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Member Elite
since 2001-06-21
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Victoria, Australia

0 posted 2001-09-27 09:38 AM

I’ve veered, now road of grief I tread, amid the thoughts of friends now dead
Those thoughts consume, I find no way to rest
In my mind, I’ve memories feed, with the tears that sorrow shed
The reaper keeps on taking, life’s quota of the best

I try to understand just why, some friends and family come to die?
Before that time should ever come their way
I question as I look above, why take the special ones we love?
Faith, its strength, it weakens, a little more each day

The treasured thoughts of those I knew, somehow seems to pull me through
That rut of day which leads into despair
I open up the picture book, the book in which I often look
Taken back by memories and times again to share

Life changes, as the years go by, the ups and downs, each word goodbye
Upon the road, which changes every day
Things happen, which should never be, their purpose, I can’t seem to see
The years and ticking hours, go forward along their way

I know the hurt within won’t pass, as the light it does through glass
But slowly it will wane
My thoughts of sorrow, they will turn, though full of grief, relief will yearn
Always shall the memories, of they now gone remain

© Copyright 2001 Rick Van Weenen - All Rights Reserved
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
1 posted 2001-09-27 09:47 AM

Thank you for this Rick.  I don't question life anymore.  I just hope that before it's my time, I've been able to leave a little something behind to continue to bring a smile about, now and then...

it's hard, but we go on.  For all the right reasons.

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United Kingdom
2 posted 2001-09-27 10:17 AM

'snif', What a sad poem, so lovely, yet so much pain . We never truly leave, the ones you love only go to a better place where they can watch over you, so look to the stars, and you'll see them there smiling back .
What a pretty poem, thanks for writing it .
L.of.L. Tom .

'There is only a very thin line between genius and insanity, this is measured only on sucess; I am proud to be considered an under-achieving genius'.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
3 posted 2001-09-27 10:40 AM


'The reaper keeps on taking, life’s quota of the best'

This is etched so deeply in our hearts and minds,
especially at this particular time~

Memories ... memories spread in albums all across the world~
So sad ... so remembered ...~
I'm glad you shared this~  Thank you~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                                   [email protected]            

Member Elite
since 2000-02-29
Posts 3793
4 posted 2001-09-29 09:13 AM

Dear Rick, I believe you have the kindest and gentlest heart and I appreciate so much coming to know it. You've spelled out a beautiful and yet longing picture that makes me reach deeper than ever. The only thing I could think of during this write is maybe....the ones we miss lend us their breath as they are just that wonderful. And we cannot ever forget them. They move through us.


Member Elite
since 2001-06-21
Posts 2903
Victoria, Australia
5 posted 2001-09-29 09:32 AM

Dear Sunshine, you have shared much of your warmth with us all and with you we will all continue to smile and cry, thank you for your reply and thoughts.

Angelswing, thanks for your kind words, I watch the stars often in wonder and question.

Dear Marge, thank you for your reply, these are truly emotional times and we must all cope the best we can, thank God we have our words to share.

Dear Regina, you fill my heart with smile as your kind words are read, thank you. One day I am sure we will meet all our longed and loved ones again.

I wish you all well.


Member Ascendant
since 2001-03-07
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Melbourne, Australia
6 posted 2002-04-15 09:57 PM

Hello Rick

Your words hit so very close to home for me as I have been down the road of grief on many occasions.  Thank you for expressing what so many feel.

Take care......Sue


passing shadows
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since 1999-08-26
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7 posted 2003-01-20 04:22 AM

this hit me good, right at home! what a writing!
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