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Member Ascendant
since 2000-07-06
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Staffordshire, England

0 posted 2001-07-28 07:17 AM


To be a person, to be my own person, not needing
to ask permission for having my own way of doing
things, and my own way of thinking.

To say what I want to say, and not have to mold it
into the pattern that you designate, or speak the
words that you allow me to speak.

To write what I feel inside,  regardless of whether
or not you think it is correct, and whether or not
it matches your way of thinking.

To share what I write, anywhere I choose, regardless
of the fact that I didn’t ask your permission, and
I didn’t get your approval.

To have my own friends, my own life, without
having to ask anyone if I can, without having to
qualify who I choose to share my time with.

To be myself, and not always be wondering if the
person I am can be suffocated at any given moment,
and therefore I am on guard constantly.

To grow, to express my growth, to wallow in it,
and be proud of myself for my efforts, and not
have them swept under the rug as insignificant.

To create, to stretch my wings, and to try new
and exciting things, of my own choosing, and not
because you think it would benefit you somehow.


Just to be me...the most basic freedom in any
relationship. For if you have to shape yourself into
the person that your partner expects, than you have
lost your freedom, you have lost yourself.  Let me
be myself.  Give me the  chance to fly my way,
and I will always return to  my nest.  

The greatest gift of love you can give, is that of

The road goes on forever, and the stories never end...

© Copyright 2001 Sunnyone - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2001-07-28 08:12 AM

I lost years in trying to appease and in exchange almost lost myself. The classical music I adored was silent and even reading was considered selfish. The divorce I didn't want near crippled me, or so I thought. But with each passing day, each poem, every sonata or divertimento (Love that word) I realize the importance of self. Enjoyed and pray it's merely a poem and not symptoms of smothering.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to decieve"

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
2 posted 2001-07-28 02:12 PM

Wonderfully expressed~

Sort of reminds me ...
'If I can't be ME ... I don't want to be anyone else.'

Or as Grandma said ...
'You've already got a life ... what do you want mine for ?'

Your work soars freely~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                                 [email protected]              

Member Elite
since 2001-06-21
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In a corporeal internship...
3 posted 2001-07-28 02:19 PM

Wonderful thoughts and concepts here.  Much to ponder and bring back to the foreground.  Hand-in-hand with this goes Courage.  Thank you for some very inspiring definitions.


"When you tell the Truth, you never have to remember what you just said."
--Del Casher

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By the sea
4 posted 2001-07-28 04:37 PM


Amen and wonderfully expressed.  Bravo!  


Michael Auguste~
There is more depth to the heart than the mind can comprehend and it only has boundaries when we choose to fence it in.  

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-03
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The Shores of Alone
5 posted 2001-07-28 05:00 PM

Oh I know what you are speaking of, and just hang in there, sis. This is a beauty of womanly strength.
And words for all, as we all deserve freedom to be us, and not someone that another tries to mold us into.

Member Empyrean
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
6 posted 2001-07-28 05:23 PM

Sunny this a fabulous expression of the need we all possess...a desire for freedom...James
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By the sea
7 posted 2001-07-28 08:00 PM

I'm sending this back up for others to get a chance to read.  All of us deserve equality and the right to mold "ourselves" without someone's "instructions" on how we should do so.


Michael Auguste~
There is more depth to the heart than the mind can comprehend and it only has boundaries when we choose to fence it in.  

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The Steamy Desert
8 posted 2001-07-28 08:18 PM

So spread your wings and fly young one
My teaching here is through
The only thing I ever wanted
Was for you to!

Let my words fall first upon deaf ears before a closed mind...

since 2001-07-28
Posts 104
9 posted 2001-07-28 08:24 PM

I agree with the ideas in this poem one hundred percent. Excellent expression.


Junior Member
since 2001-07-20
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Ohio, USA
10 posted 2001-07-28 09:45 PM

A lot of people could learn a valuable lesson here Sunnyone
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since 2001-06-21
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11 posted 2001-07-28 09:55 PM

Very well said Sunny, freedom is a must if we are to grow.

Throw your heart out in front of you
And run out to catch it.

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12 posted 2001-07-28 10:43 PM

Even God gave us freedom to choose right from wrong. No one should take that away from us. Great words here, thanks.
Member Ascendant
since 2000-07-06
Posts 5334
Staffordshire, England
13 posted 2001-07-28 10:49 PM

~~~ RSWells ~~~
Yes, I agree that precious time is lost in trying to please the other, and it is sometimes hard to find yourself again, but I am glad that it worked out for you!

~~~ Marge ~~~
I enjoyed your Grandmother's fact, I believe my own Grandmother said that a few times!!

~~~ MVS ~~~
Yes, courage has to go hand in hand here, as it takes courage to stand up for yourself and be yourself, regardless of the pressures.

~~~ Michael ~~~
I know that you understand the thoughts here, and I always admired your ability to see the individual without limitations!!

~~~ Sandra ~~~
Yes, for men and women, as any of us can lose ourselves in daily relationships, especially if we are trying to "get along" with our partners.

~~~ James ~~~
It is sad that the basic everyday freedoms are sometimes put aside in little games of dominance. Maybe we should all take a closer look at our expectations.

~~~ azblond ~~~
What a lovely addition.....thank you so much!

~~~ ShannonM ~~~
I appreciate your reply, and I would also like to welcome you to Passions!!!!  There are a lot of very wonderful creative people here, so enjoy, and we're glad you're here!

~~~ 1slippery_lady ~~~
I think you are right, but only the ones who understand the thoughts will learn.

~~~ shadow974 ~~~
you are so right.....there can be no growth if you are chained down!

~~~ walker ~~~
Yes, my friend, everyone should have the basic freedoms, especially in relationships...

~~~ hello friends ~~~
I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for your acknowledgement of this writing. Sometimes it is necessary to remind ourselves that those we love need freedom to grow, to live. For that really is the greatest gift we can give them.

~~~ Sunnyone ~~~

The road goes on forever, and the stories never end...

[This message has been edited by Sunnyone (edited 07-28-2001).]

Senior Member
since 2000-10-08
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Orlando, Florida
14 posted 2001-07-29 07:37 PM


I know that all of us appreciate your words of wisdom.  You should be with someone because you love them, not try to change them into something that "you want", rather than what whey want to be.  I shall designate this as a definite "keeper".

Lone Wolf
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Lansing, MI USA
15 posted 2001-07-29 08:59 PM

Bravo!!  On with freedom!!  Ain't it great?  

All writing comes
by the grace of God.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
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Somewhere... out there...
16 posted 2001-07-29 09:10 PM

   Wonderful message is so important
   to always stay true to yourself.
   You've expressed it beautifully.

   Smiling big at Marge's grandma...ya gotta love her.



"...until you have read the verse on his
heart, you have not truely met the poet."

Member Ascendant
since 2000-07-06
Posts 5334
Staffordshire, England
17 posted 2001-07-29 09:22 PM

~~~ Ariana ~~~
thank you for seeing this so clearly!! I know from your words, that you understand the message it contains, and your reply is very wise!!

~~~ Lone Wolf ~~~
And a lone wolf, especially, would value personal freedom...freedom to be independent and able to live according to how your spirit dictates!! Thank you!!

~~~ vicky ~~~
Yes, Marge's Grandmother sounded just like my own Grandmother......and I had to smile at the wisdom in her words!!  Thank you!!

The road goes on forever, and the stories never end...

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