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0 posted 2001-10-19 11:02 AM

Unrest takes her concentration
as thoughts of desire
wanton with intention
toy with the unbuttoning of her blouse
she resists 
by grabbing up a sweatshirt instead.

Pulling on the hood
as if the cold could penetrate 
she stuffs hands in pockets deep 
and tries to walk 
out the fact that this fire has found 
its way inside 
her wall of defenses.

Exhaustion sets in
taking her back inside
but a lonely bed gives 
no comforting reward.
Soft smiles and laughter's memories 
whirl round and round until 
the smoldering ember bursts 
into full flame.

So she sits
keeping company with the stars 
flipping the cards 
and pretending that the black King 
does not own the Queen 
that her desire for 
the Jack of Hearts 
will not cost her the game.

© Copyright 2001 jellybeans - All Rights Reserved
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
1 posted 2001-10-19 11:13 AM


Metaphorically sooooooo cool~

'So she sits
keeping company with the stars
flipping the cards
and pretending that the black King
does not own the Queen
that her desire for
the Jack of Hearts
will not cost her the game.'

Very creatively done~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~              

Lady In White
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2 posted 2001-10-19 11:21 AM

Ah yes, those sweatshirts don't keep all of the cold out...

well done, indeed!

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since 2000-10-13
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3 posted 2001-10-19 02:55 PM

I know my mind works differently than who hasn't stayed up late playing solitare to numb unwanted thoughts?
thank you for your comments  

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Member Seraphic
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4 posted 2001-10-19 04:17 PM

she stuffs hands in pockets deep
and tries to walk
out the fact that this fire has found
its way inside
her wall of defenses.

Exhaustion sets in
taking her back inside
but a lonely bed gives
no comforting reward.

I'm glad you chose this version to post... and even figured out why! *G* This flow suits her mood better... it mirrors her unrest.

Soft smiles and laughter's memories
whirl round and round until
the smoldering ember bursts
into full flame.

I like these images very much... memories certainly can be a conflagration, consuming whatever peace we've managed to achieve.

So she sits
keeping company with the stars
flipping the cards
and pretending that the black King
does not own the Queen
that her desire for
the Jack of Hearts
will not cost her the game.

So much sadness and loneliness, remembering tinged with regrets... Great job, jb! *S*

But yanno... it would be worth playing solitaire with a deck of 51 to give that Black King a toss in the nearest dumpster! LOL

Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
5 posted 2001-10-19 04:31 PM

Nicely done, You set the mood and the brood.

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since 2000-04-19
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6 posted 2001-10-19 04:39 PM

~I agree, quite creative you are. Enjoyed, and have played along in this game myself. Thank you for pulling me into that room with you, if for a moment, to feel. *Peace.
since 2001-09-08
Posts 288
New York (BK)
7 posted 2001-10-19 04:40 PM

This poem is so true.
When I can't sleep I
just pull out my deck
and start playing until
I'm sleepy.

As my borough has always stated- Do or Die.

Member Ascendant
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8 posted 2001-10-19 07:53 PM

BRAVO!!! I love the way your mind works. You paint feeling with wonderful pictures that bring your words to life. BRAVO!!!!

Love I leave with you whether it is in your life now or yet the essense of your dreams.

Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
9 posted 2001-10-19 08:54 PM

BRAVO!!! OH MY GOSH, THIS IS MARVELOUS!!! (sigh) What a wonderful way to describe fate vs. heart for love in a deck of reasons cards! (big hugggssssss) You are the queen of hearts to us all, sweet friend! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet jellybeans, thank you for sharing!

May love and light alwways shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

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Between the Lines
10 posted 2001-10-19 09:07 PM

well I can relate to the playing of solitaire  just the other night..alone in bed...under the stars...


"The worst prison would be a closed heart".
...Pope John Paul II

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