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Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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0 posted 2002-01-14 04:12 PM

Snap Shots of Time

A feather drifts
blown from a mother’s delight
just a piece of fluff
crossing the porch
hesitating by the sheets in sun dry flapping
passing the camellia bush
and the laughter of a little girl
falling falling

The path behind the house
around the plum tree
a gallop of broom pony
through the hole in the fence
into spring green weeds of the vacant lot
away away

Catch me not grandfather
with your fetid breath and big hands
I will dazzle you with my bravery now
and leave you to your war of feeling
all unsure behind me
grasping grasping

I hold the words I seek
though transient my mind change
spills my color down halls of ivy
and shouts upon the roof the opera
into all the open windows
listening listening

Rock me my baby is gone
take  me to the place of grace
where candles burn in wake of grief
tiptoe across the porthole where peace resides
let me be the holder of your warm
again again

Break me with your harsh judgment
watch my pieces fall around you
while I wait for something that I thought was cherish
and find that there are many other feelings
forgiving forgiving

Take me now this love all wild and gleeful
And rearrange my life all mixed and matted
calm the tangled weave and breathe me sweet
for hands can touch a place so kept a part with
healing healing

See this key that time has made
to lock away the bitter feelings
made of wood so finely crafted
from a place far beyond this earth
thrown into the curve of the rolling hills
then grown a tree where I lay me down
dreaming dreaming

Two strong spirits came from seeds
of youth all unsure and folly
building boys all pout and playful
who build another girl all dimpled sweet
and love finds me still
with my arms open
smiling smiling

In this place of day  now
I am a marveler of what I find
in the search of all so keenly human
that celebrate a soul of gladdened knowing
nothing can take what cannot break for
loving loving

© Copyright 2002 Martie Odell Ingebretsen - All Rights Reserved
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
1 posted 2002-01-14 04:15 PM

Congratulations on the Milestone, my dear, you've penned your recalls, woven your dreams, left us breathless with many a poem of sheer Martiesque delight, and I am pleased to know you as a fellow moderator and a poetess of persuasion, for if ever a person could take an average reader and make them a fan of poetry, it would be you....

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2 posted 2002-01-14 04:24 PM

Wow.Congratulations on this milestone.I have missed reading your writes.You awe me every time.

Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
3 posted 2002-01-14 05:09 PM

(smiles) CLAPPING WILDLY!!! YAY!!! OH MY GOSH, CONGRATULATIONS ON 9000, SWEET FRIEND, JUST 1000 MORE AND YOU WILL BE MEMBER PATRICIUS!!! (BIG HUGGGSSSSSS) This is the perfect poem to top off this milestone, sweet friend, a celebration of sheer delight of the pleasures of life and love and memories we share together! (kiss on cheek) YAY!!! We all love you so much, sweet friend, we're all so proud of you! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Martie, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

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Bewilderment , USA
4 posted 2002-01-14 05:29 PM

I think you know by now I've always admired your works. This was certainly no exception. It was Exceptional ! Congrats as well on your 9000th.

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5 posted 2002-01-14 06:43 PM

CONGRATULATIONS MARTIE, this is a wonderful poem you have written.If I am right I saw a bit of sadness in the memories. Wonderful poem. floria
Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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6 posted 2002-01-14 07:21 PM

Karilea--what a dear you make me smile with this reply.

Peaches--Good to see you...thanks so much for stopping by and for this sweet reply.

Noah--Thank you for sharing the celebration with your exuberance.

Doc--If I didn't know before, now I do..thank you for being so sweet!

Floria--thanks for the congratulations...and yes there is sadness in some of the memories..they all mix together to make me who I am.  

since 2002-01-09
Posts 285
New Mexico, USA
7 posted 2002-01-14 07:28 PM

Writing heals.

The things you don't say here are just as powerful as what you do.  The reading between the lines allows others to personalize your feelings and enter into the poem with you.  That is powerful.

I understand some of this.  As much as I am able perhaps.  You have taken a thing of pain and suffering and translated it into a vehicle of healing and beauty.

Well done.

Lone Wolf
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Lansing, MI USA
8 posted 2002-01-14 07:34 PM

Fabulous write, Martie!!  I have to tell you, I enjoy your work very much.  

Congratulations on your 9000th post!!!  Quite an accomplishment!!!  

All writing comes
by the grace of God.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

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9 posted 2002-01-14 07:51 PM

What a wonderful poem to celebrate that you are over 9000...what an awesome number that seems to me. CONGRADULATIONS!!!

Love I leave with you whether it is in your life now or yet the essense of your dreams.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
10 posted 2002-01-15 01:11 AM

Sweetest sister of this heart ...
I felt each page of this album turn in tender recall~
You leave me breathless with the depth of your thoughts~
Nobody ... but nobody does it better~
Yeppers ... still my bestest reads EVER~
What a wonderful championing spirit you share with us~
I love you .... congratulations sweet poet~
You are awesome my friend~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
       [email protected]                   

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
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11 posted 2002-01-15 07:57 AM

                     Rock me my baby is gone
                    take  me to the place of grace
                    where candles burn in wake of grief
                    tiptoe across the porthole where peace resides
                    let me be the holder of your warm
                    again again

                    Break me with your harsh judgment
                    watch my pieces fall around you
                    while I wait for something that I thought was cherish
                    and find that there are many other feelings
                    forgiving forgiving

                    Take me now this love all wild and gleeful
                    And rearrange my life all mixed and matted
                    calm the tangled weave and breathe me sweet
                    for hands can touch a place so kept a part with
                    healing healing

                   See this key that time has made
                    to lock away the bitter feelings
                    made of wood so finely crafted
                    from a place far beyond this earth

                    thrown into the curve of the rolling hills
                    then grown a tree where I lay me down
                    dreaming dreaming


poet poet  ... gifted gifted.
Could you write any more touching? could you write any cooler? This is such a glorious gem of pen and a fitting poem to mark your milestone...
Congrats sweet Martie...and thank you  for the many replies and support of my work that make up some of this number. Most of all for sharing your poetry..for as I've said many times...the  world is a far lovelier place when seen out your kitchen window thru your eyes. love you girlie.

Even thru the darkest phase, be it thick or thin
Always someone marches brave, here beneath my skin
Constant Craving ... has always been.

Irish Rose
Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
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12 posted 2002-01-15 10:10 AM

Martie, there is so much to this one, so much.  Congratulations
this is a finely woven write.  

A true friend does not love you for who you are, but in spite of who you are." -- Caroline Tran

Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
13 posted 2002-01-15 10:40 AM

Congrats and I never cease to marvel at your
graace of chaos. Simply wonderful.

Dark Angel
Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
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14 posted 2002-01-15 05:25 PM

Oh Martie, you have left me breathless with this tender write. A very beautiful and moving piece.

Adding to my library

Congratulations on 9000!


Senior Member
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15 posted 2002-01-15 07:03 PM

Ahh, Martie, you wrapped it all around and make all of the time sing, as only you can do. Congratulations to you...very gentle smile
Member Patricius
since 2000-05-14
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New Brunswick Canada
16 posted 2002-01-15 07:12 PM

CONGRATS! on your milestone. As usual you grace the page with beauty and charm seasoned with the depth of a poet's perspective. Marvelous writing!

"Take me now this love all wild and gleeful
              And rearrange my life all mixed and matted
              calm the tangled weave and breathe me sweet
              for hands can touch a place so kept a part with
              healing healing"

I just had to drop in and comment on this because you are such an excellent poetic gem of a writer.  I loved all of it but I love the philosophy of that verse!

Have a nice day!


Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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17 posted 2002-01-15 11:14 PM

Thank you so much for such heart warming replies.
Madame Chipmunk
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-05
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18 posted 2002-01-16 12:13 PM

Congratulations on 9000 and thanks so much for sharing this with us, Martie.
I can see all of the depth and color in your beautiful and vivid snapshots.
A very heartfelt piece!

copyright2002 Lyra Nesius

"poetry is life distilled"  Gwendolyn Brooks

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Member Seraphic
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19 posted 2002-01-16 11:27 AM

As I was packing for my move, I went through my photo albums and scrapbooks... and feel I've made that memory trip with all its highs and lows once again... such is the power of your words. You write your life... and capture the reader's heart.

This is magnificent, Martie... one that begs reading again again... and so it shall be. *S*  

Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
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20 posted 2002-01-16 04:03 PM

This is so much more than a milestone of time or events or of the spirit. It is a powerful and yet delicate blend of words, that somehow cling to me as I read. I have always loved your poetry, but there are certain ones that will always stay in my heart. I believe this is one of them.
I admire you so much for your talents, and equally for who you are.
Love you

Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
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Canada eh.
21 posted 2002-01-16 04:14 PM always seem to leave me speechless and fumbling over the proper words to say to convey what I am feeling after reading one of your writes...this one has had the same affect on, I will just say, Thank You dear poetess and...
Congratulations on the 9000 posts!
~Warm Hugs, Nancy~

~Time has cast a spell on you,
  So you won't ever forget me~

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By the sea
22 posted 2002-01-16 10:26 PM

CONGRATULTIONS on your 9000th post, my friend, and the grand tour down memory lane with the many things it took to grow you into not only the wonderful poet you are, but the truest of friends.  BIG (((hugs))) and a kiss on the cheek.


Michael Auguste~
There is more depth to the heart than the mind can comprehend and it only has boundaries when we choose to fence it in.  

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
23 posted 2002-01-17 12:53 PM

I remember the first day I came to this site and read your work and sat in awe at your ability to animate almost anything.  I read more of your work and felt the gentleness of your words, like you wove a poem of the finest thread, and wondered how does someone use the same words as I do, and re-arrange them to sound like this?  Well here it is a year later, and I still am wondering the very same thing.  I am in awe of your talent as a poet, and although I want to congratulate you on this enormous milestone, I wanted to say now that I know you so well- I have the answer to that question.  The words you use come from the purest of hearts, and a soul of unconditional love, and compassion, with an appreciation for all living things around them, and you were given this gift to share with us those things that we do not see!  I humbly bow before you in awe and appreciation for making me see things as they should be seen.  Congratulations, and thanks for sharing your poetry with me.  

~*  CARPE' DIEM  *~

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24 posted 2002-01-17 01:54 AM

Awesome poem! Awesome accomplishment!
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25 posted 2002-01-17 03:46 PM

Martie ...touching. Bob
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Member Patricius
since 2001-08-31
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just out of reach
26 posted 2002-01-17 04:32 PM

Martie, This one gave me chills and I had to start reading it all over again. Marvelous. Chris

Life is not measured by breaths you take, but by moments that take your breath away.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049
27 posted 2002-01-17 05:36 PM

I'm overwhelmed by the responses to this poem...thank you so much those of you who have become such good friends, your words are priceless and treasures to me..and to those who have replied that I don't know well, hope that will change.  Through poetry it is so easy to read pieces of the heart that are precious to friendship.  Love and peace to you all!
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