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Raven Skye
since 2001-03-03
Posts 112
.In a House.

0 posted 2001-03-06 07:02 PM

You're Wrong

Why did you leave me?
Hopeless and alone.
You never called,
I waited by the phone.

You said that you cared!
Was that just a lie?
You abandoned me here,
You left me to die.

But would that be better,
If I wasn't here.
Then I wouldn't have to worry,
About all my hopes and fears.

I know that's not better!
I'm worth it you see!!
I'm sorry if you don't like it,
I can only be me...

I'm just so sad right now. I heard "Outside" by Aaron Lewis of Staind, which is my favorite band and that's been one of my favorite songs for a while, and I just broke down in tears. So I got a piece of paper out and just started writing. This was the finished product. Has anyone ever felt like this? Just alone and the person who you confide everything in is just not there anymore, or in my case mad at me for no reason. Anyone? Well I'll stop annoying everyone. Have a good night!

*×´¨`·.×*Raven Skye*×´¨`·.×*
There's nothing I want more to take than the only thing that they won't let me take... my life. ~Bel

© Copyright 2001 Raven Skye - All Rights Reserved
Allan Riverwood
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1 posted 2001-03-06 07:09 PM

I have SO felt that way!
In fact, I have felt that way quite a bit lately. As have a few people I know.
And it is all really a result of the same thing. We just can't just set it all aside and be together again.
Well that's it for my thoughts on the issue. If you ever need to talk, I can be reached by email or ICQ, AIM (my SN is wayfinder00) or MSN.
The poem was great. Good scheme to it, and it flowed marvelously.
I'll see you around.

Stupidity makes the world go around...and people like us laugh. ~~Elizabeth, to Allan

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2 posted 2001-03-06 07:58 PM

Your poem had so much meaning for me, and I guess everyone can relate to this poem. Keep it up!


*Having a nightmare is nothing compared to living one.*

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3 posted 2001-03-06 08:07 PM

You know what? I think EVERYONE feels this way at one point or another...I totally know how you feel, just last night, my best friend, practically my sister told me that she pretty much didn't need about ouch! <\i> at one point there is a bittersweet release, and you'll feel better. Best wishes and if you need, you can contact me at [email protected] or on AIM at Jpretty1721 and on ICQ as well. Trust me, I know what you're going through!!

"Tell me why you cry"

[This message has been edited by StarPryncess17 (edited 03-06-2001).]

Tears of Glass
since 2000-12-04
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Physically? VA.... Mentally? I'm not quite sure
4 posted 2001-03-06 09:41 PM

I think many people feel that way. Many more than you would think. I hope everything gets better, and thank you for the very good read. Job well done...


"My nightmare isn't fearing what I dream... It's waking up, knowing what I'll see."

Dopey Dope
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Member Patricius
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
5 posted 2001-03-07 09:11 AM

I liked it. I thought you expressed your emotions quite well. I have felt like this a lot......more than I'd ever wish for. I hate it, but it's a part of me I guess.
Things like that happen, and the song didn't help either. That song is awesome, but so depressing. Anyhow, I hope you get through it pal.

I was born myself, raised myself, and will continue to be myself. The world will just have to adjust.

I'm in love with my shadow
I admire it daily

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Member Rara Avis
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Twilight Zone
6 posted 2001-03-07 07:42 PM

I think everyone has felt this way
a feeling that really troubles us doesn't it
you've expressed yourself well
hope things get better
keep writing, i know it helps
keep sharing too

"So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this give life to thee." W.S.

Junior Member
since 2001-03-06
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Prince George, VA
7 posted 2001-03-08 10:23 PM

This poem is so much like me. Your writing is so good. You are very good with words and just expressing yourself all together. Keep writing. My ex b/f had recently told me he still cares about me but then he turns around and is so mean, like I'm not good enough. He caused me so much hurt and basically that I was the cause. But I know he was and still is wrong. I hope no one out there ever lets someone feel like this. It's not right because you are you no matter what, and if someone does not like it, they don't have to be around you. It's not worth it!


Jenn Cirrincione
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8 posted 2001-03-09 03:11 PM

This does not suck...
I totally understand that feeling, and I love that song from Aaron Lewis and Durst.
I hope you don't feel like this for too long tho.


"I'm a big, big, girl, in a big, big world, it's not a big, big thing if you leave me, but I do feel, that I will miss you much..." Emilia

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9 posted 2001-03-10 11:43 AM

Well I most certainly hope you are having a much better day today and this person has lightened up a bit. If not, I wish you luck with it.
The poem itself was filled with emotions that were very well expressed.

Remember to smile though ok.


"To alcohol! The cause of - and solution to - all of life's problems!"
Homer Simpson

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