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Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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0 posted 2002-01-10 11:34 AM

     Dirt Bound

How loud the sweeping clouds talk!

The sound takes me
into the redwood tree’s chattering,
their branches wildly expressing
the music with a dance.

Behind my chair
the hedge taps at the window.
Come out and blow your hair,
I hear in staccato bursts,
play now the stairs tune
your feet the beat,
come out of your careful warm,
dip each strand
until you understand the roots
that keep you from flying.

I would fly,
I tell the hedge,
dangle my feet in oceans of air,
back stroke above the street,
my hair like black rain
if I were not dirt bound,
my nails filled and pungent with earth,
each breath a memory that holds me.  

Even as I say this,
my spirit rides into the opening
out the window
where sky collides with mass.
In the explosion I hear
a voice sing to me
so sweetly that I weep rain.

To decorate this aging
is no longer possible, but the wind
knows, just moaning in the afternoon
changes the listener.

© Copyright 2002 Martie Odell Ingebretsen - All Rights Reserved
Irish Rose
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1 posted 2002-01-10 11:37 AM

Martie, this is outstanding.  You know I just love this kind of poem,
one that reaches in and makes a difference.  I guess I'm addicted to poetry......

A true friend does not love you for who you are, but in spite of who you are." -- Caroline Tran

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Listening to every heart
2 posted 2002-01-10 11:37 AM

Ah, you're home.  Welcome back.  I would say "go away" more often if you were to treat us on your homecoming with such gems as this...

and a Keeper it is!

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Here, Now, Forever
3 posted 2002-01-10 11:39 AM

its hard being a tree. But hey, at least your outside alot!

Love is God. Love is war. Love is what your life is for.

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Boot+Kitty=Poetry in motion
4 posted 2002-01-10 11:41 AM

Martie - This poem says so much about your wonderful spirit.  You may be dirt bound, but your spirit will never be bound.
Member Elite
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Texas, USA
5 posted 2002-01-10 11:46 AM

Dear Martie,
This was so well-written. And the last two lines knocked me out. Wonderful.


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Member Seraphic
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6 posted 2002-01-10 12:14 PM

dip each strand
until you understand the roots
that keep you from flying.

I was gasping for air after reading these lines... your ending lines just about put me away. *S* But who needs air when I'd rather breathe your words? *S*

This is magnificent.

Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
7 posted 2002-01-10 12:22 PM

Well your up to your usual wonderful. Only this is a little more. *L*

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
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8 posted 2002-01-10 01:41 PM

I would fly,
I tell the hedge,
dangle my feet in oceans of air,
back stroke above the street,
my hair like black rain
if I were not dirt bound,
my nails filled and pungent with earth,
each breath a memory that holds me.  

Even as I say this,
my spirit rides into the opening
out the window
where sky collides with mass.
In the explosion I hear
a voice sing to me
so sweetly that I weep rain.

You do fly darlin...everytime you pick up your pen...and best of take us with
this is awesome....and?............


I ask why you come here, you say just because
Could I live without it if I knew what it was
But it really dont matter when you look at me that way.

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Member Patricius
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just out of reach
9 posted 2002-01-10 02:21 PM

Martie - Absolutely wonderful !! Chris

Life is not measured by breaths you take, but by moments that take your breath away.

Member Empyrean
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Canada eh.
10 posted 2002-01-10 02:27 PM

Martie, you just KNOW how much I love this don't you?  Of course you do....Oh how I wish I could write like this!!  Love it!
~Hugs, Nancy~

~* A dream is a wish your heart makes... *~

Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
11 posted 2002-01-10 02:57 PM

(smiles) Oh my gosh, I just love how you express yourself, this is soooooo beautiful! (big hugggsssss) I love it, sweet friend, this is a true treasure from your loving heart, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Martie, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

Dark Angel
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12 posted 2002-01-10 05:18 PM

Oh Martie, this is so beautiful... you have me in tears you know. You were flying and I was up there right with you when reading this.
I didn't know you were absent, but sure am glad you're back m'friend.

It's so good to read you again, I've missed you. This is going into my library.


mirror man
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13 posted 2002-01-10 06:52 PM

I like this.  Sounds like Spring fever to me.  Already.  Very good.
Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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14 posted 2002-01-10 08:06 PM

Kay--If this poem made a difference, then I am very pleased...thank you.

Karilea--Must go away in order to be missed, don't you know...thanks for being so sweet.

Eagle--Just like listening to them...haven't ever been one....thanks for the read.

LongJohn--and your reply says something about how dear you really are. those one,two punches.

Ruth--So glad to see you around a bit more...your poetry is wonderful, as are your replies.

Aww, are up to making me blush, I see.

Janet Marie--You fly all by yourself..thank  you for getting online long enough to reply to my poem.

Chris--Thank you so much..appreciate your reply!

Nancy--You write with a magic pen, you know that.  Hugs!

Noah--Your comments are much appreciated!

Maree--So glad you could join me in a flight..and hugs for the tears.  I miss talking to you.

Mirror Man--I was away from the Southern Calif. sun for a bit...but it was beautiful just the same.  Thanks for reading.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
15 posted 2002-01-14 10:45 PM

You bind us with such beauty of thought~

'my spirit rides into the opening
out the window
where sky collides with mass.
In the explosion I hear
a voice sing to me
so sweetly that I weep rain.'

Yes ... I can believe you do 'weep rain' ...
for you are the essence of 'explosion' of thought~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~                   

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