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Glenn Logan
since 2001-10-10
Posts 111

0 posted 2001-10-12 12:00 PM


I have known the night disappear
into the day, and the day
disappear into the night,
and each disappear
into each other
until there was
day nor

I have watched the surfacing whale
eject the swallowed sea, and saw
the sea swallow up the
surfacing whale,
and then the beach swallow both of them
as it raced swiftly downward
on the outgoing tide,
and then
I have watched the sea in turn
swallow up the beach,
until all
that was left was the water,
a solitary gull and a single swallow
flying low over the waves, eating the flies
that hover over the waters
where the smell rises
from a flotsam of
decaying fish and funerals at sea.

And I would swallow the wind as
a swallow swallows a fly, and
would sit by the seashore
watching the waves
make rough love with the sand,
and watch the wind
wash the sea
of its startled spume,
and the air of its
stinging salt sown
by the clash of
wind and wave and sand,
and would savor the moment
of release
as each wave strikes the beach
and rolls sandward
like some primitive beast
intent on laying its eggs,
beneath the rolling sands.

And I would wish upon the wind,
and upon the Moon and stars,
and there would be
no day for me,
but only
the starry night and
the luminescent,
spume-topped waves,
thumping at the invisible beach,
endlessly swallowing - and
being swallowed by -
those waves.

And I would sit here silently,
not daring to challenge even in thought
the wisdom of  the  waves -
much less their roar,
their brutish snort,  
and the rolling vowels
and grumbling consonants
of the sea's mysterious song.

And I would lie upon the beach
all night,
and be glazed by salt spray
and blown sand
until the volcano of dawn erupts
from the black icy sea,
and the sand piper and sea gull
return to fly busily among
the breaking waves,
where once again beach is beach,
and sea is sea.

And I would then watch the sand crabs
scurry from their burrows,
and would slap at the sand fleas
still tormenting my body,
and remember that although all disappeared,
all has reappeared,
and the waves and the winds
are endless.

Note FYI -
I've recently put up a few more of my poems on two personal home pages:


© Copyright 2001 Glenn Logan - All Rights Reserved
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since 2001-05-11
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1 posted 2001-10-12 12:03 PM

And the Circle continues...

well done, Sir!

Good to see you at Passions!

Seymour Tabin
Member Empyrean
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Tamarac Fla
2 posted 2001-10-12 12:10 PM

An excellent write, I enjoyed the read.

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Member Seraphic
since 2000-01-18
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with you
3 posted 2001-10-12 12:14 PM

it was impossible for me to pick a favorite line, I kept liking each one better and better. I think this is fantastic!! I am keeping this  
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Member Empyrean
since 2001-05-18
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4 posted 2001-10-12 12:20 PM

A masterpiece of ebb and flow, and the continuity of interconnectedness.
Thank you for sharing this.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
5 posted 2001-10-12 12:57 PM

This piece is so full of imagery~

'And I would sit here silently,
not daring to challenge even in thought
the wisdom of the waves -
much less their roar,
their brutish snort,  
and the rolling vowels
and grumbling consonants
of the sea's mysterious song.'

Beautifully portrayed thoughts~
Thanks for sharing a glimpse of Assateague~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
   [email protected]              

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049
6 posted 2001-10-12 05:56 PM

Glenn--You make me want to say, "I would too".  Wonderful poetry!
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