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British Columbia, Canada

0 posted 2001-06-14 02:06 AM

~*~ To Rhyme Or Not To Rhyme ~*~

Now, poetry I must admit,
Has left me quite perplexed.
As I read it, I see nothing,
But assorted lines of text.
Being taught a little different,
By my Gramma who instructed,
That poetry was meant to rhyme,
Or else not be constructed.
And what of days past long ago,
When lines of similar sound,
Were used to tell great stories,
Of hero's homeward bound?
With structure in their verses,
Well thought out, with a title,
To enlighten every reader,
Giving cause for grand recital.
For a poem it is not,
If it's lacks a basic rhyme,
Just a song without its notes,
Or a beat without its time.
As though the very sun,
Could shine without blazing heat,
A verse that doesn't rhyme,
Simply wouldn't be complete.

~*~ So ~*~

I stayed up all through the night,
To write a rhyme that was right,
As I counted 1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,
Until I couldn't take it any more.
Just when I gave up the fight,
I saw one that I did right!
As I counted 1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,
Heck, I knew all this before!
When I was but a kid of three,
Nursery rhymes were read to me.
I would always beg for more,
As I counted 1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4!
So one day soon plan to see,
A rhyming poem on here done by me!
It won't be Kit or Balladeer' lore,
But it sure will be, 1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4!

~*   *~   Hugs to Kit and Balladeer   ~*   *~

~*~ Remember to tell someone today that you love them as tomorrow may never come ~*~

[This message has been edited by Mysteria (edited 06-14-2001).]

© Copyright 2001 Mysteria 1997 - All Rights Reserved
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Member Seraphic
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with you
1 posted 2001-06-14 02:14 AM

This is soooooo cute! I have no idea how to do that count......maybe you'll email me and tell me how you do that   I enjoyed this very much   ~SEA
Dark Angel
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2 posted 2001-06-14 02:42 AM

Ahhhh this is Wonderful, I absolutely enjoyed it  
1212121234 hehehehe
I'l lbe counting in my sleep lol


Martha Cowan
since 2001-03-08
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Groves, Texas
3 posted 2001-06-14 03:33 AM

I can't tell you how many times I've written a poem counting on my fingers as I tried to get the message down..tooo precious, Sharon!
This is absolutely one I can relate to...and take it from a poet who used to write nothing but rhyme...poetry is the voice of the heart and soul...rhyme or no rhyme....the spirit rests within the voice of the muse!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hugs and smiles...and much love to you,
dawn (~A's...D~)

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British Columbia, Canada
4 posted 2001-06-14 04:50 AM

Sea: Oh boy!  Me either, well yes I know how to count but always have too much to say to make it fit in what Balladeer says it is supposed to so he gives me a "C and C-" LOL, best ask him.

Dark Angel: I am glad you enjoyed this, was running late tonight so my muse said well let's be a little silly.

Martha:  Well you know I did too!  Just did it wrong!  Too funny, and thanks for coming by.

~*~ Remember to tell someone today that you love them as tomorrow may never come ~*~

Kit McCallum
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5 posted 2001-06-14 06:50 AM

LOL ... now how'd you know this title would definately catch my eye.  

What a wonderful read from you Mysteria ... an "ode to the rhyme" so to speak, and very nicely written indeed!  And I have to laugh, as not only do I get my fingers tapping, but my toes too!      

I've written quite a bit of free verse in my time and still do ... but somehow, something always draws me back to those finger-tappin', toe-tappin' rhymes ... I just love them so.

~As long as I have fingers and a foot to stomp the beat,
~I'll write the language of the rhyme - to me it's such a treat!    

Thank you so much for this wonderful gem this morning ... it's a treasure Sharon!      

Best wishes,

[This message has been edited by Kit McCallum (edited 06-14-2001).]

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British Columbia, Canada
6 posted 2001-06-14 07:00 AM

Kit: Easy for you to say, but I think I can't keep a beat! He he, you make it look so darn easy, until I try it. Pssst...thanks for not getting out your red pen!  
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
7 posted 2001-06-14 07:31 AM

Laughing my fingertips off here !  
An adorable 'salute' to the master ...
NO !  You may NOT use one finger !
Great little jumpstart for the day.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                               [email protected]             

Member Empyrean
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
8 posted 2001-06-14 07:37 AM

Mysteria, I must admit your counts are off but then
One must remember that you're counting in Canadian!
Your syllables may stray a bit and accents may run wild
But everything you write leaves one applauding like a child!
Forget about the rules and don't let undue pressures mount..
No matter what you write, my dear girl, you will always count!!!    

Cpat Hair
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9 posted 2001-06-14 07:53 AM

To rhyme or not to rhyme.. that is the question
whether it better in the heads of poets
to pursue the rhyme so stoic
or flow with words raging wild
that are devoid of rhyme's sweet guile....

Nice poem...cute and though I rarely which pulls it off well is to be savored...

Senior Member
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10 posted 2001-06-14 08:51 AM

Mysteria,i really got a kick out of this little poem,it is so cute and smart too  
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British Columbia, Canada
11 posted 2001-06-14 09:15 AM

Marge AND Balladeer: I almost broke my finger tapping something out last night and finally said forget it!  No matter what beat I use, yours or Michael's they don't work Arghhhhh!  So, I will be cute and see if I can get away with it   he he, thanks you guys!  

CP: We have two of the best here to learn from and still I can't rhyme, wonder if Mother Goose had that much trouble?  You think?  Thanks for dropping in.

WS6: I ate my "smarties" this morning LOL, have a great day!

~*~ Remember to tell someone today that you love them as tomorrow may never come ~*~

Member Empyrean
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
12 posted 2001-06-14 07:30 PM

You ALWAYS eat your "smarties"! May I offer you a big Cheerio!!!  

How's Trix?  

Member Elite
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TEXAS (it's all big)
13 posted 2001-06-14 07:34 PM

hehhe tres cute
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British Columbia, Canada
14 posted 2001-06-14 08:00 PM

Balladeer: Love Cheerios!  Thank you.

Way Out Walt: Love the icon, I took it for a week!  Thanks for reading.

Member Elite
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Bewilderment , USA
15 posted 2001-06-14 10:21 PM

Mysteria ,
Very enjoyable , and the topic certainly struck a note with me . I have tried and failed miserably at poetry without rhyme
or meter . I've read quite a bit but somehow
most of it escapes me . There is however , one exception I have found to date which may
strike a note with you . If you are not familiar with Marties' works you may want to check some out . Thanks for this .

Irish Rose
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16 posted 2001-06-14 10:47 PM

Sharon, I so loved this one!

"This rose has seen red, I have been blue
I'm going to Ireland in 2002!" Kathleen.

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British Columbia, Canada
17 posted 2001-06-15 12:44 PM

Dr. Moose1: AM I familiar with Martie, you betca, she RULES!  Thanks for reading  

Katleen: I am so glad you did, got away with it too, he he.

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By the sea
18 posted 2001-06-15 06:24 PM

I loved this, Sharon.     Very nicely done.


"Love is space and time measured by the heart"

since 2001-06-02
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19 posted 2001-06-15 07:09 PM

I agree with you my dear
A poem without rhymes not clear
But I’ve found
That you can play around
With words that sound alike
It doesn’t seem to strike
The nerves that others might
Why don’t we try a sigh?
You know that just might get by
It may not be too terse
To use in our verse
But overall you see
I happen to agree
But others seem to feel their verse
Is best-expressed in reverse
It has nothing to do with rhyme
I read them all the time
Their poems are beautiful to
It just depends on your point of view

doreen peri
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20 posted 2001-06-15 07:54 PM


gonna post a piece for you which i wrote on this same subject  a couple of years ago when the forums first started

thanks MUCH for the read... i loved it!  

Titia Geertman
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21 posted 2001-06-15 10:16 PM

I'm with you there Mysteria
I think a poem should rhyme
But don't you get hysteria
This is the modern time

When my eyes
   over the
    beautiful words
     of rhyme
     I could not
    be mislead
   as I knew this
  was indeed
Mysteria time

Thanks to you rhyming poet.


A rose is a rose is a rose...I guess...
Feel free to use the pictures on my website. [URL=

[This message has been edited by Titia Geertman (edited 06-15-2001).]

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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
22 posted 2001-06-16 07:24 PM

Auguste: Thank you.

Mr. Alley Cat: I am "the worst rhymer" there is, trust me   but I try and the main thing is to have fun in my books!  Thanks for reding

Doreen Perry: Great!  I just got home but going to look for it now, and thanks for reding Doreen.

Titia: Hugs, you are such a sweetie, and thank you for the wonderful little poem.

~*~ Remember to tell someone today that you love them as tomorrow may never come ~*~

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