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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada

0 posted 2001-04-09 11:38 PM



Peppering petals in a gust,
Covering ground in fragrant dust.
Swirling leaves pirouette in air,
Birds pecking seed everywhere.

Both east and west I blow and freeze,
But round the equator I gently breeze.
And as waves on beaches softly lap,
Clothes on clothes lines I do flap.

Something now catches my eye,
While flapping clothes I still dry.
Suddenly I become the foe,
A fearsome wind I start to blow.

Then with a shriek and thud I hit
Ships heel over with canvas split.
Like a demon in an iron cage,
Upon those ships I vent my rage.

Erupting like a mountain slide,
A wave so huge it dwarfs the tide.
I catch the ship, give 40 lashes,
Blow real hard, the ship smashes.

Lightning flashes from tumbling clouds,
Now illuminating wrecked shrouds.
Blowing there in wind torn tatters,
Upon the decks, white foam spatters.

The ship is gone the waves have won,
Black clouds over the horizon gone.
Fury spent while great whites comb,
The bodies floating by on foam.

Wooden spars on waves a tripping,
Into bodies sharks are ripping,
A sad site, they sup with ease,
As now I am a gentle breeze.

Dawn is quiet and I do relent,
My anger from last night spent.
Now sea so flat does not relate,
Last night’s storm, or ships fate.

Once a tempest, now a breeze,
I softly whisper through the trees.
Cooling down the sun’s rays,
Saving strength for other days.

Art: "Rounding The Horn"
C. Peterson

~*~ I write, therefore I am ~*~

[This message has been edited by Mysteria (edited 04-10-2001).]

© Copyright 2001 Mysteria 1997 - All Rights Reserved
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
1 posted 2001-04-09 11:41 PM

Mysteria, feel free to give me the air any time....this does not belong in a teapot  
Senior Member
since 2001-03-21
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2 posted 2001-04-09 11:56 PM

"...down to the sea in ships, to do business on the great waters..."  Mysteria...I loved "Tempest". Thanks for sharing. Bob
Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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3 posted 2001-04-10 12:14 PM

Sharon--It must be an awesome sight to see the weather rip the sea into a fury...and the sea can become fearsome and awful...You have done a great job with this, I think..I wish I could have seen it!

[This message has been edited by Martie (edited 04-10-2001).]

Senior Member
since 2000-12-04
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Waikiki, Hawaii
4 posted 2001-04-10 12:23 PM

Mysteria ..wen i just enjoyed it and let all te technicla go..I really liked this poem.
The presentation was mighty fine!
Hugs to you..keep on a creatin'! you are so very talented .

Aloha with warmest regards, Koko
Please Visit my new web-page

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
5 posted 2001-04-10 12:29 PM

When you set your mind to it - you are 'unsinkable' !  

What an inspirtional work of art !
The graphic and the art of your verse go hand in hand.


~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Mabel A. Dilley
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Seattle, WA, USA
6 posted 2001-04-10 01:26 AM

You set yourself a task, and in a teapot mixed a blast. A tempest for all to follow. Now I'm quiet and a bit tired. I think I should stretch and rest for you next stride.

"I am not now that which I have been."

Joyce Johnson
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Member Rara Avis
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Washington State
7 posted 2001-04-10 02:21 AM

Mysteria   this is very stirring.  A great tale of both sides of the wind.  Joyce
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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
8 posted 2001-04-10 02:58 AM

He he...well I definitely can NOT rhyme, at least not yet, but I WILL, trust me, I will!

Balladeer: your comment is too funny (and were you ever quick to post!)...Tempest in a Tea Pot, hmmmm you suppose I lost myself somewhere in all this, me thinks so too LOL.

Marge: You are so sweet and such an inspiration to carry on even when one wants to throw it all in, thank you (pssst, it stinks though!)lol  

Koko: Thank you for your honesty...Lord knows I tried, I just can't get the beat or the rhythm, but I sure can dance, does that count?  I shall now go back to writing for fun!  This was too much like work.

RMW: thank you for reading my story.

Martie: The ocean here is absolutely wicked on a windy day and so spectacular, I shall write (my way) about it for you.

Julian: Saw a challenge, had to take the bite, wrote my heart out, now I am a sight!

Joyce: Thank you so much for reading my poem, I do appreciate it.

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Listening to every heart
9 posted 2001-04-10 08:39 AM

Mysteria, my friend....what I see is....I shall never, ever get on the bad side of you....what a gale you can bring about!  Ah, I saw the rage and anger of a woman who was about to be thwarted, but quickly turned and in swift moments, scattered those about who might try to contain her!

Perhaps I am wrong in reading through the imagery....but this spoke closely to my heart, and with the recent winds about us lately, even though I am landlocked, I most certainly appreciate every word that wove throughout this piece....

which is one for my library!

Janet Marie
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10 posted 2001-04-10 11:35 AM

The ship is gone the waves have won,
Black clouds over the horizon gone.
Fury spent while great whites comb,
The bodies drifting on sea foam.

Wooden spars on waves a tripping,
Into bodies sharks are ripping,
A sad site, they sup with ease,
As now I am a gentle breeze.

Dawn is quiet and I do relent,
My anger from last night spent.
Now sea so flat does not relate,
Last night’s storm, or ships fate.

Once a tempest, now a breeze,
I softly whisper through the trees.
Cooling down the sun’s rays,
Saving strength for other days.

very very cool write here Mysteria...
the cadence and imagery are impressive and
together make for a very enjoyable read...
your rhyme flow is perfect as it pics up pace and leads us up to and thru the storm
very well done.

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328
British Columbia, Canada
11 posted 2001-04-10 02:31 PM

Sunshine: I am usually a "pussycat", but you are right - you really would not appreciate seeing the claws when they do come out, but it takes a lot.  This poem came out of a wind storm here, and the wind on the ocean is very inspriring, even when she isn't so turbulent.  Thank you for reading and commenting.

Janet Marie: You are so special - did anyone ever tell you that?  Thank you for your lovely comments, I appreciate it more than you realize.

~*~ I write, therefore I am ~*~

Martha Cowan
since 2001-03-08
Posts 240
Groves, Texas
12 posted 2001-04-10 07:11 PM

Yoo Hoo!!! I'm way down here, Sharon!
Late, but happy to be here as this was so beautiful!  And you said you couldn't rhyme!
Sweet lady, there's nothing that you can't do...I'm convinced of it!
This was simply stunning!
Hugs to you, Martha

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328
British Columbia, Canada
13 posted 2001-04-10 08:34 PM

Martha ~*~ You are a true Texan - you give the BIGGEST hugs!  I just love you Boots!
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