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serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738

0 posted 2001-09-15 02:59 AM

Tonight I took the candles
the ones I kept in trust--
The green one with the triple wick
covered with the summer's dust.

Then I grabbed a torch and fire
and placed it on my lawn...
and at its foot
an angel stood--
protection from all harm.

I took all the candles kept
forgotten in the grief I wept--
I thought it most appropriate--
I burned the ones of most neglect.

And upon my neighbor's lawn--
beneath the flag, I placed the dawn...
another candle I did light--
another beacon in the night.

Flowers from my garden, placed,
in bouquet of heart displaced.
Echoes of my misery...
I sang no dirge--it sang to me.

I remembered all this year,
all my selfish-minded tears--
as I watched the dignity
dissolve beneath my father's knees.
A veteran--of World War II
my father wore the Navy blues...
Korean conflict came along
my father sang reprise of song.
A chalice, I left unfulfilled
to keep the tears I'd yet to spill.

(and I heard "Taps" played in my mind...
the last song my dad left behind.)

And even still I was not done.
I raised a flame to rival sun,
for my second father's death...
a fireman--a chaplain's quest.
I stood for him where he would be
and prayed I prayed accordingly...
I knew that he knew what to say--
I emptied me and let him pray.

These would be the darkest days...
both of them would share dismay.
The two of them would honor dead
and so I stood there in their stead.
I bowed my head and prayed release.
"take this hatred, give me peace..."
I prayed again most fervently
to keep them both alive in me.

Tonight I lit the darkest night
each candle flame a star reprised.
Tonight I felt alive again--
I cried the tears for two dead men...
Heroes both, that died unknown--
Tonight I did not stand alone.
All my cries became "amen"--
This night I wept the tears of men.

[This message has been edited by serenity (edited 09-15-2001).]

© Copyright 2001 serenity blaze - All Rights Reserved
Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
1 posted 2001-09-15 06:38 AM

This is such a deeply touching piece of your heart~
I'm so glad you can find the words to share~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                                   [email protected]            

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley
2 posted 2001-09-15 06:46 AM

With tears in my eyes, it's hard to read your words...but I can FEEL them my dear.
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
3 posted 2001-09-15 06:49 AM

...and the world wept with you... Thank you, K..

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
4 posted 2001-09-15 07:12 AM

I joined you, unknowingly, but still knowing, as friends in the neighborhood came to stand with candles and flags, waving at passerbys, hearing their horns acknowledging...

hoping they were on their way to other lightings...

I am glad you are finding your words again...

redheart angrybraids
since 2000-04-16
Posts 410
honolulu, hawaii
5 posted 2001-09-15 07:40 AM

i feel the calm in yours words and honor you my friend for all that you endure,
kindly peaceful mind amelia

Redheart Angrybraids

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since 1999-12-15
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6 posted 2001-09-15 09:53 AM

I did not cry today..till I read your poem.. you struck a deep chord with me. My own father was wounded in WWII, and now I know he never could have been the man he was before Pearl Harbor. All of us at the same time..will be worst and better for this. Prior to 9-11 we had become a nation of whiners..spoiled people who had everything, rightfully called the "me generation"  within a matter of hours I see us as the "we generation".  I am especially including myself in this generalization.  We look through new window with new eyes and appreciate the things we had taken for granted, the things that really matter.

[This message has been edited by Songbird (edited 09-15-2001).]

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
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7 posted 2001-09-15 10:39 AM

And upon my neighbor's lawn--
beneath the flag, I placed the dawn...
another candle I did light--
another beacon in the night.


(and I heard "Taps" played in my mind...
the last song my dad left behind.)

And even still I was not done.
I raised a flame to rival sun,
for my second father's death...
a fireman--a chaplain's quest.
I stood for him where he would be
and prayed I prayed accordingly...
I knew that he knew what to say--
I emptied me and let him pray.

These would be the darkest days...
both of them would share dismay.
The two of them would honor dead
and so I stood there in their stead.
I bowed my head and prayed release.
"take this hatred, give me peace..."
I prayed again most fervently
to keep them both alive in me.

Tonight I lit the darkest night
each candle flame a star reprised.
Tonight I felt alive again--
I cried the tears for two dead men...
Heroes both, that died unknown--
Tonight I did not stand alone.
All my cries became "amen"--
This night I wept the tears of men.


I knew when you found your words....
that they would take mine...
and they have............
one of your most amazing K....
you are such a gifted poet...and you did them both did us ALL proud with this one....

your poetry is a flame baby.....
candles of rhyme sublime
never let that light go out.
love you

Well I looked to the sky for my anthem
The words and the music came through
But words and music can never touch
The beauty that I've seen in you

Deputy Moderator 5 Tours
Member Patricius
since 1999-10-22
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8 posted 2001-09-15 12:41 PM

Deputy Moderator 5 Tours
Member Patricius
since 1999-10-22
Posts 10463
9 posted 2001-09-15 12:42 PM

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738

10 posted 2001-09-15 03:04 PM

Marge--I thank you so much for your wisdom and constant sustenance during not just this difficult time, but for being there for me through this year from hell. Know that you are loved dear lady. Thank you.

Sharon...I am shaking my head. No words are necessary. So often in our conversations, I feel like I don't even have to type. I can "feel" you with me through the keys, and often type my answer before I receive it because we are so in tune that I KNOW what you are saying before I read it. You are a gracious and beautiful lady, and I thank you so much for being my friend.'s hard to believe that I used to be afraid of you...grin...thank you so much for your patience and all of the help you have given me. You are a wonderful teacher.  

Kari...You as well are counted among my passionate sisters. You always have a kind word, and I sometimes wish I could see the world with as much hope as you. Thank you.

Amelia, I have felt a special connection to you from the very beginning. Your work always manages to convey that elusive place of peace that usually comes from the place of "no thought"--how you manage to do that with words amazes me. Thank you, again.  

Songbird, isn't it amazing how much we take for granted. My father never complained about the difficulties of his life, and there were many. My father in law, never got dramatic about the many tradedies he faced during his career as a Chief in the New Orleans fire department. I think, thinking about all of this, and how much I whine about the daily nonsense shamed me into silence. Thanks for letting me know that you could relate., *shaking my head* what do I say to YOU? You are truly a friend, and I appreciate it so much, you always call me on my own b.s. and do it in such a way that it doesn't hurt. I love you for that m'twin. Thanks for always being both honest and supportive. Love you. don't say much, but I must tell you, I love your one word's enough to know that you are here and reading, and I thank you for taking the time for letting me know.

And to all, I just felt the need to express how much you all mean to me. As for the poem--all I could think about since Tuesday was how this would have broken the hearts of my "Dads"...I know now that I am not alone in sorrow, and I grieve with the world and take courage from those that have suffered loss and go ON. I think it's time to join the land of the living again. I thank you all for your patience and love.

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328
British Columbia, Canada
11 posted 2001-09-16 12:31 PM

Your "Dads" are certainly a part of you Karen, I cried when I read this.  You have so much respect for them, your country, humanity, and the kindest heart I think I have ever come across.  I am so glad you shared this for you, for them, and us.  This was fanstastic writing.

~*Be Kind To Your Fellow Man, Lend Him A Helping Hand, Put A Little Love In Your Heart*~

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