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Member Ascendant
since 2001-03-07
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Melbourne, Australia

0 posted 2002-02-23 03:42 PM

You betrayed their trust
Ultimately ruining young lives
It would have been so much easier
To cut their hearts out with a knife

Preying on those so very vulnerable
Left innocently in your care
How selfishly you ignored their pleas of
"Please don't touch me there"

You used the face of religion
To conceal your wicked ways
How on earth can we have faith
As we now learn of your dirty plays

So many have come out of the woodwork
From behind their years of shame
So greedy in your self satisfaction
You probably didn't even know them by name

How dare you take their innocence
And cut them to the core
Now void of a normal childhood
Your deviate life we all abhor

You're the scum of our society
But you will get your just deserves
From the many lives you've ruined
And from the countless souls you've hurt

* * * * *

This was written about child abuse by
so called 'respected' members of a society
that ultimately let down so many young
lives.My heart bleeds for these children
and their lost childhoods that were so
selfishly taken from them.A particular
case of child abuse has come to light in
the news here in Australia and I felt
compelled to write about how I felt.


© Copyright 2002 Sue Tancheff - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2002-02-23 05:00 PM

Well said Suetang...James
since 2001-05-15
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2 posted 2002-02-23 08:30 PM

My faith in God is strong.  My faith in man is diminished by all that has recently been brought to the forefront.  It is so hideous to think that a man supposedly close to God would use his position for such terrible atrocities.  I beleive God will severely deal with these souls.  This must have been such a hard subject for you to write on Sue.  Your friend, Roger

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Listening to every heart
3 posted 2002-02-24 09:53 AM

Sue, you've taken a remarkably volatile matter and put it into words of compassion for those who have been victims of this type of atrocity...

thank you!

Larry C
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4 posted 2002-02-24 03:54 PM

I'm so glad I found this. I used to be a Child Protective Service worker...this is such an important topic. Society doesn't value our children for even a fraction of their actual worth. How tragic! An important write and very well done. Bravo for you and your courage.

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5 posted 2002-02-25 04:23 PM

A dark, disturbing, but true to life piece. Wonderfully done. My heart goes out to those poor children...


The One, The Only... The Titus.

Member Rara Avis
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A Mountain Paradise
6 posted 2002-02-25 04:40 PM

I sobbed uncontrollably when I read your words. God bless you for writing this. The Catholic Church of Boston is imploding from priest/child abuse and I too wrote a poem about this not long ago. It helps to get the anger, disgust and mistrust out.
And who will help the little ones; the innocent victims?
Hugs, Marti

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Member Patricius
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7 posted 2002-02-25 10:08 PM

Sue:  It is hard to write about subject matter like this, but more people need t, so that is is brought to everyone's attention and something done to stop it. Good for you!  You've done well with this.

Betty Lou Hebert

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British Columbia, Canada
8 posted 2002-03-01 12:15 PM

Sue - BRAVO!  Your poem was excellent but explaining why you wrote it made it mean so much more. How truly dispicable.

~* Imagination is more important than knowledge *~


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
9 posted 2002-03-01 02:01 AM

Many of us are reeling from the recent headlines of more of these atrocities~

Too often the perpetrators have their say ...
and no one speaks for the victims~

You've done that and I applaud you for it~
Strong emote that has to be heard~

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         [email protected]                    

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10 posted 2002-03-01 12:36 PM

Wow, this kind of stuff makes me sick to my stomach because I know this head on, you portrayed this so nicely here! ELMO
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11 posted 2002-03-02 02:15 AM

Heh...  It's been a while.  I don't believe I've seen you around here before.  I definitely liked your poem.  I am glad to see someone who writes of religious child abuse without immediately coming to the conclusion that all religion needs to be done away with.  This was a well-done piece.

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12 posted 2002-03-02 06:04 PM


     I'm not sure how to respond to this at the moment.  I can only say you don't know how deep this touched me and affected me.  Thank you for writing this and posting it.


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Ontario, CANADA
13 posted 2002-03-08 10:24 PM

I can't describe how much this moved me...thank you for writing this!

Take care,

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Member Seraphic
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14 posted 2002-03-08 11:16 PM

Thank you, for bringing such a sensitive subject to light in such an equally sensitive manner.. Nicely said, Sue..
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15 posted 2002-03-10 08:21 PM

As most know....I had my own personal experience with childhood sexual abuse.

Problem,  for many victims it causes many
different emotions....I won't go into the
details....Been there....

As long as secrets are kept....victims and
perpetrators never get the necessary
help....THAT BOTH NEED...  

People say there is no cure for a person
who sexually abuses/molests a child...

There certainly is nothing that can be done
for the victim or the perpetrator as long
as a secret is kept...  Quite often the
perpetrator is also a victim of sexual abuse..where the secret was kept as well.

When it has not been dealt with..the person
then thinks that it is OK...or it is acceptable...  Lots of things go into the whole dynamics of child sexual abuse....Lots.. And until society starts dealing with the problem as a whole (from every perspective)  it will continue...
and not improve markedly....IF it is not cannot be dealt with...And
the children have to be believed first...
Not the adult accused of it...

Nuff Said...sorry,  this one gets close to
my gut....

Sue...thank you for a beautiful is a subject that many find difficult to deal

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16 posted 2002-03-11 10:27 AM

Sorry I missed this Sue, it is very very heartfelt. And I thank you for posting this as I have many strong feelings about this, I adore children and would protect them with my life. floria


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17 posted 2002-03-15 12:47 PM

Ayn Rand once said that we treated our children as though we were a mother bird who tore the feathers from her chicks' wings, then shoved them out of the nest and expected them to fly.
sadly, it is a simile that has not lost its truth in the last 40 years.
this poem displays one of the many ways that we allow our children to be maimed before they even get a chance to have their own lives, and i think that is truly sad.
excellent write, even if we wish the subject matter would go away.

[This message has been edited by NapalmsConstantlyConfused (03-15-2002 12:48 AM).]

since 2001-10-14
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Ontario, Canada
18 posted 2002-03-15 05:13 PM

Wow.... I couldn't believe it when I read this.  It's so touching.... It's good to know that not everyone blames religion for these atrocities.... this poem made me feel so many emotions, all at once... Well done.

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Melbourne, Australia
19 posted 2002-03-15 07:42 PM

I thank you all for taking the time to read this.  I feel my words speak on behalf of many in regard to such a sensitive topic. Personally, I do not follow any faith which may surprise some people however, regardless of whether you choose religion or not as your faith, we all know right from wrong.

Take care......Sue


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