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Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269

0 posted 2001-09-18 10:32 AM

Dear Mr. Bin Laden

I am an American, solid to the core
A mother and a husband came here from another shore
Both of them have sworn their true allegiance to this land
Because of them, I also am a true American

This country is a new one, forged by those who crossed a sea
Mistakes were made by many in the yearning to be free
They stole the land from natives who possessed inherent claims
They stole the lives of Africans and tied them up in chains

They pitched tea in a harbor in a protest of abuse
The good of English governing they put to worthy use
They out maneuvered British troops on horseback through a gorge
They sat in frigid hunger on the ground at Valley Forge

They moved the borders of our Latin neighbors to the south
They sang the Cajun rhythms at the Mississippi’s mouth
They made a little China town inside each city’s bounds
They plowed up fields of Kansas and gold nuggets from the ground

They burned the cross of hatred and they fought a bloody war
They charged up Little Rountop and killed rebels by the score
They stood behind the Bible, but they separated blacks
To cultures of a different kind, they firmly turned their backs

But what was chiseled from the wrongs and rights along the way
Is a country where we have the right to think and right to pray
For all the bitter wrong that passed, still  pulsing in the vein
Regard for individual is that which has remained

Diverse as we may be in our opinions and our ways
It was one heart you tore apart in Tuesday morning’s haze
A single family you attacked, one spirit that was slain
One citizen you cut down, an American, by name

We all are still in mourning at the grave, horrific deed
That ripped the heartstrings of the world and made a country bleed
We, as one, are weeping out of horror and of rage,
Which will some day be reconciled upon reprisal’s page

You understood the agony that surely would ensue
But underestimate the strength of our Red, White and Blue
A piece of cloth, you say, a simple token on a pole?
This flag will drape the theater of your final curtain call

It flies in every city block, on every farmhouse lawn
It waves in glory in the subtle sunlit beams of dawn
It’s held by hands of Oriental, black, Latino, white
It’s power is a force that now will surely come to light

We are not shaken by a tongue that speaks in words of threat
For terrorism in the end will have to pay its debt
For now, we look at photographs of every victim’s face
As sisters and as brothers they remain in our embrace

From an American in mourning,
Elizabeth Santos

© Copyright 2001 Elizabeth Santos - All Rights Reserved
since 2001-09-04
Posts 127
New Jersey
1 posted 2001-09-18 10:36 AM

oh my goodness... that was a really great poem! very nice way to put your feelings into words.. let God be with us during this tragedy, and one day this will all be taken care of..

A Life without Love, is no life at all...

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Tulsa, OK, USA
2 posted 2001-09-18 10:59 AM

WOW...spirited and bold and so true.  Thank you for sharing with us, ES...noone here doubts your patriotism, nor your intent.
Junior Member
since 2001-09-18
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Ohio, United States
3 posted 2001-09-18 11:06 AM

With that poem, you have documented several things that have formed the country into what it is today. It shows that we've struggled to make it.  Very nice write indeed!  With words filled with patriotism, your heart bleeds red, white, and blue!

With my pen I shall create,
With my mind I shall explore,
With my strength I shall endure,
With my poetry I shall have legacy.

Member Elite
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New York, USA
4 posted 2001-09-18 11:54 AM

Oh, dear poet lady you have certainly tugged at every American heartstring with these words...Such a tragic event that prompted this piece, such an eloquent way to write what's in our hearts.  Thank you.  Bonnie
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Ontario, CANADA
5 posted 2001-09-18 11:59 AM

Oh Liz, well expressed, this brought a tear to my eye. I'm proud of your strength! ~hugs~


"Poetry is not an opinion expressed...
it is a song that rises from a bleeding
wound...or a smiling mouth"

~Kahlil Gibran~

The Rusty Knight
since 2001-08-29
Posts 414
6 posted 2001-09-18 02:53 PM


You have painted a clearer picture of who we are and how we got to be there in just a few words.  I think the events have made us all look at who WE are.  Thanks Dan

Death comes not when we cease to breathe, but when we cease to dream.

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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
7 posted 2001-09-18 03:28 PM

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8 posted 2001-09-18 04:20 PM

Elizabeth, your poem puts into words just why I am so proud to be an American. God Bless us all!

God bless America, my home sweet home.

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9 posted 2001-09-18 04:25 PM

This is wonderful... lump in the throat..

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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
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Idaho, USA
10 posted 2001-09-18 06:36 PM

Liz:  This is so stirring and wonderful!  You have voiced much of our history and our resolve for the future.  Outstanding job!

Betty Lou Hebert

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11 posted 2001-09-18 06:50 PM

Yes! We are scarred, we are tainted from past mistakes, we are still growing in our learning and acceptance. But we are still here voicing our call! One nation undivided with liberty and justice for all! Till the last one standing he will hear it ring.
Wonderful Elizabeth!


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
12 posted 2001-09-18 07:03 PM

*Big Hugs*

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                                   [email protected]            

since 1999-07-27
Posts 428
Charlottesville,VA USA
13 posted 2001-09-18 08:57 PM

There is one thing....I would change the Dear Bin Laden to :

         dear bin laden
      He deserves even less...

Powerful feelings here and a great write !!


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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
14 posted 2001-09-18 11:36 PM

I truly hope this letter is on the front page of Passions with Ron's for this is the greatest writing I have ever read of one proud American, I a truly humbled by your writing, it was magnificant.

~* If you want a rainbow, sometimes you just have to put up with a little rain *~

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15 posted 2001-09-19 12:02 PM

Outstanding! Yes it was an arduous road to get to where we are but we just about have it perfected and it's the best man has ever come up with. Enjoyed.
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16 posted 2001-09-19 12:10 PM


  I'm amazed by your talent.  You write so wonderfully.  This poem was magnificent. It made me hold my head up even more with pride at being an American.  We are not a perfect nation.. but we are a family that strong in our beliefs and love.  Thank you for sharing.


Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269
17 posted 2001-09-19 02:45 PM

Thank you so very much, fellow patriots.
This poem has been posted in a Congressional office in Washington. When you think how far we've come in such a short period, It makes me proud, despite all the mistakes we've made. Thank you so much for your wonderful comments

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since 1999-12-15
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18 posted 2001-09-24 12:12 PM

Truly our nation has come a long way as your poem expressed so well.. and with this attack our unity as a nation has become stronger. Wonderful poem.
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-09-23
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On A Journey To The Unknown
19 posted 2001-09-25 09:01 AM

Right on! This is so good. And yes, Bin Laden will pay. The sooner, the better.
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20 posted 2001-09-25 09:12 PM

You are my
Citizen of the Month
maybe of the Year

The words you have written will
stay in my heart forever,
as an expression of Unity

Senior Member
since 1999-11-27
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21 posted 2001-09-26 01:45 AM

I've not seen it stated any better.  Excellent Liz
Lady In White
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22 posted 2001-10-01 04:49 PM

Thank God for Americans like You!

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