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Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
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Ontario, CANADA

0 posted 2001-07-31 09:37 PM

*revised from way back*

Just A Myth

Once upon a time rarely ends as happily ever after
and if you wear glass slippers, they will crack then shatter,
A prince cannot kiss the sleep away from a beautiful princess
fantasia brooms do not sweep away yesterday's mess,
shooting stars can't deliver hopes to heaven in the night
and poison of the heart always kills Snow White,
there never was a man in the moon smiling down,
joy does not live behind the painted mask of a clown,
he loves me, he loves me not seems to win over and over again
mystic Mr. Sandman has never been your friend,
with a flash of a lightning bolt - Hercules won't save the day
eternal youth is just a story, Rapunzel's hair eventually turns to tattered grey,
thorns refuse to vanish and roses cannot bloom all year long
if you believe that God creates soulmates - then you've got it all wrong
for, love cannot survive - even Romeo and Juliet perished
there is no genie in a bottle granting wish after wish

fairytales are cruel jokes on innocent children to pass the time
even poetry's ink can be bled dry of it's rhyme,
hate to burst your bubble - but, your fairy Godmother doesn't care
and angels don't fly on honey clouds, instead their wings fray in polluted air,
there is no castle in the distance waiting for Cinderella
even the Chesire cat fails to grin forever
his nine lives are cut off with his head by the evil queen
and the toothfairy leaves counterfeit cash while you're lost in a dream
there is no love potion #9 that can cast a magical spell
at eternity's cease, the garden of Eden will never replace hell
at the end of a rainbow there is no pot of gold
or leprechauns bestowing great wisdom hardly ever told,
money doesn't grow on trees just because you're broke
leave a memory lost at sea and it will drown by choke,
maps to paradise never wash upon the shore
crazy glue could not put Humpty Dumpty back together once more

when your heart breaks
and your soul aches
all of the chocolate in the world cannot hold back the tears
your knight in shining armour is at the stripbar drinking a case of beer
not riding 'pon a white horse to carry you off into the sunset
gold rings eventually tarnish and elephants do forget!
wedding gowns will yellow and fade
promises are rarely kept, let alone made
romance is not a scripted movie
awards are never given for free,
destiny, fate and kismet are all a bunch of bull
the cup of life is half empty, never half full
Saint Valentine and Cupid do not exist...
lasting love is just a myth

By Melissa P. Monette

© Copyright 2001 Melissa P. Long-Monette - All Rights Reserved
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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-03
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The Shores of Alone
1 posted 2001-07-31 10:24 PM can't take away ALL of the fantasies here. How about we at least let prince charming go forth to save.
Intense and depressing Melissa. Whew!

Senior Member
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2 posted 2001-07-31 10:36 PM

     WOW!  You have cut the heart out of the fairytale! But, for us "Disney" dreamers, we need that slice of reality to make us see that the "fairytale" is just that. But sadly still, we believe in the "Prince" that we SO want to exist. I hope you will find yours, Melissa, he HAS to be out there somewhere still. Don't stop dreaming....

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3 posted 2001-07-31 10:38 PM

True, many things are half truth, half fiction in most of our whimsies of life. But to even know one part of something beautiful adds to us as a person. I know I'm a better person to have known love, to have given it, and to be able to accept it. This will forever last as it is part of what makes up all of me. It differs with everyone I know. But I hope it will not remain a myth to you.
Very provoking read. Thank you!

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
4 posted 2001-07-31 10:58 PM

Ah, Melissa, you're myth-ing the point! Reality is for those who can't face fantasy. Dreamers view life as a comedy...realists view it as a tragedy. The reality? We are born....we die. We need the belief in our fantasies to make the time in between enjoyable and if our mind believes they can come true.....sometimes they do. At worst, we lived with the hope they might have...not such a bad deal  

The poem is very well done  

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
5 posted 2001-07-31 11:29 PM

I'm so glad you're a poet ! !
You've got a unique way of 'splaining things~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                                 [email protected]              

since 2000-02-29
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Snohomish, WA
6 posted 2001-08-01 02:23 AM

hate to burst your bubble - but, your fairy Godmother doesn't care... Omigawd I am dyin' here....
I know only too well the disappointment and heartbreak that leads to similar anger and ummmm... "pessimism".  I hope whatever led you to the demise of all things fantastical will allow you to live again soon.  

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since 2000-08-19
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Queensland, Australia
7 posted 2001-08-01 06:49 AM

you have shattered my dreams here! I thought all that was true....especially about the knight on the white charger. Oh well I guess I'll have to make do with what  I've got. Nice work though.


I wish you every happiness and may you always have the best of the good things in life.     a brand

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Member Laureate
since 1999-11-23
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East Lansing, MI USA
8 posted 2001-08-01 07:30 PM

I remember this one my friend. . . no one writes heartbreak like you. . . but, don't give up on the dreams just yet. . . they have a way of sneaking up on you. . .  


To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world.

Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
9 posted 2001-08-01 09:49 PM

If what you say is truth today
Than I must let my Randy go.
For he's my mount to find my way
And without him I will never know.

A wonderful write. Sy

Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
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Ontario, CANADA
10 posted 2001-08-01 09:54 PM

Thank you all for your replies  

But, don't worry!!!  I still believe in happy endings, in soulmates and in angels, I just wrote this when I was feeling sorry for myself~

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since 2001-02-04
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11 posted 2001-08-03 12:41 PM

...and I thought I had a bad day!  Glad this is from the past, well done as it was.
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Member Ascendant
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12 posted 2001-08-03 02:54 AM


i very much enjoyed the read. i like the way you revolve your poem around this refreshing take on fairy tales and their fantasies...

i love the line about the knight in a strip bar most...what an image!!

since 2001-07-28
Posts 104
13 posted 2001-08-03 03:00 AM

Excellent.  I tried something like this not too long ago, but it was very sparse.  This is nice and full...and describes my feelings exactly.  I wish things were otherwise.

Good job!


Irish Rose
Member Patricius
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14 posted 2001-08-03 03:05 AM

but the poets NEVER run out of rhyme, not ever......I still believe that.

" I walked beside the evening sea And dreamed a dream that could not be" George William Curtis"


since 2000-04-26
Posts 113
Amherst, MA, USA
15 posted 2001-08-03 03:09 AM


There are times when I see the world this way. It's so very Earthly.

I think I only feel this when people tell me to. Because when I was a little girl I said "I'm a princess!" and my mom said "No, you're a middle-class American living in a suburb of Boston, where we don't have kings and queens and princesses. Maybe someday you can try and be the president." When I said "Look, a fairy dancing on a leaf!" my dad said "No, that's an insect. But that's very cute, it kind of looks like a fairy."

Not that I'm disputing your poem because I've written things that I actually completely disagree with, so you actually might see the world the same as I do these days, but really I can't bear to read a poem like that because it hurts, it reminds me of when I didn't believe. But it's beautiful, in a painful way.

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In a corporeal internship...
16 posted 2001-08-04 07:10 PM

Bitter, much??  This was an EXTREMELY powerful "splattering of shattering", and I can understand such emotion when in Misery's bottom, but it still makes me vehemently unsheath my sword and defiantly ask, "Oh YEAH?!"  Well done, Melissa -- just maybe it deserves a header or disclaimer before the read for us "dreamers" who prefer to see "the other side of things"...  (I'm glad to hear this was in your past...  WHEW! :-) )


"When you tell the Truth, you never have to remember what you just said."
--Del Casher

Member Elite
since 2001-02-11
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17 posted 2001-08-04 08:11 PM

Many truths here, Disney is fake. Love is a lot of work and it does arrive one day. Am glad this was written a while back. Great poem.
Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
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Ontario, CANADA
18 posted 2001-08-04 08:16 PM

Thank you all for your 'interesting' and great replies  

I'm an optimist, honestly!  

This is just something that I had to write~

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