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Member Elite
since 2001-06-21
Posts 2903
Victoria, Australia

0 posted 2001-08-25 08:45 AM

It started in the mountains, where the snowcaps shed their coat
From deep inside earths belly, from the springs of running note

Amidst the undulations and the banks that hem her flow
Passing by the willow trees and land that loves her so

Flowing by her faithful gums, which stand and bow in awe
Captured by the artists brush, to live forevermore

Weaving through an ancient land, though veins of nature made
Driven by earths giving heart, which since first dawn he laid;  


I ride upon its waters, in my mind, on currents strength
I live its wondrous journey from beginnings to its length

I swim among its fishes, through the snags of their retreat
I sit up with the cockies, in the gums as morn we meet

I walk the fallen tree trunks, which all harbour what may come
I dance among the ripples, as the wind does tease the sun

I bath beneath the waterfall in rainbow coloured mist
I rest with perfect lullaby and by its peace I’m kissed

I float upon the water with its currents and its will
I turn each bend to sights abound and thoughts that books would fill

I sit down with the creatures, which all quench their thirst of day
At peace I find the river, with peace it goes its way

© Copyright 2001 Rick Van Weenen - All Rights Reserved
since 1999-07-27
Posts 428
Charlottesville,VA USA
1 posted 2001-08-25 08:55 AM

Rick, I was with you ALL the way with this one. I enjoyed it very much !!!

This made me....


If you can't make it so,
you need to let it go!

Member Elite
since 2001-06-21
Posts 2903
Victoria, Australia
2 posted 2001-08-25 08:59 AM

Dear Kitty, thanks for your reply, they are wonderful rivers, I hope your journey was well enjoyed and for a while remembered.


Member Elite
since 2000-02-29
Posts 3793
3 posted 2001-08-25 03:29 PM

This is close to the heart. As a river or any body of water gives me much pleasure. So much I built a landscaping pond and fountain in the lawn, just to keep it close. Excellent verse and flowing in perfect stream.


Seymour Tabin
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since 1999-07-07
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Tamarac Fla
4 posted 2001-08-25 04:58 PM

Nice, enjoyed the read.

Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
5 posted 2001-08-25 07:49 PM

There is just a beautiful flowing serenity to this graceful piece~
Thank you so much for sharing it~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                                   [email protected]            

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
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6 posted 2001-08-25 09:59 PM

Amidst the undulations and the banks that hem her flow
Passing by the willow trees and land that loves her so

Flowing by her faithful gums, which stand and bow in awe
Captured by the artists brush, to live forevermore

Weaving through an ancient land, though veins of nature made
Driven by earths giving heart, which since first dawn he laid;  

Rick the imagery in this is wonderful...
and it was a treat to read aloud...
your cadence was a delight.
very well done poet sir  

Feels like Im dancin with truth and wisdom
Precious rhythm you are my guide
These days are sacred, my heart is humble
Oh warrior show me thy light

Kay Vibbert
Junior Member
since 2001-08-25
Posts 35
7 posted 2001-08-25 10:16 PM

When I started writing poetry, I was taken to nature and this really gave me a feeling of loving the outdoors!


Member Elite
since 2001-06-21
Posts 2903
Victoria, Australia
8 posted 2001-08-26 06:31 AM

Dear Regina, thanks for the reply, nice to hear from you again, water is a wonderful thing and when flowing brings peace to the heart and our well being. Lucky you for having this peace within your reach.

Dear Seymour, thank you for your reply and I am glad that you enjoyed the read.

Dear Marge, your words mean so much to me, I am so glad that I have been able to share these words with you.

Dear Janete, It is nice to share a piece of work that many can see, I am so glad you saw my river, thank you for the lovely words in your reply.

Dear Kay, thank you for your reply, nice to have you join us in passions, I think that nature holds us all close, and doing so fills our minds with thoughts and our pens with words that we can share with others.
Hope that you have many words to share with us all.


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