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Open Poetry #18
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Junior Member
since 2002-01-07
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0 posted 2002-01-14 01:49 AM

Go on and cry
get it out.
No one can see you, hear you
just words on a screen right?
A scream in the lines of poetic utterance
trapped between spaces of lettering....
Feels vulnerable to put it out there,
you don't know what they think do you?

You are broken, but not irrepairable.
You are not beyond hope.
Why, when you are put together
you will be more beautiful than ever!

Listen to the voices who declared
love for you and feel it now.
oh, you don't hear them anymore
do you?  They are only a memory.
That doesn't mean they don't still love you.
Please don't give up.
You've come too far, don't ever give up.

Or better yet?  Bask in the psalm
one you memorized a long, long time ago
let it sing to your
soul.  You know, that mist that
is supposed to leave your body when you die?

I tell you it cannot break.  Not the soul,
not the substance of it.

It's lasting, eternal.  

You got hurt.
But that's over.  No one can hurt you
like that again, not like that.

That's what you're afraid of isn't it?
That history will somehow repeat itself?
You feel completely defenseless
and you are!

Anyone who breathes and offers love
is defenseless.

But......also alive.

Please stay that way,
you mean far too much to....


and need I remind you
to others too.

Even though they don't see you cry.
They love you.

You don't believe me do you?

That's why you're sobbing.,
in your heart you believe you
are unlovable, that your words
were as cruel as the person who
hurt you, that you somehow are
like him. NO, you are not.

Look, here, see this?

See this little girl?

What were you?
Five years old?
big smile and freckles
and trust there...
in your eyes?

You got that back again.
You trusted again.

You're weeping all over the photograph.
I can't have that.
I love you
Don't cry
Please don't cry.

Tomorrow you will write another poem,
and then another and another
and another
until .......
well, you will always write
because of who you are.....

because of who you have chosen to be.

'A word is dead when it is said, some say.
I say it just begins to live that day.'
~Emily Dickenson

© Copyright 2002 Fallon - All Rights Reserved
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-29
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Victoria Australia
1 posted 2002-01-14 02:39 AM

very cool poem.

Here in the midst of my lonely abyss, a single joy I find...your presence in my mind.  Unknown

Roniece Dawson-Bruce
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Sydney, Australia
2 posted 2002-01-14 06:24 AM

Fallon:  Now this is a poem I like!  a wonderful write my friend - ~Roniece~
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Member Seraphic
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with you
3 posted 2002-01-14 02:06 PM

I love this.....
Junior Member
since 2002-01-07
Posts 21
4 posted 2002-01-14 02:25 PM

thanks for replying, I guess I just wanted to write this out and have someone, somewhere read it.  I do thank you.
Mistletoe Angel
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5 posted 2002-01-14 02:33 PM

(big hugggsssssss) Oh Fallon, this is sooooo sooooo beautiful, thank you so much for posting this, I feel we can all relate to these feelings, for I am a person who always cries in front of my loved ones, and many think I am weird and strange doing so, but I for one am proud of expressing myself, for I feel our hearts grow as others can teach us and help us understand our tears! (smiles) God Bless You, sweet friend, we all love you so much, this is beautiful! (big hugggsssss) You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Fallon, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

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6 posted 2002-01-14 03:16 PM

I like this too! Crying can be therapeutic but too much of it is no good.


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