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Member Elite
since 2000-09-16
Posts 2061

0 posted 2001-10-26 08:44 PM

Heaven stands a step away from me...
With a hint of your air I’m destined--
Onward to a moonlit night of reflection.
This collaboration of hearts points me
in the direction of a particular gesture of intimacy.

This range of sight is breathtaking
To one such as me, not readily familiar
with opening my eyes
to a halo of sunset around the horizon...

Embrace my spoken phrase before the crimson lessens;
Catch my eyes before the glimmer fades.
Tell me what I’m thinking, like you always do;
Draw from me the passion we came here to find...
Take me from the obsessive nature of the wayward stars
and give to me the composure of the waterfall...

Baby, I’ll never forget the morning I awoke
to find you waiting for my eyes;
I relocated closer to your arms as we watched the haze
of the silent railroad tracks just beyond the window...


And did you know with the rain in your pockets,
you can change the weather...

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Member Elite
since 2000-11-17
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east coast
1 posted 2001-10-26 09:01 PM

if I ever need a serano, guess who it will be? *wink*

absolutely lovely!


Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049
2 posted 2001-10-26 09:09 PM

Oh my...this is breathtaking!  Excellent writing and so full of lovely love!!
Member Elite
since 2000-02-19
Posts 4297
Charlotte, NC
3 posted 2001-10-26 09:55 PM


This was beautiful sweets! As always
you write with perfect imagery. It
astounds me sometimes in which the depth
that you've I've said you've
grown by leaps and bounds and it's
been wonderful to watch you develop!

take care

"I could kiss you in
the rain forever.
Turn all of your pain to pleasure
Fill up your days with
sunlight, make the
passion last every night"

chasing rain
Senior Member
since 2001-05-15
Posts 737
4 posted 2001-10-26 10:37 PM

Incredibly beautiful...Amazingly written. Love the flow. ^_^
From the two poems I've read by you, I'm very impressed with the quality. You left me speechless...

++ Leah ++

Va pensiero sull' ali dorate...

Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
Posts 5372
Ontario, CANADA
5 posted 2001-10-26 10:53 PM

Wonderfully expressed!  
Love writes you very well!  

Take care,

"Poetry is not an opinion expressed...
it is a song that rises from a bleeding
wound...or a smiling mouth"

~Kahlil Gibran~

Janet Marie
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6 posted 2001-10-27 12:55 PM

Heaven stands a step away from me...
With a hint of your air I’m destined--
Onward to a moonlit night of reflection.
Embrace my spoken phrase before the crimson lessens;
Catch my eyes before the glimmer fades.
Tell me what I’m thinking, like you always do;

Draw from me the passion we came here to find...
Take me from the obsessive nature of the wayward stars
and give to me the composure of the waterfall...

Baby, I’ll never forget the morning I awoke
to find you waiting for my eyes;

This is fabulous writing Kris...
I really love this one..(hard not to from my view)
I love the comparisons and anologies of nature, imagery and emotion...
you always do that so well...but this one is more personal than ethereal and I see so much of your "inspire" in this...(again...biased)  

"Tell me what I’m thinking, like you always do"

careful there girlie...that will make a certain Aquarian's ego swell...
makes him right AGAIN (blahblah)  

very very cool poem Poetess K  

This distance has shown how the road remains alone
Now I'm looking in my life ... for a truth that is my own.

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Member Empyrean
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647
7 posted 2001-10-27 01:05 AM

Wow, this is so cool!

"Embrace my spoken phrase before the crimson lessens;
Catch my eyes before the glimmer fades.
Tell me what I’m thinking, like you always do;
Draw from me the passion we came here to find...
Take me from the obsessive nature of the wayward stars
and give to me the composure of the waterfall..."
Whew! I had to copy and paste half the poem to highlight what I liked best.  

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328
British Columbia, Canada
8 posted 2001-10-27 02:04 AM

It was all beautiful but I loved these two lines for in them is absolute trust in someone to make you all that you can be, in otherwords a soulmate...
Take me from the obsessive nature of the wayward stars
and give to me the composure of the waterfall...

~*~  Carpe' Diem  ~*~

Irish Rose
Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
Posts 10263

9 posted 2001-10-27 03:27 PM

Oh, I long for this, this feeling!  I have to respond to this, I love it!!

nickname "Kay"

"Others can stop you temporarily, but only you can do it permanently."

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-03
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The Shores of Alone
10 posted 2001-10-27 04:28 PM

Such a sweet love song. Happy for your happiness.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
11 posted 2001-10-27 11:43 PM


'Embrace my spoken phrase before the crimson lessens,
Catch my eyes before the glimmer fades'

I'm thinking perhaps this 'glimmer' will not fade~

Beautifully expressive~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
   [email protected]              

Member Elite
since 2000-03-06
Posts 3733
12 posted 2001-10-27 11:52 PM

I so love the moments when I have the time
to enjoy the poetry here like I used to and
finding this piece is a treat
indeed....beautiful write with such a
perfect mix of imagery and warmth, I know
the one it's intended for will be most
touched by the words you wove here..and we
are lucky to have read this as well.  
Beautiful write~

Member Ascendant
since 2000-10-03
Posts 5918
13 posted 2001-10-28 11:33 AM

*sigh* This is so very beautiful. What a wonderful feeling of love flows from your words.   I love it.

Love I leave with you whether it is in your life now or yet the essense of your dreams.

Member Elite
since 2000-09-16
Posts 2061
14 posted 2001-10-28 11:17 PM

Tier:  well, it'd be my pleasure!  thanks...glad you could stop by!  

Martie:  thank you!  I'm glad you liked it!  

Aims:  hey there...thanks so much, girlie...I truly appreciate your kind compliments!  -e  

Leah:  well, thank you...I am most flattered...I appreciate your reply!  

Melissa:  thanks...I'm glad you liked it!  

J:  yeah, I was feelin' this one more than usual, too...and, yeah, I'll be careful to use lines like that sparingly... ...wouldn't want to have to grease someone's head through the door... ...thanks girlie...glad you liked it!  

Midnitesun:  well, thank you...that is a great compliment...I'm happy you liked it!  

Mysteria:  yes, and that is how I feel too...thank you so much...glad you liked this!  

Kathleen:  well, I'm glad you did...I truly appreciate your reply!  thanks!  

Sandra:  thank you, my will know this feeling, too...I'm glad you liked this!  

Marge:  I'm thinkin' the same thing... ...thank you, my friend...glad you could stop by!  

Butterflies:  well, it is, indeed, a pleasure to have you reply to my work, too...thank you so much...great to see ya!  

Startime:  thanks so much...I truly appreciate your reply!  


And did you know with the rain in your pockets,
you can change the weather...

Robert A
since 2001-10-29
Posts 174

15 posted 2001-10-29 12:59 PM

very colorful lines, almost like reading something soft from your emotions!
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Member Laureate
since 2001-10-10
Posts 14135
South Carolina, USA
16 posted 2001-10-29 07:03 PM

beautifully and so colorfully expressed.
Great work...thanx.

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