Posts 1106 across the land of dreams. In your heart, I'd always be.
0posted2001-08-0302:10 PM
~~~Yours.....No More My Own~~~
Yours.... No more my own
Yours Is the heartbeat of me That seems to dance Eternally
Yours Is the raging Up roaring Sea Always Tucked deep within me
Yours Is the sunset Of my dreams Seen at last From within The shades Of your rainbow
Yours Is the whole of me Left forever Unattended Never really known Never really understood Until The coming of that other me
Yours No more my own No…..more …….my own The thoughts, That I thought they’d forever Stay Locked away, The heart That I thought It would forever be A port of mystery.
Yours They are now Unlock their secrets Stumble forever with their Unfathomed seas Claim the right To solve their mystery They are yours now No more my own
And I am... Free... Free... Since you have now The burden Of that mystery. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Love the ending... very nicely done..and I am enchanted as usual...
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-03
Posts 9543 The Shores of Alone
2posted2001-08-0308:23 PM
M.E.M. This is lovely. I like the idea of the blending, and giving over of burdens because you are one. Nice thoughts, If they would only come true. Sandra
Member Laureate
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937 East Lansing, MI USA
3posted2001-08-0308:33 PM
this is excellent. . . to be not one, not the other. . . but as one. . .
To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world.
MyEnchanted_Melody Senior Member
since 2001-05-30
Posts 1106 across the land of dreams. In your heart, I'd always be.
4posted2001-08-0311:06 PM
This poem came so suddenly.......I sat down without any clear idea except the line ( more my own).......and the rest of it just poured out.......
So I'm glad that you liked the ending ...and thank you for your kind comment......
oh..Yes...if they could only come true.....
Thank you dearest.......
"to be not one, not the other. . . but as one. . . "
You have said it in few words dear friend.....and as always I'm ever grateful that you loved it.....
Thank you ************************
Marge Tindal
Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-06
Posts 42384 Florida's Foreverly Shores
5posted2001-08-0311:59 PM
MyEnchantedMelody~ Just such lovely, lovely thoughts in a lovely presentation. ~*Marge*~
~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~ [email protected]
ShannonM Member
since 2001-07-28
Posts 104 Drifitng
6posted2001-08-0412:03 PM
Yes...very heartfelt. And I agree...excellent presentation.
MyEnchanted_Melody Senior Member
since 2001-05-30
Posts 1106 across the land of dreams. In your heart, I'd always be.
7posted2001-08-0401:55 AM
Dearest ~Marge~
I wouldn't have been able to present it this way without your useful help and tips...... I'm really grateful for that.......
And I'm glad that the long time I spent on that presentation wasn't wasted.....
Thank you again....... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thank you for reading it.....and I'm happy you liked it. **********************
since 2001-06-21
Posts 3015 In a corporeal internship...
8posted2001-08-0502:43 PM
An honor and a responsibility, but one must be careful to have something left for one's self...
"When you tell the Truth, you never have to remember what you just said." --Del Casher
MyEnchanted_Melody Senior Member
since 2001-05-30
Posts 1106 across the land of dreams. In your heart, I'd always be.
9posted2001-08-0612:21 PM honor and a responsibility.....
But that who takes such a responsibility must be worthy of it......or else all is lost.....
Thank you for your ever wonderful vision and perception.......
[This message has been edited by MyEnchanted_Melody (edited 08-06-2001).]