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Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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0 posted 2001-11-09 11:08 AM

The Conversation Imagined

He says he doesn’t see,
not quite past that first strand
of cobwebs that hide the corners,
but he listens,
his blue eyes full
and I say again
what I can only measure
with a poet’s eye.

I tell him that my heart
yearns for more days,
that I feel time next to me
pushing me against myself
and my skin feels so thin.

He touches my arms,
runs his finger down the blue vain
and lingers in the curve inside my elbow,
telling me he understands how this skin
has changed
and dew no longer clings
but must be slathered on daily
drenched but still it thirsts
for intensive care, yes
he sees that.

But that is not it I say,
that is only a layer that is tangible,
I am hidden in here with all these years
filled up and bloated with things
that need to be mentioned
because they sing to me
and fill me to bursting.

He cocks his head and turns away
from my face that has become to open
and I know it is easier for him to enrapture
a flower and pull it into a statement
that says how fragile time is
but glorious now—don’t you see how glorious
before the turning down of petal
the falling crisp departure of leaf
this is where I put my heart each day
for I make happiness
then watch it wither on some table,
he says this with his hunched shoulders.

And I understand how we each capture
this golden vibrant life
with a different grasp
and as much as I want him to pierce
my soul and see me naked and unadorned
I also want to stay here
pure and only me

for I have not even ventured all the way
and can only take tall truth
in increments that fit my skin

and even then I look at the bubble that bursts
and think
can this be mine?
a repost from 9-2000

© Copyright 2001 Martie Odell Ingebretsen - All Rights Reserved
Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
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1 posted 2001-11-09 11:10 AM

Martie, this is sooo deep,and I love it, and I THANK YOU for posting it again.  *s*

On the wings of words our spirits fly....and our souls are free.

(I could have missed the pain, but I'd have had to miss the dance~Garth)

Irish Rose
Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
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2 posted 2001-11-09 11:12 AM

wow, this is really something. Had so many images and turns and wow....Martie, way to go!

nickname "Kay"
also wrote as The Lady of Shallot
"be true to yourself"

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
3 posted 2001-11-09 11:13 AM

This entire piece is just so beautiful~

'And I understand how we each capture
this golden vibrant life
with a different grasp
and as much as I want him to pierce
my soul and see me naked and unadorned
I also want to stay here
pure and only me'

I felt I was eavesdropping on a very special moment in time~
Thank you for sharing~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
     [email protected]                

Lady In White
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4 posted 2001-11-09 11:14 AM

I would thank you for writing this for me, but realize that you don't write for one, you write for the world...

as always, I know you well enough to see the play with words

and not in vein...

you disclose much while keeping it so personal....

that is why, someday, I want to write like you....

Dark Angel
Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
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5 posted 2001-11-09 04:25 PM

I tell him that my heart
yearns for more days,
that I feel time next to me
pushing me against myself
and my skin feels so thin.

He touches my arms,
runs his finger down the blue vain
and lingers in the curve inside my elbow,
telling me he understands how this skin
has changed
and dew no longer clings
but must be slathered on daily
drenched but still it thirsts
for intensive care, yes
he sees that.

But that is not it I say,
that is only a layer that is tangible,
I am hidden in here with all these years
filled up and bloated with things
that need to be mentioned
because they sing to me
and fill me to bursting.

before the turning down of petal
the falling crisp departure of leaf
this is where I put my heart each day
for I make happiness
then watch it wither on some table,

for I have not even ventured all the way
and can only take tall truth
in increments that fit my skin

and even then I look at the bubble that bursts
and think
can this be mine?


WOW Martie, this made me take a step away from myself and take a good look, inside and out. Absolutely fantastic and yes... powerful too! I love it!
Funny how we look at life in different ways and at different angles.


Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
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Canada eh.
6 posted 2001-11-09 04:32 PM

Oh Martie...this is so much like me!
Just wish I could say it the way you do...beautiful write my friend.
(And, I understand all about that intensive care stuff.)     
~hugs to you, Nancy~

~I've loved you forever, in lifetimes before.~

Janet Marie
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7 posted 2001-11-09 05:32 PM

and I say again
what I can only measure
with a poet’s eye.

I tell him that my heart
yearns for more days,
that I feel time next to me
pushing me against myself
and my skin feels so thin.

But that is not it I say,
that is only a layer that is tangible,
I am hidden in here with all these years
filled up and bloated with things
that need to be mentioned
because they sing to me
and fill me to bursting.

He cocks his head and turns away
from my face that has become to open

and I know it is easier for him to enrapture
a flower and pull it into a statement
that says how fragile time is
but glorious now—don’t you see how glorious
before the turning down of petal
the falling crisp departure of leaf
this is where I put my heart each day


And I understand how we each capture
this golden vibrant life
with a different grasp
and as much as I want him to pierce
my soul and see me naked and unadorned
I also want to stay here
pure and only me

for I have not even ventured all the way
and can only take tall truth
in increments that fit my skin


there are certain poems of yours that I can vividly recall the first time I read them..and how deeply they effect me and also impress me...
now over a year from when first posted, this one still knocks me out of my seat.
There are certain poets who write so exceptionally well that their poems never leave us...
you my gifted friend fall into that category.

Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200
Between the Lines
8 posted 2001-11-09 06:37 PM

every time I think I have read your best..there is more..and like a bouquet  being created, yours gets more beautiful and fuller all the time...

hugsss to you

"For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart.
It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul."

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

9 posted 2001-11-09 09:24 PM

Fantastic, Martie! Wonderful!
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Empyrean
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647
10 posted 2001-11-09 09:35 PM

Martie, this is one of your finest, and it's going to sit very comnfortably in my Favorites folder.   Thanks for such incredible depth of color and scent penned so artistically.
Lone Wolf
Member Ascendant
since 2000-03-16
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Lansing, MI USA
11 posted 2001-11-09 09:50 PM

Thank you for sharing this with us again, Martie.  It's truly remarkable.  The images and feelings come across so well.  Great write!  

All writing comes
by the grace of God.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

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