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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
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Somewhere... out there...

0 posted 2001-07-30 02:25 PM

~Phoenix Critters~
*Image reflects actual size*

so, there are raccoons in your attic
and their presence makes you blue?
if you'll take some of what I've got
I'll gladly take a few

these Phoenix pests aren't furry
and certainly not cute
they're simply here to bug me
that you cannot dispute

I've got pigeons in the rafters
and roaches in the drain
between the two of them
I think they're driving me insane

the pigeons leave me presents
on the sidewalk everyday
the roaches chase me 'round the house
as if they want to play

now, don't misunderstand me
I'm very fond of birds
it's just that I get so darned sick
of cleaning up their turds

the roaches on the other hand
I could live without
I'd love to see them gone for good
of that there is no doubt

so if you get annoyed
when critters in your attic dwell
I'll gladly make an even trade
yep, that would be just swell!


"...until you have read the verse on his
heart, you have not truely met the poet."

[This message has been edited by vlraynes (edited 07-30-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Sunshine (06-27-2003 01:58 PM).]

© Copyright 2001 Vicky L. Raynes - All Rights Reserved
Lady In White
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1 posted 2001-07-30 02:30 PM

Racoons and squirrels over roaches and pigeons, hey?

Considering your territory, I was expecting much worse...

scorpions and the like...


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
2 posted 2001-07-30 02:55 PM

Oh My Gawd !
I'll be back to see the exterminator in action -  er, reaction ! !

Sometimes, poetess ... you crack ME up !
This is definitely one of those times !

Ewwwwwwwwwwww !  

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                                 [email protected]              

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
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In the winds of Cherokee song
3 posted 2001-07-30 07:38 PM

Hey, but you do get all the cool ones too such as the scorpions, the rattlesnakes, and the JACKALOPES!!!!!!  Yeppers, they ARE REAL.  Everytime I sit myself down next to a lonely tumbleweed and break open that whiskey, they come around to cheer me up.      

Oh yeah..............Nice response to the "deer" man.

Senior Member
since 2001-06-26
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Phoenix, Az
4 posted 2001-07-30 07:44 PM

I am so with you! Had one wake me up in the middle of the night!  it was gross!!!!!
This was really cute...Im still laughing!  Just cause I KNOW exactly what you are talking about!
Love ya

God is our inspiration; Words of the heart can be music to our ears

since 2001-07-28
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5 posted 2001-07-30 07:45 PM

As an Arizona girl myself, I can relate. I couldn't have put it as well though. good one!
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The Steamy Desert
6 posted 2001-07-30 08:30 PM

And with the roaches take the scorpions
And centipedes and sun spiders and wolf spiders and the rattlesnakes, and even those darn garter snakes, and why in the heck do these darn tarantulas love MY garage so much.....uuugh...TAKE EM ALL!!

Let my words fall first upon deaf ears before a closed mind...

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The Steamy Desert
7 posted 2001-07-30 08:32 PM

Oh yeah, and what about those crazy flying bettles that stick in my hair, and I think your picture was too small, that was the baby roach, papa roach lives down here in the southwestern corner, and.......!!! (LOL)

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
8 posted 2001-07-30 10:25 PM

OMG - Cocroaches???
Do you have any idea how much I hate bugs?  No, well all my windows, doors,  heat vents have screen on them.  I would die if I saw one of those.  OMG, how big are the spiders there?  I am going to have nightmares for a trillion years!  Move, Vicky, move!  LOL  
Wait a minute, I've got it!  Get Balladeer to bring the racoons to your house and the racoons can play a tune and drive them out of there like the Pied Piper?  Cute poem, but yuckers, I hate bugs!

Reel beauty is only fin deep!

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
9 posted 2001-07-31 01:34 AM

Ah, Vicky girl, the words you write are music to my ears..
How I love squeamish ladies and their "I-hate-roaches" fears!
Hysteria that overtakes the gals when one approaches
Fills me with appreciation for my friends - the roaches.

Women have come quite a way in history...and yet
When it comes to roaches they are still a sufferagette.
A T-rex from Jurrasic Park could not provoke the fear
A woman goes through when she sees a little roach appear.

They're the gift that keeps on giving 'cause they multiply like mad.
They help me earn a living and make me Sir Galahad.
There's only one thing that would ever make me destitute...
That one day women would awake and find those buggers cute!  

You say you have a problem there? Well, put away that Kleenix...
Your balladeer, with can in hand, is on his way to Phoenix!!!
No critters can treat YOU like that! I'm coming there to fight
And I will solve your problem if I have to work all night!!!  

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
Posts 8229
Somewhere... out there...
10 posted 2001-07-31 04:05 AM

Lady In White-
   Yep...we have those too...just not in my house..LOL
   Thanks for reading.

   Ewwwwwwwwwwww is absolutely right!!
   These things are huge and disgusting!
   Much prefer furry critters!  
   Glad this one cracked you up!  

   Hmmmmmmm...jackalopes, huh?
   They never seem to come see me when
   I'm drinkin' my raspberry hot chocolate.
   Why do you think that is??
   You're too much, my cowboy friend! LOL
   Glad you enjoyed this little ditty.

   LOL...I KNOW you can relate to this all too well!
   You can't truly appreciate just how disgusting
   these things are until you've had one
   crawl across your bare foot in the middle
   of the night..YUCK!!  Gives me shivers!!!
   Glad this one gave you a laugh.  

   It's nice to know someone can truly relate
   to this.  Glad you enjoyed it.
   ROFL!!!  Fortunately for me, I don't have
   to deal with quite as many critters here
   in the big city as you do where you live.
   You're right though...the size of the graphic
   is on the conservative side..they get MUCH
   bigger than that!  Scary ain't it?!
   Thanks for reading.

   LOL!!!!!  You're too funny!!
   ROFL @ 'Move, Vicky, move!'..LOL
   Yep...I definitely need that balladeer
   to ride in and save the day!  
   Sleep well, my friend..LOL


"...until you have read the verse on his
heart, you have not truely met the poet."

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
Posts 8229
Somewhere... out there...
11 posted 2001-07-31 04:07 AM

well, balladeer, I'm so darned glad that you enjoy these roaches
but you can rest assured as soon as one of them approaches
I'm gonna turn my tail and run to grab the nearest shoe
he'll never know what hit him, nope he wouldn't have a clue

now, usually I'm not the type to let an insect bug me
but those big suckers fly too fast, and their so stinkin' ugly
they hold meetings in the bathroom in the middle of the night
and if I happen in on them they're ready for a fight

so, come be my Sir Galahad...I'll be your maiden fair
rescue me from roaches, sir, and I'll follow you anywhere
rest assured your job will always be secure with me
if you'll just come to Phoenix, and promptly set me free

come on now, I'm waiting and they're rounding up the troops
they've gathered in the living room, divided into groups
I think they know you're coming and the old ones tell a story
of the brave exterminator and his rise to fame and glory

tales of mass roach killings are told both far and near
causing them to shiver, fills their tiny hearts with fear
so hurry, sir I'm getting scared...there's evil in their eyes
you wouldn't want to have a great big roach cause my demise

Hugs to you, Mr. Exterminator Man.
You're my hero  

"...until you have read the verse on his
heart, you have not truely met the poet."

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
12 posted 2001-08-01 07:44 PM

On my way, Vicky!! We will make a good team  
Irish Rose
Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
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13 posted 2001-08-01 08:40 PM

this is hilarious!

" I walked beside the evening sea And dreamed a dream that could not be" George William Curtis"


Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
14 posted 2001-08-03 09:40 AM

Poor Vicky has a cockroach
Her house pest with reproach
If it really does encroach
Just call on our deer bigroach...

since 2001-06-19
Posts 296

15 posted 2001-08-03 10:44 AM

This is wonderful!   I thoroughly enjoyed the poem and the responses.  
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
Posts 8229
Somewhere... out there...
16 posted 2001-08-06 05:42 PM

   Anxiously awaiting your arrival, sweet man.

Irish Rose-
   Glad you enjoyed.

   He says he's on his way...hope he hurries.LOL
   Thanks for reading..

   Thanks so much...glad you enjoyed.

   hugs to all,

"...until you have read the verse on his
heart, you have not truely met the poet."

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17 posted 2001-08-07 12:34 PM

A roach can live in radiation a thousand time more powerfull than what is needed to kill a man.Is'nt it a comforting thought that after humanity is destroyed by nuclear war they will still be around?BTW the roach is the real Florida state bird.


Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
Posts 8229
Somewhere... out there...
18 posted 2001-08-22 10:26 PM

   Hmmmmm...don't know that I'd call
   that 'comforting'...LOL.
   Thanks for reading.


"...until you have read the verse on his
heart, you have not truely met the poet."

since 1999-11-12
Posts 64
La La Land
19 posted 2001-08-27 12:45 PM

I found this humourous.
And just a wee bit icky.
Can the exterminator person come to the castle?
But only for the roaches as the meeces are my friends.

*If the shoe fits ... the castle is yours*

since 2001-08-22
Posts 50

20 posted 2001-08-27 01:05 AM

used to live in phoenix...them critters are one thing I don't miss!!!

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21 posted 2001-08-27 01:34 AM

ROFLMAO... to read the saga of the roaches, the conversation between The Big Roach and The Fair Maiden, is like watching a Benny Hill or SNL episode but in better taste...if you can use the word taste while discussing disgusting roaches. They look like mini versions of Florida Palmetto bugs to me. But I remember those flying bombers in So Cal as a child. They were ugly, scary, and vile. Do chickens eat them? If so, buy a thousand Banties and turn them loose.(of course then you have to clean up a manure mess)
Paula Finn
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22 posted 2001-08-27 02:09 AM

You ought to see the roaches in Hawaii...they make your picture small by comparison...and you cant get rid of them so you let the geckos(lizards) live in your house to kill them...and the cats just love to give them as gifts...ewwwwww
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
Posts 8229
Somewhere... out there...
23 posted 2001-08-27 02:25 AM

   LOL @ you!
   I'm sure you could talk the exterminator
   into doing some selective pest control..LOL  
   I like the meeces too!
   Glad you enjoyed this icky little ditty.

   I don't blame you one bit!
   Thanks for reading.

   Glad you enjoyed our little bit of fun here!
   LOL @ the chickens!!  Hmmmmm...maybe I'll
   just keep the roaches!  ROFL!!!
   Thanks for reading!

   Well, I will say that my graphic could
   stand to be a bit bigger, but it sounds
   like the Hawaii roaches may have these
   Phoenix ones beat! LOL!
   We have the geckos here too, but most
   of them are too small to be a threat to
   the roaches, so they're no help at all! LOL
   Thanks for sharing your pest story!
   hugs to all,

"...until you have read the verse on his
heart, you have not truely met the poet."

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lost in blue pages
24 posted 2001-08-27 05:15 AM

oh my.......what a presentation of these bugs....*lol*.....enjoyed your poem and the replies of Balladeer....yep you two would be a great team......  


Member Patricius
since 2000-05-14
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New Brunswick Canada
25 posted 2001-08-27 05:42 AM

Very good response!
Member Elite
since 2000-02-29
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26 posted 2001-08-27 05:54 AM

I have to echo Paladin here. When I lived in Florida, they were big enough to saddle! Oh my gosh, I get the willys when I think of them. Cause they would fly and land on you. This cracked me up!  


Senior Member
since 2001-06-20
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where the sky and horizon meet
27 posted 2001-08-27 11:03 AM

hehehe   oh have made me giggle this morning!  I shouldn't be laughing at your expense but it *is* funny!  And the reply posts between you an cute    I am so glad I haven't had to deal with those ugly things.  I think my cat would be afraid of them!


"Poetry and Hums aren't things which you get, they're things which get you.
And all you can do is to go where they can find you."
~Winnie the Pooh

Member Elite
since 2000-05-13
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High Springs, Florida
28 posted 2001-08-28 10:22 PM

ICK!  you and the roach bug...we just DONT get along...these scars on my leg will testify!!  hahahaha!!  you know that story......anyway..this is  nasty nasty poetry..dirty buggy-like stuff..and as much as i hated it..i loved it!  teehee..

all my storage stuff i just moved into my new clean apt, had the darned things in there..just waiting for me!!  yeck!  i was fleeing from them everywhere for a

so..this is your insanity in phoenix aye..come to florida..  

hugs, g

~dgvarner/fallen rain~

"i believe we are here for a reason.  
as each day unfolds,
we see less of the shadow
and more of the sun"  -unknown

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