The Alley |
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Happy Hour |
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Huan Yi Member Ascendant
since 2004-10-12
Posts 6688Waukegan ![]() |
“Almost two-thirds of Britons believe extended pub opening hours will make the country a worse place to live…” In our local paper there’s a section that summarizes arrests, giving names. Most of the activity is for DUI. The state has a .08 percent blood alcohol content level standard to define legally DUI. I’ve wondered when reading that section, if the police weren’t able to simply wait near a local pub at about midnight on a weekend and net everyone coming out of its parking lot behind a steering wheel. How much beer, shots, etc. does someone have to put down to be over the limit? And if it isn’t much, then isn’t it some sort of sport; people go into bars to drink, (that’s how bars make money; I imagine you can say it’s for other reasons, but if you don’t spend the cash, I’d bet you won’t be welcomed back), and afterwards it’s see who gets caught? |
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Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
Depends on their weight and metabolism, John. I think it is fair to say though that most folks who hang out at the bar for a couple hours, and having shots with those beers, are probably just about at the limit, especially since the limit keeps getting lowered every couple of years. |
bbent Senior Member
since 2001-01-07
Posts 521Alaska |
I got to agree with that 2/3rds that feel longer hours means more drunkeness,trouble and death.I've worked most my life as a bar musician and am absolutly sure that those drinking till the morning hours are far more intoxicated and much more likely to be involved in fights or endangering others by drunk driving.I most certainly agree the bars main purpose is to sell as much booze as it can in it's open hours.The ones here sell so called mints to hide the smell of the booze for it's best customers.Rarely have I seen anybody intoxicated refused service unless they were doing something that might cost the bar money.I have no problem with people drinking till their to drunk to walk if that's their choice but take there carkeys and call a cab or roll em up in a ball and let the wind blow them home.Last thing we need is a hyway full of drunks killing early morning commuters.The bars here are open till 5am when there's the business and believe me if i'm out walking at 5;30 I stay well away from oncoming traffic. Live like it's your last day... |
Huan Yi Member Ascendant
since 2004-10-12
Posts 6688Waukegan |
I would just like to reconcile the conflict: the civil concern with the real consequences of drunkenness on the public and the acquiescence to its avenue by late hours for bars. |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Well now. I have typed this ad nauseum, but I am here in New Orleans, and I have often thought of the conflict of it all, as the bars here DO sometimes close, but there is always another open somewhere. In my former neighborhood, there was one club where the band didn't even begin to play until three a.m. And yep, as a result, Louisiana is in the top ten for alcohol related accidents, and insurance premiums are amongst the highest in the nation as well. (And rightfully so) But I have to argue the fact that people go to bars to simply drink. I know a number of people who go to clubs to play pool, darts, and sing karoake, and not all of them drink. (As I age, I know many who have quit drinking due to health related issues--the ones who survived the party years of their "roaring" twenties.) Now we have casinos to contend with as well, as you can go there, and as long as you're gambling, they will keep on bringing trays of free drinks. But I did have an idea for a taxi service, which would involve two drivers, one to drive two drivers--one to drive the intoxicant's vehicle, and the other to drive the inebriated person home. I even thought of a name: U-Auto-Know-Betta ![]() I think the insurance complications might make that rather impractical, but I did recently talk to a lounge owner who was considering a bus service (mini-van). In a town where you have "Drinkin' with Lincoln" nights, (pay five bucks and you can drink for five hours, anything you like) I believe that something ought to be done. And yep, John, as I've have gotten older, many times I have wished ruefully to move someplace where the bars do close. And now I have to run. There's a parade going on, and yep, there will be a slew of drinkers there, most of whom I assume drove there. (And nod, I'm in the middle of a party as I type, and we no longer serve alcohol, but we do provide plenty of food.) And as for parades? Shaking my head here, I went to one Friday night, and the first "throw" that I caught was a syringe filled with a "jello shot." And yes, there IS a law against that, but nobody here seems to care. I guess that's why they call New Orleans "the city that care forgot". But I agree, bars and drunk driving present an incongruous situation, and I sure wish there was some middleground. Until then, beware of those who drive on it. |
Susan Caldwell Member Rara Avis
since 2002-12-27
Posts 8348Florida |
god, I need to visit New Orleans... ![]() "cast me gently into the morning, for the night has been unkind" |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Susan? You should. You've got a place to stay. ![]() |
hush Senior Member
since 2001-05-27
Posts 1653Ohio, USA |
Wait a second. Bars open till five AM? "Dinkin with Lincoln???" Man, Ohio sucks! Sorry, I know it's besides the point. but I never drink and drive, if that helps? Although, on an amusing note, before I turned 21, we were stopped by border patrol after a night of clubbing in Windsor (where you can drink at 19) at which point I began loudly and drunkenly protesting that my rights were being violated and that I wanted to see the supervisor. Which is precisely what I probably didn't want to do. ![]() |
Susan Caldwell Member Rara Avis
since 2002-12-27
Posts 8348Florida |
Karen? you will the first and only I call when I do go! ![]() "cast me gently into the morning, for the night has been unkind" |
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