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Elizabeth Cor
Senior Member
since 2000-10-13
Posts 879
Over the river and through the woods

0 posted 2002-03-13 06:48 PM

Hard strides around the ring,
this mental pacing with my heart breathing heavy:
lungs & stomach: butterflies with razor wings.

I believe there’s more to believe
than I want to believe

If I think I understand you, I do

As much as red and wire
as mirrors and echoes

  or repetition; the peripheral dance...
I trace your circumferance with a wondering thumb...
ponder if one can die from the prowl.

it might have all been confused
with the lack of full-service cheating
and tie-me-down lies
but a hand across my throat has always
made me feel a little slippery
and that’s something only you can slide

maybe I dipped myself in the dark of it
slipped the oil through my fingers and called it home
Perhaps once you wash yourself from the stink of it
well, you don’t want to know the pleasure of the grit anymore

Check my hands for debris and note the lifeline...
the scars and stripes, their shattered-glass birth...
they are emtpy of comparison

Hey, if it were all walks and moonshine
i bet we’d smooth it with dreams as pale...
... illustrate a portrait true...
~laugh~ when I am a discoball, sick rainbows...

but lately, feeling as though the circular symmetry
is not my symbol at all... nor anything as slick as metal or reflection...
a smudge.. purple-orange?
it would be fitting, wouldn’t it.
Or instead... the stroke of hand in half circle:
   frustration’s symbol, the answer incomplete: brown yellow and flash magnesium.
Oh, but here I breathe out red dust and call it life,
believe it language...
when one can say more with balloons and cheap paint...

Still, grey on white has always been my forte...

if we worked in two dimensions...
and a sock to my stomach made me comprehend
the space outside of me... that there IS space...
more than the backward-forward sway of this motion:
I’d accept the vacuum as another world,
Abbot-convinced, if it meant
believing... understanding...

Under glass?
Or just ignoring
something seen in a world of seventeen fours ago...
Perception, perhaps...
I don’t view the rock, it must be gone...
But feel the pebble in my shoe and wonder
tempt the irritation till I’m bloody-sore and still craving...
  Red I think... as if:
desire, anger, jealousy’s fitting shade... the blank scream of the unrequited...
love, even... all that.

So, I can grasp the combinations...
and maybe it’s just worries of a worn-in lover
who knows the provocation of cigarettes and sex
who knows her own addictions and the hard mockery of :


I could never be anything as eloquent as an archer...
primate, perhaps, missing link in the midwest...
who stubs her toe and launches the Boulder west
out of what emotion isn’t known anymore

And that’s how it always is, see?
So aware you can asphyxiate yourself in the smell of it...
gagging, strong as a taste in my mouth:

emotional recoil, outbursts animal and putrid,
irrationality, the talentless brawl of presenting...
and past history which has proven that I have the damnedest time deciphering
between myself drowning and water-mirage,
even determining what the liquid IS...
all the above, and all my mistakes, and the fact that I am so TERRIBLE at public speaking
and formal critique...
don’t know, it seems, the difference between discussion and hurled gravel...

and can’t seem to swallow the day-to-day frequency of hollow eruptions...
though I know the damage...

each of them selected and skipped across the waves of stability, as I run ‘round.

well, from that bridge...


and, as invisible as this reality is to Square,
as color is to someone Acrostically Balanced, with Stars in their eyes...
I do try. But... also, please.. also, I know.

In circles walked with the limp to my left side,
hungry and stolen, i know... so I stumble on.

But you are stone and I am flesh and we can never get along.

[This message has been edited by Elizabeth Cor (03-13-2002 08:27 PM).]

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Silver Streak
Member Elite
since 2002-01-02
Posts 3625
1 posted 2002-03-13 08:12 PM

Very powerful, Elizabeth! Lots of images, here. Lots of thought generated. Thanks for sharing.


Sharing God's Love through

Copyright: 2002 Newell Elsworth Usher

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296
Purgatorial Incarceration
2 posted 2002-03-13 09:31 PM

quite a combination of emotionsthoughtsfeelingsponderingsresentments you have here... almost as if you have something to say...

m - there is a fine line, and sometimes it's hard to tell who crosses it... it's almost as easy sometimes to blame yourself as it is another person... this here - i see that maybe you understand that it's not always one or the other... the amalgamation of emotive definitives here leaves me breathless and, as much as i hate to say it, is quite thought provoking. that alone makes the throat scratching words well worth imbibing... at to that the literary presence of so manyemotions that should be jumbled, but aren't, and you've added another to the list... hard to tell the best now from one truth to another.



Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
3 posted 2002-03-14 01:38 PM

I felt such raw emotion emitted in this piece~

Stunning and poignantly done lines of thought~

'I could never be anything as eloquent as an archer...
primate, perhaps, missing link in the midwest...
who stubs her toe and launches the Boulder west
out of what emotion isn’t known anymore'

Very, very real-feeling ...
Sending *hugs* ...~
*HUG*  *HUG*

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
         [email protected]                    

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049
4 posted 2002-03-14 02:04 PM


I cannot turn this inside out, dissect the meaning with a word of understand..but, I feel the power of your feelings and the turmoil that touches the words..and I am amazed.

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Member Laureate
since 1999-11-23
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East Lansing, MI USA
5 posted 2002-03-14 03:23 PM

this begs to be read aloud. . . and I did read it aloud. . . but, I know that I probably didn't do it the justice that it deserves. . .

there's so much emotion here. . . it's almost as if there's a group speaking here, and not just one person. . . well, perhaps there in one person. . . who speaks for the rest. . . or, perhaps, it's just me trying to read more than the words. . .

I've discovered that your emotions are far more complex than even you might begin to think. . . and that is what makes your writing worth reading. . .


To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world.

Member Ascendant
since 1999-10-28
Posts 5167
state of confusion
6 posted 2002-03-14 09:37 PM

Elizabeth, what a myriad of thoughts and emotiions are played out here. Some darkness here as well. Makes for a very intriguing and private poem.



Member Elite
since 2000-06-26
Posts 3168
Blue Heaven
7 posted 2002-03-14 10:47 PM

But you are stone and I am flesh and we can never get along.

I don't know that I have ever before  disagreed with my favourite line in a poem.

Great line though ( may i borrow it sometime?-heh ), and an equally fine peam.


Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

8 posted 2002-03-14 10:57 PM

Hard strides around the ring,
this mental pacing with my heart breathing heavy:
lungs & stomach: butterflies with razor wings.
Check my hands for debris and note the lifeline...
the scars and stripes, their shattered-glass birth...
they are emtpy of comparison

A most impressive purge poetess Cor ...
most impressive indeed.
the impact of those lines and images rose of the page at me...for the intensity of your emote...and the reflections of myself I saw in them.

You never knew what I loved in you,
I dont know what you loved in me ...
Maybe the picture of somebody you were hoping I might be.

Jackson Browne

Elizabeth Cor
Senior Member
since 2000-10-13
Posts 879
Over the river and through the woods
9 posted 2002-03-30 09:18 PM

I never did give my appreciation here...

C, Marge, Martie, Sven, Cor, J, and JM: thank you. Each of these responses are genuine, flatteringly thorough, thought provoking, and for me... warming. Thank you for reading, for understanding, and for giving me your time and words.

Please don't take my delay in expressing gratitude as negligence, but more... time for myself to settle enough to reply. ~softsmile~ ... I wish, really, I could look each person in the eye, just to transfer: here, this is what I feel when you give back.

Your replies mean such a terrible amount. I hope... god, I hope that comes across. If not until now, well then... know that.

Thank you.

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