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Fading Away
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Lynchburg, Virginia

0 posted 2001-03-17 05:28 PM

This is written for a good friend of mine who I met in a message board on an ED site. We've gotten to be really close in the past year, and have struggled together through these extremely hard times. We've never met, but we intend to soon. I sent this to her today, and she loved it... I hope you all feel the same way.

To My Friend:

Two souls caught in the grasp of a disease,
Both fighting to stay alive.
Your struggle I can carry,
I will not burden you with mine.

Although we've never met,
I love you as though you were my sister.
You will never have to fight this alone,
I'll always be here for you.

I make all of your joys and sorrows my own,
I will lift you up when you can't go one.
Everyday I wait
Until the next email.

I cannot tell you that I continue to struggle,
I want you never to worry,
You carry too much already,
I love you too much to hurt you.

I am the stronger one,
I will gladly carry you when you have fallen,
If I could make your pain my own I would take it from you...
My friend, this is how much you mean to me.


I never thought that you would ever be the one to let me down. I guess that just goes to show how wrong I always am.

© Copyright 2001 Jennifer Floyd - All Rights Reserved
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since 2001-03-07
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The Backstreet Boy
1 posted 2001-03-17 10:16 PM


This is a really great poem I am adding it to my library *wonders why he never gets any poems from his friends *

-- Linc

"Once you reach your original goal it seems that the journey was your real accomplishment."

since 2001-02-17
Posts 409
Maine, USA
2 posted 2001-03-18 10:02 AM

I love this, I have some very good friends I've never met, who also need a lot of help, and hwo I would carry on at any time. Thanks for sharing

"Some men see things as they are and say why.
I dream things that never were and say why not." ~RFK

Dopey Dope
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Member Patricius
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
3 posted 2001-03-18 12:00 PM

This was such a beautiful tribute to your friend. It touched me. I thought you did quite well with this one!

I was born myself, raised myself, and will continue to be myself. The world will just have to adjust.

I'm in love with my shadow
I admire it daily

Allan Riverwood
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4 posted 2001-03-18 12:36 PM

Hey... you just touched on an issue I like discussing.
I honestly think that the BEST friends are actually not met on the outside, in person.... but are actually met online. The internet is the best place for ~meeting~ people.
My logic behind this is simple-- for one, the reason you meet is usually because you share a common interest profoundly. For example, all of the people of Passions I consider friends, and they are closer to me than I am to any of my friends offline. This is perhaps because I share and exhange poetry with them so often, and know them very well through their words.
Also, in the outside world, the first thing that you notice about a person is, invariably, their appearance. Well in here, that isn't true. The first thing you can notice about a person is their thoughts, their emotions, their personality. And appearance becomes nil.
I really hope to meet you all in person some day though! It is much easier to have friends with whom you can talk and converse, see and touch, but still I think the best ones are ~met~ online.
Maybe I'll organize some sort of Teen #4 bbq...

Well this tribute to a friend was absolutely lovely. I'll write one for Linc.

If I had your eyes, I'd be blind. For I can only see out of my own. ~~Carly Van Dort

[This message has been edited by Allan Riverwood (edited 03-18-2001).]

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-07
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Twilight Zone
5 posted 2001-03-23 07:17 PM

Honestly, you have a big heart
Specially, saying that to someone you haven't even met
I know, I feel that way about others too
beautiful tribute

"So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this give life to thee." W.S.

anonymous albert ?
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6 posted 2001-03-24 12:34 PM

ur poem made me think that so on in this world not many that friends as precious and important as u i wish every1 can take within a friendship 2 the heart
luvd the poem

since 2001-01-13
Posts 141
Fitchburg, Mass, Usa
7 posted 2001-03-24 09:54 AM

That poem was really good, and nice of you to write. I hope you show your friend this, what ever you do in life don't give up. Min
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On the streets w/ people
8 posted 2001-03-24 11:38 AM

Nice poem, it clearly shows your thoughts. nice job! And Allan, what a nice reply

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle"
"Life's short. If you don't look around once in a while you might miss it."

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The Backstreet Boy
9 posted 2001-04-08 10:02 AM


    You know its been a while since this poem was posted but I still am wondering why I never get any poems from my friends   heheh its still a great poem

     -- Linc

"Once you reach your original goal it seems that the journey was your real accomplishment."

Dana Samples
since 2001-04-07
Posts 68

10 posted 2001-04-08 10:10 AM

Hey it was spiffy (great)!! I so can relat to it. keep up the work.

lots of love~
dana samples  

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since 2001-03-27
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11 posted 2001-04-09 01:09 PM

I'm glad that linc has been pulling up some of your older work, it gives some of the newer members a chance to see what an incredible poet you are.  don't ever stop writing love.

Sometimes, the things that go unsaid are the only things worth hearing.

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since 2000-02-02
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12 posted 2001-12-11 10:07 AM

I have to agree with Allan here on saying the best people we meet are online. If it hadn't been for the net I would never have been blessed with meeting any of the PIP members. It shows how much the internet can aid in friendships. I'm meeting Cherish in 19 days because of the net. *dances*

I'm going to meet you one day too.  
Thanks for the read. I'm glad to see your friend enjoyed it.


"Always keep focus on your dreams because most often than not that's all you'll have." - Javier

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