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Member Seraphic
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0 posted 2001-04-10 05:03 PM

I knew there was something special in the act of folding your ties
I thought I was being domestic. But later, I realized
That caressing your belongings was simply a substitute touch
Keeping my fingers from journeying paths that they longed for so much.
But how I envied strips of colored silk that rest so near your heart
Vibrating with each word you utter - I wished I could be a part
Of them - an insignificant fiber just resting close to you.
But at day’s end, you tear off the tie and breathe relief - most men do.

I’d hoped it would give you joy knowing I love you - will till I die.
Instead, I find I’ve been discarded just like a smothering tie.

© Copyright 2001 suthern - All Rights Reserved
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Listening to every heart
1 posted 2001-04-10 05:05 PM

Suthern....the passion! the sadness.... a soft, "oh"....

the intensity takes over....

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-11-06
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Deep in the heart
2 posted 2001-04-10 05:17 PM

Who said we men had any sense?  Soulful work that I love and despise simultaneously.  Love the feelings, despise the ending;  Not your work, love, the stark reality.

Live for love. Without love, you don't live.

Janet Marie
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3 posted 2001-04-10 05:17 PM

But how I envied strips of colored silk that rest so near your heart
Vibrating with each word you utter - I wished I could be a part
Oh girl ... this just aches in rhyme divine.
so much emoted in so few perfect lines...
this one stings and plays heartstrings at the same time.
I dont know whether to compliment the clever poetic use of metaphor here...
or just by-pass critique and hug ya...
So I'll do both...
emotions displayed ... heartache conveyed ... impact made ...
hugs sweet poetess

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4 posted 2001-04-10 05:53 PM

the title, the construction, the lady, you make me jealous...this is succint and perfect...sigh...and just think I never liked a man in a tie...well...let me take that back...lets say, it takes a lot for a man in a tie to turn my head....course this wasn't really about a was about a wonderful heart....big hugs lady...
painted lady
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on the wing or nectaring
5 posted 2001-04-10 06:27 PM

Nicely writ, suthern.  Smooth as silk...then wham...!


And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.          Wm Wordsworth  (I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud)

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6 posted 2001-04-10 06:52 PM

Ouch...this is definitely how you feel sometimes, and you have illustrated this wonderfully for us, suthern!  Hurtful, but great write!


to be with you...
I've tried to hide my passion,
but it's just no use...
piece by piece I lose it
when you walk into the room...

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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7 posted 2001-04-11 09:34 AM

Sunshine: Thank you very much for reading... Now shake off that intensity and smile! *S*

Interloper: But we keep loving you anyway, no matter what... so perhaps we're the ones lacking sense? *G* Thank you very much for your kind comments... I like the dual response... as I'll explain in a moment, the poem IS schizophrenic. *S*

Janet Marie: Welllllllllll... I'll always take hugs! LOL (But I like compliments, too... and critiques that include wonderful terms like clever! *G*) Thank you, sweet lady! *S* And HUGS back atcha!

jellybeans: Succinct??? *G* ME???? Glory hallelujah, miracles do happen! LOL. Thank you, dear friend. In the community where I grew up, the only one wearing a tie is the preacher (unless there's a funeral. *S*) But I'll admit, I like those pretty colors and fabrics around the neck of a good-looking man... (and like taking them off, too! *EG*)

Painted Lady: Thank you for reading... I'm glad you liked it! *S*

snowpants: I'll admit I've felt this way many times... being discarded isn't at all fun and completely wrecks all those warm fuzzy feelings. *S* Thank you very much!

I don't often feel it necessary to 'splain myself. *S* But part of this poem is pure reminiscing of some beautiful moments... when I scribbled them down, I figured they'd end up in email, not a poem. But ya jes never know what the muses have in mind... *G* Yesterday was absolutely hellacious and the werk monster was flogging me mercilessly... and a casual comment that I was ready to sever the ties that bind (with my employer) immediately blossomed into the title... and the poem tumbled out as is. *S* Do I know the heartache of being discarded? Yes... all too well. Do I treasure this friendship and its memories more than life itself? Again, yes... and I don't want any misunderstandings. *S*

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East Lansing, MI USA
8 posted 2001-04-11 06:57 PM

no misunderstandings here. . .  . . .

just a poem from the heart. . . wonderful my friend. . .


To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world.

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
9 posted 2001-04-11 08:57 PM

I say if he trys to dump you, pull harder..make him turn blue in the face...

Seriously, this is a sadly wonderful poem. I know how you feel.  

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10 posted 2001-04-11 11:40 PM

Suthern--How about if I just say you write one great poem...and give you a hug too.  Yes, consider true and done.
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
11 posted 2001-04-12 12:50 PM

Suthern girl, you just need a different bow, er, beau! The only thing he should have slipped around his neck is a noose  
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TEXAS (it's all big)
12 posted 2001-04-12 12:52 PM

o wow suthern the idea was so original i enjoyed the poem muchly yuh
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
13 posted 2001-04-12 06:33 AM

My immediate mental response to this was cutesy and poetic... I couldn't help it - the subject at hand brings that out, ya know?  But - Your poem is truly sincere and bittersweet - I can't make light of that.  You've done a nice job here, m'friend..  I hope all's well...
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14 posted 2001-04-12 07:09 AM

Oh wow!! I envy your poetic talents   loved it

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723
15 posted 2001-04-12 02:06 PM

Sven: Thank you for that "wonderful"... and for reading! *S*

PDV: Yanno... I hadn't really thought of making USE of that tie. *EG* Thanks for that great idea!!! (If he can't breathe, he can't run... right? LOL) Thank you, sweet lady... I know you know and it's a knowledge I wouldn't wish on anyone... HUGS!

Martie: You dear... just to know you've read is a reward... an added hug is an unexpected bonus! *S* Thank you!!

Balladeer: ROFL @ bow... Come to think of it, I used to be fairly accurate in archery. *EG* A noose is no good when I can't tie a knot... and I'd hate to cause permanent damage... just some moans and groans! *EG*

wayoutwalt: To get a wow from wow is very special! *S* Thank you very much... I'm so glad you enjoyed!

Nan: G'head with your initial response... heaven knows I've ruined many a serious mood with my nonsense. *G* Thank you... a "nice job" from you is much appreciated.

tracie: Thank you so very much... your kind response gave me a big smile! *S*

[This message has been edited by suthern (edited 04-12-2001).]

Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
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16 posted 2001-04-13 07:09 AM

Beautifully written
You've got a lot to say
Keep writing!
Loved this

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
17 posted 2001-04-13 09:55 AM

This is just a wonderful sincerely written piece from you.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723
18 posted 2001-04-13 02:50 PM

Elizabeth: Thank you for stopping by... I'm honored. *S* And I'm very glad you liked. *S*

Marge: Thank you, sweet lady... I'm sincerely grateful for your comments. *S*

Kit McCallum
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Ontario, Canada
19 posted 2001-04-13 09:58 PM

Oh my Suthern ... this was an amazing read!  The feelings that hit me through this were so powerful, really well written ... you've captured such incredible emotions through this descriptive piece, I really enjoyed it, well done!  

Best wishes,

Senior Member
since 2001-02-04
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20 posted 2001-04-13 10:07 PM

I read this for the first time the day it was posted but did not respond because your words were too intense at that time.  Tonight, with a mild touch of detachment I want to tell you that I so understood and enjoyed your poem.  Thanks!

Speak when you are angry--and you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret...Laurence J. Peter

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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
21 posted 2001-04-13 10:55 PM

Perfect!  Absoutely perfect, thanks for a great read.
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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723
22 posted 2001-04-17 09:02 AM

Kit: Oh, my... your reply has left me speechless! LOL. I'm so glad you enjoyed... thank you very much! *S*

JLF: I understand... I've needed that detachment before replying to some myself. *S* Thank you for returning! *S*

Mysteria: Thank you so much for those kind words, ma'am. *S* They're greatly appreciated! *S*

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