Open Poetry #18 |
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Tell The Truth!!! |
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since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia ![]() |
TELL THE TRUTH! Tell the truth! That’s what we often say To our youth. Just tell the truth. No one will believe you Or trust you if you’re always Telling lies and Always wearing a disguise. It is best to tell the truth. Unless, of course, you are the government. Tell the truth, We tell our youth. And follow current events, Learn your history, Learn about other cultures! And then they read about leaflets Dropped from the skies Onto Afghani heads And the leaflets show and tell lies. But we still want them to trust and respect us. And our youth read the papers “Rewards For Justice” Our State Department ad Full of accusations and lies, Government propaganda, Lies printed to disguise, When the truth is what we all need. We sacrifice truth in our zeal To wield the forceful hands of Justice. And we wonder why the youth of today Say they don’t trust what we say. Is that because they watch what we do? What do Truth and Justice mean to you? How can we ever hope to gain Trust and Respect from the rest Of the world’s people If we can’t earn it here at home? So just keep telling the youth It’s best to tell the truth. But be ready to defend the truth, Not a disguise. Read the following link, for a tiny peek at an issue of truth. |
© Copyright 2002 Kathleen Kacy Stafford - All Rights Reserved | |||
Logan Senior Member
since 2001-05-28
Posts 1641Arkansas |
It is a sad day, when you expect to hear a lie instead of the truth...Very well written...very gentle smile |
Gentle Spirit Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
Posts 13989 |
You said it all! No matter how bad it seems, telling the truth is for the best. To bad all can't be truthfull. Good write Midnite! On the wings of words our spirits fly....and our souls are free. |
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
Logan, thank you. Yes, it is a sad day when lies prevail. It's even sadder when we quietly accept them. Gentle Spirit, thank you. Truth is more precious than gold. |
Opeth Senior Member
since 2001-12-13
Posts 1543The Ravines |
I am not going to beat around the bush on this one. It is obvious this was written in protest of the war raised against Afghanistan. At the bottom of your post, you offer a web site that confirms your beliefs. I could easily find another web site that would contradict the beliefs found in the one given here. I disagree with your words, but admire your courage and integrity to post a poem that is controversial. Well done! |
Soleil Noir Senior Member
since 2001-12-19
Posts 688USA |
Very good, Midnitesun. I've often been asked if this poetic arena ever deals with topical subjects, and I can fully answer, truthfully...yes! |
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
Opeth, thank you for your reply. First, we aren't at war with Afghanistan. Second, lies are lies, and these lies are packaged in pitiful disguise. I am not against stopping terrorism. I am not against Justice. I am just sick of lies. You don't have to tell lies to get people to see the truth in the world. Soleil, thank you for the reply. I love to use nature themes in poetry. But truth and justice and peace are issues that must be addressed, and occasionally poetry provides me the medium to express my thoughts. [This message has been edited by Midnitesun (01-04-2002 01:48 PM).] |
Opeth Senior Member
since 2001-12-13
Posts 1543The Ravines |
We have to be at war with some country. I don't believe a country can be at war with the term, terrorism. We are bombing Afghanistan, so I will stick to my guns and say that we are at war with Afghanistan. I am in the US navy btw, and either we have been lied to (hee hee) or we are at war with that country. |
ecrivan Member Elite
since 2001-12-10
Posts 3923my own state |
Quite frankly I think that America is at war with any nation that harbours terrorists, literally and figuratively. It has decided to get into Afghanistan because there, terrorists assumed control of the country.There are other nations on the list and they will or are being dealt with on a selective basis. This been said there are nations with which to America has the right to attack especially if they harbour terrorists that attack it. Your poem is meaningful though, America does disguise much of its world plans are not for me or too see unfortunately and they should be transparent to the public and accountable for their acts too. So there shouldn't be a right or wrong here guys!America has to understand more of world cultures before it sets itself up for critism at home and abroad. [This message has been edited by ecrivan (01-04-2002 02:12 PM).] |
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
Opeth, you said it. 'We are not at war with Afghanistan.' This was the official statement I believe that came from the President, the Commander In Chief. So what is the truth? You have to follow your orders. But you also have a right to the truth. Isn't that one of the things we are supposed to stand for? If Truth and Justice are the cornerstones of the foundation for Peace, it seems we have some major structural problems, not just in this country, but worldwide. |
ctowen Member Elite
since 2001-10-18
Posts 2286Green Mountains of VT |
Opeth - there are many stages to a lie .... just like there are many battles to a war. Afghanistan is one such battle, one such stage which contains its share of both truth and lies.You are trained to see pass this .... use your instinct and you may see what Midnite is saying a bit more clearly. Kacy - Words well fought for ... stand your ground, and tell the truth! |
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
Ecrivan, thank you for your reply. You have brought up a very interesting issue, as to whether or not war against 'any country' which harbors terrorists is our USA right and responsibility. I hear that often. There are so many issues here, and perhaps another, different forum posting should follow. The issue in this post is of truth, plain and simple, or perhaps not so plain and simple. You cannot build trust upon a foundation of lies. |
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
Craig, good morning! Thanks for your reply, and for understanding the truth in this post. I have a teenager who doesn't trust most adults. Wonder why? |
Opeth Senior Member
since 2001-12-13
Posts 1543The Ravines |
Don't ever try to tell me that I can think for myself. I know what is a lie and what is not. I can think for myself, thank you. Yes the president said we are not at war with Afghanistan, but you took it out of context...he simply meant that we are not at war with the Afghani people themselves. There is a difference. We are at war with Afghanistan, the government of Afghanistan, period. Of course, Bush is being diplomatic with this situation because it is a uniquely post-modernistic war, indeed. |
ctowen Member Elite
since 2001-10-18
Posts 2286Green Mountains of VT |
Your daughter and most teenagers seem to follow a particular "age-old" rule of life ... "Actions speak louder than words" Lies or truth, how something is said can be more important than what is said. And good morning to you as well my Northern Light. ![]() |
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
Craig, thanks for the hello wave. Yes, actions speak louder than words, and last much longer. Opeth, I am glad you think for yourself. And I am glad that we can share our thoughts and concerns openly, and truthfully, and still remain civil. The children of the world are watching and listening, and reading. And they deserve the truth. |
ctowen Member Elite
since 2001-10-18
Posts 2286Green Mountains of VT |
Opeth - Yes, we are at war with Afghani goverment ... NOT the poeple. And there will be more such "parties" in other goverments , in other countries in due time. That is a truth ... how it is being done, openly discussed or not, does harbor a few lies .... you must realize this. Have you ever heard the phrase "you sometimes have to break a few eggs to make an omlete"? Sorry to have to make you think. |
Irish Rose Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
Posts 10263 |
Kathleen, you are absolutely right! My perception of truth will somehow never quite be the same..and so I write. |
aries_luv_ppl Senior Member
since 2001-09-20
Posts 1448Universal Mind |
oh I admire your courage to speak of the truth! I wish long to post something like this but I was scared! Good write! Eliza Simmons |
Madame Chipmunk Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-05
Posts 8296Michigan |
I love your poem, Kacy and vehemently agree that we must defend the truth. But the truth is, we are at war with Afganistan or any other nation which horbors terrorists......we are at war right now so that we can defend the truth. I would hate to see anymore tragedies like Sept 11. I am actually surprising myself right now, as I am an old flower child from the sixties and seventies.....I almost got arrested, protesting the Vietnamese war. I guess there are wars which are worth fighting and those that aren't. I sincerely wish that we could have peace at any cost, but unfortunately.....right now, we can't. I admire you for standing up for your beliefs. Great poem, by the way. ![]() copyright2001 Lyra Nesius |
Jaime Fradera Senior Member
since 2000-11-25
Posts 843Where no tyranny is tolerable |
Jaime is surfing again!!! Though for how long he doesn not know. They kept revising the truth in 1984 We are allied with East Asia. We are at war with Oceania. We are at war with East Asia. We are at war with Oceania. Or perhaps allied ... at war with ... everybody. Ignorance is strength. Prols and animals are free ... And from the Animal Farm two legs good; four legs better ... Ooops, this message was edited by: The brilliant starlight of winter mid Night. |
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
Kathleen, thank you for your reply. Aries, Thanks for your comment. Be brave, and speak your heart and mind, especially where matters of truth and justice are at stake. Lyra, we walked and marched on similar pathways in the past, and I think we are still on the same path, in general. The truths of war and terror are plenty enough proof that all forms of terrorism must be crushed. There is no need to lie or coat the truth, it always speaks loud and clear, though sometimes it takes its time because it has to fight its way through layers of propaganda. And our propaganda doesn't smell any better than theirs, and does nothing to allay the fears of others that we are trying to rule the world. Terrorism takes so many forms. Lying is a form of mental terrorism. |
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
Jaime, oh sweet Jaime. I'm so glad you posted a reply. Yes, we are forever allied with war. I'm helping my daughter write a travel brochure for a school project, where one can travel in a time machine, go back to the Paleozoic or Mesozoic time, and visit interesting sites. Then when we move back to modern Cenozoic times, maybe we can find a way to alter reality and bring Peace on Earth. (I sure hope I have these geology time frames right!) LOL, if only it were possible! |
since 2001-06-21
Posts 3015In a corporeal internship... |
Kacy: I "salute" you and commend you. For anyone who dares to have an iota of curiosity and even a fraction of an open mind, go here: (Check out the HEADLINES section, in particular...) There's much more to reality than we think we're living... -MVS "Your focus determines your reality." --Qui-Gon from The Phantom Menace [This message has been edited by MARK V SHELDON (01-04-2002 11:25 PM).] |
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
Hello, Mark! Thanks for the reply. And curiosity didn't really kill the cat. Ignorance did. Hugs, Kacy May the ripple of LOVE |
Mistletoe Angel![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
![]() ![]() ![]() (tears fall down my cheeks) Oh Kathleen, this is so so sad, I too learned to tell the truth always, but it seems the media always contaminates this notion, and we get the wrong impression always! (sad sigh) My heart goes out to all the youth and pray that we can learn from our mistakes and do what is right and follow our hearts but not others gut instincts. (kiss on cheek) So sad but well-written, sweet friend, you always write how you feel powerfully! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Kacy, thank you for sharing! ![]() May love and light always shine upon you! Love, Noah Eaton |
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
Noah, don't cry. Just trust your own heart and you'll almost always see the truth and act accordingly. But don't forget to read between the lines, and reject the lies. The truth will set you free. |
ecrivan Member Elite
since 2001-12-10
Posts 3923my own state |
Again commending the fact that you have expressed well an urgent issue, we don't want American youngsters to get killed, but the first just died I heard and for a good cause! Issues about warfare to be practised in the future is going on at the present and America is lucky it has support from all around the world, I'm talking about not having to worry about cold war stuff!So it's time that they conduct their issues of cleaning up any potential threats and prevent other daredevil attacks, that's all.That would be in all our interests.I do agree that our propaganda doesn't smell any better than theirs, and this is the point where America will have to make clear to the powers that it promotes after ridding the globe of terrorist murder squads ( I think eliminating terrorists the world over is a dream), that it has no interest in ruling the world..unless of course it does. [This message has been edited by ecrivan (01-04-2002 11:55 PM).] |
Larry C![]()
since 2001-09-10
Posts 10286United States |
Kacy, I gotta hand it to you. For being int he boonies you know your current affairs! But what I like best is your moral compass and ability to cut to the chase. Nice, nice job babe. |
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
Larry, in my daughter's words, "This is so not the boonies!" LOL, I guess it seems so far away. I'm listening to my new CD "In A Distant Place" It is delightful music that is truly inspiring, blending Native American flute with Tibetan flute music, alongside harp guitar and a pulsating drum beat. Boonies? LOL. Thanks for always being nearby, even from such a great distance your heart always beats closeby. Ecrivan, thanks for reading and replying again. It is so sad for that young man and his family. We have much work to do on this planet, and it will take the world citizenry to respond to the threats of terrorism, and the roots of terrorism. Those roots go very deep, and we must all do our share to root out the causes of terrorism, and replace them with love, fairness, and justice for all. Not just for the strong, rich, and powerful. [This message has been edited by Midnitesun (01-05-2002 12:07 AM).] |
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