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Teen Poetry #4
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since 2001-02-15
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0 posted 2001-03-13 04:28 PM

An exerecise in brainwashing.

Take her picture from my mind,
remove all her things that I find
disassociate all those things
that make her and her angel wings
that little laugh or the way she sneezes
all those things of which she teases
I wonder why I was a fool
why i didn't just play things cool,
I remove this mememories that I should keep
I sit and cry myself to sleep
I wonder where things went wrong
Although we hadn't been together long
I felt that she was the one
but I realise now my chance is gone
I wonder if it might have worked out
But I didn't want her to scream or shout
I hear her voice and I feel so cold
She passes by and inward I fold
I've been lying to myself all along
because I realise that it's with her that I belong

Friendship may end in love but love in friendship never.

© Copyright 2001 Andrew Sewell - All Rights Reserved
Dopey Dope
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Member Patricius
since 2000-08-30
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
1 posted 2001-03-13 07:22 PM

I liked it, but I felt like it was missing a little bit of what I am used to from you.
Not as good as your others, but still a great read.

I was born myself, raised myself, and will continue to be myself. The world will just have to adjust.

I'm in love with my shadow
I admire it daily

Allan Riverwood
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2 posted 2001-03-14 11:13 AM

I'm with Javier in that you have done better.
But it's still a great poem. The scheme was very simple.

If I had your eyes, I'd be blind. For I can only see out of my own. ~~Carly Van Dort

Angel in Flight
since 2001-01-07
Posts 381

3 posted 2001-03-15 09:38 AM

Personally I do not know your work well enough to say if this is better or worse then your previous writing. Although, I thought you put alot of depth into this poem and I liked that. This was a good poem.. keep up the work.

Things will get better just be happy with what has come your way today, and keep living for what may come the next.~ By Amanda inspired by Brian

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-07
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Twilight Zone
4 posted 2001-03-18 06:50 PM

You express yourself well as always
your poems never lack emotion
Thanks for sharing

"So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this give life to thee." W.S.

Member Elite
since 2000-02-02
Posts 2797
5 posted 2001-03-19 11:30 AM

Marshal, I am too tired to remember your other poems but this one was pretty good.
The ones you lose are always the ones that hurt the most.

Feel better buddy.


"It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory."
-W. Edwards Deming

Fading Away
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since 2001-03-14
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Lynchburg, Virginia
6 posted 2001-03-20 01:29 PM

Another great poem.
Keep posting!


I never thought that you would ever be the one to let me down. I guess that just goes to show how wrong I always am.

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since 2001-02-15
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7 posted 2001-03-20 04:52 PM

Err thanx for all the great replies, it's really good to get some positive feedback... my ex -girfriend who I am still in love with but who I have deepl hurt absoloutely slated it ( rubbished it.) but I'm strong enough to take critism aren't I? yeh anyway she gave me
6/10 for spelling and punctuation,
2/10 for grammer
10/10 for the bull****
and 9/10 for rhming ability...
I was truly disapointed... I thought that she might like it... mind you she has rubbished each and every piece i've showed her so what you gonna do... anyway thanx again.

Love is a friendship caught on fire.

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