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Open Poetry #14
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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-11-16
Posts 7450

0 posted 2001-05-22 07:38 PM

I could post more
but what is the use
the one's that I've posted
so many've refused.

I've not heard from many
on one or on any
it just seems a waste of good dreaming.
I'm longing to hear
which ones you think dear
of the words that just come forth a-streaming.

Now one I most long for
I carry a song for
is down at the bottom you see.
It's not even been seen
by the challenger, Sven-king
and it's in the spot 198

And when this one's added
it sure will have faded
to falling to 199.
That is if no one's
having more post-fun
as I write these few words of complaint.

What must I do
to hear more from you?
Or is it a lost cause for me?
It's wrong to go fishing
but somehow I'm wishing
you'll choose to respond honestly.

May 22, 2001

© Copyright 2001 Virginia Salter - All Rights Reserved
Lost Dreamer
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since 1999-06-20
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Somewhere near the Rainbow
1 posted 2001-05-22 07:56 PM

I understand completely where you are coming from, and that is why I have strayed from this place. I come back now and than but it still seems the same. I don't think it is you, it's just this place has so many poets and poems that it's hard to keep up. At least that is what I think at the moment.
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
Posts 7136
Mobile, AL
2 posted 2001-05-22 08:01 PM

Don't be sad..please, and don't get so discouraged.  

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-11-16
Posts 7450
3 posted 2001-05-22 08:05 PM

Lost Dreamer, I know that that's mostly the case...but, well you know how I feel.

Temptress, easier said than done, but thank you for reading and taking time to comment.

Irish Rose
Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
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4 posted 2001-05-22 08:08 PM

I've caught many of your poems and loved reading and boy I sure try to reply, look at my figures (the numbers I mean) I believe most have their "favorites" and maybe there's nothing wrong with that, but I totally know where you are coming from.
Please don't stop writing, it is a big place....this is true, but I for one, would hate to see you go.

Kathleen Blake

"When red-haired girls scamper like roses over the rain-green grass,
and the sun drips honey."
Laurie Lee

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-11-16
Posts 7450
5 posted 2001-05-22 08:13 PM

WEll, Kathleen, what I think I need to do is just wait till people have time to comment on what I've already posted, if they wish, and not post anything new for awhile.  It will be touch though because I'll keep on writing and the stuff will just pile up waiting for a chance to be aired.  Maybe I'll be more selective then and not think I have to share it all.  The ones I'm posting from before I came to PIP are only part of what I've written in a particular time period.  So, I'm being more selective regarding last year's poems.
Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
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6 posted 2001-05-22 08:22 PM

Poems do take a slippery slide to the back these days with so many posts. After reading this I paged back and found a poem you wrote that truly touched my heart. It seemed you wrote of my past.
I also have been discouraged at times. A poem that I think is kind of good often gets overlooked and some I think are not good get several responses.
THank you for reminding me to do more reading. I saw one by Auguste that also should have been read by more, so I'm going to bring it back.
I can't keep up with this forum, and so many times can't even reply to my own poems, PLease don't stop writing, Virginia, You have so much to say.

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-11-16
Posts 7450
7 posted 2001-05-22 08:31 PM

One practice I've followed is to respond to the poems with the least responses, first.  Of course, that gives me less opportunity to see and read the ones that many have enjoyed and responded to, so in that respect I may be a loser.  

The time I get to spend more time on this forum, most others have gone to sleep...the time zone differences ;o} So when I post my poems, it may be late at night and by morning, they're sinking into the sunrise.  Of course, if I respond to other poems at the same time I post, I end up pushing my poems down the board, too.  Ah, life, such a conundrum/enigma.

Titia Geertman
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8 posted 2001-05-22 09:22 PM

Same overhere, wrote a poem about it recently, must be somewhere around.
It's going so fast, even when I finished this reply there are more poems posted.
Sorry if I missed some of yours.
Find this one excellent though.
I often go back to see the poems I haven't read yet.
As for time zone differences: It's 3.30 AM overhere wednesday.
Don't give up, eventually your poems will be read by someone, maybe even me.


Member Rara Avis
since 2000-11-16
Posts 7450
9 posted 2001-05-22 10:05 PM

Titia, when you find it, tell me its title and where it is.  You'll probably succeed at this more if you are willing to e-mail me.  This poem may be way down and out and I'll forget to go look for your directions if you put it here. :I} silly me, if you post something on it, I'll get a notice.  I must be losing my mind YET, AGAIN!  
Deputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 Tour
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since 2000-02-06
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10 posted 2001-05-24 01:03 PM


i make a point to read your work while i don't always reply...sometimes i don't really times i am too awed by your abstract images but i ALWAYS enjoy your work....

i will be glad to read and comment on your previous work...just email me [email protected] the links of those poems which you particularly want responses and i will do my best to comply....

i get frustrated but then i dig writing too much to give it up...

[This message has been edited by faterider (edited 05-24-2001).]

passing shadows
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since 1999-08-26
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11 posted 2004-05-21 01:32 PM

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