every right to her opinions, as alarming as some of them can be, and I hold nothing against her when regarding she lost a child which was obviously fear to her, thus I can understand how many parents can be driven mad through extreme grief when they lose someone dear. However, we also have the right not to listen, and the fact she continues to get mass media coverage just like Pat Robertson, Ann Coulter and Michael Moore do baffles me. I think somehow she arrogantly believes, because she is a military family mother, that she matters MORE than others who aren't and such. I am sympathetic in that many other parents who've lost a child in combat and don't believe in the politics of the invasion are desperately seeking some sort of justice or peace for their loss, but just because she had a son die doesn't mean her opinion should be regarded above all others. Sincerely, Noah Eaton "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other" |
Alicat Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
Posts 4094Coastal Texas |
Sheehan was doing this sort of thing long before she became a 'grieving mother of a military hero'. In fact, her behavior and familial estrangment led to her son not only enlisting, but reupping. He was on his third tour of Iraq when he died. A tour is normally one year, and once done, the soldier does not return to that area unless they request it. For him to volunteer for 2 extra years/tours speaks volumes about his maternal disdain. It was her using his death for her own socio-politikal purposes which led to the rest of her kids and her husband, which by then no longer knew her nor desired such, to divorce themselves willingly from her. She even spoke out on the behalf of the ACLU lawyer busted for transporting messages between her client and his terrorist organization. So her pro-Chavez comments come as no surprise, even though Chavez desires to nationalize the petroleum industry there, align with OPEC and Cuba, actively manipulate crude prices and put the economic squeeze on Americans, hoping to see the collapse of our economy. |
Not A Poet Member Elite
since 1999-11-03
Posts 3885Oklahoma, USA |
Just more evidence that an empty wagon always rattles. |
Grinch Member Elite
since 2005-12-31
Posts 2929Whoville |
I think she has an opinion and a right to voice that opinion, I also believe that anyone who disagrees with her opinion has the right to voice their disagreement as long as people target opinions rather than people arguments remain constructive. "I don't hate the president either, and I don't trash the president. I trash the president's foreign policy." Sounds reasonable. I don’t think we should attack or lampoon the person just because we don’t agree with their opinion. |
Alicat Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
Posts 4094Coastal Texas |
She becoming the gift that keeps on giving. According to this AP story, Sheehan has just purchased land in Crawford, Texas. Well, Sheehan herself did not buy the property, but a friend did. He didn't say it was for Sheehan either, instead telling his story of losing everything to Katrina in his native Louisiana and wanting to start over in Crawford. He then bought the land with Sheehan's insurance money from Casey's death, and then gave the property to Sheehan. She does say that when all this has run its course, she wants to turn the property into a park with a playground, since Casey loved children. I can't wait. |
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