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Poet deVine
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Hurricane Alley

0 posted 2003-02-16 11:11 AM

Preface:  I guess I'm putting this in the back corner of PiP to avoid a confrontation with those who feel we should not be trying to 'save' Iraq. I certainly don't want a war of words with my fellow writers. But I also feel there are some things we need to realize. If we put ourselves in the shoes of our Iraqi counterpart would we feel the same way? I think not. I've done some reading (see links below) and feel that the true freedom of poetry is that we are allowed to say what we want about our government, about daily life, without retribution. In oppressed countries, that is  not the case. Thus I wanted to write about a poet - living in Iraq.

The Iraqi Poet

He lives surrounded by hot desert sand
The Iraqi writer with poetic hand
a life hidden from oppression’s band
haunted by the will of demand

He spoke out against the tyranny
against the dictator’s every decree
the poet dared to pen his disagree
he only wanted to live and be free

His song is old with delicate layer
lilting haunts like Allah’s prayer
of life too hard, life too unfair
near darkest edge of sanity despair

He still lives amid hot desert sand
this lonely scribe of Iraqi land
But now because of leaders demand
this poet writes with only one hand

The reference to 'one hand' is definitely a true reflection on the justice system of Iraq. And though we can find hundreds of links about poets protesting the war, we also need to read about our fellow writers struggling under this oppression.


Disclaimer: This is MY opinion. MY view and is not intended to be a reflection of the political view of PiP. Though I am a Moderator and Administrator, this post is done so only as a member of the site and not in any other capacity.

© Copyright 2003 Poet deVine - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2003-02-16 02:25 PM


A good poem but the structure you chose was somewhat restrictive it seems.  Some of your rhymes seemed somewhat awkward and the wording was often rather odd.  For example, your use of the verb disagree as a noun.

Other than that, however, this is a very frank poem with a chilling end.  

"If history is to change, let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh"

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Marge Tindal
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2 posted 2003-02-16 02:55 PM

I enjoyed your poetic view.

Can't imagine why you felt it necessary to place it 'in the back corner of PiP'.  It's not like this 'back corner' doesn't show up available to everyone or anything.

In my friendly opinion, the 'disclaimer' is a little over-kill.
I'm sure we're all allowed our poetic opinions without having to justify our position to the world outside of PiP ...
There is a world outside of PiP, isn't there ?

Have a great day, poetess~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]                        

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley
3 posted 2003-02-16 03:13 PM

Thank you for reading.

I chose this format because it was restrictive. It was a strain to keep emotion out of it. I plan to write something MORE emotional also and wanted a 'benchmark' to go by.

And I think disagree in Iraq is a's a thing that will get you deported.

Marge, passions run high about this issue and I wanted to make sure no one thought I voiced an opinion for the site. If you think it's too much, I'll edit it out.

thanks for reading!

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4 posted 2003-02-17 10:19 AM

Sharon, I'm glad you wrote this.  You have a way about putting ideas to voice that really paints a picture.  To not have the freedom to write...sigh - very sobering.  It's good to read you again.
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5 posted 2003-02-17 04:18 PM

A very very powerful write, Sharon. I think we all need to realize that Iraq has an oppressive and horrible leader that needs to be removed... however, Iraq is not the only place. We should remember our "allies" that run similar regimes. But I didn't mean to make my reply too political. It's a good write.. the only critique I would give is that you could have made it a little longer, a little more descriptive perhaps?

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.--Jesus Christ

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6 posted 2003-02-26 12:18 PM

I haven't done a lot of reading myself on the subject (I'll visit those links once I'm done my runs through Sanctuary), but at any rate, it can seem terrible what other countries are doing with their citizens... this war that's coming up frightens me.  The situation you describe, especially the powerful statement in the end, is something very real which should concern all of us.  Just because things are happening in another country doesn't mean they're not happening to perfectly innocent, respectable individuals.

I admire your concern for those beyond your borders, Sharon.  A lot of people don't bother to look quite so far with their sympathy.  Well scribed, girl.  


"Faith" means the will to avoid knowing what is true.
~ Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

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7 posted 2003-02-26 09:50 PM

A very good poem, PdV, it was quite powerful.  This world does need change, people need to be free to express themselves without fear.  I personally don't think war is the answer, but I respect your opinions.  I do agree with the compassion you've shown for other people, however.  Nicely penned, my friend.

*Krista Knutson*

"If we have no peace, it is because we've forgotten that we belong to each other." ~Mother Teresa

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Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
8 posted 2004-09-24 03:19 AM

To be honest i totally agree with Devine on this matter we should always think from a different point of you in the case a person whose living there... I live in a country (Malaysia) though we are a multiracial country, Islam is the main religon people just misunderstand the it. Please don't think i'm saying this cause i'm a muslim(i'm of mix parentage but does not have muslim blood in me)I know this is a very sensitive issue but i'm glad DeVine you wrote this.Your poems always makes me come back to read more of it. I think i've told you this before you simply a devine person *kisses*  

p.s For the record i'm a gal LoL a few folks from here had asked me this due to the nature of my username

CrEaTuRE.... aka... ViNa

Love CoMeS To ThOsE WhO Still HoPe AlThOuGh They've BeeN DiSaPpOiNteD,To ThOsE WhO StiLL BeLiEvE AlThOuGh ThEy'Ve BeeN BeTraYeD,LoVe KeEpS ThEm GoInG

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9 posted 2004-09-24 01:37 PM

You know my views on this, if we all put our feet into someone else's shoes our fears would take on a new light.  That need would lead us to answers, and eventually two sides would reach an understanding or at the very least, agree not to disagree.  I am glad I found this, but knowing you as I do, I figure you hid it for the seekers to find   Great job and wonderful research Sharon.
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10 posted 2004-09-24 01:44 PM

Throughout all my years of reading your material, PdV, you have never ceased to amaze, always aiming for the mind, heart, and soul from whimsy to poignancy, and always finding a mark.

How often we take our liberties for granted, and how little thought we spend on others.  Thank you for posting this one.


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